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Releasing Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 17

by D. Kelly

  “Not yet, I asked her if we could meet tonight but I haven’t heard back yet.”

  “Daniel, you have to tell her before this goes any further. It’s not fair. It’s better if everything is out in the open. It’s the only way we can move on from everything.”

  What the hell?

  “Ohhh,” Vanessa squeals out, giggling.

  “Careful there, we wouldn’t want to hurt Lucas now, would we?” he asks her seductively.

  Turn around Kate.

  Turn Around Kate.




  I’ve never been good at listening to my inner voice though as much as I wish just this once I would have. As I peek around the corner, I can’t believe my eyes.

  Daniel is sitting on the loveseat in the corner of the room and Vanessa is straddling him. Her bulging pregnant belly doesn’t seem to be getting in the way at all, they’re so close. Too close. Her head is pressed against his, her long blonde hair is covering both of their faces and the only sound is their heavy breathing. They have no clue that I’m here. She’s wearing a beautiful sundress that’s pulled up a bit since her legs are spread out over his.

  “Ohhh,” is the sound she makes as she rises up just to move down again and I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  “Careful, just go nice and slow,” he tells her.

  He’s fucking her.

  He’s FUCKING her.


  I’m already running down the stairs and I can’t get the ‘ohhh’ sound out of my head. With every step I take, my heart races faster and faster until I feel like I’m going to pass out. Clumsily, I manage to get my shoes on at the door and open it to Mike’s surprised face.

  “Wow I didn’t even knock, talk about timing…Kate, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” I can’t look at him; I don’t want him to know I’m upset.

  “I’m fine… I’m just in a hurry. I’ve got to go.”

  “Stop, Kate, look at me please.” The smile falls from his face when I do and he pulls me into a fierce hug just as Connor yells out for me to hurry up.

  “What’s wrong, Kate?”

  “Go ask your friend, but you might want to give him a few minutes to finish what he’s doing. I’ve gotta go, I’m sorry. Call me tomorrow, okay?”

  “Kate,” he calls out after me and I turn around. “I’m sorry you’re hurting, but you look beautiful tonight,” he tells me with a sad smile.

  “Thank you.”

  When I climb into the limo, it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  “He’s not coming?” Connor asks incredulously.

  “He was otherwise entertained.”

  Jess and Connor exchange concerned glances. “What does that mean?” Connor wants to know as Marc passes me a glass of champagne.

  “Can I have tequila instead, please?” Nodding appropriately, he passes the champagne to Jess and pours me a tumbler full of tequila from the bar. In this moment I’m thankful for how well he knows me.

  “Kate, don’t you remember you’re a mean tequila drinker?” Connor asks seriously.

  “You don’t want to see me without this tonight, trust me on that.”

  Thank God this is Patron because I down it like it’s water. The burn feels good as it goes down and I’m thankful that in a few minutes I’ll start to feel numb.

  After a few minutes pass, I’m indeed becoming less aware of my senses and it’s a wonderful feeling. Tonight I’m going to forget the world and just have a good time. I’m not even going to give Daniel or Vanessa a second thought.

  “So,” Connor begins hesitantly, “can you tell us what the fuck just happened back there?” Can I?

  Can I actually say the words out loud?

  If I want to believe it’s real I guess I have to.

  “No one answered when I knocked on the door so I went upstairs. When I got up there, I heard them talking about me so I paused, trying to decide if I should leave or go in. They were in the nursery, but I heard some noises. So I…I waited because I couldn’t just walk away; I had to see the train wreck in front of me with my own eyes.

  Jess’s eyes grow wide and I hold out my glass to Marc who promptly fills it with more tequila. Not a lot, but enough.

  “When I peeked around the corner, Vanessbitch,” I say, fully emphasizing Connor’s lovely nickname for her, “was on top, straddling Daniel… fucking him.”

  “No, that is not one bit possible,” Connor states firmly while pulling out his phone.

