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Returning to Her Master

Page 7

by BJ Wane

  She loved the way he called her darlin’ in his slow, southern drawl. Sometimes she thought she could come from listening to his voice alone. “Yes, but I overslept. I need to get to work.”

  “You have time for a quick breakfast. Pancakes are already done, table’s set, coffee’s hot. Come on.” Taking her hand, he led her out to the kitchen where she saw Jack and Morgan already seated at the long counter and digging into their pancakes.

  Not knowing how the other couple would feel about her presence, she held back. “I’ll grab a donut at work. I need to go.”

  “And miss Marc’s pancakes?” Morgan exclaimed when she saw them. “He put bananas and nuts in them and they’re to die for. Come join us, Cassie.”

  “Well, all right, but I must hurry.” She sat next to Morgan at the counter and put a plate-size pancake on her plate, grateful for the other woman’s open and welcoming attitude. “These are huge. How do you flip them when they’re this big?”

  Marc took a seat next to her, stacking three large pancakes on his own plate. “I have a big spatula and a lot of experience.”

  “So, Cassie, do you fix anything in the kitchen besides sweets?”

  “Sorry,” she replied returning Jack’s hopeful look with a rueful grin. “I can bake up a storm and love doing it, but when it comes to fixing a healthy meal, count me out.”

  “How the hell did we both end up with a woman who doesn’t cook?” Marc complained to Jack.

  “Dumb luck. The good news is we no longer have to do dishes.”

  “Let me warn you, Cassie. They make no effort to keep from making a mess when one of them is in the kitchen. I never had dishpan hands till I came here.”

  She grinned when Morgan looked at her paint-smeared fingers then at Jack as if it were his fault. “Since I already have dishpan hands from cleaning up my own messes, doing a few more dishes won’t matter. That was good, Marc, but I need to get going. Morgan, if you’ll do these dishes, I’ll clean up tonight.” Taking a last swallow of coffee, Cassie hopped down from the stool.

  “It’s a deal,” Morgan answered.

  “Hold on, Cassie. Let me grab my keys.”

  Surprised, she glared at Marc. “Don’t be ridiculous. Finish your breakfast. I’m perfectly capable of driving myself to town.”

  Glaring right back at her, he bit off, “I’m well aware of your capabilities, but this isn’t open for discussion. I’ll take you to work, Scott or one of the deputies will keep an eye on the bakery while you’re there, and I’ll pick you up.”

  Fisting her hands on her hips, she stared at him with incredulous, growing irritation, not liking this turn of events. She loved his control for sex, but she valued her independence, something she’d worked hard to achieve. “You’re right, it’s not open for discussion because you’re being ridiculous. This jerk most likely isn’t anywhere around here. I’m going now.”

  She didn’t get far before he stepped in front of her, blocking her exit. “My way, Cassie. That was the deal.”

  His soft voice and the muscle ticking in his lean cheek made her wary, but didn’t prevent her from arguing. “That was about sex, not about you dictating my every movement and shadowing me night and day.”

  “When it comes to your safety, it’ll be my way. Now, let’s go.”

  “Marc, this is asinine. You have your own work to do. Stay here and do it, I’ll be fine.” When she made to go around him again, she found herself bent over his muscled arm in a move so fast her head spun in dizzying circles. Squealing, she cried out in mortification when he flipped up her skirt and shoved her panties down, baring her butt to both Morgan and Jack. “Let me go, you moron!” she cried out.

  Instead, he swatted her ass with his free hand. “No. I warned you about doing things my way. Now you’ll know how serious I am about it.” Smacking her again and again, he covered her squirming buttocks with hard slaps that left her ass red and his dick hard.

  Cassie’s shock at being treated like a naughty child couldn’t compare to the quick, stunning arousal sweeping her from the painful burn spreading over her butt, the pulsing heat encompassing her entire backside zeroing down between her legs. Knowing the other couple watched only seemed to add to her arousal. Whimpering in shame, she quit struggling in the hopes he would stop before she embarrassed herself further. If any of them looked close enough, she knew they’d be able to see the dampness coating her lips, testament of her aroused state.

