Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4) Page 6

by Annie Buff

  Minutes turned into hours in Bones ’ office. The bullets were lodged deep. One had pierced the lung, the other was just a fraction of an inch from the aorta. One wrong move with that one would prove fatal. Wisha and Peyton did as Bones instructed as the minutes ticked by. Bones did hear the vehicles drive up but tuned out the sounds and just

  concentrated on his patient.

  Smoke and the rest of the crew paced, wearing paths in the dirt outside the Clubhouse. None of them had ever seen Bones so concerned about a patient, they all understood just how bad it was. Smoke half expected to be planning a funeral. There was no family to call, Krispy had been on his own since he was a kid and even if he had relatives; he never

  mentioned them.

  Slinger ’s wife appeared on the

  pathway between the houses with Reagan. She was a panic-stricken mess, knowing her man had been shot.

  “I’m ok ay Doll, went right through.” He lifted his shirt showing her where he was hit and the tampons that had stopped the bleeding. Instant relief crossed her face, then the panic started again for Krispy. She had just met him, and she liked him. It was hard not to like him, he always had a smile on his face.

  Back in the makeshift operating room, Bones was yelling for the paddles. His patient was in cardiac arrest. Peyton ran for what he needed, hoping to God her friend made it through this.

  “ Joshua Harrison, you cannot die!” Peyton said as she looked down on him, tears streaming down her cheeks. He wasn’t just a friend, he was part of her family. Even seeing his blond curls bloodied, Krispy was still Krispy.

  Bones knew who she meant, he had just never known his given name. To the brothers he was just Krispy. To Peyton he was family, they all were and Bones knew this kid had to live.

  Smoke wore a path in the wood on the Clubhouse porch, going in would just make it worse. He would hear what was happening inside that room and probably lose it. Krispy was special to all of them, more so since he’d turned his back on his Sponsor and sided with Smoke. The President knew his wife was there, she always was when Bones needed a nurse. Peyton had even mentioned going to nursing school so she could be more help.

  The sun had come up with no sign of Bones or the women helping him, and that concerned the President. This was much worse than he thought. The children were waking up and he was thankful Rylee was on daycare duty. She told them not to stress over the little ones, she had them. She even brought out coffee for the men, knowing they were running on no sleep.

  Smoke finally caved in and sat down in his favorite Adirondack chair, he was dead on his feet. As the President, he would stay until he heard something. Red, Pretty Boy and Poppy were up and keeping him company. He had sent Slinger, Jace and Ajax to bed. It was more like an order but within minutes they were all back.

  “Sorry Smoke,” Slinger’s apology came quickly. “Just can’t sleep knowing he’s in there like he is.”

  That was understandable. Even with the exhaustion he felt, Smoke knew he couldn’t sleep until he had some answers.

  After nine hours of standing over Krispy, Bones finally appeared in the clubhouse doorway. He was covered in the young man’s blood. The complete and utter exhaustion on his face said he had fought hard.

  “He’s alive . This should have been done in a hospital. It was tough and he’s not out of the woods yet. I’m worried about this one Smoke. We could still lose him, they got him good.”

  Jace knew he needed those slugs, but how he was going to ask for them was another question. Bones had worked tirelessly to save their club mate and he was barely standing after all of it.

  “Bones, the slugs?” The doctor nodded, Bones knew he needed them. Jace would take them and have them analyzed by his old co-worker in the ballistics lab.

  Bones sat next to Smoke, trying to calm his frayed nerves. This had been the biggest surgery he had done in his life and it scared the shit out of him. He knew Ren needed tending to so he had to get his shit together. “Where’s Ren? I need to clean his wounds, make sure he doesn’t get an infection.”

  Those were already taken care of, Reagan played nurse and did a bang-up job at it too. “He’s covered, his woman took care of him. Krispy was in such bad shape, Reagan handled it. Can we see him yet?”

  Bones let them go in two’s , Krispy was still under sedation. Smoke looked at his brother, tubes running from the IV bags into his veins; oxygen in his nose and a dozen visible stitches in his forehead. It had been a long time since he’d cried, but today the tears fell hard and fast. Peyton was by his side and Smoke was thankful for that or he would have really lost it. He felt responsible for this, he always did when one of them got hurt.

