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Working It Out

Page 5

by Trojan, Teri

  ‘I’ll help you. These garments are usually worn with a maid to assist you with dressing, so I hope I will be a suitable substitute. Then I can imagine what’s underneath as we eat.’

  She stared at the long gown laid out on the bed. There was a corset beside it. A pale blue object with laces and extensive boning. It looked far too small for her, but she knew better than to object.

  Andreas unclasped the waistcoat and unzipped the pussy pelmet that doubled as a skirt. She stood naked, her every fibre longing to be touched, caressed, nipped – anything. He ignored all of her and held out the corset for her to step into. He turned her round and began to pull in the lacing at the back. It was cut so that her breasts rested on the top of a shallow piece of lace and, as he tightened the laces, he pulled in her waist and she gained a shape that reminded her of pictures from the past. She could scarcely move, and once more found herself growing wet at the feeling of being restricted this way. He turned her round and smiled approvingly.

  ‘Very nice. Now the dress.’ He held it up and she stepped into it. It had a deep, plunging neckline that exposed not only her cleavage but almost left her entire breasts visible. A long line of tiny buttons closed the back and he seemed to take an endless time fastening them all. Waste of time, she was thinking. The soft, blue silk creation clung to her newly contained figure; it felt almost as sexy as her leather outfits. ‘How do you like the new image?’

  ‘Surprising. Different. Unexpected, from you. But I feel very turned on.’

  ‘I’d like a slightly more formal hairdo to complete the picture. Can you manage that?’ He handed her a clip that seemed to be studded with diamonds. She took it and examined it closely.

  ‘Yes, they are real,’ Andreas said. ‘They’ll match the necklace I plan to put round your pretty neck.’

  She coiled her hair round her finger and twisted it into a knot, which she secured with the clip. He clasped a heavy, diamond-studded band round her neck like the velvet ribbons of an earlier age. ‘Look in the mirror. What do you think?’

  ‘It doesn’t look like me at all. I look like someone from an old oil painting. Why such formality? I mean to say, after last night, I was expecting something much more – shall I say rugged?’

  ‘I like variety. Shoes. I forgot the shoes.’ He took a pair of shoes with the highest heels even Shoanna had ever seen. Soft blue kid, to match the gown exactly. She slipped her feet into them and almost lost her balance. He took her hands and smiled. She was on his level, and reached forward to kiss his very tempting lips. He drew back slightly. ‘I can see you as a sweet, innocent girl this evening. I plan to have a civilised meal and then to bed you, should you be willing. I plan to take your virginity and excite you as you have never experienced a man before. Are you willing?’

  ‘You want me to play the innocent?’

  ‘Yes. I plan to seduce you and take you into my bed. As if it were your very first time.’

  ‘I’m sure I’m much too innocent to be seduced that way.’ She smiled coquettishly and allowed herself to be led out of the bedroom, walking gingerly on the freakishly high platforms she was wearing. The tight corset kept her upright with the sort of posture only learned in old-fashioned girls’ deportment classes.

  The dining room was intimate, with a perfectly laid table, starched white linen napery, and crystal glasses. Solid silver cutlery and fine china completed the picture. She sat opposite Andreas and waited while he poured champagne. Perfectly cooked food was brought in and the conversation was strangely proper. They both grew into their roles and she flirted unashamedly. She ate asparagus spears in as suggestive a manner as she could, sucking them into her mouth and drawing them out again. It had the desired effect. His eyes clouded and he breathed heavily. She felt his foot moving between her legs and reaching her unclad pubic area. He moved his toes until he reached the nub and began to move it gently. She felt herself grow heavy and languid as the first waves of orgasm took her. He saw the effect he was having, and quickly took his foot away. She looked startled.

  ‘You are perhaps not as innocent as you look,’ he scolded. ‘I was hoping you might put up more resistance to my ministrations.’

  ‘You took me by surprise,’ she countered.

