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Storm Surge (Cyborg Shifters Book 2)

Page 15

by Naomi Lucas

  He chuckled, and with one long look at her he placed his hand on the panel and overrode the door’s security measures.

  It slid open with a screech, slow and disjointed. It shuddered and groaned as the passageway behind slowly revealed itself to him, a chaotic vista of destruction and pounded metal, bent out of shape, with claw marks covering every square foot of the space.

  Stryker caught the eyes of his would-be captive, tense and still on the other end of the hallway. His eyes flashed blue as he switched his scope sight to infrared. The Wieraptor blinked redshot eyes back at him. Steam puffed from its nostrils as it sniffed him.

  He reached up and dislodged his mask. It poised to attack. He dropped the metal piece to the ground; the sound of it hitting the grated floor joined with the clatter of nails as the beast came at him.

  Bloodlust rushed in his veins and electricity coursed through his systems. He lifted his gun and aimed for the eye, firing off two shots before the collision.

  Norah screamed from somewhere beyond as the Wieraptor crashed into him. The crunch of teeth and metal rang amidst the continuous gunfire. It ended all too soon as the weapon clicked without ammo. Stryker slammed the gun down onto the snout of the creature, beating it with a ferocity that matched the starved howls of the beast.

  The thick smell of urine invaded the lab, and the heavy wash of acidic liquid hit his legs as the Wieraptor sought to mark its claim over what was his.

  Stryker dropped the gun and rolled to the side just as the mouth of the monster came snapping down at him. He unsheathed the pistol he had holstered at his side and pushed the nuzzle up against the thing’s throat, shooting off his entire clip, his metal aspect giving into the frenzy.

  The Wieraptor reared up on its hind legs and the bullets he had embedded in its hide were forced out as the monster flexed its muscles.

  His fangs emerged from his gums, pushing out his human teeth. Toxic venom rose up as his gut synthesized the poison. The creature struck down at him, catching him in his arm. Sword-like claws drove into the heavy metal of his biceps.

  Stryker was pinned to the ground.

  A series of shots rang out. They didn’t come from his gun–Norah had given him a moment as the Wieraptor whipped its head around to find the bullet’s source.

  “No!” he screamed. He saw Norah run back up the stairs from the corner of his eyes.

  The claw that held him lifted up but he grasped it and shifted into the reptilian horror he truly was.

  “Norah, run!” he screamed as he unloaded the electric pistol into the throat of the beast. The clothes ripped off of his frame and he lost the belt with his spare weapons as his legs fused together, his skin pulled back, and his tail grew from his body.

  He was dragged across the floor, the debris gouging his back as the thing went after Norah. The Wieraptor seemed to know that if it took her out it would win. The second-floor railway pushed into his back as he wrapped his tail around the beast’s back legs.

  Norah’s fading footfalls were music to his ears as the creature tripped, its head snapping, teeth out, jaws pulled back, at something out of his view.

  He only hoped that Norah was beyond its reach. A terrible roar filled his ears, making him recoil at the sound. He responded by withdrawing his arms into his chest and completing his transformation.

  “Death comessss to thossssse who crossssss me,” he hissed, his voice low and garbled. The Wieraptor landed on its side and he felt the slight bend of several of his plates as part of him was crushed in the impact. He tangled himself amongst the monster’s limbs, expanding his body to asphyxiate it under the strength of his coils. He heard the click and snap of teeth biting near his face, its body twisting and turning to try and grab hold of his form.

  Stryker bared his fangs and growled back. He knew the moment the monster realized he couldn’t reach him because it rolled onto its back and tried to crush him instead.

  He slithered out of the tight and uncomfortable pressure that had been imposed on his metal skeleton. His mechanics tried to realign, but couldn’t in their newly-warped state. Stryker gritted his teeth and shot free.

  The Wieraptor collided with the nearest habitat, the sound of splintering glass had him tightening his hold on the creature. He slowly maneuvered to wrapped around its neck.

  Starved and wild.

