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Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three)

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by Crystal Spears

  Table of Contents

  Shadowing Me

  Copyright © 2013 by Crystal D. Spears Books

  A letter from the author,


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six




  Contacting Crystal Spears

  Current Releases

  Shadowing Me

  By Crystal Spears

  ©Copyright 2014 Crystal Spears

  All rights reserved.

  Author Crystal Spears

  Copyright © 2013 by Crystal D. Spears Books

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher Crystal Spears except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All names, work of arts, places are fictitious and from the imagination of the Author.

  Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales, or brands are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, place and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or locales or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This material contains New Adult/Mature acts and/or situations along with language.

  To contact the author for any reason, you will find contact information at the back of this novel.

  Cover images for Graphic Design Licensed from Bigstock and Canstock.


  Crystal Spears


  Katie Mac @ Indie Express LLC

  Graphic Design

  Crystal Spears - front jacket

  Melissa Gill @ MGBookCovers – Spine and Back Jacket Design

  eBook Formatting

  Crystal Spears

  A letter from the author,

  Dear Readers,

  If you haven’t read Seize Me, Withstanding Me, or Resenting Me, this novel will make no sense to you. Since it is a continuing series, I don’t flashback a whole lot to describe characters to you. It would take at least two chapters to do so and there are way too many characters in the Breakneck series to do that. I have a request to make. Please do not reveal the major plot points such as deaths or births in your reviews. I’d really appreciate it. Before you go on to read Shadowing Me, please understand, due to Shadow’s extensive background outside of Breakneck, this is the reasoning behind the way I wrote this novel and the reason for Shadow’s crossover into my upcoming novel Pain of Mine. Remember, remember, and remember that tiny detail. You will also find that Shadowing Me is a tad different than the first three Breakneck releases. There is a reason for that as well. Take a moment and count the characters I have in this series. The number is up there. All my characters are very different from one another and some come from a completely different background than Breakneck. In the past few Breakneck releases, I tried to give you a little of the main characters POVs. I hardly did that in Shadowing Me. This gives me more room to have the characters grow and lets me focus more solely on them. I will be re-releasing Seize Me and Withstanding Me in the near future. There will a few changes. Tatiana’s hair color is now blonde. In Seize Me it was brown. The name of the BDSM club and the name of Shadow’s friend changed as well. These changes were necessary.

  With all that said, I would like to thank all of my readers and followers for wishing me well over this past year. It’s been a rough year and I am thankful that my health is better and I am back to work writing full time.

  You were the reasons I opened my laptop back up and pushed through it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Crystal Spears


  To those who have felt defeated a time or two in their lifetime.

  We only live once, so make it count.

  When you’re down, look up to the sky, smile, and pick yourself back up again.

  Chapter One


  I slam hard into the nameless mouth, willing and begging her to gag on my cock. I want to inflict some kind of pain. It’s true, I’m a Sadist. I have to cause a little hurt in order to cum. A fucked-up, tragic past has nothing to do with my being this way. I just require that something more to release.

  Vanilla fucking doesn’t do it for me. When I was fifteen, I wrapped my arm around my girlfriend’s neck and strangled her as we both came. She was in shock, yet she didn’t run away. She simply dressed, went over to her piece of shit computer, and waited for the slow-ass, dial-up internet to connect. She then Googled all kinds of words before anything made any sense.

  My best friend gently let me down when she told me she could no longer see me. It broke my heart. We had been fucking one another since the age of thirteen, and when I cut off her air supply, it scared the living shit out of her. Who could blame her? I sure the fuck couldn’t. Once I figured out exactly what I needed to get off, I sought out older women with experience. Since then, I’ve hurt countless women I’ve fucked, and they’ve enjoyed it.

  See, this bitch with my cock in her mouth isn’t doing it for me. I push away from her and curse her for being in a place like this with zero knowledge about what to expect in a room like the one where we are. This is my private room. It has a closet, a bed, a bathroom, and a dresser, and it houses all the toys I use for my particular trade.

  As I zip my pants, she whines that she doesn’t understand, and I pat her gently on the shoulder and tell her to do some research. She is proof that Alec is not screening new members correctly. I should have known when I spent more time explaining and giving instructions than actually screwing her.

  I tap my foot, waiting for her to leave my room before I lock up and walk down the long corridor that houses the private rooms. I’m not in the mood to try again, so I say goodbye to my friend, the dipshit who owns this club. He has no clue that my President and his wife are about to take it over.

  I walk out and the brisk air hits my face. I pause to take a deep breath and welcome the freshness into my lungs. I was suffocating in there. There isn’t anything worse than being tortured by your own fucking downfall.

