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Page 22

by Garner Scott Odell

  David and Miriam reviewed the strategy they would take with the Chief. As Phillipe and Maria Sanchez, they were searching for their stepson, Julio, the son of Maria’s deceased former husband whom she had raised since age ten. They had not heard from Julio for ten years and decided it was time to see if they could locate him. He had left home after throwing a temper tantrum when he was eighteen. For almost four years, they had tried to find him, but they had not been able to locate him no matter how much they looked. Finally, one of Julio’s friends told them that he might be in Munich. Could the Chief please help them? They wanted to look at mug shots Bruno had on file to see if Julio had ever been picked up.

  Phillipe and Maria Sanchez were in their fifties. They were dressed in Spain’s style of the day. Phillipe, in his high-collared embroidered shirt, was getting a little gray. His coat and pants were two sizes too big, making him look weaker and less muscled. Maria’s hair was still jet-black, held in place with colorful combs. She had a mole on her left cheek and thick eyebrows with green thin-rimmed glasses on a chain around her neck, which she would put on or take off depending on how close she was to whomever she was talking with. She wore heavy pancake and had reddened her cheeks, applied green eye shadow, and fake eyelashes. She also sported long scarlet fingernails, big earrings and several gaudy bracelets that she jangled frequently. She had a habit of sighing heavily to flaunt and emphasize her generous padded bosom. Phillipe had a scar on his cheek in front of his left ear going down to his chin. He wore dark glasses because of the detached retina surgery he had just had and he would bore the hell out of anyone who he could get to listen to all the details. He also had a limp from a car accident. Ever since his appendectomy, he had become a health nut, in case anyone wanted to hear about that. Thank God, his sweet Maria was so solicitous and understood him better than other people did. She knew when he was tired or upset and needed to rest a bit so he would not get his high blood pressure up and he would surely need to rest while in the Chief’s office when Maria persuaded him to go out to the car to see her pussycat, Brutus was all right and had enough water. Oh, how he hated to travel with Brutus, but his dear sweet Maria wouldn’t have it any other way. By the way, wasn’t that an interesting coincidence that her pussy’s name was almost the same as the Chief’s? Moreover, with Maria talking incessantly about her kitty, the Chief wouldn’t stand a chance. Then also, strong men really attracted her since her husband was so frail.

  As they reviewed the roles they would assume with Chief Beinschmidt, David and Miriam burst into soft laughter. All during dinner, they planned how they would get to his files. Miriam would get the Chief to take her on a tour of the station since, as Maria, she was so fascinated with police work and wanted to learn everything about what he did to stop crime and find missing persons. Then “poor Phillipe” would have one of his attacks and have to go to Bruno’s office to lie down. Since Phillipe’s vision was so poor he could never read anything that happened to be lying around, so he was harmless and he would prove that by demonstrating the great difficulty he had discerning the images in the books of mug shots. He would be very slow going through them anyway, so that maybe he could look at them again while he rested. It was quieter in the chief’s office than out in the visitor’s room where people usually looked through the albums. The Chief’s wonderful, understanding, secretary, Liliane, would stay to help. It should be easy to get her to give him the privacy to nap a bit, also. Moreover, they felt Bruno would probably prefer to spend time with Maria anyway. She would play on his ego bu telling him he must be so brave and charming to get to be the Terrorist Chief and personally direct his men on their dangerous missions. She would tell him must be very intelligent and strong, too. Could she feel his muscles? How would this big hulk of German manhood be able to resist?

  By the time they finished dinner and drinks, they were relaxed and now on much more friendly terms. However, when they got back to their suites, the picture changed. David thought they should both use Miriam’s door. He would enter his suite through the connecting door and that way no one would know they had separate quarters. Much to his surprise, Miriam agreed. As soon as they entered, he told her goodnight and went to his room.

  Try as he might, David couldn’t sleep, frustrated he got out of bed and put on the medical video showing detached retina surgery. These videos, Malcolm had provided for them: of a car accident, where the victim was pried from his vehicle; one on health foods; and another on high blood pressure would give them the details they needed to maintain their assumed roles while in Munich.. He had watched all of them at least once a day for the past week in Tel Aviv, until now they were like second nature. In her suite, Miriam also had videos on cats that she had been watching every day, in addition the same ones on health food and high blood pressure that David had. Before coming to Munich, they had perfected their facial disguises spending at least four hours a day practicing their roles and their Spanish, as Phillipe and Maria Sanchez. Tomorrow, they would be ready to meet The Chief.

  Dr. Yang stood at the glass lectern in the television studio. He was dressed in a white hospital coat over a shirt and tie with stethoscope draped around his neck. He removed the glasses from his handsome, authoritative face. Behind him hung a four by six whiteboard with a gigantic green hexagonal emerald with the word EMERALD written below. On a small table beside him, four cases of emeralds were stacked near a huge computer monitor. As they rolled tape, the cameraman gave him the signal to begin.