  ‘Then I should stop.’ He clapped, and plates of exotic fruits were brought to the table. He poured brandy into oversized glasses and handed one to her. ‘Dip the slices of fruit into the brandy,’ he commanded. ‘The very best way to eat dessert, I believe.’

  There was a sensation in her mouth that made her close her eyes with pleasure.

  ‘You’re right. A glorious combination.’ Rather too soon, she began to feel the effects of slightly too much alcohol. ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t drink any more. You know the result may not be all one might desire.’

  ‘Then let us leave the table.’ He moved round to offer her assistance and took her hand.

  ‘May I kiss you?’

  ‘Of course.’ He leant towards her and pulled her gently into his arms. He kissed her more tenderly than she could have believed possible from this man. She pressed herself against him and closed her eyes, waiting for his next move.

  Chapter Five

  Shoanna felt herself floating into some strange sort of dream. Her body, encased as it was, seemed to be alive and responsive in every place. The restrictions of the corset and the exposure of most of her breasts seemed more erotic even than standing naked before this man. He kissed her neck and allowed his soft mouth to move down over her luscious breasts. She was weak, almost unable to stand with the flow of her desires that threatened to overwhelm her consciousness.

  ‘May I take you to my room?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes please,’ she whispered. Then she took a breath, remembering her role tonight was supposed to be one of innocence. ‘But I’m not sure what you want of me. How will I know what to do?’

  ‘I’ll show you. I want you to be mine. I want all of you. Your complete surrender.’

  ‘But – won’t that make me less attractive should I want to marry some day?’

  ‘If that worries you, then I’ll take you home.’ His hands had moved beneath her bum and he was massaging her buttocks, the parts that were not encased in the satin corset beneath. She wriggled closer and felt his erection pressing against her.

  ‘I doubt that would be a good idea. Take me to your room.’

  ‘You seem eager now. Come.’ He took her hand and led her into a long, carpeted corridor. She still had to walk carefully in the slightly ridiculous shoes. She liked high heels, but these were something else. He took her into a room dominated by a huge four-poster bed. She might have expected something like this, given the costume he had put on her and the role he had wanted from her. There were wall mirrors and she could see once more her hourglass figure. He took off his dinner jacket and tie and unbuttoned his tailored silk shirt. His chest was covered in soft, dark hairs and she reached out to touch him. He sighed and drew her close once more.

  ‘You are so beautiful.’ He kissed her and again she felt herself seeming to float high. She sighed, and groaned as the spasms of desire washed over her. ‘Tell me what you want.’

  ‘I don’t know. I need you. I want relief from this overwhelming need to be closer to you.’

  ‘Then I have to undress you,’ he said. ‘Turn around.’ Painstakingly slowly, he unbuttoned the dress. As each new piece of skin was unwrapped, he kissed it, licked it, caressed it until she was nearly mad with longing. ‘How does that feel?’ he murmured. She could barely speak and writhed beneath his touch. ‘You don’t like what I’m doing? I can stop and let you go.’

  ‘Don’t you dare! Carry on, but perhaps you might take a little less time to achieve your goal.’

  ‘Don’t be so impatient, my dear. Anticipation is all.’ The last button was undone and the dress fell to the floor with a soft whisper. She stood in the pale blue corset, scarcely breathing. He touched the bare skin around the edges, once more stroking and caressing her. Gently, he picked
her up and laid her on his bed. He ran his hands over her tight casing and watched as her breasts rose with desire. He slipped his fingers under each one, releasing it from the small lace cup and sucking each nipple in turn till waves of pleasure ran through her as she lay groaning and writhing beneath him.

  ‘I get the feeling you are less innocent than I believed.’

  ‘You are driving me wild. Innocence has nothing to do with it. You are the most tantalizing male I have ever encountered.’ Her voice was thick and slow. Never before had she been so submissive to any man. Never could she remember being so needy of fulfilment.

  He parted her legs so her whole access was available to him. He leant down and kissed and licked her. She groaned as the first wave of her new orgasm shook her body. His long, slender fingers explored her clitoris until she was almost shrieking with the exquisite agony. She shuddered and finally came completely, overwhelmingly. She lay back, panting, exhausted. Her tight corset began to chafe and her breathing felt restricted.

