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Stupid Cupid

Page 3

by Sydney Logan

“You’re beautiful.”

  I was flushed red like a traffic signal now. I could feel it.

  “And I really, really want to kiss you right now, but I know it’s too soon.”

  I was terrified. We’d only known each other two days, and I’d already met his daughter. Already, we’d shared our deepest heartaches.

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  Nathan placed his hand beneath my chin, lifting it toward his face.

  “But it’s too soon,” he whispered.


  Neither of us sounded too convincing, but he closed his eyes and nodded. Very gently, he placed his palm against my cheek and pulled me closer, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. His mouth lingered there, and my pulse raced, loving the feel of his warm lips against my skin.

  “I should go,” I whispered after we pulled away.

  Nathan walked me to the door, his hand remaining firmly attached to mine until I stepped out into the hallway. We said goodnight, and he gently lifted my hand, pressing a kiss against my knuckles.

  The elevator was unnecessary. I’m pretty sure I floated all the way down to the lobby.

  “This is dangerous, Jada, on so many levels.”

  I sighed deeply and continued checking my email while she hovered around my desk. What had possessed me to tell Annalise about my night with Nathan and his little girl?

  “First of all, you’re going to get attached to his daughter.”

  “And that’s bad?”

  “It will be bad if it doesn’t work out between the two of you,” she said softly. “Jada, look, there’s something you have to understand about seeing a single father. Dating is serious business to them. It’s not a game. They’re looking for a wife. They’re looking for a mother for their child.”

  I thought about Nathan and the expression on his face while I read the story to Arwen. He’d looked so peaceful and content, and it had warmed my heart. Would it really be so bad if he was looking for more than just a quick fling? Dating had never been my favorite thing, and in a city like New York, it could be downright painful. Would it be so terrible to find a man who was looking to settle down? Someone who wasn’t into playing games or sending mixed signals?

  “It was just one dinner, Annalise.”

  My best friend eyed me closely. “Just be careful, please?”

  “I will.”

  With the interrogation over, Annalise made her way back to her desk. “At least you’ll have a date for tomorrow night’s party! We could hit the stores after work. Find you something slinky and sexy to wear instead of that black cocktail dress you wear to everything.”

  I grinned. She was right. I could totally invite him to the dance. All of the employees were expected to make an appearance, so we’d be going anyway. With Nathan by my side, maybe it wouldn’t be a horrible evening.

  “Okay, you can take me shopping,” I said, and my best friend fist-pumped the air.

  The rest of the morning continued in a blur of meetings and conference calls. Everybody was excited about the unveiling of Cupid’s Arrow and expected the cards and gifts to be our bestselling line of products this year. The little winged men were still dangling from the ceiling, but today, they didn’t seem to irritate me as much. They were actually kind of cute, hanging there with their pointy arrows, just waiting to shoot some unsuspecting soul and render them star-struck.

  I shook my head at my silliness, but that brief moment of sentimentality was exactly what I needed to write a few greetings. I worked through lunch, eager to get finished so that I could leave early and hit the stores. Annalise was right. I needed something besides my trusty black dress. For once, I was actually feeling festive, and I wanted something pretty and red to wear to the party.

  Which reminded me . . .

  Grabbing my phone out of my bag, I quickly sent a text to Nathan.


  His response was quick, and it made me smile.



  I was just getting ready to reply when another message appeared.




  He already had a date.

  That wasn’t too surprising. I mean, he’s a handsome, single guy, and we’d only met two days ago. Of course, he’d already made plans to take someone to the party.

  It still hurt a little.

  Okay, it hurt a lot, but I’d never admit it out loud.

  I sent back a quick text, telling him it was no problem at all. Then, I set my phone on silent and tossed it into my bag.

  “What do you mean he has a date?”

  I was following Annalise through the store, wishing I’d just stuck with my little black dress. She was a shopping dynamo and could sniff out a clearance rack from miles away, but I just wasn’t in the mood anymore.

  “He already had plans to take someone else.”

  “And he couldn’t cancel them?”

  “I didn’t ask him to,” I said, sighing as she handed me another dress. “He’s a nice guy. A gentleman. I couldn’t expect him to cancel on someone just because I assumed we’d go together.”

  “But you’re hurt. I can hear it in your voice.”

  “I’m disappointed, yes.”

  “Well, he’s going to be the one who’s disappointed when he sees you tomorrow night. The little skank on his arm isn’t going to compare to you, especially if you wear this,” she said, holding up a fiery red low-cut dress with an obscenely short hemline.

  Glancing at the price tag, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Why don’t I just save the $200 and show up naked?”

  Annalise grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the dressing rooms. “Because indecent exposure is frowned upon, and I don’t have the money to bail you out of jail. Now, go try it on, and I’ll find shoes.”

  Minutes later, I was standing in front of the mirror, debating whether showing this much skin was really a good idea. The dress, while beautiful and sexy, really left very little to the imagination. Adding the four-inch strappy heels made me look like a walking felony.

