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Mended Hearts

Page 6

by Sarah Markel

  “Thank you again, Billy, the food was fantastic!” Kelly exclaimed as Billy and his family walked the group out. “No problem, doll, come back anytime. We love seeing all the little Baxter’s as much as we can. Sometimes, we go weeks without seeing them.” He replied as Alex and Angie helped the kids get belted into the van. After getting the kids settled, Alex and Angie took their turns hugging and thanking Billy and Chelsea. Buckling her seatbelt, Alex smiled at Kelly, “I promise, on Friday I will take you to a nice restaurant. One without video games or screaming kids.” Kelly chuckled and replied, playfully, “What? You mean no laser lights or pop music or people dressed as giant cartoons following me around all night? However shall I get through the meal without a random child asking me for game tokens?” Kelly's smile dimmed when she saw Alex's look of indecision. Oh shit! I offended her! Great job you idiot! She thought to herself. Just as she was about to apologize, Alex leaned in so close, their lips almost met. Looking into Kelly's eyes, she whispered seductively, “I'm sure you will get through, after all, there are so many more... interesting things that can happen at dinner.” With that, she pulled away and started the car.

  Kelly felt her insides do somersaults. Flushing bright red, she peeked at Alex through the corner of her eye. Alex focused on the road, a self-satisfied smile on her face. This is going to be fun, Alex thought to herself. She blushes so easily, and when she does, her eyes sparkle. I could easily get lost in them! After a few moments of silence, Kelly asked, “Could you drop me off at my car? I need to get home and get some work done.” Alex nodded, the reality of the ending weekend sitting in her chest like a weight. “Do you want to come with me Friday after work? Before we go to dinner, I need to go to the dietician and get Dej's meal plan for next month. I can do it myself, but you seemed pretty interested in her diet, I thought you might like to join me.” Alex asked as she pulled into the spot next to Kelly's car. A little surprised by the invitation, Kelly nodded. “Sure, I would like that. Can I tell you something, without making you uneasy?” She asked. Alex gave her a curious look, fearing that her assessment of Kelly had been wrong, and nodded slowly in response. “Ever since you told me about Dej's conditions, I have been doing a lot of research. I wanted to learn as much as I could about her restrictions and allowances so I don't make a mistake and make her sick.” Alex felt her heart leap into her chest. She cares that much? I wonder how much research she has done. She thought to herself. A genuine ear to ear smile appeared on Alex's face as she lunged forward and hugged Kelly tight. “You have no idea what it means to me that you care about her health.” She whispered into Kelly's ear. Kelly felt that familiar tug in her abdomen go all the way down. God that's sexy, she thought to herself. Kelly blushed and hurried out of the SUV when Alex released her from the hug. Fumbling with her keys, she waved goodbye to Alex. When she was secured into her own car, she let out a deep sigh. “Wow... just... just wow. That woman can't possibly have any idea of her effect on me.” She said to her reflection in the rearview mirror. Chuckling to herself, she headed home.

  Chapter 14

  "Alright, Mister Frank, I think you're all set.” Kelly said to the elderly man in front of her. “I'm going to take these forms over to Ms. Walker for her signature, and I will be right back to show you to your room.” After shaking hands with the man's daughter and wife, she headed out of the exam room and across the lobby to Alex's. Knocking on the frame of the open door, she stepped in. “Mister Frank is all set to go, BP is one-oh-one over sixty-three, temp is normal, respirations are normal, and aside from having to look at you to hear you, he is perfectly healthy. I just need you to sign these for me, please.” She said, when Alex looked up and took the file. “Is he your last intake for the day?” Alex asked. Kelly smiled and nodded, thankful that the week was finally almost over.

  The last five days had been a whirlwind of new resident intake exams, paperwork, State review, and other general chaos. Kelly had hoped for a slow week to give her time to assess her feelings about Alex, but the Fates seemed to have other plans. She had been in Alex's office at least five times a day for various reasons, and each time, she had to resist the urge to touch her. Ever since Alex had hugged her on Saturday night, she wanted more. She had spent all day Sunday trying to distract herself from replaying the hug in her mind over and over again. Thankfully, thanks to the need for distraction, her house was finally unpacked and put in order. “Kelly?” Alex said, bringing her out of her reverie. “Oh, I'm sorry, I was spacing. What did you say?” Kelly asked sheepishly. Alex gave her a half smirk and shook her head, “I said, after you are done, swing by here and we will head out to the dieticians.” Kelly looked blanky at Alex for a moment before realization hit, “Oh! I forgot all about that! I am so sorry. Yes, I will come back here after I get the final touches on Mr. Frank all squared away.” At Alex's smile, Kelly headed back to the exam room. Shaking her head, Alex watched her, Man I hate to see her leave, but boy do I love to watch her go!, she thought to herself.