  “The origins of illness are more than just physical, because discord in the emotions and mind lead back to physical discord as well. Inner disharmonies block the flow of the life force.” Dr. Yang picked up one of the cases from the table and opened it to display an emerald. He lifted out the large stone. “The emeralds we use here at the Yang Life Institute address the physical manifestation of illness by resolving the inner causes of disease.” He put the case back on the table and stepped forward. “I am Dr. Chen Yang, founder of the Yang Life Institute in Munich, the first of its kind. For seven generations my ancestors have been doctors. Many of the emeralds you see here go back that far. My family has preserved the ancient wisdom, and now I, Chen Yang, carry our family tradition of healing into the current day to acquaint you with the benefits and scope of Emerald Therapy.

  “Emeralds increase the force of life energy throughout your entire being.” Dr. Yang moved to the whiteboard and drew radiating lines outward from the large emerald to emphasize his point. He turned back toward the camera and continued, “They do this by enhancing needle-like fibers, the key components that direct life energy into the physical body. In addition, they perform various other functions: in the emotional dimension and in your karmic dimension, they manifest as life pattern lines; in the dimensions of your mind, they create formulas that your mind uses to make life decisions.

  Emerald energy provides these fibers with a “tune-up,” loosening, cleansing, and lubricating these delicate fibers. The fibers are thus freed from obstructions and become more flexible and efficient so that more energy can move through them to all aspects of your being.” He paused and gestured to the monitor, which displayed moving green fibers emanating from the large emerald, filling the rest of the screen.

  Emeralds focus their healing effects on the area of greatest disharmony in your body, the source of your disease” A large red spot appeared on one of the fibers. “When you first receive Emerald Therapy here at the Yang Life Institute, energy floods your aura, locates areas of physical disharmony, then like an eagle spotting its prey, it swoops down.” The green emerald fibers on the monitor suddenly spilled around the red spot, which shifted and faded into a clear color finally filling with green and conforming back to the shape of the other fibers. “Emerald energy enters your body through osmosis where it disintegrates the disharmony that manifests as disease and discomfort.”

  A picture of Einstein appeared on the monitor as Dr. Yang continued. “There are four cosmic energy systems. They are: Gravity based Atm
osphere, Human Aura, Energy Fields, and Universal Energy.” As he pronounced each, its name appeared on the monitor. “In the Einsteinium theory of vibrational medicine, the human being is multi-dimensional, made up of a dynamic interplay of complex, regulatory energy fields.

  “The Yang Life Institute heals illness by directing energy into the body instead of through drugs or surgery. Orthodox medicine uses external energy for treating illness, such as radiation for cancer treatment, electricity to alleviate pain and shrink tumors and electromagnetic fields to stimulate fracture healing and alleviate the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Our bodies have self-healing electrical feedback loops, which promote cellular repair whenever the body has been damaged. The movement of life-force is guided by subtle patterns within the esthetic body and higher frequency inputs into the human energy system, a hierarchy that coordinates electrophysiological and hormonal functions as well as cellular growth within the physical body.”

  Pictures of the healing modalities flashed by on the screen while he spoke slowly and distinctly. “Healing modalities such as homeopathy; light, color, music, and magneto therapies; and emerald crystals can improve human functioning and thus heal illness. The connection between the physical body and the subtle forces of the spirit is the key to understanding the relationship between all matter and energy.”

  Dr. Yang stepped back to the glass lectern to make his conclusion. “Thank you for allowing me to introduce you to the Emerald Therapy we provide here at the Yang Life Institute. Patients who undergo our treatments will receive complete instruction from our practitioners before beginning each step. Further information may be obtained by calling our main office, located at Munich University Hospital. Thank you.”

  The cameraman concluded the taping and asked Dr. Yang if he would like to pre-view it, but the doctor said he was rather busy and would look at it next week. He would then bring along three colleagues whom he hoped to interest as practitioners. He would show it to them and get feedback on the film. Much of the success of his institute would rest on this initial introduction. He would need plenty of feedback to edit it perfectly. In the process, he hoped also to find a silent representative to bid for him on the Whittelsbach Emerald, the gemstone he believed that was perfect for its healing qualities - - - an uncut natural stone with just the correct inclusions for prime radiance.

  David slipped the small rubber wedge underneath the Chief’s office door to hinder anyone who might try to enter. Shoving his dark glasses up over his forehead, he pulled the bottom drawer of the file cabinet open and began rifling carefully through the folders as quickly as he could. He knew the lower file drawers were more likely to hold what people wanted hidden; nevertheless, he did not miss any of the drawers in the file cabinets. He took the miniature camera from inside his jacket and shot pictures of anything that looked relevant.

  Bruno had not appeared to be very busy when his secretary, Liliane, escorted them into his office. She had brought them coffee and busied herself in their service and comfort immediately, especially when she had heard how frail poor Mr. Sanchez currently was. She had even offered to dim the lights in the office, but Phillipe assured her he had the strongest dark lenses his ophthalmologist could prescribe. They could withstand any indoor lighting but his poor eyes prevented him being able to read, which was much more likely to affect his comfort. Before she withdrew, he told the Chief he envied him having such a wonderful secretary. Visiting a country that was so hospitable, he added, reminded them of their heritage. He would be sure to visit the German Embassy back home in Madrid and report what gracious service he and his wife had been afforded on their trip here.