  “Put your phone down, Houston. It is one hundred percent possible. They were talking about ‘Had he told me yet? Things were going to come out and the sooner I knew the better for everyone’. Of course they’re getting back together; I mean, he did love her. The Chad thing was probably just a scam to win him back.”

  “But the baby could still be Mike’s. Hell, the baby most likely is Mike’s,” Jess squeals. I really wish I could figure out whose side she’s on in all of this.

  “I don’t buy it, not one single bit. Did she drug him? Daniel wouldn’t do this. Not now, not when he’s so close to everything he’s ever wanted. Are you sure you saw what you think you saw? Sometimes things can look far worse than they actually are.” I know he’s trying to rationalize with me but all I feel is that he’s treating me like a child.

  “Hmmm let me think… ‘you have to tell her before this goes further… ohhh’ in a crazy, breathless sex voice. Don’t forget about her being on top of him. I’m pretty sure I saw what I think I saw.”

  God, I’m pissed!

  The limo slows and Jess and Conner get out when it comes to a stop. Marc grabs my hand and pulls me close. “Baby girl, we do not have to do this. Let me take you home.”

  I feel like such a jerk. It’s his birthday and I haven’t even wished him a happy one yet.

  “Are you kidding me? Hell no, we’re not going home. This is your night, our night, we’re going to have so much fun. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner, but Happy Birthday. You’re my soul keeper, remember? All will be right with the world once you and I get on the dance floor. Come on; let’s go have some birthday fun.” Yanking his arm with enthusiasm I don’t really feel yet, I pull him from the car. Connor is texting furiously away on his phone and I do my best to ignore it.

  Immediately, Jack greets us at the door and ushers us to the VIP section. The club is packed already and the music has a pulsating beat that I just want to lose myself in. Marc whispers something to Jack and then Jack punches a few buttons on his iPad. Within two minutes our table has appetizers, tequila, and shot glasses, as well as champagne on ice, and a few bottles of water. I’ll give it to him, Jack has built this club up from nothing and it’s one of the most prestigious clubs in Los Angeles now. Bands will even rent this place out for small concerts and events. Marc has hinted in the past that there are things that go on here behind closed doors which aren’t for the faint of heart. I’ve always wondered what that means exactly but Marc is seriously guarding that secret with his life.

  “Why is your phone going straight to voicemail?” Connor is super irritated right now.

  “Because it’s off.”

  “You need to turn it on, Kate. Read your text messages, listen to your voicemails. Please.”

  “Not going to happen. I’m going to have fun tonight and let loose. I’ll deal with everything else tomorrow,” I tell him stubbornly.

  “Kate, I wouldn’t tell you to do it if I thought it would hurt you. Please. You didn’t see what you thought you did and now you need to hear that from them.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I count to ten as I exhale very slowly. “Connor, sometimes ignorance is bliss. Tonight, that’s the case. I’m going to celebrate Marc’s night. You only turn twenty-four once and we’re going to do it in style. Drop it for now. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”

  After pounding two shots, I pull Marc onto the dance floor leaving Connor staring after me. Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora’s Black Widow is playing and I c
ompletely lose myself in the beat. If there’s one thing Marc is my soul mate for, it’s dancing. Our bodies meld together in the most sensually erotic way. His hands rest on my hips, my arms wrap around his neck, and since he’s behind me, my ass grinds right into him. His erection is obvious but over the years I’ve learned that it’s just his reaction to our dancing. His hands leave my hips and roam all over my body. When I turn around, he pulls me close to his body, his hand strategically placed on the top of my ass, resting against that erogenous zone on my low back. We’re grinding face to face and it’s fucking hot.

  The song shifts to New Flame by Chris Brown and Usher and our dance becomes even more sensual. I’m losing myself in the sensations and the feelings, and I don’t know how to describe it, but there’s a point where something shifts. My heart beats faster and his clutch on me gets harder…tighter. Marc pulls me deeper into his body, if that’s even possible because we’re already as close as two people can get. When his hands each grab an ass cheek, I know that this night is going to end with us together and I’m surprisingly okay with that.