  It was insane, but then I thought about Nathan and the woman who’d be arriving on his arm. Without a doubt, she’d be gorgeous. Probably a blonde with supermodel legs and fake boobs.

  Taking a long look at myself in the mirror, I considered my options.

  I could play it safe and wear something far less revealing. I could sit in the corner and sulk all night while I watched Nathan and his date dance to cheesy love songs under a canopy of Cupids.

  Or . . .

  I could wear this dress and make him wish he was dancing with me.


  I was glad I’d already planned to work from home the day of the party. Getting anything done at the office would have been impossible with the excitement of the unveiling of Cupid’s Arrow, and I’d wanted to avoid the happy party-goers for as long as I could.

  Unfortunately, since I was working at home, I’d been forced to turn my phone back on so the office could reach me. I had several missed calls and countless voice mails from Nathan. He was a sweet guy, and I was certain those messages were full of heartfelt apologies, telling me how sorry he was that he couldn’t be my date tonight. While I appreciated his persistence, I just couldn’t bring myself to listen to them. Tonight was important for the company and for my division, and I had to stay strong.

  By the time I arrived at the hotel ballroom, I was ready for a drink.

  I never drink.

  “Wow,” Mario said, whistling as I made my way through the entrance. My boss had always been a shameless flirt with the girls, but particularly with me. He was harmless and never crossed the line with his comments, but it still made me uncomfortable at times.

  “Good evening, Mario. Everything looks great.”

  That was a lie. Everything looked hideous. Our decorated office was nothing compar
ed to this place. Cupids—in shades of red, pink, and silver—were plastered around the room. They dangled from the ceilings. They were perched in the center of every table. There was even an ice-sculpture.

  Stupid cupids.

  After this was over, I was begging Mario for a transfer. Maybe to the Halloween division. My gloom and doom attitude was perfect for that holiday.

  I headed to the bar and ordered a bottle of white wine. The bartender laughed, but I assured him I wasn’t joking. I flashed him a smile, hoping it was borderline sexy. His eyes widened as he took in my indecent attire.

  Feeling triumphant, I took my bottle of expensive wine and sat down at our assigned table. After pouring a glass, I sipped slowly, watching the scene unfold before me. Music blared from the sound system—a mixture of 80s power ballads and classic love songs—and couples were already dancing. Everyone was smiling and happy, while I sat at the table with my bottle of wine and moped as I scanned the room.

  There was no sign of him.

  Annalise finally arrived with her gorgeous husband on her arm. He was wearing his NYPD dress uniform with gloves, and she was draped in a lovely pink halter dress. She looked elegant and sophisticated, while she’d dressed me like a high-class hooker.

  Classy, Jada.

  By the time Mario took the stage to welcome everyone to the party, I was more than ready to call it a night.

  He introduced each of the writers and illustrators, complimenting each of us on a job well done. The lights lowered, and he pointed our attention to the back wall, where a slideshow of the Cupid’s Arrow designs began to play.

  And that’s when I felt someone’s hand on the small of my back.

  “You’re absolutely stunning,” Nathan whispered against my ear.

  His fingers crept along my spine, slowly sliding along my zipper. I gasped, leaning back against him as he placed a soft kiss below my ear.

  “Where’s your date?”

  His arm coiled around me, pulling me tighter against his body. My heart raced as his nose glided along my neck.

  “She’s sitting with Annalise and her husband,” he said softly.

  My best friend was such a traitor.

  The room was shrouded in darkness, and every eye was fixed on the slideshow. Spectators murmured their appreciation as the designs appeared on the screen. I couldn’t pay attention to any of them because Nathan’s gentle kisses against my skin were driving me crazy.

  “This dress is sinful, Jada.”

  “I know.”

  “I tried to call you all day.”

  “I know.”

  “So you were avoiding me?”

  The pain in his voice was evident, and I felt guilty, knowing I was the reason for it.


  “Why, Jada?”

  Swallowing nervously, I pulled myself out of his arms as the lights flickered to life once again. Everyone applauded, and the entire Valentine’s division received a standing ovation. Mario beamed and encouraged everyone to enjoy the rest of the party.

  “Jada, look at me.”

  Taking a deep breath, I turned around. He was in his tux, looking handsome and perfect, and gazing at me with those sparkling blue eyes that made butterflies erupt in my stomach every single time I looked into them.

  “You should go back to your date,” I said quietly.

  We stood there, staring at each other, until his face flickered with understanding.

  “You said it was no problem,” Nathan whispered.

  “It isn’t.”

  “It obviously is if you’re avoiding my phone calls,” he replied, his voice aching and soft. “Jada, I couldn’t disappoint her. It’s all she’s talked about for weeks.”

  Shaking my head, I blinked back my tears and reached for my glass of wine.

  “You’re neglecting your date. You should get back to her.”

  Nathan stared at me, his face incredulous, just as Annalise appeared at my side.

  “Your date got a little restless, so she’s dancing with my husband,” she said, laughing loudly. Her giggles faded as she looked between the two of us. “Everything okay now?”

  Nathan took a deep breath. “I should get back.”

  I nodded.