  This wasn’t your ordinary life and at times it was highly dangerous. They were normally careful and chicken skin was standard issue anymore. None of them were fond of Kevlar but it stopped the bullet holes. Renegade never wore his, Krispy thought being inside a vehicle meant he didn’t need it this time around. Smoke wished the kid had worn it, he guessed about now Krispy wished it too. Bones stepped in beside the two, putting his hand on Smoke’s back.

  “The next two days are critical, we’re gonna need to stay and watch in shifts. He lost too much blood. I’m just thankful I make you guys donate periodically or we would have been fucked. He’s AB negative and that’s not readily available, and how exactly would I have gotten that?

  “‘Hi , blood bank? Yeah, I have a gunshot wound. Can we borrow a few pints?’ It would not have gone over well.” Smoke knew his brother was right, the sarcasm just stung.

  The next two days they each took shifts keeping watch on their injured club mate. He hadn’t woken up and that concerned them all. Peyton spent the most time with him, reading Nora's nursery rhymes to him and her favorite book; If You Give A Pig A Pancake. Peyton was about half way through the book when he spoke.

  “Queen,” it was hoarse but it was him.

  “Joshua! Holy shit you had us worried! I need to go get Zeke.”

  He stopped her from leaving. “Can you finish the story first, I like this one.” Peyton was laughing through her tears, he was going to be okay and that was everything. She sent a text but kept reading, at this point whatever he asked for they would do.

  The Clubhouse office was filled with over a dozen leather clad bikers, all in tears for their brother. Krispy was going to live, which had been touch and go for a while. Each brother hugged their injured mate while the Queen supervised


  “Want something to eat Joshua? I made stew last night.” Peyton knew her stew was his favorite and he had been out for over two days, he had to be starving. She watched him grin, knowing she was about to warm him some food.

  “You make them muffin things too?” They all laughed, Peyton made sweet corn bread muffins for stew and chili, they never lasted long.

  Hatching The Plan

  Over the next few weeks Krispy regained his strength and Raul made several attempts to nab Reagan, none of which worked. Renegade had given her a Glock nine-millimeter and taught her how to use it. The goons were more than surprised when she took a few shots at them. Ren knew the fact she was carrying would get reported but he didn’t care. Reagan’s safety was all that mattered to him.

  After several weeks of listening to Raul’s nasty messages on her voicemail, Reagan gave in and let Ren buy her a new phone. Just to add insult to injury,

  Renegade mailed Reagan’s old phone to Raul. He knew that would piss of the Jefé, but at this point he really didn’t give a shit. She was his woman and her brother could kiss his ass. Renegade had had enough of Raul and his bullshit. He knew they were going to have to kill him. It was the only way Reagan would ever be free of him, but Ren wasn’t sure how she would handle it. She had gone over to spend the afternoon with Peyton so he went looking for Smoke; Ren had a plan.

  Smoke was in the clubhouse, sitting at the bar with a beer in his hand staring off. His signature Camel cigarette hung from his mouth. Ren slid in next to him and stole
a cigarette from the pack. He had quit three times this week, but with the stress he decided quitting might not work so well.

  “We gotta figure this Raul shit out,” Renegade explained to his President. “He just keeps coming and it’s taking its toll on Reagan. She’s scared. I mean she says she’s not, but the nightmares say


  Smoke knew Raul had to be dealt with. Killing the young Jefé could be more chaos than they needed but he was considering it. “Yeah, wasn’t that long ago when we were dealing with Skinny, so I get it. You got any ideas, cause I’m fresh out? He don’t seem to care if she’s happy, just wants to control her.”

  Ren knew that was a true statement, but he had an idea. One that was kind of crazy, but with him crazy was normal. Renegade explained to a shocked

  President what he wanted to do and just how he planned to pull it off.

  Smoke sat attentively listening to his VP go through the entire thing. “Jesus Ren, you think we need to go that

  extreme? I mean yeah, I get it. And it would be easier to kill the bastard if he wasn’t hunting you two. But shit man!”

