Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4) Page 7

by Annie Buff

  Renegade held her in his arms under the stars on the lake beach just listening to the tide. Feeling more at peace than he ever had in his life. Reagan was his life, the best part of it and nothing would get in the way of what they were building.

  The Plan In Motion

  The details had been ironed out, Bones had been brought in. There were a couple parts of the plan that required him. Even though Ren wanted nobody else involved, they didn’t have a choice.

  Bones made a call to a friend and took care of what was needed on his end, still surprised they were going to this extreme. He did understand why though, Raul was coming at them almost daily at this point. The latest was having someone cut the brakes on her car, thankfully Renegade had thought to have a look after she mentioned them feeling funny. It

  happened at Skin Deep when she stopped to see Rylee.

  The nights had started to cool but that was normal for mid-September. It meant more bon fires, more time together. It was a perfect night for what Ren wanted to do. It had been four months since he

  apologized Handlebars style and he needed to make this official. There had been a ring in his pocket for a month just waiting for the perfect place and time, this was it.

  He had n’t even said anything to the Queen, Renegade went on his own for this one. He knew exactly where to go, he had been there with Smoke a dozen times. Smoke always said the best apology comes with diamonds and Peyton had dozens. Renegade laughed every time his President screwed up, knowing now much his faux pas would cost him.

  He ’d stood in the jeweler for hours staring at each ring, this hadn’t been an easy pick. He’d needed something uniquely Renegade and he finally found what he was looking for. It was an oval cut stone, set in platinum with gold roses layered over platinum skulls. The skulls were tiny compared to the two-carat diamond, but they made the ring perfect. He knew Reagan would understand it.

  Their club had expanded enough to need more seating around the pit. Instead of more chairs, Smoke and Falcon made log benches for everyone. The President however, still had his favorite chair. There was music coming from an old country station that Peyton had fallen in love with but the biggest sounds came from the laughter of the children. While little Micah stuck tight to Slinger, Nora made the rounds visiting everyone before settling herself on papa Red’s lap. The old biker just grinned, letting her play with his beard before falling asleep in his arms.

  The bourbon bottle was passed from brother to brother, even with Renegade being a gin drinker he took a swallow. He needed just a push, now was his moment. He moved so he was on his knees in front of Reagan.

  “Doll, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were the Angel that was going to save my soul. You give me such peace in my heart, and that’s something that’s never happened…until you. I wanna spend every day of the rest of mine showing you how much I love you so…” Renegade pulled the ring from his pocket and with tears in his eyes he asked the question. “Reagan Marie Caswell will you marry me?”

  Reagan was in tears, she thought one day they would talk about this but she had no clue that would be today. It took mere seconds to answer him, even crying like she was. “Yes Wyatt, yes!” He slipped the ring on her finger during a kiss.

  The rest of the night was spent listening to the still single brothers give him shit and the married ones give advice. Renegade was sure the Queen had something to say so he kissed his girl. He wandered over to Peyton who was patiently waiting by Smoke’s old Camaro. It wasn’t running yet but he’d found another project so the car was moved out of the old barn.

  “Wyatt , I am so proud of you!

  Congratulations Hun, you did that right. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me though! Her ring, oh shit I need to see her ring!” Peyton exclaimed as she all but ran over to look. When she saw the skulls she had to laugh. Only Renegade would buy an engagement ring with skulls on it.

  Peyton stole Reagan to talk girl stuff with the other women, leaving the men to their own devices. Smoke pulled out his party favors, 5 nicely rolled joints. This was part of the prize from El Centro. He walked over and handed the first to Krispy. “You earned this man, and about a pound more. I know you don’t like pain medication so this will help. Your chest was seriously fucked up kiddo.”

  Krispy knew, he still felt the pain, even though it was lessening. Bones had to break ribs to get where he needed to be to remove the bullets and that hurt as much as having his breast bone sawed into.

  “Thanks Prez, yeah it still hurts like a bitch. Went riding today, not my smartest decision.” He chuckled and kept going, “Queen chewed my ass when I got back. Guess who got grounded from riding today!” He looked at his brothers who were in fits of laughter, but he knew just how funny it was so he laughed too.

  Bones and Smoke took a walk, a few last-minute details had to be handled. They partook in Smoke’s party favor while the two finished what needed to be done.

  “Ren is a maniac Prez! who the hell comes up with this kind of plan? I mean granted I agree it’s going to work, but shit man he’s a lunatic!” That was something everyone agreed on, Ren was certifiable. No other person would laugh after getting shot, but they had all seen Renegade do just that.

  It was a starless night. Even with the clouds dancing with the moon, the path was lit enough for Reagan to see the joy on her man’s face. “Wyatt, when we finish all this with my brother I want a wedding. A big one. The kind we can look back on and have amazing memories.”

  He smiled, he would give her that and more. He didn’t have one the first time, Renegade and his ex had just gone to the courthouse. Reagan deserved a fairytale wedding and that’s exactly what he was going to give her.

  Blowing Smoke

  The first explosion shook the windows in the main house, shooting Smoke and Peyton out of bed and sending them running. They had no idea where it came from but ran anyway. Slinger was right behind them, hearing the same thing and thinking the worst. Someone was attacking them when they were most vulnerable.