  Miriam had then begun her charming routine as Maria and had finally coaxed Bruno into giving them a complete tour of the station. She only let up on the lively banter to gaze attentively into his eyes when he pointed out details as he led the tour. Phillipe soon wilted and had to go sit down. He assured them he would be fine on that nice sofa in the Chief’s office, to go ahead without him. Bruno didn’t bat an eye and continued alone with Maria. He figured she needed a break from Phillipe as much as he did, after being forced to listen to the interminable details of Phillipe’s detached retina surgery.

  By the time they returned, David had finished going through the file cabinet and was lying on the couch. He had removed the wedge from the door and no one even knew it had been in place. Maria handed Liliane some marks to order lunch for all four of them, which she did. Maria also asked her if there were other older books of mug shots because her Julio had come to Munich once several years before and he had told them about going to several nightclubs in town. He had always been a bad boy, and maybe the police had picked him up for some reason. Liliane said she would go downstairs and get them after lunch.

  When Maria went through the books, she left slight lipstick smudges on the pages she wanted David to photograph.

  Maria also found time to ask Liliane about the computer system. She was learning computer technology and wondered if she might get an idea of how to use one efficiently. Liliane replied that if she came back tomorrow, she would have more time to work with Maria on the computer, so they made a date to meet again for lunch.

  Bruno wanted to show her the line-up room and the crime lab and they both would be free tomorrow afternoon as well. At this point, Phillipe was being tolerated as a necessary evil to the proceedings and was being roundly ignored in their plans for tomorrow.

  The next day, when Bruno and Maria left, Phillipe asked Liliane who was the worst criminal they had to deal with in Munich. She immediately told him about a Nazi sympathizer who slashed his Jewish victims. He asked her if she had a picture of this fellow, and she said no, so far they had not been able to capture him, they had found no way to identify him. He might still be in Munich, or not, she added apprehensively. He had also killed two of their officers, which made it too close to home for her. Phillipe asked who was killed and who took his place. She replied with a shudder that the new officers file were in the computer, but she could not share it with him, as it was a private personnel file. He backed off and said he was just going to lie down on the Chief’s couch for a few minutes to let his eyes relax a while. He did appreciate her patience with him.

  As soon as he got the door closed and the wedge in place, David got on the Chief’s computer using a disk that scanned the whole computer to look through the personnel files. This system was open, as Liliane had confided freely to Phillipe that he did not know how to use his computer, so his system bypassed the technical programs he did not want to be bothered with. He quickly located two files each for Gottschlag and Neuschondorf - - - the originals, then the edited ones. David copied the files onto a disk he pulled from his pocket, put the computer back to its original state, and returned to the sofa in less than five minutes, his task completed. He could not believe how lax things were in the Munich police station!

  Then it dawned on David - - - the Chief’s briefcase! He got up from the couch, walked around the desk looking for it, and saw it sitting inside the leg space of the desk. He sat down in the Chief’s chair, bent over, and started looking through the manila folders Max had inside his briefcase. Just as he spied the document titled Huber Family Tree, Liliane tapped lightly on the door. He could see the wedge was under the door!

  He quickly rose and went to the door, knowing it was Liliane - - - Bruno would have simply walked in. He quickly removed the door wedge, opened the door slightly, and peeked at Liliane. “I had almost fallen asleep. It’s the only thing that gives me any relief. Do you need something?”

  “Well, I hate to disturb you, Mr. Sanchez. Never mind. I’ll wait till the others get back.”

  “Thank you, Liliane. Call me Phillipe, remember?

  “Of course, Mr. …Phillipe. Sorry to disturb you.” She pulled the door closed.

  David had no idea what she wanted and he sure wasn’t going to ask. He had to get to that file he had seen. He went back to the desk, but just as he got the paper in his han
ds, before he could snap a shot of it, Liliane knocked on the door again. He quickly stuffed the paper in his coat pocket, shoved the briefcase back into position, and raced around the desk to the couch just as the door opened and Bruno walked in with Maria.

  At dinner later that evening, David talked. “Looks to me that the Chief is making the most of the political aspects of his job, and neglecting crime prevention.”

  “I agree. I found out most of the prisoners in the holding cells were petty thieves and drug dealers. No one was being held for murder, no terror suspects, only domestic cases really. When I questioned that, The Chief told me that murderers were quickly transferred out of the station jail. When I asked him who the worst murderer they’d had was, he recounted a recent axe murder.”

  When they returned to their suites, David noticed Miriam’s black panties and bra lying on her bed. Did she put them there on purpose? He had not seen them before they left. Just when he was feeling safer with her, she had to go and do that. He did not pause to say goodnight this time just walking straight to his room and shut the door.

  David knocked on her door to go to breakfast the next morning. As he waited for Miriam to complete her “Maria Sanchez” makeup, he began telling her about Isobel, the girl that he had been dating while they were apart. Miriam acted interested rather than jealous and wanted to hear all about her. David wished he had never opened his mouth.

  “She works at the radar station in Tel Aviv.”

  “So, you’ve been going with her for a couple of months?”

  “Not really - - - maybe a month. I also go out with anyone that interests me now. Let’s get some breakfast.”


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