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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

Page 8

by Annie Buff

  Bones pulled Smoke aside, letting Renegade talk to the other brothers. “How’s the jaw man? She got you good! Damn that had to hurt. Don’t tell her I knew or I’ll be getting one myself.”

  Smoke laughed rubbing his jaw, his wife had a mean right. “Hurts like a bitch but I‘ll take it, she has every right to be pissed at me. I should have told her what we were doing.”

  Yes Bones thought, they should have. But having Peyton so broken up made it all the more believable. It had to be, Raul was too smart for it to be any other way.

  Ren held Reagan’s hand as he

  recounted how he devised the plan and how he planned on getting to Raul.

  “Bastard has to die, ain’t no other way and Reagan understands that. It’s been five months and he just won’t quit, so I figured if we’re dead, he’s got no reason to keep bugging the club. It had to be this way, and for that I’m sorry.”

  The nods said they got it, and since they all knew Raul they understood Renegade was right. He would never stop until he killed Ren and got Reagan.

  “Queen please.” Ren let go of Reagan and held his arms out hoping Peyton would accept his apology. He saw her crack the tiniest of smiles and he knew. The fact she walked over and hugged him helped too.

  “Damn you Wyatt! I should have kicked you a few more times. You know I love you and can’t stay mad long. Now my husband is a whole other story, Nero is in deep shit!” She said as he released the hug, Ren patted her belly which made her grin.

  “How’s spawn number two doing? We find out what we’re having yet?” “Oh shit! Yes, I know and I was going to tell everybody tonight, like a surprise to cheer them up.”

  Ren yelled at everyone to quiet down and gather back at the table. “Queen needs you, she has something to say.”

  They all listened attentively, Smoke gave his wife a very strange look trying to figure out what she could possibly have on her mind.

  “ I had a Doctor’s appointment the day after the explosion, they did a second ultrasound because the heart was beating really fast and she said it was just a precaution.” You could see the panic on Smoke’s face, he was terrified something was wrong with their child.

  “Relax Nero, the baby is fine.” You could visibly see relief cross his face. “What I wanted to tell everyone is that this baby is a… boy.”

  Smoke fell to his knees, he was getting a son. Peyton sat on the floor next to him and held her husband. “I’m still pissed at you Nero McAllister.” He knew, and he also knew how many diamonds this apology would take.

  Bones and the rest let them have their moment, heading to the bar. Pretty Boy had been quiet during the chaos, but now had a few things on his mind.

  “Ren, this Raul is usually on his boat, right?” Ren nodded, popping the cap off his beer. “I can get to him, easy as pie. See my old man loved to fuck with me, waterboarding was his favorite act of punishment. I can hold my breath for six minutes at a time. Make it real easy to get on that boat, I can set some charges and get the fuck out of there. Find some place safe and watch it blow, we just need confirmation he’s on the fucking thing and boom! Goodbye you greasy sick fuck.”

  The plan was a good one, but

  Renegade was looking for a little payback. Something that involved pain and his favorite Kukri knife.

  “Pretty Boy, can you get on that boat and surprise him? I want him dead as fuck, but I’m looking for some blood. I need it man. Like you needed Snowman in that chair, remember?”

  He knew he did, from day one on that hunt Pretty Boy had made it quite clear where he wanted his enemy. He saw him grin, Renegade would get his blood and that thought was mighty satisfying. All that was left was to run it by Smoke.

  Smoke made the executive decision to send Reagan and Renegade up north until they had enough intel to execute the plan. Ajax and Red went along as an extra precaution. Smoke just had one of his feelings that sending them alone could be disastrous. They had been attacked on that road more than once so in his mind the more the merrier. He just hoped the couple didn’t mind company, but at this stage in the game he really didn’t care.

  On The Prowl

  Falcon and Pretty Boy went

  sightseeing south of the border. They rented a boat in the same marina that Raul kept his yacht docked at. They were on the opposite side with a perfect view and as it was a busy marina, no one thought anything of the two.