  Alex was busily clearing her desk of the finished paperwork from the week, when she heard a loud, shrill laugh. She looked up just in time to see an old man following Kelly out of the exam room with his pants down around his ankles. The man's wife and daughter were hurriedly attempting to pull his pants up, while at the same time apologize to Kelly. David Alvarez was standing just to the left of the room, laughing his ass off, but making no attempt to help. Angry, Alex hurried out to assist. In a firm, yet kind voice, Alex asked the man, “Mr. Frank? Whatcha doin?” Mr. Frank surveyed Alex from head to toe and replied, “I'm gonna get me some sextasy from that lady over there.” Alex smiled and stood between the old man and Kelly. “Mr. Frank, I'm afraid she can't give that to you. You see, she is very shy and it would be unfair if she was to give you sextasy and not the other residents, now wouldn't it?” She asked, hoping the man's family could get him under control. After a moment, Mr. Frank pulled up his pants and apologized to Kelly. After reassuring the man that all was well, Kelly asked him and his family to follow her. Alex decided to tag along, but before she followed, she pulled David Alvarez aside and whispered in his ear, “When I get back we are going to have a talk in my office.” Leaving David looking worried and scared, Alex strode up beside Kelly and helped get the elderly new resident to his room.

  Once Mr. Frank was settled and introduced to the aid handling his section, Alex and Kelly headed back to the lobby. “I have a quick meeting, then I will come get you, okay?” Alex said. Kelly nodded and thanked Alex for stepping in, then headed off to her office to finish up the new resident paperwork. Alex walked into her office and shut the door, “So, you think it's funny when a co-worker is in distress, huh David?” She asked the man sitting in her visitor chair. David sat straight up, alarmed by Alex's tone. “No! I wasn't laughing at Dr. Taylor, I was laughing at the new resident! I've never seen anyone do that before.” He tried to explain. Alex said nothing, but raised her hand to quiet him. After a moment, she spoke, “David, how would you have felt if it had been you instead of Dr. Taylor who was being chased around by a half-naked old man?” David had the decency to look ashamed, “I would have been really embarrassed.” He replied. “David, consider this your very last warning, for any reason. The next time you step out of line, you are done. I will not have someone who cannot be professional in all circumstances representing my business, am I clear?” Alex asked, staring hard at the man. David accepted the offer without complaint and left when Alex said to go.

  Tugging at her hair in frustration, Alex growled to herself, a method she had learned years ago to deal with stress. Looking up, she gasped. Kelly was standing in her doorway, a bemused smile on her face. Stepping inside the office with her arms crossed over her chest, Kelly chuckled, “Haven't seen that one in a long time. My dad used to do that when he was pissed off. Everything alright?” She asked. Alex took a deep breath, both to calm herself and to soothe her shame at being caught like that. Smiling, she shrugged, “Yep, all good here. You ready? We got about forty-
five minutes to get to the dietician and across town to PMFPC before they close, or Dej will be eating apples for the rest of the month.” Grabbing her shoulder bag, Alex led Kelly out of the office and locked up behind her. After letting their assistants know they were leaving for the day, the two women headed out to the parking lot.

