Book Read Free


Page 15

by Garner Scott Odell

  He was pleased with the news because he was ready to return to Munich anyway. He would be better able to kill the man named Tam Stratton in Munich, after he got his emerald from him. He was sure the man’s personal effects would come with him. Things were beginning to come together again. He quickly packed and left for Munich.



  “I can’t believe we’re going back to Munich already, we just left there a couple of days ago.” Miriam said as she began packing.

  “Well, at least this time we’re flying.” David responded.

  “What time is our flight?”

  “Servette’s secretary said it a Lufthansa flight at 7:10 tonight. We can either get a early dinner at the airport or wait and get a late supper in Munich. It’s only about an hour flight. She said we have reservations at the Sheraton, near the airport. It has a good restaurant and bar and even an indoor swimming pool, if you’re so inclined.”

  David dropped their bags on the floor, knelt down, and unzipped one of the black Samsonite cases.

  “What are you doing, David?”

  “Getting my handy-dandy TSCM room sweeper to see if anyone is trying to listen in on our bedtime stories.”

  Miriam laughed and started to unpack as David swept the room. “I think we should check out the Cobra club again. It’s getting late and I’m bushed. How about checking in with Bruno’s secretary in the morning to see if she has anything new for us about her boss or Hans?”

  “That’s all right with me. Flip a coin to see who showers first, or why not join me?”

  Over a late breakfast in the hotel coffee shop, they looked at some pictures Malcolm had sent by email of Hans, bald, with full beard, several other disguises, and a full stature version based on the teen-age enhanced photo RESEARCH had put together.

  “Well, these certainly will help. It’s really amazing what Malcolm and his buddies have been able to come up with, using their computers.

  David signaled the waiter for another cup of coffee and said, “I hope so since we haven’t been able to find him yet. Why don’t you call Liliane and see if there is a time and place we can meet with her.”

  Finishing his breakfast and grabbing an uneaten piece of toast from Miriam’s plate David pushed his chair back and looked around at the few people in the chrome and neon coffee shop, and wondered why they were in this Sheraton in Munich.

  Miriam put her cell phone down, smiled at David, and waved for more coffee.

  “Liliane says that besides the murders of Herzog and Marvin there have been other strange things going on in the department. She didn’t want to discuss them over her office phone, but she hung up and called me right back on her cell. She said that two days before Marvin and Herzog were shot another shooting had taken place that quite clearly was an assassination. She didn’t know why the Chief was keeping the lid on that killing but she knew he was into things that seemed very strange if not down right illegal. She said that she would help us if she could, but she knew she was being watched and she would have to be very careful. She has my cell number and would call me if she found out anything more. She also said for us to be very careful because the Chief was a very ruthless and dangerous man.

  Later that evening David was sitting in on the sofa in their hotel room reading an English newspaper he had found in the hotel lobby when Miriam walked out of the bathroom. David whistled.

  “Gad, Miriam, you could make a fortune in that outfit! Turn around.” David stared at the tight black mini-skirt that barely covered the cheeks of her ass. “God, but I’m afraid to let you out of my sight, Miriam, in that.” He observed her open cleavage in the thin white low-scooped top with similar words.

  “Why, thank you, David. Would you like to come up and see me sometime?” She grinned, obviously pleased. “Sometimes our job can be fun, can’t it, David?”

  “No joke, I guess you know you’re going to have to handle a lot of guys ogling you tonight, and you may have to rough up a few who try to manhandle you. But if any gal can take care of herself, it’s you, Miriam. Hell, you can still get me in Karate half the time, and that just slays me.”

  “I’ll look out, David. Don’t worry. Now don’t you go manhandling all those prostitutes either? You know what you can pick up, but I don’t have to tell you that. If I get busted, I hope Bruno’s boys will get me out, but I don’t know about him anymore. Do you think we should tell him where we’re going tonight?”

  “Definitely not. Are you ready? We’ll park the car not too close and walk into the area. You have your set of keys, don’t you? Just in case. Remember we don’t know each other, but we’ve got the codes straight. How much are you going to charge me if I try to pick you up,” David said as he snuggled Miriam’s neck.

  “I’m not sure I even want to go clubbing anymore.”

  “Remember it’s work, David. Maybe when we get home, well, we’ll see.”

  “That feels good, David, but I think you’d better concentrate of getting us to the club.”

  “I’ll take a credit card and get the cash when I get home, okay? Let’s get out of here. I’m full of adrenalin and ready to rock.”

  The multi-colored neon signs and flashing lights in shop windows cast a colorful flashing surrealistic nightclub atmosphere in the pre-midnight darkness along the boulevard where David lingered and Miriam sauntered. Tattoo parlors, curio shops, liquor and tobacco stores and tourist businesses were all still open and flourishing. Miniature sidewalk cafes spotted the area and were packed. The streets were full of people milling between each other as they strolled down the sidewalks in the area that everyone knew was full of whorehouses. Skimpily-clad girls of all sizes and colors walked along swaying their hips and showing their stuff. Young college-aged men talked loudly, gave the girls catcalls and made blatant comments. Their laughter and questionable sobriety created a party atmosphere along the popular Vin Avenue district. Older men gazed wishfully, and the wealthy ones made offers to the prostitutes they stopped passing by. However, the most booming business going on appeared to be drugs, both using and selling.