  Pretty Boy set up a telescope to see his mark, although they pretended to be star gazing at the evening sky. Raul had come and gone a number of times. The goons on board were making getting close difficult. It wasn’t an impossible task, nothing was impossible; just a pain in the ass.

  During the daytime hours, the two walked the docks. They explored the beach, and frequented the local shops. Both men left their leathers behind, wearing shorts and tank tops to blend in. With the hats and sunglasses they wore, they weren’t recognized even when they walked right by one of Raul's goons. Falcon was sweating that one, when he’d seen him coming towards them.

  Up at the cabin Reagan had found a spot by the creek and sat with her notebook and pencil, putting words on paper. She was so engrossed in her writing she didn’t hear Renegade come up behind her.

  “Whatcha doing Doll? Is that poetry?” Reagan scrambled to hide her papers, nobody had ever seen her writing.

  “It’s nothing, just some thoughts.” She told him as she closed the book, holding it to her chest. This was her dream and she would be crushed if he laughed.

  “Can I see it? Please Doll, it’s part of you and I wanna know it all.” Reagan reluctantly handed him her notebook, waiting for the worst. What she got was the shock of her life.

  “Damn woman! This is great, it’ s about us, isn’t it?” It was about them, a story of how Reagan fell for Renegade although the names and places were different. She had even included an overbearing father who he assumed was her version of Raul.

  “Really? You think it’ s good? Oh God I was panicking that you’d laugh at it. I’ve always wanted to write, I just didn’t think anyone would take me seriously.”

  “Doll, you have any more like this? You’re good, and I’m taking you seriously. Me and you are going to get this stuff published. I don’t know anything about how, but I bet the Queen does. She knows just about everything, so we ask her. Deal?” Reagan was in tears, they were happy ones knowing her dream could possibly become a reality.

  Back down south of the American border, Pretty Boy and Falcon had gotten some decent information on Raul. Seems he always had several blades on him, he preferred to cut versus shoot. The rumors were that it made the kill all the more personal and he enjoyed it up close and personal.

  The other thing the locals told them was that he was a pig when it came to women. He felt the need to control them; fathering several illegitimate children with local ladies. Story be told he had no respect for women at all. Raul was the bastard Falcon had always thought, but he wasn’t stupid.

  Another thing they had heard was that he owned a tiny island in the gulf, one with top notch security and it was always extremely well-guarded. It was probably where he had planned to take Reagan, the one place the Devil’s Apostles didn’t know about. Falcon and Pretty Boy were going to make sure they knew, it was time to call in a few favors to his old army buddies. Nix was always looking for some action and this was right up his alley.

  Pretty Boy had called Red, he needed to check on his lady without looking like an old worried woman. Red laughed at him, telling him his girls were just fine but that Poppy missed him and was glad they were heading back.

  Falcon made a similar phone call to his President, informing him on everything they had found out. Smoke said abort and head home, this would take more planning before Raul was no more. Smoke had an idea, it was a good one but before it became club business he needed to run it by his wife. Peyton worked alongside of him in everything and he was still in hot water for not telling her about faking Renegade’s death.

  Cabin Fev

  Renegade took full advantage of being up at Smoke’s cabin. He had heard from everyone about the magic that happened up there and he wanted some for himself. He knew down the hiking trail there was a spot where the creek pooled and they could swim, neither had brought suits but that wasn’t going to stop him. Wasn’t anything wrong with a little skinny dipping in the woods.

  Ren and Reagan walked the trail and as they came to an old oak tree he stopped, the grin on his face said he was up to something. He pulled out his boot knife and started carving into the trunk of the tree. Reagan watched him, laughing at just how sweet her bad man could be when he wanted to. When he was finished there was a giant heart in the tree, in the center of the heart, it read: ‘Wyatt loves Reagan’.

  It didn’t take much coaxing to have her naked and in the water. “Shit Wyatt! It’s cold, you’re insane! You’re aware of that right? Completely insane!”

