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Releasing Kate: The Acceptance Series

Page 19

by D. Kelly

  “Eighteen pounds,” she replies with a pout, and that’s when I lose my self-control and laugh harder than I have in a long time.

  “Woman, I could bench press you in my sleep. I carry you up the stairs or we don’t do this, take it or leave it.”

  “Fine!” I don’t miss her being all huffy and puffy. Maybe Chad finds it cute, but it just reminds me of how obnoxious she can really be.

  Once we’re in the nursery, I put her down gently and help her sit in the rocking chair. Vanessa shows me where she wants the letters but there’s a little spot that needs to be touched up first. It’s not a big deal, but I don’t have any extra clothes with me so I take off my shirt before popping open the paint can in case it splashes. When I hear her gasp, I realize what a huge mistake that just was.

  “Vanessa, please don’t tell Kate.” When I turn around, her eyes are glistening with tears and I know she has to be hormonal because Vanessa is not a crier.

  “I knew it,” she says softly.

  “You knew what?”

  She comes up behind me and runs her fingers across the tattoo, and when I turn around she’s smiling. “I knew she was the one who was going to fill that spot on your tattoo. From the second I saw the two of you together, I just knew it.”

  “How?” I really want to know what Vanessa noticed from the outside looking in.

  “Well it’s kind of hard to explain, but as your ex I’d like to think I know a little bit about you. After all, our relationship wasn’t all bad, was it?”

  “No it wasn’t all bad, it just wasn’t right,” I tell her truthfully. It’s something I can admit now even though I couldn’t see it when we were dating.

  “Not to sound like a stalker, but the night of the wedding wasn’t the first time I saw you with Kate. I saw you the day before in front of your house and I was actually sitting on that bench on the beach…you know, the one next door that has a perfect view of your deck?”

  She was spying on us. That’s sort of demented.

  She thumps me on the head to get my attention. “I know what you’re thinking and I wasn’t spying on you. I was tired and needed to rest. I didn’t know you were going to come outside and dance. How could I? You never did that with me.”

  She’s right.

  “Anyway, you guys were dancing and I watched you. I’ve never seen you be so tender and sweet. You had this look of contentment on your face that radiated happiness. I know you were pretty serious about us, but if you had ever looked at me once the way you looked at Kate that day…”

  “Vanessa, I’m sorry.” God, I feel like such a jerk. “Really, I didn’t realize I had ever been a closed off boyfriend until Kate brought out a side of me that no one has ever seen.”

  She takes my hand in hers and smiles. “I know, Daniel, and it’s really okay. The whole time I was with you, I was trying to sleep with Mike. I was reeling from my breakup with Chad and I never even gave you a fair shot. I just used you and for that I’m truly sorry.”

  It’s nice to hear her admit she wasn’t herself back then.

  “The point I’m trying to get at is that I’ve seen you without her and now I’ve seen her without you. Nothing compares to the spark in the room when you guys are together. It’s like everything else fades into the background and all you see is each other. It’s magical and I’ve never seen anything like it. Fight for her, Daniel, and don’t give up because I really don’t think it’s Mike who has her heart. I think it’s you.”

  No one has said that to me at all because no one wants to give me false hope.

  “Has she said anything to you to make you think that?” Rapidly, she shakes her head no. Damn.

  “She earned a place on your skin in the most sacred place, Daniel. You know it, too, or her name wouldn’t be there.”

  “Well, she has a place on Mike’s skin, too. His entire sleeve tells their tale.”

  Vanessa is thinking quietly for a while and finally speaks, “I’m not going to diminish Kate and Mike’s story because it’s pretty epic, but when something tears you away from your loved ones in such a harsh way, working your way back to perfect isn’t always an obtainable goal. I’m not saying it can’t happen, I’m just saying my money is on you.”

  We sit in silence for a few minutes as I touch up the tiny spot on the wall and then I take a seat on the loveseat to wait for it to dry.

  “I’ve got some news to share with you, too,” Vanessa says to me nervously.

  “Okay, what is your news?” I ask her jokingly.

  “Last night, Chad asked me to marry him and I said yes.” I quickly glance down at her ring finger to see if I’m completely oblivious and she laughs. “We’re waiting on a ring until the swelling goes down. I’m so bloated from the pre-eclampsia, it’s easier to wait.”

  “Not to sound like a jerk, but I thought you guys were waiting so you could get your life together and settle into a role with the whole co-parenting thing.” Was Connor right? Are they just using us for money?

  “We were going to and also to let some time pass since he just got un-engaged. But then we got to talking and we know this is what we want. I’ve known Chad almost all of my life, and I was miserable without him and he felt the same. We both jumped into new relationships hoping to find something tangible because neither of us were willing to admit we had met our soul mates so young.”

  Sounds a lot like Kate and Mike. “So what prompted the change of heart?”

  “Actually, you did. Kate wasn’t the only one who thought you were jealous last week, so did Chad. When your natural dominance reared its ugly head, I guess it got him thinking. Chad said he was only waiting to ask me because he didn’t want me to think he was rushing into this, but the reason he broke off his engagement is because he knew the only girl he could ever marry would be me.”

  “Did you set a date?” Vanessa is getting married and I’m actually really happy for her. Who would have thought?

  “Sometime in October, you know how much I love Fall.”

  “Look at us, growing up into responsible adults.”

  She laughs at me. “Well, I’m growing for sure, but I think you need to come clean with Kate about the tattoo and about your feelings for her.”

