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Love Me Now

Page 19

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  Moments later, the doors opened. They were on the building’s roof. The warm breeze blew around them as they barely even noticed. He touched her body freely, caressing her shoulders, arms and breasts. She reached behind him and pressed the fourth-floor button again. The doors closed. When they opened a short time later they were back at her apartment. She pulled away from his embrace. Breathless and overcome by passion, she staggered into her apartment. Trey followed.

  She turned, grabbing his tuxedo jacket and removing it. He held her and kissed her hard. She pulled the end of his tie then started unbuttoning his shirt. Midway down, she ripped it open. With the shirt opened she touched his chest, running her palms over his nipples. He hissed and moaned, pressing her against the back of the sofa. Her fingers tantalized his nipples and his hands stroked her breasts.

  They were mindless in their pursuit. “I don’t want to rip it. Take it off,” he muttered huskily. She turned away from him, revealing the indiscernible zipper in the back. He found the tab and pulled down. The fabric separated, revealing her smooth, even skin. “Take it off,” he ordered. She turned, holding the bodice up just over the tips of her nipples. The abundant swell of her breasts teased him. “Take it off,” he repeated. She let the garment fall.

  Kenya was now standing there in just lace panties and stiletto heels. Trey stepped back and stared, admiring his prize. “Yes?” she asked teasingly. “See something you like?” He nodded needlessly. The very definite protrusion in his pants proved his eagerness. But to her surprise, he just stood there, staring at her body.

  “Woman, you have no idea what you do to me.”

  She ran her finger around the top of her black panties and smiled at him, tilting her head suggestively. “Tell me, what do I do to you, Trey?”

  He smiled, eyeing her seductive actions. She continued toying with the elastic, dipping it down teasingly. “You set my body on fire,” he said.

  “Is that all, Trey, or is there more?” she coaxed slowly. She walked over to him and traced her finger over his chest, each nipple, over his shoulder and then down his back. He closed his eyes and tipped his head up. She leaned in, resting her bare breast on his back. Her nipples pebbled and she moved back and forth.

  She reached around front and loosened his pants, then slowly undid the zipper, feeling his hardness the whole time. His pants dropped. She pressed her body, molding tightly against the back of him. “What else do I do to you, Trey?” she whispered just over his shoulder.

  He turned instantly and kissed her, holding her with one hand while stroking her body with the other. He touched the elastic all the way around, ending with his hands caressing her buttocks. She pulled back breathlessly. “Trey, right here, right now,” she muttered.

  He shook his head. “No. Where’s the bedroom?” he rasped faintly. She turned, looking over his shoulder. He leaned down and grabbed something from his pants pocket. Then in an instant he whisked her up in his arms and went in that direction.

  Moments later she fell on the bed with him kneeling on top. Her panties disappeared, as did his briefs. He covered himself, and then hovered an instant before delving deep inside her.

  The one smooth motion made her gasp as she dug her nails into his back. Her body quivered and quaked as spasms of release began to take her. The thrusts came quickly, repeatedly, in rapid succession. His divine fullness swelled, filling her completely. She wrapped her legs around his body, holding on tight against the intense pleasure.

  He pulled out then thrust again, repeating the action over and over. She arched upward, begging for more. His mouth found her nipple. He licked and suckled, sending tremors of pleasure through her body. The penetration deepened. She writhed beneath him. She fell into his tempo, rocking her hips against his. The frenzied tension surged stronger and harder until the intense eruption exploded. In a blinding light they climaxed.

  He quivered and stiffened, she spasmed and released. Moments later he rolled to her side. She looked at him, dreamily breathless, eyes hooded. He smiled mischievously. “You don’t think I’m done with you yet, do you?”

  Before she could respond, he reached down and captured her tiny nib, and she climaxed instantly. He stroked her again. She gasped, holding her breath, then quivered sporadically, jerking her body like a rag doll.

