Book Read Free


Page 34

by Lisa L Wiedmeier

  “How’re you doing?” he asked, wiping his slick brow.


  I was cut off as a whip cracked beside my cheek. I twisted sideways, narrowly missing the scathing edge. It snapped again, but I caught sight of the shimmer in the air and snatched it into my palm.

  “Let me.” Colt took the whip and yanked on it. A shriek echoed, and a Tracker flew past. He crashed into the ground, and Colt stomped on his neck. The Tracker gurgled, and then fell silent. I had to turn away, holding my arms rigid to hide their trembling.

  Colt’s eyes met mine. They were filled with cold determination. With a curt nod, he took my arm, and we were moving again.

  Smoke started to fill the valley, just off to the south. More Trackers were coming to replace the fallen soldiers, riding on horseback and carrying torches. They were going to burn the grasses to herd us into a trap. Koda instantly set off towards them, but not before I lifted my arms.

  The power left me before I had the time to think. In the blink of an eye, I brought down the whole front rank of riders. Their torches hit the grass, and the dry stems began to crackle. Quickly the blaze spread, streaming like lightning across a blackened sky and turning into an inferno. The wind shot back towards us, carrying with it a cloud of smoke. Koda and Midnight were thrown to the side, while Colt pushed me to the ground, covering me with his body.

  The blast screamed past my ears, as if a jet engine had taken off. When it was over, I lifted my head. Koda was running towards Midnight, who had fallen on his side. Blood was dripping from the beast’s hindquarters, and he was struggling to stand again. My eyes widened.

  What had I done?

  Colt pulled me up, and we stood motionless as the fires begin to spread further. Almost half of the grass had been set alight, and my cheeks were flushed from the heat.

  “It’s okay, Cheyenne,” Colt said, resting a hand on my shoulder. “You just have to control the fires to our advantage.”

  Midnight’s heavy hoof beats thudded nearby, and he snorted loudly. I spun around. Koda was bleeding from his arms, neck and cheeks, and a nasty burn was imprinted onto the left side of his face. I stared, horrified.

  “I’m…I’m…so sorry, Koda…”

  “Just fix it!” Koda grumbled, before he rode off.

  Panic began to set in…how was I going to fix this?

  “Cheyenne,” Colt said. “You can do this. I’ll help you.” He gripped my right arm. “I’ll lift your arm, and you can create a funnel. We can use it to chase the Trackers down and block them in.”

  I could only nod slowly. I had no idea how I was going to control this.

  Colt raised my right arm, and the pain flared. Taking a sharp breath, I forced myself to push it down. I couldn’t let this distract me. With my left hand above my head, I began making small circles with my wrist. Colt held my right arm steady as I visualized pushing a funnel of air into my right palm. The winds picked up, taking the fires skyward, and soon I had a towering inferno of wind, flame and smoke.

  “We’re going to walk forward. I won’t let you fall. You just keep the fiery funnel intact, and I’ll direct it where it needs to go.”

  We moved at a hesitant pace. Colt guided my palm, creating a line of fire that stopped the Trackers from closing in. He suddenly swung my arm over my head, and I yelped as the funnel jumped to the other side of the valley. I took shallow breaths, waiting for the throbbing to subside.

  “I’m sorry,” Colt whispered.

  But even without the pain, I could feel I was growing weak. I’d done too much, and without my arm at full strength, my stamina was all but gone. If I didn’t stop soon, I wouldn’t have the strength to remain standing. Colt seemed to catch on, as he lowered my wrist and helped me stagger along.

  We regrouped a short way ahead. Daniel flashed beside me and tapped my arm.

  “Nice fire display,” he smiled, though I could see his eyes were weary.

  “It was an accident.” My eyes fell to Koda and Midnight, who weren’t looking quite so badly injured, but I knew it had been my fault they’d gotten hurt in the first place.

  Dr. Callon looked me over.

  “How are you holding up?”


  He was staring at Colt again, his eyes slightly narrowed. Colt bared his teeth, but said nothing. At least, nothing I could hear.

  Something shuffled close by, and I snapped my head up, catching Maes shifting into his human form.