  Andreas stood back and watched.

  ‘Please, let me out of this confounded garment. I can’t breathe.’ He smiled down at her. Then he began to laugh. ‘What?’ she snapped in her frustration. ‘What are you laughing at, you miserable torturer?’

  ‘I was wondering how long you’d be able to stand it. You’ve done very well, my darling girl. It must have pulled you in to several sizes smaller. But you liked it to begin with, didn’t you?’

  ‘Of course I did. But I need to be allowed to breathe normally now.’

  ‘Roll over.’ He knelt over her and released the tight laces. She breathed a sigh of relief. He slid the garment away from her and pressed her down on the bed, lying over her rear. She felt the fabric of his trousers rub against her, and his hard prick pressing against her buttocks. She tried to roll away from him so she could turn over but he held her down. Should she fight back, or did he truly want submission from her? Was her role of the innocent waiting to be seduced now over?

  He knelt beside her, his legs straddling her body and pressing into her waist. He leant forward and unclasped her hair, tossing the diamond clip to the bedside table. He ran cool fingers over her body and she felt him bend to kiss her neck, her back, and gradually work his way down the length of her spine. She lay passive, loving the caresses, sated by her earlier orgasm for a few moments. He moved away from her and rolled her over. She gazed up at him with misty eyes, wondering what he expected from her.

  ‘Tell me how you’re feeling,’ he demanded. She hesitated. Was she still supposed to be innocent?

  ‘I’ve never felt like this before,’ she said cautiously.

  ‘So tell me.’

  ‘I feel as if I have no strength left. My bones have become fluid and my mind is full of only you.’

  ‘So you are ready for my final intrusion deep into your body?’

  ‘Quite prepared and ready.’

  He sighed as he caressed her once more, taking each swollen nipple into his mouth. His erection was massive, his cock red and engorged. She lifted a hand to touch him as he left her breasts and was moving down.

  ‘Don’t touch me. I need to savour the moment.’ He reached over to the bedside table and picked up several silk scarves. Still sporting an erection that looked painful, he took each wrist in turn and tied it to the corners of the four-poster. He fastened her ankles to the other posts and she lay spread out, every part of her accessible to him to plunder. ‘Don’t try to pull away or you will hurt your wrists. Enjoy me as much as I shall enjoy taking you.’

  He dragged his penis over her, touching it to her lips and moving away before she could respond. He was wet and she felt him trail the length of her torso until he reached her pubic area. Her swollen labia longed to be touched and her juices were already flowing. He plunged into her. Deep, thrusting, until she was almost screaming with combined pain and pleasure. His mouth covered hers as he plunged again and again. Multiple orgasms engulfed her mind and body and she could only respond passively to his wild rhythm. Sweat pouring off both of them, he finally came to rest, their combined bodies shuddering as the climb down began. Unable to move, Shoanna lay still, waiting for him to dictate the next action.

  ‘So how was that for you, my darling?’

  ‘Amazing. Don’t ask me for words.’

  ‘But I always want words. I need to know if I have accomplished satisfaction for you as well as myself.’

  ‘You need have no worries. That was about the most incredible experience of my life.’

  ‘It beat last night, did it?’

  ‘I suppose so.’

  ‘There are many more opportunities for someone like you. You have extraordinary appetites. Is there anything you wouldn’t try?’

  ‘I’m sure there is, but nobody has ever asked me to do anything I don’t want to do.’

  ‘But I’ve held you totally captive. I held you restrained last night. There would be nothing you could do to resist.’

  ‘For some strange reason, I feel I can trust you,’ she admitted. ‘Everything you have done has delighted and thrilled me. I didn’t know I would enjoy being submissive like this, not until I tried it.’

  ‘I’m glad you do. But as for trusting me, you hardly know me.’

  ‘True, but you gave me what I wanted. I hope I satisfied you?’