  Connor shoots me an evil look from across the dance floor but I just ignore it. He’s the one who told me to let loose tonight and that’s exactly what I’m doing. Marc bends down and his breath caresses my ear, immediately making my nipples hard and my body tremble.

  “Why don’t we get a drink and sit for a few minutes?” The words float into my head and I don’t hear them as much as feel them as he kisses my neck lightly. Nodding, I let him lead me off of the dance floor and back to our table.

  We both drink some water, and even though we’re sitting in silence, his hand explores my thigh under the table. At first, he rubs closer to my knee, but then, as if seeking a hidden treasure, his hand stealthily moves up my thigh. Normally I would move away, because this isn’t what our relationship is, but not tonight. Our relationship has been leading up to this for a long time and I’m tired of denying our attraction. Even if I know it will only be a one night stand, I know it will be hot. So instead of moving away, I move closer to him, giving him easier access to claim what he’s seeking.

  Reaching for the tequila shots already poured and waiting on the table, he passes one to me with his free hand.

  “Happy Birthday,” I toast to him as we take the shot and he passes me another, “To taking things to the next level,” he says, raising his glass to mine.

  “Friends with excellent benefits,” I reply, clinking mine to his as his fingers find my clit and graze across it. The burn of the tequila isn’t the only fire I’m feeling right now. Marc licks the taste of tequila from his lips as his eyes gaze into mine. He places the palm of his hand on the back of my head and pulls me close to him, so close he’s whispering in my mouth.

  “Now or never, Kate. Once I put my mouth on yours I’m not going to want to stop. Do you really want this? Tell me now if you don’t, and I’ll back off.”

  In response to his question, my lips meet his and my body trembles in excitement. Why have I waited so long to do this? His lips are full and soft and meld to mine perfectly. It’s like he’s making love to my lips with his and it’s beyond erotic. When my tongue finally meets his, my world spins, the fire spreads, and no joke—I’m contemplating fucking him right here, right now. It’s. That. Good.

  When he pulls away from the most exhilarating kiss I think I’ve ever had, my body craves more of his touch.

  “Damn girl that was…”

  “Beyond words.” I’m breathless and reach for another shot when his hand reaches out to stop me.

  “Last one, baby girl. I want you buzzed enough to want this but not too drunk to enjoy it, remember it, or tell me no.”

  “Got it, but for what it’s worth, I’ve waited just as long for this as you have and I’m not turning back now. Tonight is our night.”

  “Let’s dance then.”

  Connor and Jess come back to the table as we’re getting up. Neither of them looks happy and I’m positive they saw us kissing. “Kate, can I talk to you?” If I go talk to Jess she’s going to try and kill my night and I’m not going to let that happen.

  “In just a little bit, okay? We’re going to dance for a little while and when I come back we’ll talk.” I say the words with a smile but don’t mean them at all. I’m going to get Marc out of here before she gets a chance to wreck my night.

  “Alright,” she replies hesitantly.

  I let Marc lead me to the dance floor and Jason Derulo’s The Other Side comes on. There could not be a more perfect song to be playing right now.

  Dancing with Marc makes me feel alive! All of my senses awaken and I’m in tune to everything around me—the pulsating music, his body against mine, how turned on I am knowing what we’re about to do. I don’t have a care in the world right now and I like it that way. We’re in our own bubble, and even if it may burst eventually, I’m enjoying it for all that it is right now. His hands caress every part of my body as he grinds against me.

  Why didn’t I do this before?

  It feels so fucking good.

  I let myself get lost in the music, in the dancing, in his touch; it’s the only thing I want to feel right now. I’ve been watching Jess and Connor out of the corner of my eye. They’re up to something but I don’t know what. When they head to the door, I’ve got a feeling someone is going to try and break up my party. Marc pulls me close and kisses me breathless. We need to go now.