  He held back from sinking his teeth into its hide. The monster shook and danced around in a frenzy, trying to break his hold on its frame. Stryker felt its black claws come up to hook under his tail and throw him off.

  Saliva slathered his face just as the monster closed its teeth around his head.

  Chapter Twenty:


  Norah raised her weapon the moment she heard the sound of the broken door opening. Somehow, poised for whatever came out, she felt a wave of calm wash over her. Even if Stryker didn’t want her help, she would give it to him if a moment presented itself.

  She didn’t imagine a Wieraptor, but a shrieker on the other side of the door. Her hurt and rage could only focus on her personal demon and when the heavy crunch of an incoming beast filled the room, she saw the white fingers and heard the mind-bending shrieks of the ghouls that were her enemy.

  Her mind registered a half lizard, half bird-like behemoth but her eyes saw the loose pasty grey skins of her dead friends. Its mouth opened wide in a howl that split its face in half to its shoulders. She caught the sight of teeth before it entered the room. The creature slammed itself into Stryker, who had bent down and shot a volley of bullets into its face; It was undeterred.

  It was a horde of pasty-skinned monsters in her mind. That’s all she could process.

  She felt jitters and the need to run screaming; at the same time, she wanted to attack the creature for seeking to hurt her savior. Norah inhaled the dry air and slunk her way into the hallway it had vacated. It took everything in her to break focus and glance at the console in the destroyed passageway. It sparked and flickered.

  It was ravaged beyond repair.

  Her fingers faltered. She turned to make a run for the bridge, the door stood at the end. A goal for her to achieve. As sweat dripped down her face she flinched at the clamor and horrible grunts of battle that followed her. Norah was at her destination in a heartbeat.

  Three times, knock three times. She pounded her fist against the door, so warped she feared that it might get stuck in its track. She couldn’t hear her knocking over the fighting behind her.

  She pounded again. The door lifted with a screech that had her skittering back, it stopped half a foot above the floor. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The ruined metal groaned but moved no more. A face appeared at the bottom. Norah dropped down, fear fueling her body.

  “It won't open!”

  “Try again,” she screamed back. She glanced behind her to make sure she hadn’t caught the attention of the Wieraptor. What she saw made her stop.

  Stryker was crushed beneath the beast.

  “Try and crawl underneath it,” Matt reached out and grabbed her hand. “I’ll pull you in!”

  Norah looked at the small opening, knowing she would never make it through. She looked back up at the jarred door that shook in sync with the noise. She didn’t want to be stuck underneath it, at the mercy of the Wieraptor behind her.

  She banished the thought. Stryker would come out alive. He had to. Why would he die after all this time, right at this crucial moment? Norah wrenched her hand out of Matt’s grip and shuffled back.


  “You can’t be serious,” he yelled after her retreating body, his arm trying to catch hold of her. “You have to try!”

  She looked back to see her Cyborg wrapped around the beast, glass shards sticking out of both bodies, intermittent gunfire between. Her body was drenched with sweat, her throat tight with fear. She saw a dozen shriekers clawing at Stryker every time the monster howled. Norah blinked away her terror and rose up onto her feet. Matt called after her as she raised her arm, gun in hand.

he beast reared its arm back, sharp nails at the ready, and pinned the Cyborg to the ground.

  Norah ran forward with a scream, aiming her gun at its back and fired off every bullet she had. She flew into the lab as the Wieraptor roared and twisted to locate her. Beady red and white eyes stopped her dead.

  Stryker’s tail moved, curling around the beast as it turned toward her. She made a run for the stairwell and the open hatch at the end. Her feet stormed up the steps, lost in the noise of the monster making its way to her.

  She heard Stryker scream her name, and as she reached the second floor landing her hands pushed off the upper floor to throw herself against the wall where she followed it to the open door.

  She had never run so fast in her life and when her body full-on slammed into the closed hatch of the EonMed ship, she didn’t feel any pain, instead, her body let out a horrible sob.

  Norah looked back just in time to see the Wieraptor fall from the railing with a clang.