  He was laughing at her chattering teeth, right before he dunked her. Reagan came up spitting water and glaring at him, he expected some sort of payback for his little stunt and he didn’t have to wait long. Reagan grabbed his dry clothes off the shore and dragged them in, even his favorite Doc Martens took a bath.

  “Damn Doll, that’s rough. Even the Doc’s? You’re a wicked woman.” But he was laughing along with her, she got him good and it was funny.

  They spent the rest of the day ’s sunlight swimming and making out. Reagan wanted a little more than that and she made it known.

  “Wyatt,” she motioned for him with fire in her eyes. He knew exactly what she wanted.

  “ Something you need Doll?” As he swam up to her, he pinned Reagan against a rock. She hadn’t been very vocal about what she wanted from him but that was all about to change.

  “Uh huh, I wanna sit up here on this rock with my legs spread and watch you lick my pussy until I come. Then after that I want you to bend me over and fuck me with that big cock of yours. While you’re pounding my pussy I want you to play with my ass again. I loved that, maybe see if the head of your cock will go in. What do you think about that?”

  Ren was already so hard it hurt just listening to her talk dirty to him. He picked Reagan up and sat her on the rock. He watched her open her legs, giving him the perfect view of her wet pink pussy.

  Renegade immediately pushed two fingers in and started a slow pump. Having her watch was more than thrilling and it made his cock throb.

  “You’re enjoying the show ain’t you?” He saw the slow nod, knowing when she came it would be because of him.

  Because he knew just how to touch his woman.

  “ Good, because ain’t nobody else ever gonna touch this beautiful pussy but me Doll.” He could hear her low whimpers even over the sounds of the creek water running. That slow pumping rhythm had Reagan already so close she was fighting to hold off, that and seeing what

  Renegade was doing was the biggest turn on ever. She wanted his mouth on her but Reagan was too turned on, one flick of his thumb on her clit sent her over into the abyss. Her head fell back as her nails dug into his shoulders and the words that came from her lips was music to Ren’s ears.

  After she finally stopped shaking Renegade pulled her into the water and kissed her, letting her silently know how intense that was even for him. He didn’t turn her, instead he had her wrap her legs around his waist and took her like that. He kept her back to that rock and held her by her ass cheeks, that way he had access to the other entrance. It was just touching, she was in no way ready for anything but a finger or his tongue but he didn’t care. Being buried deep inside Reagan was a feeling he had never had before and Renegade assumed it was because he loved her so immensely. Smoke always said love will make you do and feel some crazy things, he was right.

  With every push, every kiss and every touch they were slipping further and further. Renegade was biting the inside of his cheek just so the coppery flavor would slow his body down. He was fighting a losing battle, between the emotions he was feeling and the physical pleasure nothing was helping so he made the unconscious decision to pray. He prayed to God that Reagan would start to orgasm so he could lose the battle within himself and go.

  It took just three more driving thrusts to have her screaming his name and hanging on to him as tight as she could. Reagan had never had an orgasm that bordered on painful, but the intensity of this one was just that. Renegade let go, experiencing that same intensity and letting the tears fall. He was so in love with Reagan that he didn’t care if she saw him vulnerable, he actually wanted to show her that side of him. Underneath all the violence was a man who just wanted to be loved.

  They held each other, letting the water splash around them and basked in their love. “Reagan, I have never loved anyone the way I love you. I would walk through the fires of Hell for you woman.”

  She knew, having Renegade show her the tears told her just what she meant to him. If Reagan had any doubts before, she certainly didn’t now. “Wyatt James, you are my knight, and I love you.

  They had been in the water long enough to have their security worried about them and come looking. “Oh shit man, sorry! Just got concerned when you were gone so long.” Ajax said as he turned his back, embarrassed at disturbing them during the intimate moment.

  Red just grinned, not that either could see anything. The couple was still submerged in the water, it was just the principle of it.

  “It’s cool man, we just kinda got lost if you get my meaning. Gonna get dressed and head back, wanna hit the Red Barn?”

  The foursome ate burgers and

  slammed down beers at the Barn. Red let them know he had talked to Smoke and the Mexican vacation had been aborted.

