A Vampire's Touch (The Red Velvet Trilogy)

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A Vampire's Touch (The Red Velvet Trilogy) Page 7

by Mina J. Moore

  “That’s Ronnie. He was supposed to be watching you. I bet Jax is giving it to him.”

  I strained to hear but they stopped talking when they saw me looking. Ronnie walked to the other side of the room, clearly exasperated.

  Crap. I didn’t want anyone to get in trouble because I decided to get curious. If I would have stayed in my seat none of this would have happen. Then again, I would still be clueless. No. This had to happen and Ronnie shouldn’t be held accountable. The man had been at my back in less than two seconds after I opened that door.

  “Jax.” I stood and walked toward the group. Cade stepped back to where Ronnie lounged against the wall like a scolded child.

  “No. I want you all to listen to me.” I looked around the room making eye contact with everyone.

  “I don’t want anyone being held accountable for me. I’m glad I finally know why. All of my life I’ve wondered. I knew I was different. Even came to believe I had a psychotic disorder.” I looked down at my feet and smiled.

  “The vampire thing was not what I was aiming for but it’s what I am. Now everything makes total sense and I’m glad.” Looking at Jax, I felt the need to assure him. He still appeared worried.

  “I need your help learning this new life but first, there’s a phone call I need to make.”

  Jax nodded and came up to me, grasping my shoulders. “You have me, Sienna. Whatever you need. We’re all here to support each other.” His kissed me softly, lips barely touching mine. I closed my eyes, needing him more than ever. I understood our connection and the power behind it. Yes, I did.

  The small group departed, each meeting my gaze and nodding their approval. Onyx was last. For someone who didn’t do the touchy thing, she placed a hand at my shoulder and squeezed. The stern mask she wore grew soft for a quick moment, and then she was gone.

  My hand physically trembled as I hung up the phone. I looked around, searching for something to calm my racing heart. All this time….

  I still loved him no matter the difference in species and I prayed you wouldn’t inherit the genes, but when the symptoms began, I knew….

  I wiped at the tears I didn’t realized were streaming down my face.

  When he left, he didn’t know I was pregnant. I didn’t tell him.

  Why the hell didn’t she tell me? All this time I felt unwanted and rejected….

  “Hey. Are you okay?” Jax entered the office quietly.

  One look at my tears and he was at my side, stroking my hair.

  “I wish there was something I could say to make this easier for you,” he murmured, leaning his head against my shoulder.

  I pressed a kiss to his temple and whispered, “Just being here is enough.”

  He pulled back, his bright eyes boring into mine. Now I knew the significance of the color and a quiet thrill raced up my spine. It was a new beginning for me. I was going to embrace it.

  “My mother knew. When he left her, she didn’t tell him she was pregnant.”

  I watched Jax’s expression. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

  “Tell me everything. I need to know.”

  He pulled me up from behind the desk and we sat on the couch. Taking both of my hands, he began.

  He told me about our race from the beginning of time, how our mother, Rayslin and her mate Dominic came to be. They were the originals and the most powerful, dominating all three gifts. Together, they created the species, much like humankind’s Adam and Eve. Each offspring inherited one of the parent’s gifts. Through time the species grew. After a few centuries, Dominic began to change. His ambitions overtook his honor and he commenced his downfall into the dark arts. It was said a witch captured his interest but after some time, he incarcerated her with her own magic.

  Rayslin had faded into hiding with a broken heart, emerging years later when Dominic, now known as Dredge, had amassed an army of rebel vampires known as the Insurgents. Rayslin discerned the need for her intervention and recruited the strongest of the race, creating the band of warriors known as the Legion, descended from a line of strong fighters. Jax went on to explain the specials gifts, the delineation of eye color and what it represented.

  I tried to digest everything but I had so many questions.

  “What happened to Rayslin?”

  “She lives but rarely ever seen, only with matters of the Council. It’s her duty to preside over judicial matters.”