  “We’ve got to get to the forest to the west of here,” he said. “Cheyenne, you need to create a whirlwind around us. You’ve got to keep the Trackers off our back until we get closer to the forest. We’ll be able to do more once we’re in the woods. There are just too many of them for us to handle here.” He glanced at the fires. “Use the smoke from the fires if you can. It will cover us.”

  I nodded wearily. Knowing what was at stake, and how close we were to freedom, helped push my tiredness away. I couldn’t back down now. I would have to find the strength from somewhere.

  “I’m going to need all of us at the front line,” Maes ordered. “Callon, guard Cheyenne. We’ll clear a path and then you can bring her through.”

  Colt tensed. He narrowed his eyes at Callon.

  “Can’t you see how tired she is?” He shook his head. “She’ll drop to the ground if you keep pushing her like this.”

  “We haven’t got a choice,” Callon said.

  “But we can still…”

  “Colt, it’s all right,” I said. “Don’t worry about me. I can do this.”

  Colt’s gaze softened, and he pulled me into a brief hug. I knew he wasn’t comfortable with the idea, but at least he realized how this had to be done.

  “All right. I believe in you, Cheyenne.”

  He squeezed my shoulders one last time before departing. I turned away and took a slow breath, clearing my mind. I wouldn’t have Callon or Colt to help this time; I’d have to push through my pain and exhaustion and make sure we were kept safe for as long as I could manage.

  I closed my eyes, and raised my hands to my chest, feeling the change in pressure of the atmosphere. It was heavy and stifling, like the misery that surrounded me. I clenched my jaw, taking controlled breaths as my bad arm began to shake.

  I began moving my hands in small circles, and the wind started swirling around. I watched the dirt and twigs join the whirlwind. I twisted my wrists, pushing the winds into a tight funnel, throwing the Trackers to the side. Biting through the pain, I held both of my arms outstretched, concentrating to keep the hurricane around us.

  Callon held my shoulders and slowly walked me forward. I made the whirlwind smaller, stronger, closing any gaps where a stray Tracker might sneak through. Inch by inch, we crept closer to the middle of the valley.

  A jolt shot down my spine, and I stumbled. Then the shockwave spread into my skin, and I cried out. It was as if I was being stung by thousands of tiny needles. Callon’s grip tightened as I came to a halt. A burning sensation ran from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, trying to force me to my knees. My eyes widened. I knew this sensation; I’d felt it when Marcus had locked his rings with mine…

  Oh no…Marcus was trying to break my powers!

  I pressed forward, determined not to lose my hold on the whirlwind, when another bolt of pain blazed through me. I held my breath, close to collapsing, until it finally passed. Callon stepped in front of me, his face intent. His lips moved, but I heard nothing. The rushing wind filled my senses; it was the only sound my ears could catch.

  The impacts came faster, hitting deeper. I staggered, my whole body trembling. Each shock was like a punch to the stomach, and I was finding it hard to breathe. Callon tugged me along, leading the way. Every step was agony, sending fresh pinpricks into my back and hips. Then suddenly, something struck me dead in the chest, and I was sent reeling to the valley floor. I struggled to hold on, but the wind escaped, and we were left in the open once more.

  As the dirt and dust sett
led, the Trackers and the smoke moved in. Callon draped my arm over his shoulders and put his arm around my waist as I struggled to stand.

  We had now cleared three-quarters of the valley and the forest where Maes promised safety was in sight. I couldn’t detect any movement in the trees, and despite my tiredness, my heart filled with hope. Maes had succeeded on drawing the Trackers and Tresez out. We were almost out!

  Callon and I were suddenly knocked to the ground, and my cheek scraped against a rock. Coughing, I struggled to raise my head. Through the smoke, Callon was wrestling with a redheaded Tracker.


  “Over here!” an unfamiliar voice yelled. Panicking, I struggled to my feet and tried to raise my hands, but the last of my strength seemed to have left me, and the pain was too much. No, not now, not when we were so close!

  “Run, Cheyenne!” Callon bellowed. “Run to Colt!”