  She punched the code for the ship into the panel, fingers sliding over the screen, slick with sweat. When the door opened, it was enough to make her cry in relief. The last thing she heard was a howl cut-off from Stryker as the door shut behind her.

  The thunder of her heart filled her ears against the sudden silence of the research ship.

  He’s never going to trust me again. Norah realized she had a problem when it came to listening to Stryker’s directions. To her, it was about immediate safety, not the hope of being saved.

  She caught her breath and spun around. She needed to help him but couldn’t think of what she could do. She wasn’t a monster hunter, she wasn’t even all that physically fit. Her gun training was subpar, she had barely hit the minimum qualification for an uncolonized world mission, and that was as a scientist. Hitting the back wall of the range instead of the sides was almost enough to pass.

  Norah rushed back to the armory and looked around. Nothing but a scattered collection of guns, bullet boxes, and handheld weapons greeted her. She rummaged through the stockpile, through the rope, the flares, and the extra tech equipment but found nothing that could do more than provide a short diversion.

  She slammed the radio down and screamed. Frustration strained her muscles as she spun in a circle, feeling every second tick away.

  I’m a chemist, not a soldier.

  I’m a chemist. Her breath hitched and she made a mad-dash to the storage lab and refrigeration unit. I’m a chemist! She collided with the laboratory door and typed in the lengthy code access to the unit, failing three times before she got it right; the panel released with a gust of freezing air.

  Norah stopped short as she looked into the sealed lab, several frozen bodies were strewn across the floor in front of her, hands up and out as if they had tried to break down the door. Beyond was a dark trail of blood and entrails scattered about. Dr. Entin, the meteorology specialist, twitched and jerked in her direction.

  Her throat closed up. Shivers wracked her frame. Hollow eyes followed her as she dodged the shells of her former friends and rushed to the refrigeration unit. A deadened wail rose up behind her, a hushed whisper of air that gained tenor with each second.

  She slapped gloves over her hands and pulled out the drawer with her most recent research. The ones that had made it to the ship.

  She grabbed hold of several closed bottles and turned toward the door. The skin on her body stiffened from the cold, her eyes drawn to the white flesh of her dead co-workers. Their eyes stared back at her from inhuman angles, too big, too freakish for their faces.

  Their wails rising in pitch every second. She skirted around them, just outside their reach and shut the laboratory behind her.

  Her hand went numb, clutching the bottles to her chest. Norah reeled over and emptied the contents of her stomach.

  She ran back to the hatch, out of breath, her sides aching; she prayed that she wasn’t too late. If Stryker died it would be the last straw for her. She didn’t think that she could handle any more horror.

  Please. Please. Please, her mind cried as the door opened and the Cyborg’s ship came back into view. Norah rushed to the railway to find Stryker’s form wrapped around the throat of the Wieraptor, his head hidden within the jaws of the beast.

  Norah screamed at the creature. “Over here you fucker!” heckling it from above. It writhed and thrashed back and forth as it tried to dislodge the serpentine noose around its throat. She was ignored as the fight came down to who loosened their hold first.

  She ran back down the stairs and threw herself against the monster’s side, only to be thrown away from it. Her boot kicked one of the guns on the floor, and placing both bottles in one hand she picked it up, aimed at the beast, and pulled the trigger. It whirled in her direction and Stryker’s head popped out from its toothy grip. His throat was torn down to the metal casing that held him together.

  Their eyes met for a second. She ran forward as Stryker pulled his lips back. He sunk his teeth into the Wieraptor’s jaw as she aimed her samples at its opened mouth.

  The first one missed and rolled across the floor. The second one landed within the gape of its mouth.

  “Wrap its mouth shut,” she shouted.

  Stryker tore his teeth out of the beast, sinew and flesh went with it, but it wasn’t enough for her to recoil. Norah watched as the Cyborg curled his entire body around the creature’s head and forced its jaw closed.

  She ducked and sprinted up the stairs. Please work! If Stryker was right, the Wieraptor would be infected. She didn’t even want to think about the outcome, her only care was for her snake that fought for leverage.