  I scowled in surprise. “Where is this Council?”

  “It’s in Europe. No one knows the actual location. It’s to protect the members. There are only four one of which is Rayslin.”

  I was amazed at the politics of this race and the division of the species because of one demented vampire.

  “Is Dominic or Dredge ever seen?” I couldn’t begin to image how powerful these originals were. All three gifts at their fingertips. I was scrambling to manage one.

  Jax turned his head toward the door, his features closed and angry.

  “I was among those that fought him when he first decided to rebel against his own race. He was ruthless and uncaring. Many good warriors died at his hands.” He turned back to me, his eyes in another place in time.

  “I’ve only seen him a couple of times since then.”

  I touched his arm. He obviously felt some responsibility for not destroying Dredge when he had been given the opportunity.

  “The Insurgents, how do you tell them apart from other vampires?” I asked

  “Their eyes. After so many heinous deeds or innocent kills, they start to turn black. It makes them dangerous because you can’t tell what their special power is. You can say it gives them the element of surprise unless you know who you are fighting.”

  “Your history is fascinating.”

  He smiled. “It’s your history too.”

  “So you’re one of these fighters?” I asked, my gut clenching with worry.

  He rubbed my cheek. “I’m trained to fight and do so when needed but no. I provide the Legion with the monetary means to function. Let’s just say I’m the mastermind behind the business. Having several, it gives me an advantage. Cade pretty much leads. He is the most skilled fighter. The guy is a killing machine.”

  My smile was genuine. “I like him, has a good sense of humor.”

  Jax scowled. “Yeah? Well, don’t like him too much.”

  It was my turn to caress his cheek in reassurance. “There’s only one Shifter for me.”

  His hand came over mine and he kissed my palm but his eyes were troubled as they came back to rest on my mouth.

  “There’s more?”

  He nodded. “That man, the one who was in your building. I know him.”

  I gasped, my hand coming away from him. “How?”

  “A couple of years ago, I was involved with his sister, Julia. She became obsessive and compulsive, mentally unstable. Our relationship wasn’t serious but she had other plans. She told her family I was to mate her.”

  My heart constricted painfully at the thought of him with another woman. I folded my arms around my stomach, trying to keep from feeling sick.

  “I ended it and two weeks later, she took her life.”

  I was going to throw up. Standing, I looked around for the nearest trash bin. Running over to the one beside the desk, I let go and puked my guts out. The shock had finally caught up with me. Jax was at my side with a towel, holding my hair back as I finished. I staggered back to the couch with his help.


  “Who is the man?”

  “Dagen, her brother. It seems he’s joined ranks with the Insurgents.”

  “Oh my God,” I whispered, everything falling into place.

  “He believes I’m responsible for her death. That I dishonored her.”

  I glanced up at him as he stood, pacing. “Did you?”

  He whirled on me, eyes wide in surprise then narrowing in anger. “Fuck no, I didn’t. She was no virgin and I never gave her the impression of a mating.”

; I recoiled at his outburst, realizing I deserved it. I shouldn’t have questioned him. He came close, crouching at my feet.

  “Sienna, I’ve been protecting you since the first moment that bastard threatened me. Ronnie has been on you twenty-four seven.”

  My distress cleared, a disturbing calm settling like a cloak of numbness over me. “I want to go home. I need...”

  “Sienna, you can’t go back there. You belong here, with us.”

  I wouldn’t listen. My life was back at my place. All of my family photos, my clothes. I needed to be there, needed the familiarity of it.

  I watched Jax stand and grab his phone. His words were succinct and quick, a man used to giving orders. I sat quietly, waiting.

  “Alright, we’re going so you can grab some things.”

  He was right. This was my world now. And I knew my place was at his side. I knew it the moment he first touched me. What was waiting for me in my old life? A lonely existence with a job I hated? How many nights had a crawled into bed after a twelve hour day alone? I kept my job because I never had illusions of a different path. But now I had one and traveling it was my destiny. Jax was my future and in the next fifteen minutes, I would have no doubts.