  I straddle my lady, start her up, and head to the clubhouse, praying I don’t run into Tatiana. I want that girl bad, so fucking bad, but not even she can get my dick hard unless I think about tying her up and putting some welts on her. I have never once thought my addiction was a problem until meeting Tatiana.

  When the prospect opens the gate to the clubhouse grounds, I throttle my bike in and park.

  I spot Sniper and Smokey walking towards the old clubhouse building, and Sniper pats his wrist like he’s wearing a watch. I nod my head in acknowledgement. I’d never miss a church meeting. He knows this, but I think the fucker needs to get laid. Pussy footing around with Pipe
r isn’t doing his dick any favors if he ain’t tapping that shit. I don’t think I’ll ever understand what goes on between them. They claim to be very good friends, but they both hold the look that spells a four-letter word I never want to hear again. I haven’t heard it since I was a teen. That fucking word can suck it.

  I light a smoke as I head into church. The feel of eyes on my body causes me to stop dead in my tracks and look around. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, but the eerie sensation still doesn’t ease up. Maybe I’m overly tired and aggravated that my sex life is shit. Whatever it is, it better damn well go away. I make it my business to study those around me, not the other way around. My skills are one of the main reasons the Prez let me trade up Charters instead of going nomad. If I become the one being watched, I’m not doing my damn job right. This shit is frustrating as hell.

  “Damn, brother. Your eyebrows are sittin’ on top of your head,” Smokey says while Sniper walks in ahead of us.

  “Shut the fuck, we got church. And when the fuck did you start talkin’,” I question him.

  “Why does everyone keep askin’ me that,” Smokey replies.

  It’s true. Smokey isn’t one for words. Lately, though, he has been talking a lot, and no one can find a reason as to why he’s opening up. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy that the motherfucker actually has a personality and all, but it is weird.

  He shakes out his thoughts, opens the door, and gestures for me to go first.

  “To answer your question, something Pyro said got me thinkin’. He said life is way too short and he may have implied that I should maybe voice my opinions or some shit. So I’m trying and it’s bullshit that everyone keeps questioning me on it,” Smokey growls.

  Well, shit. I should have kept my mouth shut.

  “I’m sorry, brother,” I say as we enter the chapel and take our seats.

  Smokey shrugs as he flops backwards in his leather chair. “Oh well, I’m talkin’ now. Might as well keep up the charade.”

  I bark out a laugh. The motherfucker is sort of funny. Who would have thought? I reach across the table and stub out my smoke that I basically let burn between my fingers. So wasteful. I should just fucking quit, but that shit ain’t going to happen. I guess that makes me weak, but I really don’t give a shit. Chain smoking is the only thing that keeps me from wigging out on fucking idiots.

  The Prez comes in, slams the door behind him, and stalks to his chair. As he sits down, he grabs the gavel and bangs it down onto the wooden plank, signaling for all attention to be directed at him.

  “Breakneck brothers, it’s that time again. Time for us to discuss massive fuckin’ migraine topics,” he huffs and digs out his pad of paper and a pen.

  “Shadow, I need you to escort Winter to the doctor tomorrow. I have to run some shit by Petra, and then I’ll meet ya there and you can go.”

  I nod, accepting my orders.

  “Max, numbers,” Prez asks as he starts to scribble down onto his notepad.

  Max goes over treasury because he’s our figures guy. He reports on the dues paid and lets us know what our cuts are for the work we’ve done. He also goes over the clubhouse joint account, which we call the stack pot. Our fees go into this account to cover the club bills. Each person contributes this way.

  “Zig Zag, charity runs, we got any comin’ up?”

  “Naw, Prez, I’ve shifted the next two over to the lady charter. With Winter pregnant, I didn’t think you’d want to run,” ZZ says.

  “Good, good. Let them bitches do it.”

  He doesn’t mean that in a disrespectful way, and if anyone messes with the lady charter, it’s the equivalent of messing with us.

  “All right, Angel wants to take over the Chinese nail salons. She ain’t changing her damn mind for nothing. I told her they pretty much run the gambling trade in Las Vegas, but she ain’t up for it. She says, since they make home base here, they gotta pay up. So, any ideas for how we can keep blood outta this situation?”

  Not a single one of us will fight Winter on takeovers. Bad shit has happened to her, so she likes to control the situations all around us, and that includes controlling all of Jamaica, Nevada.

  “Money?” Max asks if we can offer up money in exchange for them to leave first. You always offer first, bloodshed is and always will be a last resort.

  An idea comes to mind. “Well, there aren’t many of them here. Hell, it’s mostly their wives and a bunch of kids. So maybe offer up some startup cash for new salon locations in Las Vegas. I mean, shit, even tell them the truth. Your wife is dead set on owning a couple of salons, and you’re tryin’ to keep the peace and all that jazz.”