  Marc landed a few more well aimed smacks when she quit fighting him for good measure. Her bright red, warm buttocks felt good when he ran his palm in a light caress over her skin. A quick dip between her legs told him all he needed to know. Holding back his smile of satisfaction, he pulled her panties up, lowered her skirt, and lifted her to face him. Tears she refused to let fall brightened her blue eyes, her face flushed from more than embarrassment.

  “Now, are you ready to let me drive you to work?”

  Keeping her eyes averted from the other couple, she mumbled, “Yes, sir.”

  “Don’t fret, Cassie,” Morgan called out before they left the loft. “I’ve had my share of discipline from these two. You’ll get used to it.”

  Too embarrassed to reply, she hurried down the stairs before turning to glare at Marc. “You spank Morgan also?”

  “Once in a while, if the situation warrants it. I’m sure Jack’ll get the pleasure of warming your ass before long, especially if you keep arguing with me.”

  Chapter Six

  Cassie’s busy Saturday morning kept getting interrupted with plaguing images of herself bent over Jack’s lap, as she wondered if she would respond to the pain of his hand as she did to Marc’s. When Marc had suggested enhancing her pleasure by allowing Jack to join them the third night they met in the Omaha club, her innocence sent her running from the man she was rapidly falling for, taking his suggestion as a betrayal. Yet now, when she pictured herself being spanked by someone else, with Marc watching, her pussy swelled and creamed with the image. She knew from the few nights she spent tutoring under Master Greg’s strict hand she got off on being dominated. She also knew from the sex she had with Marc since arriving in Bear Creek that her strongest climaxes came from his hand, his body, his dominance. Her bad experience with Master Greg drove that point home to her, more so when she realized her desire to look up Marc again hadn’t dimmed even after Master Greg showed his true colors and left her distraught over his callous treatment of her. But her instant response to Master Marc and seeing firsthand the pleasure Morgan experienced with two men had her accepting the suggestion of another man touching her with anticipation instead of betrayal.

  The bell chimed over the door and she smiled at Susan Boggs, a new customer planning the wedding of her only daughter. “I’ve got it all ready for you, Susan,” she called out before turning to Michelle, her part-time help. “Would you get the bridal shower cake out of the refrigerator, please?”

  “Sure. It’s really pretty, Susan,” the nineteen-year-old said with a smile.

  “I know Jenny will like it. She’s so excited for her shower tonight.”

  “After doing the shower cake it had me pumped about doing one for her wedding. I did them all the time when I worked in a bakery in Nebraska and had fun coming up with decorations to match color themes. I’m looking forward to it.” She loved seeing her concoctions after spending hours decorating, the visual appearance of her work as rewarding as the taste.

  Michelle returned from the kitchen and set the boxed cake on the counter, lifting the lid so Susan could see it. “Oh, it’s gorgeous, and you were able to use all six of her colors.”

  “Having six pastel shades for her colors was a great idea and gave me a lot to work with. I’m working on designs for the wedding cake that will also use all six colors.”

  “Will you be doing Morgan Tomlinson’s cake also? I think their wedding will be in August.”

  Cassie wondered if she would still be here in two months. She loved her little bakery, liked being her own
boss even if it was more stressful, and of course she loved being with Marc again. But his lukewarm greeting at her surprise return followed by his reluctance to have her in his bed despite his obvious concern over her safety wasn’t encouraging for anything evolving past a few weeks of reunited sex. He had to feel something for her, at least she thought his overbearing, overprotective attitude concerning her stalker suggested he did. But her manipulations had landed her back in his bed, not his insistence. Now she wondered where she’d be when her stalker was no longer a threat.

  “I hope I get to do their cake. I’ve met Morgan and she seems nice,” she replied, omitting how she knew Morgan.

  “Have you seen her artwork? She sells it at the gallery. She’s quite talented.” Michelle handed Susan her change then the cake.

  “I saw her paintings at the lodge. They’re beautiful.”

