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Ameer (The Brothers Ali Book 5)

Page 22

by Celeste Granger

  Ameer wasn’t nervous. He never second-guessed his desire to marry Siobhan. But he was anxious as he watched her coming down the aisle. Ameer was anxious because he couldn’t wait for such an incredible woman to be his wife.

  “Who gives this woman to be wed?” The officiant asked as the Greer family stood at the front of the center aisle.

  “We do,” Catherine and Daniel said together.

  Ameer’s gaze moved from Siobhan to Messiah. When their eyes met, and Messiah nodded his head in agreement, Ameer knew that he could move to receive his bride.

  “Take good care of them,” Catherine said as she embraced Ameer.

  “I will,” he promised.

  “Mr. Greer,” Ameer greeted.

  “I’m trusting you,” Daniel said as he shook Ameer’s extended hand. He pulled Ameer into a hug that Ameer returned. In that, Ameer reaffirmed his promise to Mr. Greer that he could be trusted with Siobhan’s heart. As he stepped out of Daniels’ embrace, Ameer turned his full focus to Siobhan. As he had done many times before, Ameer found solace in her beautifully warm eyes, and at that moment, everything, everyone around them momentarily ceased to exist. It was just the two of them reconnecting in that special moment. When Ameer took Siobhan by the hand, she knew with everything in her soul that everything was going to be alright. He had the ability to bring her ease and comfort with a simple touch.

  And Ameer held Siobhan’s hand as they walked together to stand in front of the officiant.

  “This is a glorious occasion,” Mr. Brooks began as the guests took their seats, “where two hearts that have beat independently willingly join together to beat as one. And we are here not just as bystanders in this momentous occasion, but as witnesses, to the love Siobhan and Ameer have for each other. Although this is a joyous occasion, it is also a solemn one as marriage is not to be entered into lightly. Our responsibility to this couple is to honor them, support them, and acknowledge the commitment they are making to each other,” the officiant continued. “If there is anyone here who has a reason these two should not be united in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

  The officiant gave the opportunity for any naysayer to speak before continuing.

  “Ameer, I understand you have written your own vows. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, it is,” Ameer replied.

  “Now is the time to speak those vows from your heart.”

  Ameer never let Siobhan’s hand go as he spoke.

  “You are my unexpected, the one I could never plan for, the one who I never thought could be mine. Yet, here you are, Siobhan, more beautiful than I have ever seen. But your beauty is not just skin deep. You beloved, have the most beautiful heart that I have ever encountered. And you found a way to include me in that special place. For that, I will always be grateful. I love you, girl, so much,” Ameer continued. “I love you with every fiber of my being, with every pound of my heart because when I’m near you, my heart doesn’t just beat. It pounds hard in my chest, the sound ricocheting in my ears and shuddering in my soul, ever reminding me that you are my life force and without you, the beat of my heart is like hollow brass and tinkling cymbals. That’s why I never want to be without you, Siobhan. I never want to be without the woman who is my heart.”

  Ameer turned to Messiah and extended his hand. Messiah accepted it as Ameer continued.

  “The vows I make here today are for both of you. I promise to love you with everything I am. I promise to protect you with every part of me. I promise to take care of you because you are my family.”

  When Ameer’s voice faltered, Siobhan choked back the tears.

  “My family,” he repeated. “You are my family, and there is nothing in this world or the next that would ever stop me from honoring you, exalting you, being there for you, and loving you.”

  Siobhan,” the officiant began. “I understand you have written your own vows. Is that correct?”

  “It is,” she replied.

  “Then speak those words now, from your heart.”

  Siobhan continued the connection of love with the two most important men in her life as she spoke from the deepest place in her heart.

  “You are my unexpected, the one I could never plan for, the one who I never thought could be mine. Because truthfully, Ameer, I had no expectations outside of being the best mom I could be for my son. I didn’t allow myself the privilege of expectation of love from a man, because Messiah was the young man in my life. My first responsibility was to him. And I was okay with that for a long time. I was okay, living with no expectations of love reserved just for me. But you, you incredible, beautiful, kind, loving man, you pursued me even when I didn’t feel like I deserved to be pursued. You were relentless in your pursuit of me. You wouldn’t give up when I tried to push you away. You pursued me past my doubts and undeserving spirit. You, my love, pursued me. And you pursued my son.”

  Siobhan couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, and she didn’t try as she continued.

  “You embraced Messiah as an extension of your desire to win my heart. You included him even when I wasn’t sure he should be included. And I realize you did that because you decided that this was what you wanted. This family, us, is what you wanted, and you knew it, Ameer. You knew it before you ever told me you loved me. That’s why, you are my unexpected, my blessing I know without a shadow of a doubt is from the Creator. He loves me without condition as you love me without condition.

  And as I promise you and Messiah, I promise to myself that I will be here with you through it all. Whatever comes next, I am here with you, loving you, shoring you up, holding you down, giving myself to you completely, submitting to you fully as you lead our family. And I can do that without hesitation, Ameer, because you submit without hesitation to the Creator.”