  “That could actually work,” he says while he writes some shit down. Prez likes to handle his own notes. The charter I was at before this, the Prez didn’t do jack but talk.

  “Get me some numbers to work with out of the gold pipeline money, Max. I want this transaction to be under the table if it goes well. No traces back to us.”

  No one questions the statement. My guess is he’s not trying to use Winter’s money at all for this. She’s loaded and he can’t stand it. He’s old fashioned like the rest of us. We take care of our women, not the other way around. And the fact that Winter could take care of this entire club and all the members and their family burns him deep. I think he’s still afraid if he fucks up, she has the money to leave his ass without a trail in sight, and she will disappear.

  “Moving on to the BDSM club business. Shadow, you still don’t think he’ll sell?”

  I rub my jaw. “Naw, Prez. If I’m bein’ honest with ya, I think it might not be easy.”

  I feel like such an ass. I hate doing this to Alec, but he has screwed up time and time again by not screening the members more closely. He’s not teaching the newbies the rules and bring them up to club standards.

  My blood runs hot as I think back on the time Tatiana met up with this dickhead who practiced breath play on her. ZZ was ten times hotter seeing his daughter lying on the cement of the clubhouse parking lot.

  “Well, we’re Breakneck. We’ll get it handled. We can’t have that shit up in our town if it ain’t bein’ run properly.”

  I can’t help but agree. BDSM, in any form, light or dark, is dangerous if the participants aren’t well versed in the practice of their choosing.

  “You think you could schedule a meeting with your friend?” he asks as he looks back up from his notes.

  “Yeah, when?”

  He pauses to think about it for a moment.

  “A few weeks from now, because I want to get this shit handled with the Chinese. I want the less stressful shit first.”

  “Yep, I’ll make a meetin’ after all that’s settled.”

  He reaches for the gavel and slams it down. It means he’s satisfied and we’re free to go.


  Chapter Two


  I smack at Storm’s hand as she tries to change my answers on my homework again. Ever since we started doing our business management schooling together, she has always tried to fix my work. When she huffs at me, I smile. I have never cared about the women in my dad’s life until now. He never really had a steady girlfriend until Storm, so I rarely ever paid attention to them. But Storm is different. She snagged a hold of my dad and is not letting go. He doesn’t want her to either. She is good to me and my twin brother, Mason, who we didn’t even know existed until a little over three months ago.

  At first, I was hesitant about their relationship. I am his little girl after all, but when Storm lost my dad’s baby in a car accident, it entirely changed the way I felt.

  When my brother came traipsing into Club Sated, Storm could’ve been angry about my dad having another child after she had lost her unborn baby, but she wasn’t. And that is the moment I fell in love with her. She is barely a few years older than me, and maybe it is what makes it so much easier to get along with her. I do not know. Either way, I am more than accepting when it comes to her relationship with my

  Like right now as we sit at the bar of Club Sated doing our homework for one of our classes, she is acting like a mother would be when it comes to homework. What is not to love about that?

  The sound of glass shattering echoes all around the club.

  “Dammit! This damn pregnant stomach of mine is getting all up in my way!” Winter cries.

  You can’t even tell she is with child. She is only four months along. Hell, you can’t even call it a stomach. It is like a small kangaroo pouch.

  “You’re barely showing, Win. Shut up.” Piper snickers.

  “Barely showing my ass. I’ve already gone up two pant sizes. My ass has its own zip code!”

  Own zip code. I snort. She is still so tiny. After a few moments, I look over at Storm and frown. She is dazed, staring at nothing. I know she is thinking about the child she lost and it breaks my heart.

  I reach over and place my hand on hers. I don’t say anything because words aren’t needed. Nothing I can say will ever make this okay. She handled it well when it happened, but I think as Winter’s pregnancy furthers, Storm’s pain is surfacing. She talks a big game, but I know she is hurting and hell, my dad still hurts, too.

  Storm nods her head for me to get back to work, letting me know she is okay and that is when he enters.

  I sense Shadow even before my eyes land on him. The club isn’t open yet so I don’t know why he is here, but he is, and now I want to get up and leave.

  Shadow has a way of making me feel like I am still a child and I don’t matter. And yet, I still find myself incredibly attracted to him. It plays hell on my emotions. How can you want to be with someone who makes you feel like that?

  “Oh, hey, Shadow. Give me a minute and I’ll be ready to go.” Winter tells him.

  “Where’re ya going, Win,” Piper asks as she stocks some more beer bottles.

  Yes, I would love to know.

  “Shadow has the ungodly task of taking me to the OBGYN.”

  I giggle. Shadow in an OBGYN office. That shit is hilarious.


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