  “Can we get out of here?” I yell out to Marc over the music and his eyes follow mine. Now Connor is arguing with the bouncer. They’re trying to get someone in. “Follow me.” Marc grabs my wrist tightly and weaves through the crowd. He pushes through a door at the end of the hall marked ‘private’ and pushes the up button on an elevator.

  Maybe he’s taking me to Jack’s office?

  When the door opens and we step inside he pushes the five button; I didn’t even realize this place had five floors. “Kate, you have to promise me you won’t freak out, okay?” My confused state of mind must reflect on my face because Marc laughs and pulls me close. “I love the look you get on your face when you’re confused or thinking hard. It’s cute.”

  As we exit the elevator, he walks me past twelve or so doors until we reach the one at the end of the hall. It looks like a hotel and since this door is by itself maybe it’s a suite? I’m super buzzed and don’t really care but it’s just so odd that a club would have rooms.

  Marc pulls out a key card and my eyes widen in surprise. This is his room?




  His words repeat in my mind as we step inside the room.

  “Wow.” It’s all I can say; this room is amazing. It’s like a loft—everything is here and it’s an open floor plan. There’s a kitchen, bedroom, living area, and one giant glass wall overlooking the city. It’s not a great view because we’re not high up, but in Los Angeles, when the city is lit up at night, any height advantage will give you a beautiful view of the city lights. It’s probably not as pretty in the daytime. Thankfully, at least the bathroom has walls.

  Marc is standing back, letting me take all of it in and process it. The bed is a huge king size bed, and I don’t know how I missed it before now, but there’s a sex swing hanging in the middle of the room.

  What the fuck?“Marc, I think you need to start talking.”

  He holds a finger up to me, indicating he needs a minute, and then goes into the kitchen. When he comes back, he’s got two bottles of water and two shots of tequila on a serving tray then motions for me to have a seat on the couch.

  “The Scene is successful because it’s a sex club. Well no, that’s not really accurate… it’s not a place to watch or pick up other people publically. It specializes in one night stands, people looking to spice up their marriage for a night, or for people who are unhappy in their current circumstances to take a…” I’m dumbfounded as he struggles over the words.

  “A place for people to go and cheat?” I ask him

  “Well yeah, basically.” I’m stunned.

  “Look, Kate, Jack doesn’t make them cheat and he actually lets it be known he frowns upon it. His hotel fills a niche. People want to go to places that are fun, the club is fun but the rooms are each stocked with fun things—swings, toys, edibles, bondage kits—pretty much anything you could desire. There are also rooms that are set up more romantically—bath oils and salts, fresh-cut flowers, in-room fireplaces—things that will restart a romantic spark.”

  “So this is the secret you’ve been keeping this whole time? This is what you haven’t been able to tell me?” Now seems like a good time to take that shot of tequila because my buzz is rapidly fading. Marc can sense it, too, because he hands me the other shot and goes back to the kitchen and brings the tequila bottle to the table.

  Smart man.

  “Kate, I couldn’t tell you; I signed a contract and I’m bound by the terms. Until I actually bring someone to a room, I can’t tell them anything about this place.”

  Holy shit…he’s a member.

  “You…you’re a…oh my God, Marc, you belong to this club?” I’m officially freaking out and reaching for my third shot of tequila.

  “Not exactly, I’m Jack’s silent partner. Because I own half the club I’m automatically a member.”

  God, do I know any of my friends anymore?

  Needing some space from him, I walk back over to the window. He’s not having it, though; I can see him in the reflection of the glass as he approaches behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  “Baby girl,” he whispers in my ear, “you should know I’ve never used one of these rooms before tonight. Jack issued me a key tonight because I asked him to. I’ve watched you struggle with secrets for a while now and I didn’t want to keep this one from you any longer. Look at me, Kate.”

  He turns me around in his arms and pulls me close. I’m really feeling the effects of the tequila right now.

  “If you and I are going to do this, and I hope we are, I wanted it to be in a place that doesn’t have any associated memories. You’re my best friend and I don’t ever want to lose you. My place is your second home; your place is my second home. I don’t want you avoiding my house because it reminds you of this night.”


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