  “My, my, my,” the officiant uttered. “Such powerfully loving words have been shared with us today. Let us now seal those vows with the giving and exchanging of rings.”

  Tareef stood from his seat and gave Ameer the rings, as did Naomi in giving a ring to Siobhan.

  “Repeat after me,” the officiant began. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” Ameer repeated, placing the ring on Siobhan's finger. Turning on his heels, Ameer knelt so that he could address Messiah.

  “Young king, this ring is my promise that we are family,” he said, presenting Messiah with a platinum band of his own.

  There was a move in the crowd reflective of the power of that moment.

  “Siobhan, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  She could hardly speak, so touched by Ameer’s expression of love to her son. When her ability to speak returned, she repeated the words, placing the ring on Ameer’s finger.

  “Now that the vows have been spoken and with the giving and receiving of rings, I now pronounce that you are husband and wife.”

  The guests applauded with the pronouncement.

  “Ameer, you may now kiss your bride.”

  It was the final act that sealed their abiding love for each other. He kissed her fully, with all the love in his soul, and she kissed him in return with all the love in hers.


  Three Months Later

  While Ameer and Messiah hung out in the family room, Siobhan stole a moment for herself. She took out the journal Naomi gave her on her wedding day and made her first entry.

  It has been such a whirlwind since I became Mrs. Siobhan Ali. Wow, who would have ever thought I would be somebody’s wife. I have to admit, though, I love every minute of it. Being Mrs. Ameer Ali has been more than I could have ever imagined. He is an incredible man, he really is, and I am blessed to call him my own. We just moved into the house Ameer built for our new family. It was so cute watching he and Messiah plan out the young king’s space from drawing on a piece of construction paper, to penciling it in on the architectural design, to the actual build itself. Ameer made sure Messiah was a part of the process, so he kn
ew this was his home, too. I am happier than I’ve ever been because we’re together, as a family, my family. He’s so good to me, to us, and so easy to love, and that helps. Because even though I have been incredibly happy, I still have those moments when I miss you, Safiya, and it hurts. It still hurts so damn bad, like it was only yesterday when you left us. And I miss you, even more, when I look at our son. Every time Messiah accomplishes something or does something funny; I want to share it with you. Every time he’s sad or angry or quiet, and I’m not sure what to do or say, I want to talk to you because you’re his mother.

  Your absence is magnified in those moments, and I miss you, sis. And when things happen with me, I miss you too. Not having you by my side to pick out my wedding dress, or counsel me when I’m scared of even going out with Ameer or being there standing next to me on my wedding day, was the hardest part. But there is a part of me that felt your presence in all those moments. That’s the only way I got through any of it. And I know I will continue to have those moments, and it's okay. It really is. And I’ll get through it. Messiah and Ameer make that so much easier.

  Even though you probably already know, Tyrese and Ameer had a meeting of the minds. It wasn’t easy, but because of their love for Messiah, they had to come together, be men about it, and figure out how to make it work for him. Now instead of being fatherless, he has two men in his life, stepping up and being there for him. I wasn’t sure it was going to work. Yet, they are both willing to do what it takes, and Messiah is the better for it.

  Keep watching out for us, okay? I feel like you are our guardian angel, looking down from above, and making sure we’re okay. We need that, sis, so keep being there.

  I love you, Safiya. I miss you. I’ll keep loving our son for both of us, and I’ll check in again real soon.

  The End

  Thank you so much for reading, Ameer, Book 5 in The Brothers Ali. I am excited about this series, and I hope you will continue on this journey with me. I loved writing this book, and I hope you loved it! I would appreciate it, especially if you enjoyed the story if you would leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. For Indie authors, reviews are the lifeblood of our work. They give other readers insight into the story and greater visibility for the authors. Thanks in advance, and I hope you will continue reading the rest of the books I have to offer!

  Coming soon!

  Denver, Colorado, is where they met, an entrepreneur from Florida and a mafioso from Las Vegas.

  But that’s not the story. Noel Livingston wouldn’t learn that about Nicholas St. Clair until much later. Who she met was the owner of the Villa St. Clair. What happened is that two souls, stranded in a snowstorm, fell into each other’s arms when the power went out. It was a silent night, but not for Noel and Nicholas.

  This is a standalone that ends with a Happily for Now. The continuation of Noel and Nicholas' story will appear in The Men of Mafia St. Clair series.

  St. Clair's Silent Night

  If you haven’t already, please check out,

  Other Books Written by Celeste:

  The Brothers Ali Series

  Basel Book 1

  Israel Book 2

  Khalid Book 3

  Tareef Book 4

  All That & Moore Series:

  Hidden Missing Moore

  I Am Moore

  Teach Me Moore

  Expect Moore

  So Much Moore

  Never Moore

  I Found Moore

  Promise Me Moore

  My Cherie A Moore

  Moore to Love Series:


  Gabriel's Melody


  Moore Friends Series:

  Something New

  A Love So New

  Before I Fall


  Lady Guardians Series:

  Onyx Rides




  The Gift

  Romantically Ever After Boxset

  Teach Me How to Love

  St. Clair's Silent Night

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