  He repeated the action, and then awaited her release. She didn’t disappoint. Her body shook with unrestrained rapture. The madness of his torture was pure ecstasy. Again. Another orgasm shot through her body like a bolt of lightning. She shrieked, abandoning all modesty. She grabbed his hands breathlessly. “Enough,” she rasped unevenly. He stopped.

  It took ten minutes before her heart slowed and her breathing returned to normal. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to go for some kind of Guinness world record,” she said.

  “Um, that sounds like an interesting idea. How about if I—” he began as he reached down between her legs.

  “No, no, no.” She rolled away from him only to have him bring her back to his side. “I already think my heart stopped beating. One more climax and I’m pretty sure I’ll pass out.”

  He encircled her tighter, bringing her close to the side of his body. “We wouldn’t want that,” he muttered. “Then again, the things I could do with your unconscious body might be very interesting.”

  She closed her eyes, exhausted. “Shh. Sleep.”

  They did.

  A few hours later Kenya opened her eyes. She was lying on her stomach and Trey was sitting up beside her. She felt his hands touching her back and rear. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Nothing?” he said innocently.

  “That doesn’t feel like nothing.”

  He continued massaging her buttocks. “I love that right now, you’re mine. So these belong to me.” He smoothed and rounded her cheeks, kissing and licking the tops.

  “Possessive?” she asked, twitching as her body moistened in response.

  “Oh, definitely, I’m very protective of what’s mine. Ever since I was a kid, I didn’t like the whole idea of sharing.”

  “I bet your kindergarten report card read, ‘doesn’t play well with others.’”

  “How did you know?” he asked, nibbling her neck.

  “Lucky guess?” she asked as her stomach fluttered.

  “Kindergarten, right?” she muttered in a haze of sleep and arousal.

  He chuckled softly. “What? You sound distracted.”

  “Distracted, me? You have no idea.” This slow, melodious torture was too arousing. “Mmm, that feels good,” she muttered as he continued to rub and caress her back and shoulders. His hands flowed down her thighs then back up to her rear, centering again on the rounded cheeks. His fingers dipped between her legs and she moaned out loud, feeling her love come down. “Trey,” she muttered. “Trey.”

  The sensual fog of desire draped heavily over her. He had a way of making her want him without even trying. And when he was trying, like now, Lord help her, she was just putty in his masterful hands.

  “I could do this forever,” he said, “be here with you.”

  The pang of guilt that had plagued her for so long surfaced again. It was now or never. She took a deep breath, rolled over then sat up to face him. “Trey, wait, I need to tell you something. You’re not going to like it and you’ll probably be—”

  “Tell me later, not now,” he interrupted.

  “I have to tell you now, it’s important. I may not have the courage again later. That first day we met—”

  “Shh,” he said leaning over to kiss her. “I know it’s important, and we’ll deal with it another time, I promise. But right now let me love you.”

  With his hands on her rear, he lifted her up to sit straddling his legs. She sat, wrapped her arms around his neck and looked down into his sparkling eyes. She wanted to say so much, to explain everything. But his expression muted her to silence. He was right, another time would have to do. He continued touching her and she continued baskin
g in the wondrous flow of his undivided attention.

  As passions continued, Kenya felt her need escalate. She leaned back. “I don’t have any…any…”

  “There’s more in my jacket pocket,” he said knowingly.

  She got up and staggered into the living room. She picked up his jacket and found several more condoms. She brought them all. Watching him watch her with his seductive smile amplified her excitement. She tossed all but one on the nightstand, then climbed up on top, straddling him. She opened the package and rolled it down easily. Their eyes connected and held. Then, as smooth as silk, she reared up and lowered herself onto his firm, hard body.

  She opened her mouth wider and wider as she filled herself. Seconds later she sat, satisfied to be completely filled. Neither one looked away or moved an inch. Then, smiling, she tensed and clinched, tightening her muscles around him. She could feel his jerking movement inside. His eyes widened. She had obviously surprised him.