  Ren knew it was insane but it would work, with everything in place this one would be one for the record books. Renegade had been thinking on this for a while; since the clubhouse was shot up. As crazy as the plan was, it would be perfect.

  As they walked out to the porch, the deep rumble of a hog came up the gravel drive. The rider was a surprise; Big Mosh.

  “Ok ay,” was all the big man said as he dismounted his bike. He gave a nod to the President and held out a hand. Mosh knew enough to be respectful, even though he had never been part of a club.

  Renegade was curious on what

  swayed the big man. “What made you say yes Mosh? I didn’t think you wanted it.” He wasn’t expecting much of an answer so when Mosh spoke Renegade was floored.

  “Nobody ever had enough fa.. fa.. faith in me to ask, just thought ole Mosh is like a bulldozer. Not nothing but muscle. I am not stupid, and I know how to follow orders. Be nice to be pa.. pa.. part of something.”

  “Holy shit man! I’ve never heard that many words from you ever!” Renegade said laughing. Mosh didn’t say much, he was kind of a mystery; and he had a stutter. Nobody knew anything about his past although both Smoke and Ren figured he had military training, you didn’t just shoot with the precision of a sniper without that.

  Smoke took Mosh into the clubhouse and started the explanation of how this club worked. When Peyton was mentioned Mosh was surprisingly accepting. “Women are good, ss.. ss.. smarter than us.”

  That was true. Peyton was the

  smartest person Smoke knew. He knew she would want to meet the newest Prospect so he sent her a text.

  Peyton McAllister strode in like she owned the place, and in fact she did. Smoke put everything in her name just in case the worst happened, he knew better than anyone how cruel this life could be.

  “Sweetness, this is Ren’s Prospect.” Smoke said as he made the introduction, Peyton just grinned. He knew what she was thinking, another member of the family.

  “I’m Peyton, the idiots call me Queen. What’s your name?”

  “Mosh.” The big man told her. She shook her head, he didn’t ge t it but he soon would. “Mosh is what they call you, but what’s your name? Here at home names are used.” She could see nobody had ever asked him that before, at least not in years.

  “ John Michael Barkley, at least that’s what my dd.. dd.. dog t.. tags say. Mama called me John Michael.”

  Peyton smiled and nodded, then told him what time to report for dinner. They could see this wasn’t something he was used to. Socializing wasn’t his norm, but to Peyton that didn’t matter.

  After some conversation Mosh rode off but checked his watch to be sure not to be late for dinner. Smoke just shook his head, his wife had a way that no other did. He might be the President but she ran the show and they all knew it.

  Reagan and Ren took a walk down by canyon, he wanted some quiet time with her. It wasn’t sex he was after, it was the intimacy of holding her hand. The way her skin felt on his was incredible, like satin over old, hardened leather. He held her hand but she held his heart. Reagan had him from day one, he just hadn’t

  understood it then. Renegade certainly did now. He’d found what his brothers had, the love of his life.

  They found a flattened boulder to sit on overlooking the canyon. They held hands and watched the clouds roll by.

  “I wanna make babies with you, beautiful babies that look just like you Reagan. Never in my miserable life have I ever thought about bringing another life into this world until you. You make everything worth it.”

  Reagan had tears running down her face, she knew he meant every word. “Wyatt, I want a boy that looks exactly like you, those big blue eyes are so beautiful.”

  Ren never thought himself anything but ordinary, but she made him feel

  extraordinary. She made him feel… everything.

  They spent an hour sitting and talking, Renegade told her about his plan. She didn’t even flinch when he stated that if everything went according to plan, they would be free of her brother’s wrath forever. “Doll you realize we’re gonna have to kill him. Right? I ain’t happy about it, but I don’t see any other way.”

  The worst part was that she didn’t either. With Raul still alive she would never be free. They could never have the life together they both wanted. Raul would terrorize them any chance he got. It should have been a difficult decision, but it was as easy as breathing.

  The walk back was slow. Hand in hand, they took the gravel trail and admired the cactus and the desert brush that still had blooms.