  Frantically I searched the haze for him. We’d been separated farther than I realized. Then at last I spotted him in the distance. Seizing onto him, I ran with everything I had. However, my legs were leaden, and I could only manage a pathetic hobble. I’d used too much of my power. The smoke thickened, spreading into my lungs, and I began wheezing, my lips parched from the heat.

  My feet flew out from under me, and I was knocked to the ground. A hand pulled at my hair, and I screamed. I was flipped onto my back, and found myself staring into Ryder’s cold eyes. I kicked at him, trying to scramble back, but his grip was too tight. Still clutching my matted locks, he yanked me to my feet and twisted me around, so my neck was caught in the crook of his elbow.


  Colt appeared through the grey cloud, his eyes ablaze with maddened rage. He circled us as Ryder wrapped his arm around my neck, constricting my airway. I lifted my hands and tried to force a surge of air out, but it was useless. I had nothing left.

  Ryder shifted slightly, and hoof beats approached.

  Marcus appeared through the smoke on his horse with Jahlem and Damien. His gaze shot daggers at Ryder, his brows narrowed.

  “Look who has the upper hand now,” Ryder spat.

  “Release her, Ryder!” Marcus barked.

  “She’s nothing, Marcus!” Ryder twisted my arms behind my back, and I croaked, unable to spare the breath to scream. “Just like her mother, worthless.”

  “You fool!” Marcus roared. “She’s worth a hundred times anything you could ever be! Release her, or you’ll be the one to pay.”

  “She’ll die today, and you can’t stop me like you did with Sahara,” Ryder growled.

  His free hand moved to the back of my neck. All the blood drained from my face, and I braced myself. This was the end…

  Marcus raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning shot forth. The white spark hit Ryder in the forehead, narrowly missing me, and he released me at once, falling to the ground.

  The second he was gone, Daniel grabbed me and we materialized next to Colt. I gasped, sick from the sudden movement, but Colt didn’t wait. He shifted me onto his shoulders and began to run.

  “No!” Marcus yelled, as we disappeared into the haze.

  Koda and Midnight flanked our side, while Maes in his Tresez form protected the opposite side. They were shielding Colt and me, as Daniel and Callon kept the front path clear. All the while I prayed. Please, we had to get to the trees, we had to!

  Hoof beats and wild snorts echoed through the smoke. I glanced back and gasped. Marcus and his riders were gaining!

  I pounded on Colt’s back.

  “He’s here!” I screamed. “Faster!”

  Why hadn’t Daniel jumped me out? Marcus wouldn’t have been able to touch me…but then I realized that was the whole point. My guardians were banking on the thought that Marcus would be wary of attacking when there was a risk I could get hurt as well. But Marcus had lanced Ryder with deadly accuracy when he’d been holding me captive. Horror gripped me; their plan wasn’t going to work!

  “Put me down!” I screamed. “He’s going to kill you!”

  My screams were lost in the howling wind and thundering hooves. Marcus was now fifty yards behind us, and he raised his hand. A blazing fragment of light appeared in his palm, and he threw it towards us. An explosion to the right sent dirt particles flying, and Midnight slammed into Colt’s shoulder. Another hit beside Maes, and he skidded, narrowly dodging it.

  I leaned up and twisted, desperately searching for Daniel and Callon in the hazy cloud; Marcus was aiming at them, but the smoke was making it difficult. My heart stuttered as the forest loomed closer, but we still had to run down into the ravine before reaching the safety of the trees.

  A loud crackle of electricity caught my ear. Koda groaned and slumped in his saddle. The lightning had grazed his arm, sizzling his shirtsleeve and leaving a burn mark. Still we continued at this relentless pace and began our descent into the ravine. Marcus veered, leading his men across the upper route so he was now staring down at us. A wicked smile grew on his face, and he pointed. His men began throwing stones, forcing Koda and Maes to break apart, and they created a small opening in their barrier.


  A brilliant flash of light flared from Marcus’s outstretched fingers and barreled towards Colt’s exposed chest. I tore at his shirt, loosening my grip to try to throw him off balance so the bolt would hit me, but Colt remained steady—strong.