  “Sienna, this is Simian. He’s going with us. I want him to get a feel for your place, see if anything comes to him.”

  I observed the vampire across from me. Icy blue eyes gazed back. He took my hand and nodded continuing to stare me.

  “Simian, what is it?” Jax asked, concerned.

  Simian reached out, placing a hand to my abdomen. My head snapped over to Jax but he didn’t seem alarmed. Maybe this was expected.

  “Congratulations. You will have a son. He will be strong and healthy.”

  My knees buckled and for the second time that night, I blacked out.



  She looked so fragile, lying on my bed. Her hands rested on her stomach, protecting our son.

  “She is in great health, Jaxon. You don’t have to worry. You have strong genes and your age will ensure this pregnancy makes it to full term. I have no limitations other than what is routine for a woman in her state.”

  I watched as Dr. Crane, an old friend, put his supplies in a large black briefcase. With a hand to my shoulder, he nodded reassuringly then departed. It wasn’t the pregnancy I feared. Now more than ever, I had to protect. It was part of our nature instinctually. If Dagen found out she was carrying my child he would act. I had no doubt.

  Kissing her forehead, I left her to rest. Cade and Simian waited downstairs. I had to get my head straight for what was coming. After the Zombie attack on Halloween, our effort to track down a witch had been in vain. Dredge had obviously released Zora. The use of dark magic was undeniable.

  Now we had the added problem of Julia’s brother wanting to claim redemption. Fuck. I didn’t need this bullshit. My glare was leveled on Cade, who was dying to make a remark. He knew not to test my limits. I would seriously charge him like a bull. My face must have said so because he zipped it. Simian, on the other hand, looked a bit pasty even for a Clairvoyant.

  I patted him on the shoulder. “Ease up, my man. You were only doing what you do best and I appreciate it. This does, however, take things to another level.

  “I am seriously going to be an uncle. This is so cool.” Cade quipped.

  I couldn’t take his excitement away. I smirked at him instead. “Contain yourself, Cade. I am not leaving him alone in the same state with you.”

  He looked dejected and I almost felt sorry for the wily bastard. I was so caught up with getting a plan together to nail Dagen, I hadn’t even let myself feel. My chest was tight with emotion of the good and bad variety. There was too much at stake. In a couple of days my life had spun a three sixty. Sienna and a child. I couldn’t contemplate my life without them. Already, I felt the bonds of fatherhood slipping around my heart, holding me tightly. Simian’s voice broke my thoughts.

  “What did the doctor say?”

  “That she’s healthy and because of my age and genes, the pregnancy should be normal.”

  “How about the Hybrid situation?” Cade asked.

  “We’ll have to wait and see but chances are high he will take my gift.”

  “That’s good bro. I’m glad to hear it.”

  I looked down because there was nothing else I could say. A thousand scenarios ran through my head, all of them bad. My imagination was sucking my ability to plan ahead. Walking over to the bar I threw back a few shots. Cade and Simian joined me.

  “So Milo is over at Sienna’s place with some help. They’re packing her stuff. What do you want us to do with the furniture?”

  I let the liquid slide down my throat before answering. “Put it all in storage. Just bring the essentials. I’ll buy her whatever else she needs.”

  Cade lowered his eyebrows. “You sure that won’t piss her off? Pregnant females are moody.”

  I snapped my head in his direction. “Just do it, Cade. I’ll deal with the moodiness.”

  “You got it.” Cade mumbled.

  I strode over to the windows, studying the landscape. It called to me. I needed relief and soon. “I need to run off some of this shit. Call a team in here.”

  “Sure deal. I’ll come with you. We need to patrol the area anyway.”