  “Hang on Doll, I need a pit stop.” Ren told her. When she looked at him funny he just chuckled. “Gotta take a leak Doll.”

  Reagan was laughing as he turned his back to her and ‘watered’ the sage shrub. She had never been around anyone quite like him, that was part of what endeared him to her; his blatant honesty.

  “Can we take the bike out after dinner?” She asked after he had finished. “I’d like to take a ride, maybe to the lake? And bring a blanket so we can make a fire and we’ll have some alone time.”

  Hell yes they could, he had wanted to lay her down in the moonlight the last time they were there. The only reason he hesitated was because it would have been the first time, and he knew it had to be perfect. She was his once in a lifetime love. He knew if he screwed this up he’d never get another shot.

  Dinner at the clubhouse was served at the picnic tables as usual. A third was added to accommodate the new members of Peyton’s family. She stood smiling and admiring her idiots thinking nothing could possibly be better than this. She watched Bones and Wisha with the twins, Slinger and Rylee with Micah and baby Grayson and finally her beloved Renegade with Reagan. This was what a family was about and she would be damned if anyone was going to ruin it.

  Renegade took Reagan on her

  moonlight ride through the winding canyon roads to the lake, blanket tucked snug inside his saddle bag. He had thought about beer but on the bike with her he decided against it. He brought a few bottles of water instead. She had begun to love the rides but he knew she was new enough to the bike he needed to make her feel safe.

  They lay in the moonlight naked in a secluded cove exploring each other. Reagan wanted to make her man feel the way he always made her feel. Slowly crawling down his body, leaving a trail of kisses from his lips down his abdomen. Her lips found his hardened cock. He was thick but that didn’t stop her from taking him in her mouth.

  Nothing Ren had ever experienced felt this blissful, he was slightly propped up so he could watch. Seeing his cock

  disappear in her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head. She licked the liquid seeping from him and Renegade was on the edge of oblivion. When Reagan let her hand drift down between her legs to rub her clit he thought he had died and gone to heaven.

  “Damn Doll, will you let me watch
you do that sometime?” He choked out between ragged breaths. Seeing her fingers playing with her pussy was on his list of wants. Reagan nodded as she sucked on his throbbing cock, massaging his balls with her free hand. He was on the verge of losing it, she had to stop. “Turn over Doll, I ain’t coming like this; not now anyway.”

  She did as he asked, getting on all fours with her head down and her ass in the air. Renegade dipped a finger inside her, she was dripping wet and he needed a taste. He dipped it once more and let it slide over her anus. Reagan slightly flinched until she realized it wasn’t penetration he was after, just some play. At that point, she relaxed and let the feeling of the new sensation take over. Reagan accepted his touch, even there where it should have felt bad it was incredible.

  He knew if he didn’t get inside her soon he would shoot his load all over the blanket. Seeing her respond to his anal play was making it painful to hold off much longer. He had his cock in his hand, rubbing her pussy and parting her lips. It took one thrust to be balls deep inside her warm wetness; with that gasp from her that he craved. Renegade didn’t stop the motion of his finger; her ass was calling to him.

  The harder he thrust, the louder she moaned and when she pushed back the finger slid in. He kept the rhythm up but didn’t move the finger, he left it in her waiting to see how she liked it. Whatever they did was up to her, he was a guy and would climax no matter what. He needed her to want this.

  When she kept whimpering and

  nodded. He started the opposite rhythm with the finger, as it went deep he pulled his cock out. It was a back and forth motion and with her hand between her legs feathering her fingertips on her clit, Reagan went over hard.

  Her orgasm crashed through like a freight train, hitting every nerve and muscle she had causing spasms that dragged on and on. Reagan could barely breathe and catching what breath she had was proving impossible. She was still half blinded by the ecstasy of her climax which hadn’t slowed.

  Renegade hadn’t stopped the motions . He couldn’t, he was so close. Grunting and groaning he slammed himself hard into her. He wanted to breach her ass with his cock but she wasn’t ready. He would settle for losing himself on the outer rim, pulling out and letting his seed shoot from his body; coating her with his essence.


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