  He walked away, and Annalise seized my elbow.

  “What’s going on?”

  I ripped my arm out of her grasp. “What do you mean what’s going on? What are you doing being all chummy with his date? And letting her dance with your husband?”

  “Jada . . .”

  I quickly drained my glass of wine. “Don’t Jada me. You were right. I’m too attached, already. Far too attached. It shouldn’t bother me that he has a date, but it does. It bothers me a lot, and I know I’m being selfish and ridiculous, but I can’t help it. This is why I hate relationships. This is why I avoid love or anything that remotely resembles it. That’s why I despise this holiday!”

  Annalise’s eyes were wide. “My God, you’re jealous.


  “I’ve never seen you jealous,” she whispered. “It’s . . . a little scary.”

  Suddenly, she exploded with laughter.

  “You are the worst best friend ever,” I muttered.

  “And you are being completely ridiculous. Pour yourself another glass, because you’re going to need it when you get a good look at Nathan’s date.”

  “Are you crazy? I don’t want to see her.”

  “Don’t make me drag you, Jada.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  My best friend’s eyes flashed with determination, and before I could even reach for my glass, I was being dragged to the center of the dance floor. We stopped abruptly, and she grabbed my shoulders, spinning me around.

  “Look,” she demanded.

  I looked.

  I gasped.

  Just as I’d predicted, Nathan’s date was blond.

  And beautiful.

  And seven.

  Arwen, dressed in a white satin dress with a bright pink sash tied around the waist, was standing on her father’s shoes as they danced.

  “I’m an idiot,” I whispered shamefully.

  “You’re an idiot,” Annalise agreed. “He really likes you, Jada. I’ve only spent fifteen minutes talking to the man, and it’s obvious. And Arwen is adorable. I can completely understand why you’re attached. Now, get your sexy ass over there and tell him you’re sorry for not giving him the chance to explain.”

  The song ended, and everyone clapped. Taking a deep breath, I made way toward the two of them. Arwen’s eyes lit up when she saw me.

  “Hi, Jada!”

  “Hi, sweetheart. You look so pretty.”

  “You’re pretty, too,” the little girl replied happily. “Would you like to dance with Daddy?”

  Nathan’s eyes remained on the floor.

  “I would love to dance with your daddy. I need to tell him how sorry I am.”

  Arwen looked confused. “What’d you do?”

  “I made a mistake.”

  “That’s okay. Daddy says everybody makes mistakes.”

  Nathan’s mouth twitched as he tried not to smile.

  Annalise’s husband appeared, asking Arwen if she’d like to dance again. She giggled happily, and I smiled my thanks at Devin as the two of them found a spot on the dance floor. Another slow song began to play, and I stepped closer, taking his hand in mine. He didn’t pull away, and it gave me hope.

  “Please dance with me,” I whispered.

  He drew me close to his body, wrapping his arms around me. My hands slid along his shoulders, weaving around his neck, and we began to sway to the music.

  “She’s always going to come first, Jada,” he whispered gently. “I thought you understood.”

  “I do understand,” I said softly, gazing up into his eyes. “Nathan, I thought she was a real date. I mean, I thought she was a woman.”

  He furrowed his brow. “That’s why you were avoiding me? You thought I was bringing an
actual date?”

  I nodded. “I have no right to be jealous. We’ve only known each other for two days.”

  Nathan sighed softly and leaned his forehead against mine. “Jada, didn’t you listen to any of my messages? I explained all this. I told you Arwen was so excited that she was getting to be a princess and go to a ball, and that my mom had taken her to some expensive store in the mall to buy a dress.”

  I felt so foolish.

  “No, I didn’t listen to any of them.”

  “I wish you had,” Nathan said, “because you would have heard me pour my heart out like a lovesick puppy, telling you how much I couldn’t wait to see you tonight. And I told you that I wished I could take you tonight, and that I really hoped you didn’t have a date, because I knew I couldn’t handle seeing you in the arms of another man.”

  A tear trickled down my cheek. “I’m sorry. I just assumed . . .”

  Very gently, he wiped away my tears with his fingertips.

  “You were jealous.”

  I nodded.

  Nathan smiled softly. “I would have been jealous, too.”

  “This is insane. We barely know each other.”

  He glanced across the room. I followed his gaze, finding Arwen sitting with Annalise and Devin. She was giggling and happy as she bit into her pink cupcake.

  “Come with me,” he said softly.


  Tugging me by the hand, he led me through the dancers and out onto the balcony. It was dark and deserted, and the chilly air nipped at my bare skin.

  Fortunately, I wasn’t cold for long.

  Nathan gently pushed me against the exterior of the building. Heat radiated from him as his body pressed against mine.

  “I know it’s fast,” he said softly, gliding his nose against mine. “I know we barely know each other, but I want to know you, Jada. I want to know everything, but right now, there’s something I absolutely have to do, and you have to let me. Please say you’ll let me.”

  His blue eyes were blazing with need. With hunger. With a desperation that made me tremble.

  “I’ll let you do anything,” I whispered.


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