  Susan and Michelle exchanged a secret look then grinned at her. “Be sure you call ahead before going out to the lodge, Cassie,” Susan warned with a flushed face. “There are certain groups that vacation there that get pretty wild.”

  She felt her own face turn rosy when both women smirked, then warm even more when Michelle teased, “I take it you saw firsthand what goes on up there?”

  “Uh, yes. Are their activities well known around town?” She found it hard to fathom their BDSM parties being accepted without condemnation.

  “Oh, sure,” Susan answered as if it was no big deal. “This is a small, close-knit community and we don’t have a problem with it as long as it’s confined to their property, which it is. Besides, the lodge brings lots of business to town.”

  Relief eased her mind. Now she didn’t have to worry about losing business if details of her sex life ever got out. All she had to worry about was making her business a success, a reluctant relationship, and a stalker. Piece of cake, pun intended.

  Worry over her relationship continued to plague Cassie throughout the afternoon, more so than worry over her unknown stalker. Michelle left at three when things slowed down, and Marc wouldn’t arrive until six, when she closed until Monday. As she marked down items in the display case that wouldn’t stay fresh until then, she brooded. Blackmailing him into allowing her back into his bed wasn’t how she had planned getting back into his good graces, and something she hadn’t thought through before delivering her ultimatum. She’d been so desperate, she hadn’t considered the future consequences. Now she had no way of knowing if he wanted her for herself or if he just wanted to ensure her safety. When they resolved the problem with her stalker, then what? Would he return her to her little apartment upstairs and ignore her again, or would he want to give their relationship a try for real, without her coercion and his doubts?

  As Cassie cleaned her kitchen and waited on the few late afternoon customers who always showed up for the marked-down goodies, her mood spiraled from bad to worse. She ended up blaming Marc for putting her in the position of having to force her way back into his bed. If he hadn’t been so overprotective and allowed the sheriff and his deputies to do their job, then there was the chance the two of them could have one day worked their way back to each other. As much as she enjoyed submitting to him last night and looked forward to more of the intense sexual satisfaction she seemed to only achieve with him, she wished he was with her of his own accord. Though she should rescind her threat and offer to sleep in the guest room, the thought of returning to a platonic relationship didn’t improve her mood. By the time Marc entered the bakery right before six, she wasn’t pleased to see him.

  “You’re early. I’m not ready,” she snapped and then regretted it when his welcoming smile turned into a frown.

  Striding to the counter, Marc eyed Cassie with a cool, apprising look as he considered her foul mood. His heart had done that funny roll in his chest when he’d opened the door and he’d seen her flushed face smudged with a streak of chocolate, tendrils of her red-gold hair clinging to her damp neck. He had thought of her all day, vacillating between frustration, worry, and lust, which led him to an irrefutable conclusion. Even though her refusal to stay at the lodge unless she was in his bed had pissed him off, he had to admit she would have ended up there eventually, if not sooner, anyway. It seemed when it came to Cassie, he had as much self-control as Jack had with Morgan and he could now sympathize and understand why his friend had kept his distance from Morgan for so long. Although it was too early for him to envision a similar positive outcome for him and Cassie as Jack had with Morgan, he at least wouldn’t be left regretting turning her away without giving them another chance.

  “Bad day, darlin’?” he questioned, stifling his irritation at her greeting until he heard what the problem was.

  “I’ve changed my mind, Marc,” she tossed over her shoulder at him as she strode back into the kitchen.

  He followed her, her evasion pissing him off. “About what exactly?” Leaning against the large worktable she began swiping with a damp cloth, he folded his arms over his chest, watching her with close scrutiny.

  “About staying at the lodge. I’ll be fine here. I’ll call Scott and let him know the change of plans.” Putting away the butter and milk, she tried to ignore the way his jaw tightened and his green eyes snapped with ire, and the way her buttocks clenched in response.

  “And you think Scott and his deputies have nothing better to do than babysit one woman who doesn’t have the common sense to accept a simple solution and offer of help?”

  She winced at the intentional sarcasm. Making her sound self-centered and foolish increased her irritation, the fact he was right pissing her off. “You’re an ass, you know that?” she snapped in self-defense then paled when he got that dom look on his face that said she had gone too far. How had she let her worry over what might or might not happen make her forget who she was dealing with?