  Chapter 15

  "Wow is it always that busy in there?” Kelly asked as they buckled themselves back into the SUV. Alex nodded, “Yeah it's pretty crazy, especially on a Friday. You would think a Dietician's office would be relatively slow, but not here. Shelly is the only Registered Dietician in the city so her office is always packed.” Having picked up the four page meal plan, which Kelly was surprised to discover was actually a menu-stylized prescription, the women set off for PMFPC. Curious, Kelly asked “What exactly is PMFPC? Is it a pharmacy?” Alex took a moment before answering. “Kind of. It's more like a prescription restaurant. Pembrooke Medical Food Preparation Center is a specialized dispensary for people on a medically restricted diet. The only way to get food from them is with a prescription menu from Shelly, or another Board Certified Dietician. They handle the entire Northwest. The Center has fifteen Certified Chefs who prepare the food on the menus according to the patient's specific dietary needs. Today we are just going to drop off the menu, and on Monday, the center will deliver enough food for a week. Each Monday they make a new delivery, so I don't have to try to pick up her food before they close. Each dish is made with proper portioning so she doesn’t gain too much weight, because of her hypothyroidism, and has only her allowed amount of PHE. It's the only way I can keep track of her limits. When I drop Dej off at school every day, I give her lunch items for the day to the school nurse. The nurse heats her food if needed, and at lunchtime, the she takes Dej's food to her in the cafeteria so that she can eat with her friends.” Alex finished and looked over at Kelly, expecting a look of shock or discomfort, but instead saw a beautiful smile covering her face. Kelly reached over and placed her hand gently on Alex's knee, patting it softly. “It's so amazing,” Kelly said, “That you have such a great support system in place. Dej is a lucky little girl to have so many people looking out for her safety.” Alex beamed and laid her hand over Kelly's, “Yeah she is.” She replied.

  The rest of the drive went by without either woman saying much to the other. As they pulled into the PMFPC parking lot, Alex looked over to see Kelly staring out the windshield with her mouth open. Laughing at the sight, Alex asked, “What? It's just a building.” Kelly looked at her with eyes gone huge in disbelief. The PMFPC building looked like it had once been a high school. The building spread out over the property lined with flowering cherry trees. The Entrance was flanked by two large statues of young children in different stages of play. The large Marquee sign off to the left of the entrance announced the business name and phone number, with the mission statement, Let no person go hungry to avoid becoming ill, lettered underneath. Getting out of the SUV, Kelly gaped at the view in front of her. Alex went to Kelly's side and guided her by the elbow towards the door. Shaking her head and grinning to herself, Alex ushered Kelly inside the building. “Wow, this place is breathtaking.” Kelly mumbled. Alex agreed, and guided Kelly over to the drop off desk. “Do you want to take a tour?” Alex asked, hoping she would enjoy it as much as she did the scenery. “Uh huh" Kelly muttered, her eyes glued to the sprawling ceiling which was painted to simulate looking at the sky from underneath the branches of various fruit trees. Chuckling to herself, Alex asked the woman at the desk for a tour. After a few moments, a tall, blonde haired man appeared and led them down a long hallway to their left. Alex moved her hand from Kelly's elbow to the small of her back, to keep the woman from falling as she stumbled over her own feet. “Kelly, you gotta watch where you're going. You're going to fall.” Alex chuckled. Kelly blushed and took her eyes off the ceiling to take in what the tour guide was showing her.

  “In here, we have our climate and humidity controlled rice fields. This entire room's temperature and moisture content is strictly controlled to allow the rice to grow.” Kelly stared in awe through the glass walls of the room, as the guide explained. She watched eagerly as several people tended to the rice crop that appeared to be close to harvest. “Through careful watch and tending, we are able to grow foods that are not supposed to grow in our region. This is how Pembrooke is able to keep costs lower for the patients. We don't have to import a whole lot of foods. Everything Pembrooke serves is either house grown, house raised, or house farmed. The facility is listed not only as a Food center, but also as a fully self-sustaining farm which provides us with farming grants.” Alex had spent the entire ninety minute tour watching Kelly's reaction. As the guide ended the tour and lead them back to the lobby, Alex noticed that at some point, her hand had gone from the small of Kelly's back to being draped around the woman's waist. When did that happen? Alex wondered to herself. Rather than over think the situation, she stayed like she was until they got to the exit doors.

  After getting situated in the SUV, Alex turned to Kelly. “So, what did you think?” Kelly looked Alex in the eyes and smiled with excitement. “This place is amazing! I've never seen a facility like this before. I was so thrilled to hear about how they operate, and it gave me some comfort to know that our girl is in good hands when it comes to her food.” Alex just stared at Kelly as she finished her answer. Our girl? I wonder if she realizes she said that. Alex didn't notice that she had teared up, until Kelly reached over and wiped away a tear that had slid down her face. “Alex, are you alright? What's wrong?” She asked with concern. Shaking her head and wiping her eyes, Alex smiled, “Yep I'm great. I think my allergies are bugging me.” With that, she started the car and headed to Kelly's place. The drive was quiet and companionable, with both women talking about their favorite music. When they reached Kelly's house, Alex opened the car door for her. “I will be back to pick you up at six. I made reservations at Donatello's for dinner. I hope you like Italian food.” Alex added nervously.