  Bones came running as fast as Smoke, heading in the direction of the fire which had just started to peak over the trees. It was the clubhouse. The women and the rest of the brothers were hot in their heels. Not one of them were prepared for what they saw.

  The clubhouse was completely engulfed in flames, and Ren and Reagan were nowhere to be found.

  “No!” Peyton screamed between sobs. Smoke held her back, he himself tried to get close but the fire was burning too hot. Jace went around back trying the same thing but came back with first degree burns. Each brother attempted to find a way to get in, but that was proving impossible. There was nothing to do but make the nine-one-one call.

  Fire and Rescue arrived in record time. They put water to the flames while the local sheriff spoke with Smoke and Jace. None of them could believe this was happening, each one holding out hope that Renegade wasn’t inside when this happened.

  The longer Renegade was missing the clearer the reality was becoming, they hadbeen inside when the explosions happened. When the charred remains of two people were brought out, the entire club went ballistic. The tears and screams were as loud as a rock concert. But these were screams of sorrow, fear and

  heartbreak. It hit Peyton the hardest.

  She was on her knees sobbing, trying to make sense of it all but there wasn’t any. This was the worst day of her life. She lost a member of her family; actually two, with Reagan.

  Smoke did his best to console his wife but everyone knew how she felt about Renegade. He held her, letting her cry it out and waiting for her to get mad. He knew that was coming, they all knew. Slinger knelt next to his Queen, fighting back his own tears. He took Smoke’s spot and allowed his President to deal with the business in front of them.

  “Why Wyatt? All he ever wanted was someone to love.” Peyton sniffled and Slinger knew, he had found his love a year ago and Renegade had just found his. This whole thing stunk, and it smelled spicy. It was very much a Raul move. He made sure Peyton had
gotten a hold of herself before heading over to where his

  President was.

  “Prez,” Slinger started but didn’t get the chance to finish before Smoke began. “Yeah Ink Man I know . Smells like a god damned Mexican ambush, don’t it? We need to make sure we do this right. That greasy bastard is mine, but we play it cool. He can’t know we know, I gotta call him and tell him. Need Reagan’s dental records, there ain’t no other way…” That was his breaking point, Smoke stood strong for most of this nightmare but he’d had all he could handle.

  The President turned his back on the scene and lost it, hitting his knees and sobbing for his fallen comrade. There was only so much a man could take. Peyton did for him as he had done for her, holding her husband through his sobs.

  Slinger, Bones and the rest stood mute allowing Smoke his minute. Not one of them had ever seen him this bad. Not even at his Father’s funeral. Smoke may not have liked his old man, but he respected him. Old Merlin had taught him how to be the President the hard way.

  Once his tears subsided, it wasn’t Smoke who addressed the group but Peyton. The Queen had gotten mad, as she spoke they all had the same thought. God help whoever gets in her way.

  “I have had enough of the Cartel, enough of the word Jefé, and I am done with Raul Paulo! We bury Wyatt and Reagan and when the funeral is done we take the son of a bitch down!” That was the Queen they all knew, the one with brass balls.

  It took the fire department several hours to extinguish the flames. There had been a few flare ups from the accelerant used to start the blaze. Smoke stared at the ash and cinder just shaking his head, this meant war. His wife was on the war path too, along with every other member of his club andtheir wives. This was the second attack on home soil but it would be the last.

  Goodbye And Hello

  The day of the funeral, nobody had dry eyes. The men gathered at the funeral home where the bodies had been sent. Stone Sinners MC was there waiting, (they were a friendly club) along with Smoke’s RC and the staff of Handlebars. The unexpected guest was Raul.

  “You’re not welcome here Jefé, this is for club members and friends only. You can pay your respects to Reagan when we’re gone.” The look on his face said he expected it but wasn’t backing down.

  “Mi Hermana is in that box, the fact she died in your care should have me killing you now. But she would not want that, so I will stand down…for now. After she is at rest and mi Familia mourns. Well then, I cannot say how you and your club will fair.”

  Raul walked over to the hearse and with the rear door open spoke something in Spanish. He left the white roses that he had been holding next to the caskets. As he loaded himself into the rear seat of the Land Rover he spoke over his shoulder.

  “ Remember Amigo! I am quite a bastard, and I promise to make it


  With Raul gone the and hearse driver ready, all that was needed was the police escort. Jace had set that up, he was still well liked by the department.

  Smoke road out front directly behind the hearse, his VP should have been at his side but that was now impossible. They rode a missing man formation down the city streets of the Junction on the way to the cemetery. Today was a by far the worst these men had seen, and they’d seen more than their share of deaths. It was just none of them anticipated it would be one of their own in that box today.

  As they rode, it wasn’t with the thrill it usually was. This was to pay homage to their fallen mate and his old lady.

  Renegade wasn’t a religious man but Reagan was raised Catholic, so Smoke asked the local Diocese if they had an available Priest to speak at the funeral. As the Father delivered the eulogy they remembered Renegade, that larger than life personality and his antics on and off his bike. What surprised everyone was Krispy who, during the moment of silence started singing ‘Dust in the Wind' with tears in his eyes. Before long each man had joined in, even Big Mosh came to pay his respects to his would be Sponsor.