  She leaned down and kissed him leisurely, letting her tongue roam freely. His mouth opened, devouring her instantly. Their tongues savored the taste and feel of each other. Passion surged in an easy longing pace. She leaned up from the kiss. He reached up, cupping and covering her breasts. The perfect handful was his bountiful pleasure.

  He massaged her swollen mounds while tweaking her nipples with his thumbs. Her back arched and she wanted more. He lowered her and captured a mouthful, squeezing both breasts together, nipples just inches apart. His tongue licked lustfully as he moved his head from side to side. Kenya moaned her arousal. It felt so good watching him work his magic.

  He released her and took one breast into his mouth as he fingered the other and massaged her rear. She was blinded by the rapture. Unable to take much more, she pulled back, breathless. He didn’t release her; instead he sat up with her still in his mouth.

  She pulled from his pucker and rose up, then began pumping her body onto him slowly. Her arms loosely encircled his neck as he held tightly to her hips. The distance between them was just enough for her breasts to tease his nipples, four together hard and pebbled. She pumped slowly, drawing out his pleasure. She felt his body stiffen and tense. She smiled. She could rock her hips on him all night long to watch him come.

  Intently, she watched the strained pull of his dwindling restraint. He obviously had no intention of releasing without her. She quickened her pace, raking her lower lip with her teeth. The delight in pleasing him as he had pleased her was her catalyst. She could see his climax coming in his eyes.

  Then he shifted beneath her and she gasped. He had found her out. He knew exactly what she was doing. Shifting back, she slowed her pace. Eye to eye, he shook his head and held her hips as she continued her quickened rhythm. Each downward motion tantalized her, stroking her throbbing nib until the last second. In blinding ecstasy they both exploded. She shrieked, grabbing and holding him tight. The fervor of their rapture surged again, spiking another climax for each of them.

  Holding each other tight, they waited until their breathing returned and their heartbeats slowed.

  “Kenya, don’t do that,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ll never come without you by my side. That’s a promise.”

  She smiled. There was nothing more to say.

  They stayed in an embrace for a long time. When she finally got up her body ached. She grimaced. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m getting old. My body’s stiff.”

  “Come on, let’s take a shower.” He got up and led the way to the bathroom. He turned on the water while she stood at the large mirror and pinned her hair up. He came up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. He looked at her reflection and smiled. “You are so beautiful.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.” She stepped aside, revealing his full-frontal nudity. Looking at him was her secret pleasure. “So have you thought about it yet?” she asked as she pulled out several candles.

  “Thought about what?”

  “My sketching you,” she said, bending over.

  “Are we back to that again?” he asked as he watched her bottom. His body hardened instantly.

  “Will you trust me?” she asked, lighting the first candle.

  He looked into the reflection of her eyes. She was genuine. “Okay, okay, after the shower.”

  She beamed excitedly. “Yeah,” she squealed then turned and headed out the bathroom door.

  “Whoa, whoa, hey, come back here,” he said quickly, grabbing her hand and pulling her back to him. “Where are you going?”

  “To get ready…pencils, charcoal, pad.”

  “Later,” he said seductively, arching his brow menacingly. “Right now I want to do a little artistry with your body.” She smiled and backed up. He stepped forward. She backed into the shower stall, giggled as he picked up the bar of soap and lathered her front and back.

  After the hour-long shower she hurried out, dried off, put on sweats and grabbed her sketch pad. By the time Trey finished drying off she was ready for him. He walked out of the steamy bathroom with a towel over his shoulder. She smiled. The man was too exquisite.

  “Oh, no,” he groaned, seeing her intention.

  “Oh, yes, you promised me and Trey would never break a promise to me.”

  “How about if I—”

  “Nope, no bargains. It’s been a long time since I had a model to draw. And I intend to take full advantage of you.”

  “Really, a long time, huh?” he began. She nodded, prepping her pencils and charcoal. “So who was your last model?” he asked.