  “Seems that greasy prick has acquired an island and it’s got more security than Fort Knox. So, we need to regroup and find a new angle to work from. Smoke wanted us to come home tomorrow.” Reagan knew about the island, it had been their Father’s and Raul was willed it when the old man died. Security there was tight, but not foolproof.

  “I’ve been to that island, it used to belong to our father.” That was news, they all thought.

  “ When we get back you’re gonna need to tell Smoke everything you know about it. Okay Doll?”

  She nodded, Reagan knew too much about the Paulo men and their dealings. She never asked but she paid attention to the happenings around her.

  Reagan sat sipping her drink and watching the guys play pool and shit talk each other. It was like a bunch of teenage boys teasing each other as they played, and it was entertaining to watch.

  Renegade would look over every now and again and grin at her and grab his crotch, she threw her head back laughing.

  “Oh my god Wyatt, you’re ridiculous.” And that just egged him on further, he made all sorts of rude gestures just to see her reaction. Red and Ajax were laughing at them and their antics. Red enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of the Barn, it reminded him of his place; The Gray Bar. He had left his establishment in capable hands, but he still missed it.

  Down The Mountain Road

  The next morning they had packed up and were ready to leave when Reagan stopped short. She wanted to take one last trip to their tree and Renegade obliged her.

  “ Wyatt, I need your knife please.” He pulled a small blade from his boot and handed it over. Reagan added to the heart he had carved. She scribed the date into the coarse bark so everyone would know the day it happened.

  “Doll, you amaze me every day. Just when I think I got you figured out, you do something like this and I’m blown away. I wanna set a wedding date, so think about it and whatever you want is good with me.” Reagan had thought about the wedding but wasn’t sure what he wanted, now she did.

  They were about halfway down the mountain when the truck picked up a tail. It was a single rider and he was almost a quarter mile back but Renegade had been around the life long enough to know, they were being followed.

  “We got a tail,” Renegade warned. “He’s far enough back not to see it’s me dri
ving but make sure you’re locked and loaded. I don’t think its Raul, he don’t deal with MC but I ain’t taking no chances.”

  Ajax had both his guns out, bullets chambered and extra magazines ready. Red did the same, handing a smaller caliber to Reagan so she could defend herself it that need arose.

  Renegade kept watch in the rear-view mirror at the single rider, who didn’t seem to speed up. He kept the same distance for another ten miles until a second rider appeared next to the first. That concerned them all, a second riding with the first wasn’t just a coincidence.

  Another hour had passed when two more riders joined the pair, that’s when the speed changed. They were closing the distance quickly and Renegade knew even this close to home, they were on their own.

  “Doll, text Smoke and tell him what’s happening then get ready. I think the shit is about to hit the fan. Either one of you see who the fuck that is? I ain’t in no mood for this shit!”

  Red was peering out the rear window with the binoculars Ajax had found under the seat, trying his best to see who was following them. It took a few minutes but when they rounded a shady corner he saw the face of Michael Holmes, aka


  “Mother fucker! Its Snowman and I think I know the others, hard to see getting jerked around at eighty miles an hour.” Ren nodded and reached under the seat, handing his chicken skin to Reagan. Just because he refused Kevlar didn’t mean he didn’t have it handy.

  “Put this on Doll, don’t argue with me please; just do it.” Reagan slipped the vest over her head and Ajax leaned up to fasten it snug, he understood how his new comrade felt about this woman.

  They were approaching the top of the canyon when the first bullets broke the rear glass from the truck, Ajax and Red were both on their knees returning fire. The riders were weaving back and forth to avoid being shot and were even less than accurate with their guns, but the bullets were still hitting the truck.

  Renegade was maneuvering the truck to steer clear of the bullets and the edge of the canyon, Reagan had talked to Smoke. He, and the brothers were on their way. They too were armed to the teeth, as he knew how much his President liked automatic weapons; Renegade assumed the Tech Nine would be in the saddle bag. They were going to need it; the tails were still shooting and must have been


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