  Throughout the drive, Alex had been plagued by second thoughts. What if she doesn't like or eat Italian food? What if she gets bored halfway through dinner and decides to leave? She kept these concerns to herself, determined to make a good impression. “Perfect,” Kelly replied, “I'll see you then.” Before she headed up to her door, Kelly leaned over and kissed Alex on the cheek. Alex stood, stunned, and watched the other woman walk to her door. Oh my God! She kissed me! Wow, I was NOT expecting that! She thought to herself as she headed home to get things squared away before her date. After she arrived home and fed the kids their supper, Alex showered and dressed in a pair of black slacks and a button down silk shirt the color of polished emeralds. While she was contemplating her jewelry, Zane came into her room. “Mom, you look nice.” The boy said, seating himself on the edge of her bed. Alex smiled at her son, “Are you sure you don't mind me going out with Kelly?” She asked him. Zane thought for a moment, then responded, “I'm fine with it. I want you to be happy, and if Kelly is the one who makes you happy, then I want you to see her. Dej and I have had you to ourselves for four years. I think it's time we share you with someone who will make you feel loved.” Alex stared at her son in disbelief. “Whoa, Bubba. When did you become a philosopher?” Zane blushed and looked at his feet. “I've learned a lot in group about moving on after someone close to you dies. It's helped me see that you need to move on as well, and if Dej and I are taking up all your time and attention, you can't do that. I'm not going to call Kelly mom, but I would like to see you be with someone. Even if it isn't Mama.” With that, Zane headed back to his room to finish dressing.

  Alex just stared at the hallway, her mouth agape. Oh, son, you are growing up way too fast. She thought to herself as she finished getting ready. Once she was ready to go, Alex called to Zane and Dej, “Come on you two! It's time to go to Aunt Angie's house. Dej, don't forget your jammies, and Zane, grab Jaxon's hoodie so you two can trade back.” After everyone was set to go, Alex headed to Angie's house to drop off
the kids. “Knock, knock!” Alex yelled as she let herself and the kids into Angie's house. “FREEZE!” She heard, as she shut the door. Looking into the living room, she saw Jaxon and Raider with water guns at the ready. “Get me wet, and I will bury you where no one will find you.” She threatened her nephews menacingly. Giggling, the two boys grabbed Zane and Dej, pulling them towards the back door. As the kids raced past her, Angie laughed. “You should be ashamed of yourself, threatening little boys like that!” She mock chastised. Smiling, Alex shrugged. “Well, it worked, didn't it? Thanks again for watching the kids for me. I don't know how long this date will last, and I don't want to rush it to be over. Dej's breakfast is in the bag, and I will be back to get them tomorrow before lunch. A night alone will be nice for once.” Angie smirked at her sister. “Alone, huh? Okay then, it's your lie, tell it how you like it.” Shaking her head and blushing, Alex headed out the door, “Shut up, Angie,” she said as the door closed behind her. Angie stood for a moment, watching out the front window as Alex got into her SUV. Please have a good time. You need it. Callie would want you to have fun and get to know Kelly, she thought out loud as her sister drove off.

  Chapter 16

  "Mmmm... that was delicious.” Kelly sighed as she pushed her plate away. “I have never had chicken alfredo that tasted so good.” Alex smiled, “Well, Donatello is a fabulous chef, and the recipes are his own family recipes.” Alex watched as Kelly sat back in her chair and sipped her wine. She had spent the whole night unable to take her eyes off of the woman in front of her. When she had picked Kelly up at her house, Alex had stared, dumbstruck, as Kelly walked from her door to the car. Kelly had chosen a deep blue cocktail dress that made her eyes shine. When Alex first saw her come out the door, she felt a tug in her abdomen so hard it nearly took her breath away. She had to concentrate hard on watching the road on the drive to the restaurant, because all she wanted to do was stare at the gorgeous creature next to her. All through dinner, the two women had chatted about this and that, making small talk while they ate their meal. Now that the meal was over, Alex wasn't sure what to do next. She wasn't used to the dating scene, and there weren't any movies at the Cinema that she wanted to see.


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