  “Never mind that, get on the bed and lie down,” she ordered happily. He did. She got up, repositioned him, then draped the sheet precisely as she wanted it. “Perfect, now don’t move.” She grabbed her pad, sat on the other side of the bed and began sketching.

  “You know this would be a lot more fun if you were naked, too.”

  “Nude,” she corrected, sketching happily.

  “What’s the difference?” he asked.

  “Nude is an artistic expression. It’s purely aesthetic, devoid of sexuality. While on the other hand, naked is more like a strip club or Playboy magazine layout. I believe the professional term is butt naked.” He chuckled. “Ideally it’s the same thing but a vast difference in perception. Now shh, stay still.”

  “Nude, naked, I’ll take you either way.” Trey laughed as he reached out to her.

  “Models do not try to grab the artist. Do you think Mona Lisa grabbed Leonardo da Vinci?”

  “If Leo was naked, she might have.”

  Kenya laughed. “Just hush and stay still.” He reached out to her again. She blocked his hand away with her sketch pad. “Stay still.”

  “How long is this gonna take? ’Cause I have a better idea of what to do nude.”

  “That, sir, would be naked,” she said.

  “Can’t you do this in the nude also?”

  “The model is nude in a drawing, not the artist. Now if you don’t want this to turn out looking strange, stay still.”

  He reached out to her again.

  “Patience,” she muttered, focusing on the sketch.

  “Are you almost done?” he asked.

  “Almost. Three more minutes.” She grabbed another few pencils and began shading the drawing. A few seconds later Trey cleared his throat. “It’s only been two seconds.”

  “It’s been three minutes. Are you almost done yet?”

  Without answering, she glared at him over the sketch pad. “You have the patience of a two-year-old,” she said then refocused on the sketch. She lowered her head to define the details of the drawing. Without looking at him, she refined the edges, deepened the shadows and added the finishing touches. When she finally looked up again the sheet had been moved. He was no longer nude and he was very definitely ready for her.

  After half an hour of looking at his nude body, she had to admit, she was very definitely ready for him, too. She tossed the sketch pad aside and unzipped her sweatsuit jacket. Her breasts, full and swollen, perke
d out instantly.

  Trey smiled, enjoying the strip. “Now that’s what I’m talking about, the perfect nude.”

  “No, sweetheart,” she said seductively, “this is most definitely butt naked.” She hurried out of her pants and lunged at him. He caught her and within an instant they were dancing that most intimate, ancient dance of love.

  Chapter 15

  The next few days turned out pretty well for Trey, especially since Louise Gates was back on Crescent Island. With her out of the way, he found himself able to relax a lot more. Knowing that she’d pop up at any time, at any place, was definitely distracting.

  For the most part he worked from home, leaving Mrs. Thatcher, a real godsend, to care for the twins. The morning schedule was simple. Mrs. Thatcher got them washed and dressed while Trey cooked breakfast. Afterward, they all ate together, then when he went into his home office, they went about their day.

  They played, mostly with learning games, at playtime. The twins adored her and she definitely took a load off Trey’s mind. He was able to focus on his business deals with few interruptions, although he still found his mind wondering at times.

  Kenya was the main reason for his lack of focus. She was still away in New York. He intended to see her when she returned the same day, but was disappointed when she didn’t come back right away. She called him instead. She said that she had extended her stay a few days. His first impulse was to fly to New York to be with her, but he resisted the urge. He was sure he could go a few days without seeing her. If nothing else, he’d get some much-needed sleep.

  Three days and only a few hours of sleep. No wonder he wasn’t himself. He sat at his desk, smiling, thinking about their last evening together. First Cirque du Soleil, then dinner and then…He stopped and smiled, shaking his head. That woman was too much and he loved every inch of her.

  When he finally got home from what was technically their first date, he’d been completely exhausted. Neither one of them had slept much, if at all. Either they were making love or laughing and talking, or making love again.


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