  The beast went berserk, shaking and humming through its shut mouth, thrashing around in a frenzy to throw off Stryker’s hold. Norah prayed. She prayed to any god that would hear her plea. The beast crashed into the wall. It clawed at the metal around its throat.

  Her eyes remained on the Cyborg, his face half-covered in carnage, his gaze focused, distant, violent, and cold. For as much as the beast raged, Stryker remained motionless, immovable, and hard. But the viper in him kept striking out. His fangs penetrated the monster’s neck over and over until it oozed black and red.

  An eternity went by before everything began to slow and the frenzy died down to a struggle. Norah gripped the metal beams of the rails until her hands went numb and her knuckles locked.

  A horrible cry came up from the back of the creature’s throat. Its rough belly convulsed.

  Time slowed down.

  Stryker released his body from around the Wieraptor and slithered to the opposite side of her as it continued to cough. A guttural wail rose up. Familiar and terrifying, louder than before. Norah clasped her hands over her ears but it didn’t dull the pain that flooded her head.

  When it stopped, she looked up to see the Cyborg crouched, human again, in the corner. His eyes bored holes into the beast. She reeled back as the monster began to vomit up blood.

  It continued until fell down dead in a pool of its own gore.

  Norah wiped the trickle of blood from her nose and cried.

  Chapter Twenty-One:


  Stryker wiped his face and spat out the taste of the Wieraptor. He waited until the creature had succumbed to his poison before he stood up and located his mask. He placed it over his head and let it settle onto the bridge of his nose.

  His ears filled with the muffled sound of sniffles. He looked up to see Norah folded in on herself on the stairs, her head pressed into the crook of her arm. Before he realized what he was doing, he was at her side with his arms around her. He lifted her onto his lap and soothed her.

  “It’s over,” he said as he threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling at her tangles. “It’s over.”

  “It isn’t,” she hitched. “It’s always raining somewhere.”

  “Good thing we're on a ship out in space.” Stryker thought about the planet they were currently orbiting, Axone, and knew he had to get them away from it as soon as possible. He didn’t wa
nt her to see it ever again.

  Norah shook in his arms, her body tense against him. He didn’t know what to do to comfort her so he chose just to hold her instead.

  They sat there for awhile, listening to the sounds of his ruined ship. He felt drained, more so than he remembered, and when his eyes trailed back to the Wieraptor, all he saw was the loss of his perfect record. It was alive, but barely, pushed beyond its limits like Norah and himself. He hated to see the creature destroyed, it wasn’t in him to kill those that were innocent. As the smell of pungent copper washed over him, it came with a keen sense of guilt.

  He was also very aware of the water sample on the ground. And as he ran his hands over Norah’s back and through her hair, he studied the beast for any signs of...change.

  A yell broke his train of thought–Matt’s voice rang out from on the other side of the ship.

  “Hey! Are you guys alive? Hello?”

  Norah lifted her head as he sighed.

  “Hello? Anyone there?” Matt called out again. Stryker met Norah’s eyes as Matt continued to call out.

  “It’s over,” he said again, trailing his fingers over her face and wiping away the last of her tears. “Will you be okay?”

  “I think so,” she said after a moment. They both looked at the fallen Wieraptor. “Will you?”

  Will I? He never thought about himself like that before. Will he? Cyborgs were always okay unless they were physically damaged. Stryker knew he was depleted of venom and that his frame had taken a beating, but was his mind okay?

  Even as Norah lifted herself off of his lap and curled her hand around the torn skin of his neck, he felt his body repair itself. The pain was only relative to the length of time it would take to heal, or when it would go away. He barely felt it anymore. He looked up at Norah; she was disheveled, whereas he was roughed up and naked. Vulnerable where he was strong.

  Seeing her like that, like he had failed in saving her, hurt him. Stryker rubbed his chest where his heart was. Norah pained him. He placed his hand over hers and lifted it to his mask, nuzzling it.


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