  ‘Oh yes. Very much so. I’m not now so certain that I want you to satisfy other men the way I was planning. Some parts of you I want to keep for myself.’

  ‘If you want to talk business, perhaps you could release me?’

  Andreas smiled his killer smile and leant over to untie the scarves that held her wrists and ankles. He kissed each place as it was released. She felt herself growing desirous once more, but knew it was foolish even to think of further activity. She felt almost sore and tender all over, but especially between her legs. He lay back, his arm beneath her neck.

  ‘So, have you thought any more about becoming a professional wrestler?’

  ‘A little. I’m not entirely sure how it would work and whether I could actually do it. What exactly do you have in mind?’

  ‘Most of what the clients would want actually involves minimal proper fighting. At most, they need a short tussle where you get them on the mat and then give them power holds. Scissors, headlocks, arm restraints, stretching various limbs and so on. Most of them don’t want to fight back, but may want to pretend they are being overcome by your strength alone.’

  ‘You say “pretend”. What of the ones who don’t pretend? I mean to say, I might be strong, but if someone really fights back, I could be injured.’

  ‘I suggest you take some lessons and training with a friend of mine. You are pretty fit. I gather you work out regularly?’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘I know a lot about you. I own the gym you use and keep an eye on my clientele. I didn’t recognise you when we first met, but I checked today. I need to know who uses the facilities and make certain undesirables aren’t invading the place for entirely the wrong reasons. You’d be surprised by the people who attend a gym merely for gratuitous perversions.’

  ‘Really? There aren’t usually many people around when I go.’ He looked slightly disconcerted. ‘What? Why are you looking like that?’

  ‘All the mirrors you see around are two-way mirrors. There are several members who want to watch others training and are turned on by what they see.’

  ‘You mean there are people spying on everyone who goes there?’ She shuddered. ‘That’s disgusting. I shall never go there again.’

  ‘But don’t you see? This is partly what I’m asking you to do. Give a display of your perfect fitness to men who pay well for just such activities.’

  ‘And it seems that, so far, I’ve been doing just that for free. Giving a free show to some pervert who stands gawping at me. No thanks. I’ll stick with the day job.’

  ‘But several people who have seen you work out are desperate for a private wrestling session with you. You can ear
n hundreds of pounds every day. No more leaving your shoes at the store till next pay day.’

  ‘How do you know about that? Do you own the shoe shop as well?’

  ‘No. I’m sorry, but one of my boys saw you there at lunchtime. By accident, of course. I bought the other shoes for you. I like your taste, by the way. In fact, I like most things about you. That’s why I want to keep it for myself. The fights will never be allowed to end in sex. The men may ejaculate during the bouts. That is expected, but never will you be penetrated. I shall keep that for myself, if you will allow me to, of course.’

  ‘For how long?’

  ‘As long as I can keep you satisfied.’

  ‘This payment you talk about. What do you get out of it?’

  ‘It’s my business. I shall charge booking fees. Supply venues and so on. Don’t worry. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. I’ll also enjoy dressing you for your bouts.’

  ‘I can’t wait for that. Your taste in clothing has been impeccable so far.’

  ‘I’m glad you approve. So what do you say?’

  ‘I could hand in my notice tomorrow. Not sure how long I’m supposed to give, but I did get a final warning today. Yesterday. What time is it, by the way?’

  ‘Four o’clock.’

  ‘Morning or afternoon?’

  ‘My, you have been on a trip. We should sleep now. I have a busy day tomorrow.’ He moved to curl beside her and pulled a cover over them. Exhausted, they both fell asleep quickly and slept until dawn was long broken.

  When Shoanna finally opened her eyes, she struggled to realise where she was. Andreas stirred beside her and lazily reached an arm over to her.

  ‘Don’t move,’ he murmured. ‘I like you being there.’

  ‘It must be late. I need a shower and I have to get to work.’

  ‘You were only going to hand in your notice. Don’t go and you’ll be sacked anyway. Come here. I do believe I need some more attention.’


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