  The others arrived shortly and within minutes Cade and I were hitting the ground in our wolf form. We ran side by side, scanning the area for any differences. Dawn wasn’t far and our only saving grace was the pregnant clouds hanging low, obscuring the light. The jagged rocks of the low-lying cliffs came up ahead and I pawed at the drop, raising my nose to the cold breeze coming off the water. Cade howled. He smelled it too. In unison we turned and followed the scent. Two black wolves ran parallel to us about ten yards to the east. One turned and glanced in our direction, its eyes darker than the night. Son of a bitch! Those were Insurgents. I roared into the night, pushing my speed. The lights of my home glittered through the trees. I was close yet not close enough.



  I was roughly pulled awake and yanked to my feet. A strong arm clamped around my waist, the other held a large knife to my chest. Terror clogged my throat, keeping my scream at bay.

  “Shhhhh. Don’t get upset. It’s not good for the baby.” The whisper chilled the blood in my veins. My eyes darted to the door. Nothing. The house was eerily quiet. Had he killed everyone else? I closed my eyes, refusing to believe it. He pulled me back against the wall, limiting any targets to his body. I was his shield. My heart raced dangerously and I breathed, trying to calm down. I had to think about my son now. He was the most important thing and having a nervous breakdown wasn’t going to help.

  The silence was broken by screeching howls. Many of them. I knew I was in big trouble when he began to laugh. Those were probably his vampires surrounding the parameter of the house.

  “Jax is going to suffer as I have. He will watch as you die before his very eyes,” he hissed and I knew at that moment he was totally insane.

  I heard the running and seconds later the door to the bedroom burst off its hinges, Jax stood on the other side, eyes blazing in anger.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you. Slowly.”

  He lunged but Cade held him back. The others filed into the room. Simian and another Elemental.

  “Milo. Do your thing.” Cade ordered.

  “I can’t. He’s touching her body. She will also feel it.”

  “Dagen, I’m the one you want. Leave Sienna out of this!” Jax hissed.

  Dagen laughed. “Oh but it wouldn’t be any fun, especially now that she carries your mutt inside of her. That, my brother, just makes it all the better.”

  My eyes pleaded for Jax to stop. His fury was going to get him killed. I had to do something before that happened. It was because of me their hands were tied. I cringed at the sounds coming from outside. It was obvious Jax’s people were out there defending the house against invas

  “Milo, there has to be a way!” Cade insisted.

  Milo lowered his eyebrows in thought. “She has to do it. Only she knows what she can resist. I may kill them both.”

  Milo looked at me as he spoke and I began to understand what I needed to do.

  “She won’t risk the brat’s life, will you Sienna? Do you want to do that to your own son?”

  The pain in Jax’s eyes was my undoing. I loved this child we had created together but I needed to make a choice. If I didn’t, I would lose them both. Closing my eyes, I concentrated, feeling the heat generating from deep within me. It seeped out of my pores heating me like a firestorm. Turning my effort back in, I pushed the heat back, allowing ice cold to penetrate my womb and protect my baby. Only then did I let the inferno roar out of me. The blast caught Dagen in the chest, pushing him back. Jax charged, shifting in midair. The huge black wolf took Dagen down, tearing his throat out in one deadly bite.

  I was falling. The floor came up, greeting me before darkness did. The last thing I saw were flames engulfing the room.

  Bright lights blinded me when I tried to open my eyes. The room was unfamiliar to me, very white and sterile. Was I in some kind of hospital?

  “Hey beautiful.”

  That voice was exactly what I needed to hear. Jax sat in a chair next to the bed, his features drawn.

  “Hey yourself. Where am I?” I tried to sit up and he stopped me.

  “Take it easy. You’re at Dr. Crane’s clinic.”

  I felt hot. Kind of like you did after lying out in the sun for hours without sunscreen. My eyes shot to his.

  “The baby?”

  “Is fine. He’s stubborn like his mother.” He grinned.

  Relief flooded me. I touched my stomach softly.

  “The house, however, is gone. Burnt to ashes.”

  My breath froze in my chest and the room cooled considerably.


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