  Once the service was over and they all said their last goodbye, the Devil’s minus one headed to Handlebars to toast their friend. Handlebars didn’t open this day, the owner handed Smoke the keys and let him and his club have use. Anyway you looked at it the day would be a very somber one. Bones pulled Smoke aside before he made his way to the table that was set up for them.

  “How’s the Queen? You know she’s going to kill you right?” Smoke was aware when the bomb dropped his wife was probably going to skin him alive but it had to be done.

  “Yep, I’m expecting it but at least it wasn’t me that had the hair brained idea.” That fact he was thankful for, he knew his wife all too well. She was his equal in every way and when she got mad, look out.

  Smoke let the crew file in and settle around the table, things had to be said.

  Muerto De Mi Familia

  Raul paced the deck of his boat, the helicopter had dropped him off at the dock as instructed and left quickly. He was in no mood for anyone and they all knew it. Instead of being graveside where his proper place was, he had been run off by Smoke McAllister.

  If this had been any other place and time, Raul would have gutted him right in front of his men. But circumstances being what they were, he’d walked away. He wouldn’t stay gone long, just enough to mourn the loss of his sister properly then he would go after the Devil’s. Raul had a plan to systematically eliminate each and every one of them, the women he would keep. Somehow these bikers had

  managed to marry exquisitely beautiful women and he would take advantage of that.

  Raul had a feeling the Devil’s blamed him for the deaths, and in a way he blamed himself. He pushed Reagan straight into Renegade’s arms. He knew she was hard headed, exactly like her mother.

  Raul was nine when Pedro Luis Paulo met Lilly Caswell. His father should have chosen different, but Pedro was thinking with his cock. He always did and when she became pregnant his possessiveness went from bad to worse. It wasn’t long after the birth of their daughter Reagan Marie that the physical abuse started.

  Reagan’s mother put up with what she could. But when the toddler got in the midst of a fight and wound up with a black eye, it had been Lilly’s breaking point. She’d packed up herself and her daughter and left. Not that Pedro didn’t try to sway her into coming back, but he didn’t do it violently. Lilly had an ace in the hole. She was smart enough to make copies of some very sensitive documents, and she knew where all the bodies were buried so to speak.

  She left Mexico with her daughter and never looked back. Pedro had agreed to the divorce and to pay her a handsome monthly stipend, so she could properly care for their young daughter.

  Raul remembered Reagan coming to spend time at the villa, but she’d spent most of it in her room or with the help. She liked the house staff better than her family. Reagan always said family doesn’t treat family the way the Paulo's did, and maybe she was right. He was at the point of thinking and re-thinking every move he had made with her.

  The one thing he couldn’t figure out was who would be clever enough to sneak on to Devil’s property in the middle of the night. And then set up enough explosives to level the clubhouse. And why the clubhouse? Why not the main house where Smoke lived? Unless whoever it was wanted their attention. Maybe they had no idea Renegade lived in there. It didn’t make any sense, but at this moment in time nothing did.

  The Gang’s All Here

  Smoke stood at the head of the table trying to find the right words to start this. He had a bad feeling Peyton was going to kill him, he had lied to her. The one thing he swore he would never do, and he had gone and done it. He’d had damn good reason, but telling that to a five months pregnant woman wasn’t going to make a difference. She was going to be really pissed.

  “Before we eat I have a f ew things that need said. First is no matter what, this was not my idea in any way. I wanted no part of it but when it was presented in the way it was, I couldn’t say no.” The brothers had no idea where this speech was going, you could tell by th
e look on their faces. Peyton was a whole other story, Smoke could see the wheels turning and knew it was only a matter of time before…

  “Nero McAllister, you son of a bitch!” She was on her feet heading straight for her husband. Peyton put both hands in his chest and shoved, she was livid.

  “Sweetness…” was all he was able to say as the crew saw their President take a right hook that put him on the floor. She was going for a second when a voice stopped her.

  “Queen stop, it was all me.” She turned to see him standing beside Reagan by the bar, it was Renegade.

  She marched over with tears on her face and gave him the exact same treatment Smoke had gotten, a right hook to the jaw that sent him to the concrete below. Ren sat on the floor laughing, he had that coming. He knew an ass chewing from hell would follow but he also knew the right decision had been made.

  “Wyatt James don’t you laugh at me!” The Queen told him, kicking him as she went to hug Reagan.

  Renegade picked himself up off the floor and helped Smoke up. Standing next to his President, he addressed his brothers: “I’m sorry we did it this way, it had to be believable and this was it. Trust me man I didn’t wanna be dead, not even for a few days. I hated not being able to tell everybody what the fuck was

  happening. Raul ain’t never gonna give up so we needed a way to be able to get to him, this was it. He thinks we’re dead so he won’t look. So how pissed at me are you all?”

  He looked around the table and then to his Queen, she had tears streaming down her face. She was still pissed but his life wasn’t in danger now. From the facial expressions of his brothers he knew they were just happy he was alive.


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