  A few Munich police officers were evident among the crowd but left the people alone unless an actual scuffle started. They knew quelling the drugs proved impossible. Their job was merely containment. Young Nazi sympathizers strode the streets with an air of superiority and stayed in groups. Their similar black leather clothes, lots of chains, and close shaven heads made them stand out from the crowd, but nowadays, the officers noticed more and more young people were assimilating that style into their own eclectic attire, including elaborate tattoos, chains and boots. Music blasted from record and video stores where huge signs of naked women in various poses from covers of videotapes on sale were displayed prominently in their windows. Party revelers danced on the sidewalk outside the music stores. A rock version of Anything Goes played on Vin Avenue tonight.

  “Hey, good-looking, you look strong enough to tie me up because you’re gonna wanna spank me when I tell you what I want. How about it?” the not too bad looking fifty-year-old guy said to Miriam. He reached out and put his hand around her upper arm. “Yes, lady, you got just the muscles I like. How much?”

  She smiled back and said, “Sorry, too expensive for you. I’ve got a date in a minute. Maybe later.”

  “Okay, but you’re a looker. That’s for sure. Never seen you around before.” He walked on.

  She scanned the crowd looking for any man that could be Hans. One man about her age fit the general description she and David had decided on- - -the body size, not the face. They knew Hans could probably be in any disguise, and they could not depend on his facial looks. She wandered through the stream of people and paused near where he was standing leaning against the building until he noticed her. She smiled at him. He looked her up and down openly but did not otherwise respond and kept puffing on a cigarette like he was waiting for someone. She asked him if he knew this district well. He said, “Beat it kid. Find your own kind,” and turned and wa
lked away from her. That made her a little suspicious, so she followed the man as he moved through the throng of revelers. He did not appear to be attempting to escape from her, however, and did not leave the area, nor did he look back to see if he was being followed, so she dropped him. She turned back in the direction she came and walked slowly along looking carefully over all the men. At least, no one would think a thing of that in this area.

  David pulled the same ploy several times since it always worked and kept him out of any connection with the prostitutes. He waited till he saw a transaction completed by a man of Han’s stature and then walked up to the girl and said in front of the guy, “Hey, Karla, what about me?” He used the same name every time too. He discovered it was fifty-fifty on who got indignant first, the guy or the gal.

  However, one heavily made up girl responded, “Hey, where were you, Fritz?” and turned to the guy and said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go now. Here’s your money back.” She immediately took David’s arm and said, “Thanks for rescuing me. What’s your name? Mine’s Yvonne. Do you want to go have a drink?”

  “I would, but my wife is in this crowd somewhere. I’m Steve. So were you really having trouble back there?”

  “No. You’re just a hell of a lot better looking. You are definitely my type, honey. Hell, I’d give you it for free. Sure you can’t ditch your wife?”

  “Well…so where would you take me, Yvonne?”

  “Right around the corner. My room’s on the second floor, and we won’t have no problems. I’m clean.”

  “I’ll tell you what. Next time I can get away, Yvonne, I’ll look you up, okay?”

  “Definitely. Sure you don’t want that drink? I need to sit down a while anyway. I’m bushed. I’ve already done five guys tonight.”

  “Sorry, but here, have one on me. And good luck, Yvonne.” David handed her a ten. She took it and walked away. He looked through the crowd for Miriam but didn’t see her.

  Then David spotted a guy who really looked like he could be Hans. He was alone and scanning the crowd but not really looking at the prostitutes passing by. He glanced at David, but his eyes kept moving. He was looking for someone. The man turned, stared toward David again and then walked quickly in the opposite direction. David tailed him untill he stopped and looked around again. He looked at David and moved away again. David stayed with him. The man turned off on a side street and continued walking. Half a block later, the man stopped, turned around and abruptly asked David why he was following him. David made up some excuse about him looking like a guy from Munich University. The man assured him he was not. He told David to quit following him. David asked him what difference it made. He said he was too heartbroken to talk about it. Otherwise, he’d go with David somewhere. He hoped David understood because he looked like a nice guy. He said he would meet David tomorrow night when he felt better, if David wanted to meet him by the Star Café. David said he might just do that and said he’d leave him alone for now. The man thanked him and said he liked David’s understanding. He’d see David tomorrow night. David said okay.

  When they got home, David asked Miriam if she thought Hans might be gay. He’d never thought about it before. She asked what difference would that make, so he told her about the brokenhearted gay guy he met. He could still be Hans, although he didn’t seem scared. If he was into disguises, he could disguise himself that way too. Maybe David should check him out again. What did she think?

  “Hey, to each his own. So are you trying to distract me from asking you about your affairs tonight with all the prostitutes, David?” She smiled, and then it faded from her face when he answered seriously and told her about his possible date with Yvonne and that he gave her a ten.