  Despite wondering what brought on this change of heart, he’d had about enough of her attitude, especially after the day he had. Stalking around the counter, he pinned her against it, caging her in with his arms braced behind her. “You want to tell me what’s gotten your panties in a wad?”

  It took effort, but he suppressed a smile when he felt her body shiver at the soft threat in his voice and bet, from the way her eyes widened and her nipples tightened, it wasn’t entirely from unease. She shifted, averting her gaze and saying, “No, I don’t.”

  “Well, that’s too bad. You made your choice yesterday and I’m holding you to it.” Picking up the wide rubber spatula lying within convenient reach on the counter behind her, he ordered, “Turn around and bend over.”

  Cassie looked from the spoon to his face, swearing at the lack of control she had whenever he got close to her. How was he able to do this to her with just a look and his body bracketing hers? He wasn’t even touching her. Acting perverse had been her only defense against the need for him she couldn’t seem to escape from, the need causing her sheath to dampen, her nipples to ache. Noting his dead serious expression about using the spatula on her, she remembered where they were. “No way. Damn it, Marc, this is my business. Someone could still walk in.”

  “Which is why you’d better comply quick. When you forced your way back into my life and my bed, you knew what I would demand of you. My way, Cassie. Anywhere, anyhow, and anytime I say.” Raising a dark brow, he challenged, “Or are you running again? Already.”

  Her face flaming at his taunt, she turned and bent over the counter. There was no way she would give up yet. She had come too far, sacrificed too much to return to him. When he lifted her skirt and shoved her panties down, she bit her lip, both anticipation and dread filling her.

  “This is for snapping at me.” Whack! He snapped the spatula against her cheek, leaving a bright red mark that drew a soft cry from her he didn’t feel guilty over. “This is for not telling me what the problem is.” Another whack below the first one.

  When a third smack landed, she cried out, “What was that one for?”

  “For my pleasure.”

  Marc pressed hi
s other hand on her lower back, a gentle reminder to be still as he laid a volley of swats across both buttocks, shifting to the under curve when he had reddened both fleshy mounds. A few hard smacks there followed by two across the top of each thigh ought to give her something to think about the next time she sat down. He was about to give her one more, just for good measure, when they both heard the front bell chime, announcing a customer’s arrival.

  “Marc, sir, please, I need to go see who it is.” She prayed he had finished meting out this punishment. She didn’t think she could bear the humiliation if a patron witnessed this.

  Leaving her panties down, he dropped her skirt and helped her up. Her red face and watery eyes had his cock stirring, her wariness as she looked up at him satisfying him for now. “Come on, let’s get them what they want.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Griffin. Did you find what you wanted?” She cringed when she saw the mayor’s wife and her best friend at her counter. Conscious of her throbbing buttocks and her panties bunched around her thighs under her skirt, she plastered on a smile and prayed they were quick. But if she went by past experience, she could count on them to take their sweet time making their selections.

  “Hello, Cassie, and Marc! We knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from the bakery for long even though Martha is no longer running it,” Madge Davies said with a beaming smile.

  “Well, Cassie tempted me with not only her baking but her pretty blue eyes. How could I stay away?”

  At her rude snort, he retaliated by sliding his hand under her skirt and giving her sore ass a tight squeeze in warning. When would she learn, she bemoaned, even though she was grateful for his repositioning shift that blocked the women from seeing anything.

  “You always were a flirt. Are these rolls fresh, dear?” Mrs. Davies pointed to some sourdough rolls.

  With an audible swallow around the lump lodged in her throat, she managed not to move in fear of giving the women a view of where Marc had his hand. “Made them this morning.” Leaning slightly, she slid open the case to lift the rolls out, trying and failing to ignore the way his hand covering the still stinging marks from the spatula reignited the discomfort. Stifling a gasp, she straightened with the tray then almost groaned aloud when his hand remained where it was, caressing her bare cheeks. “How many would you like?”


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