  I lost my breath, stars appeared in my eyes, and I screamed as the energy rippled through to my stomach. Colt had taken the larger part of the hit and threw me to the side as we tumbled to the valley floor. I narrowly escaped Midnight’s hooves as I skidded under his belly. Almost instantly, Koda was off his horse and was crouched above me.

  I fought to regain my senses; I was breathing heavy, and my heart was beating so fast it hurt. I struggled to my feet and saw Colt lying on the ground face down.

  “Colt! No, Colt!” I tried to run towards him, but Koda held me back. “Get up! You have to get up!”

  Callon and Daniel were now by Colt’s side. He wasn’t moving. Maes snarled as men approached from the sides. I squirmed free of Koda’s hold and ran towards Colt.

  “Cheyenne, no!” Koda hollered and ran after me.

  Another blast of light blinded me, and I shielded my eyes. When I looked back, Daniel and Callon had been knocked away. Colt still lay there, motionless.

  “No!” I bellowed. Ignoring the pain in my lungs, I dropped to his side, shaking him. “Wake up! Wake UP!”

  Colt didn’t budge.

  And it was then I saw that he wasn’t breathing.

  I lost all ability to move, as the tears poured down my cheeks. A numbness broke over me, and I barely noticed Callon drop to his knees beside me.

  “Colt!” He made to roll Colt over, but couldn’t quite manage. “Daniel, help me!”

  Daniel appeared at once, and together they pushed Colt onto his back. His eyes were closed. Those beautiful baby blue eyes I’d never…never…

  “No!” I cried.

  Koda plucked me from the valley floor, but I fought against him. I couldn’t leave Colt! Trackers began emerging from the trees, and Callon and Daniel were forced to release Colt as they began battling. Koda dropped me to help them, and I scrambled back.

  I threw myself over Colt’s body as the battle raged around us.

  “Colt! You can’t leave me,” I moaned as I tenderly wrapped my hands around his head. “You promised me.” I pushed my face next to his as the tears poured out. “You said you’d never leave me,” I sobbed. “I told you my heart couldn’t take anymore…I need you!”

  “I love you. You’re the one I chose—it’s always been you.” I held on tighter and then pressed his lifeless hand to my cheek. “I chose you…you have to come back. You’re my true love.”

  I kissed his lips, then pressed my mouth next to his ear. “I give you everything,” I whispered. “I love you…”

  I closed my eyes and released everything I had within me, all the life, all the love I could give. I gave
him every piece of my being as my fingers intertwined with his. My tears spilled over his face. My fingers ran over his necklace, the necklace I’d made for him at Christmas. It showed him my love—forever—eternal.

  Callon took my wrists, prying me from his body.

  “Cheyenne, we can’t stay…”

  “No!” I screeched. “Leave me! I want to be with him…I can’t leave him.”

  “Cheyenne!” His voice trembled. “There’s…there’s nothing I can do. Marcus is closing in. We have to…”


  A storm began to rise within me. He was the one who’d done this. He’d murdered the man I loved. First my birth parents, then my adoptive parents…I’d never forgive him for this. Never!

  My rage grew, seeping out from the pits of darkness within my soul. That something that had been building silently all this time, filling me with strength. I craved that strength to punish the one who’d hurt me like this. The energy came to life, pulsing, itching for release. I lifted my head and glared coldly at Marcus, who watched with indifference. How dare he look at me like that…how dare he!

  Callon tried to hoist me against him, wanting to escape, but I threw him off. The earth began to move under our feet.

  “Stay away from me!” I growled, and Callon fell away.

  I moved towards Colt’s lifeless body, and the ground trembled. Trees began cracking in the distance as I continued to breathe fire into anger, and hatred into rage. Marcus stared, undaunted. I slapped my hands together and then ripped them apart as the earth split open before me. I had no remorse, only satisfaction in the destruction.

  “You want my powers, Marcus?” I challenged, the wind whipping my hair around my head. “Then here they are. They’re all yours!”

  I threw my hands out in front of me. A blast of wind came down from the mountaintop and screamed through the valley. Trees from the forest crackled and snapped loose, flying through the air like torpedoes. Trackers were thrown about like rag dolls, and I took delight as Marcus was pinned to the valley floor like the scum he was.


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