  “David, I hate to admit this to you, but that time on the street tonight made me a little horney. I think it’s time for me to go to bed.” She looked over her shoulder, blew him a kiss and walked into the bathroom.

  David got undressed down to his kaki underwear, pulled back the covers and crawled into his bed. Miriam returned, turned out the light and got into her bed.

  “Goodnight, David.”

  “Goodnight, Miriam.”

  Unable to sleep, David wondered, what if… Oh to hell with it, Got up and crawled into bed beside Miriam.



  Tam was taken through a nondescript side door and quietly admitted to the University Of Munich Hospital. The phone rang at the central registration desk and Dr. Chen Yang’s nurse, Lin Moon answered. Hans, standing nearby, overheard the striking oriental woman say, “Yes, Dr Yang, Mr. Stratton has arrived and is in stable condition. He is in 412, but still somewhat sedated from his transfer from Geneva. In addition, there is someone here that has requested to see him, a relative, I think. Yes, Doctor, I understand. Thank you.”

  Wearing a European-cut, dark, pin-striped business suit, Hans was disguised with a pencil-thin mustache, horned rimmed glasses which sat on a Roman nose above a sharp cleft chin. He was carrying a black Pineider leather briefcase. His shoes reflected a high polish from the overhead lights of the reception area. He waited patiently in front of the reception counter and glanced at his wrist-watch. When Lin Moon hung up the phone, he spoke up, quietly. “Pardon me, nurse. Actually, I’m from Global Health Insurance Company. One of our policyholders, a Mr. Tam Stratton, has been transferred here I understand. I will need to verify his identity and medical condition.

  “I’m sorry, sir, we cannot give out that information except to relatives.”

  “I understand,” Hans said, looking down his glasses, peering at her nametag, “…Nurse Moon,” trying hard to maintain a soft and eminently reasonable voice. “I am the European representative for Global health and I was on business here in Munich of another nature. My company notified me to see if I could get this validation for them. It is just to save the company the money it would cost to send someone else, as coincidentally, I am already here. I won’t take more than a few moments with Mr. Tam. I hope you understand and will indulge me. I personally have met the gentlemen on several occasions, so with my verification my company can proceed with the disbursement of our funds, which I am sure the hospital will appreciate.”

  “Well…I’m not sure, Mr…?”

  “Horst, Julian Horst. I promise you it will take but a few minutes, but I do need visual verification. I also need a statement on his current medical condition. If you could help me, I would be much obliged.”

  “OK, I suppose…He’s in room 412. I’m not supposed to allow you in, but the patient is still somewhat sedated from his trip, so I guess it will be alright.”

  “You are very kind. Describe his condition, please.”

  Picking up a file from the desk she read: “He has multiple fractures: both legs, both arms, three ribs, his pelvis, and a concussion. We are doing all we can for him at the moment, but he’s in quite serious condition. Go in but don’t stay long.”

  Taking the elevator to the fourth floor of the hospital, Hans walked down the corridor and stepped inside a semi-dark room 412. He was just a few feet from the bed when he heard a voice hiss, “You can’t come in here!” Hans swung around, thinking he was alone. A nurse stood in the shadows, her piercing eyes staring authoritatively into his.

  “Get out of this room…now!”

  Instinctively Hans began to reach behind his neck for his dagger. In a flash the nurse crouched into a Wushu defensive position, and for a moment, they glared at each other. Hans finally spoke, “There must be some mistake here, nurse. I have permission to be in this room.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Horst, ma’am, Julian Horst, from Global Insurance. The nurse at reception, I believe it was Nurse Moon, said it would be all right, just to verify Mr. Tam’s identity for my company.”

  “Insurance Company, my ass! You are not an Insurance agent! What do you want?”

  “Well, who are you?” Hans shot back. “You’re certainly not a nurse!”

  “Yes, I am a nurse,
but a little more than that.”

  “Well, to tell you the truth, I am from the company that Mr. Tam works for and he was carrying something very valuable when he was in that accident in Geneva. It’s key to a secret process we are working on and one that a number of other companies would like to get their hands on. It should be among his personal effects. Just between you and me, I think our company would be very willing to give quite a large reward to whoever helped me retrieve it. Are you interested? I can assure you that no one needs to know but you and me.”

  “That sounds like a bribe to me.”

  “No, no, I’m just saying that my company would most gladly compensate anyone for their help in recovering the item we think Mr. Tam was carrying when he had that terrible accident.”

  Hesitating, the nurse relaxed a little. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I need to check Mr. Tam’s personal effects. Can you help me? Can you get them for me?”

  “I believe personal effects are kept in the hospital safe, but I’m not sure his have been put in the safe yet, since he just arrived. What are you looking for?”

  “I really can’t tell you that because of the tight security of our company, but I can assure you that it should be in a small, locked silver box. I don’t think anyone here at the hospital would miss it and I will come back and tell Mr. Tam that it is safely back with our company as soon as he regains consciousness. What is your name, so I can make sure my company can reward you?”


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