  “Maybe. The past few weeks I’ve realized just how hopelessly in love with her I really am,” I tell her honestly. Vanessa gets up out of the rocker and starts heading my way when she trips over the box of letters on the floor. She lands on me pretty much belly first but in a really awkward position.

  “Ugh, so uncomfortable,” she groans and I pull her skirt up a bit to accommodate the position. I’m holding on to her back with my other arm so she doesn’t lose her balance and fall. Leaning back a little she tries to get up “ahhh” she starts breathing in and out rapidly.

  “Are you okay? Should we get you to the doctor?” She can’t really move and she’s still at a really awkward angle, so I shift her so at least she’s in more of a sitting position in my lap. She takes a few more deeps breaths in and out before responding.

  “I think I’m okay, just give me a minute. Distract me, finish what you were saying.” She doesn’t look good but I’ll happily oblige the pregnant woman for a few minutes. “There’s not much else to say, she’s the one, Vanessa. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone.”

  “Have you told her yet?” Vanessa asks while exhaling.

  “Not yet, I asked her if we could meet tonight but I haven’t heard back yet.”

  “Daniel, you have to tell her before this goes any further. It’s not fair. It’s better if everything is out in the open. It’s the only way we can move on from everything.” She says ‘we’ like it involves her, too. But in a way, I guess it really does; we’re all wrapped up in each other’s messes right now.

  “Ohhh,” Vanessa cries out, trying to cover the pain with a laugh.

  I’m starting to get worried but I try and play it off. “Careful there, we wouldn’t want to hurt Lucas now, would we?” I’m trying not to sound worr
ied but my tone comes out pretty serious.

  Her head is pressed against mine hard, each time she tries to lift up she groans in pain. “Careful, just go nice and slow.” After a few more deep, big breaths in and out she tries to move again and fails.

  “Okay, Vanessa, I’m going to lift you up and set you on the couch. I’ll try and be as gentle as possible. I don’t want to hurt you, but we’re going to have to get you to the doctor. Okay?”

  “Okay, god, I can’t believe how clumsy I am. I probably just pulled something.” Mike should be here soon but hopefully I’ll be able to get her down the stairs alone if not. I’m worried about positioning her right.

  “Here, let me try to move your leg over first.” Not a good idea.

  “Ohhhh, ouch!”


  Thankfully, Mike walks in but the look on his face isn’t good. “What the hell is going on in here?”

  I’m sure this doesn’t look good. “She tripped over that box and fell. We’ve been trying to breathe through it and get her standing for about ten or fifteen minutes now, but she’s in too much pain. I need you to help me lift her from behind.”

  Mike jumps into action and leans her back into his arms. Vanessa cries out again when he moves her, but we manage to get her laid out on the couch. Her pains are coming closer together now so we quickly decide to call 911.

  Chad pulls up the same time as the ambulance and rides to the hospital with Vanessa. Mike and I hop in his truck and follow behind it. “Do you think she’s going into labor?” he asks, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I have no idea, but she didn’t look good, did she?”

  “No, she didn’t and…um…not that you need to hear this right now, but neither did Kate.”


  “What do you mean neither did Kate? Is she okay? Did something happen to her?” I’m completely freaking out now. Please, God, don’t let there be anything wrong with Kate.

  “Not exactly. Daniel, do you have any idea what it looked and sounded like you guys were doing up there when I walked in?” My phone decides to start going crazy with text alerts but I ignore them.

  “I’m guessing it probably looked pretty bad but you know I wouldn’t do that. Not with Vanessa and not now with my every happiness hanging in the balance.” That might have been the wrong choice of words to share with Mike but I know he gets it.

  “Well, when I came to the door Kate was running out like a bat out of hell. She looked like she had just seen her worst nightmare come to life. So if you were in that same position when I came up about three minutes before, she saw you and she thinks you were fucking Vanessa.”

  This is not happening.

  “Where did she go? I’ve got to talk to her and clear this up.” Frantically, I pull my phone out of my pocket. “You’re probably not going to like this much, but she left in a limo with Marc, Jess, and Connor.”

  I call her quickly and leave a message “Kate, it’s not what you think. Call me, please. Vanessa is in the hospital, she had a minor accident…that’s all it was. I would never do that to you. Please call me.” I also send her a few text messages asking her to call, letting her know it wasn’t what she thought.

  Then I realize it’s Marc’s birthday. She mentioned it a few weeks ago; they were supposed to go out. Suddenly, I’ve got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Mike’s been worried about them hooking up for years. “You don’t think she would…” I can’t even say the words but Mike knows exactly what I’m getting at.

  We pull into the hospital parking lot and continue the discussion on the way inside. Mike is also texting away furiously on his phone; I’m sure they are messages to Kate. “Do I think she would fuck Marc? Unfortunately, yes. It’s been a long time coming and I know he’ll take any shot he can at finally having his way with her. Sorry, Daniel, but the look on her face…she was devastated.”

  “Yeah, but she isn’t like that, this is stupid to worry about. Right?” Mike avoids making eye contact with me while we take our seats in the waiting room.

  “Look, Daniel, the Kate I knew wouldn’t but the Kate she is right now, the one who is going through more than anyone should have to, the one who is just a heartbreak way from breaking completely, I’m not so sure. I don’t even want to think about what it will do to me if she finally gives into him. But I’ve been in her shoes before and sometimes you just jump into that high to not have to think about the lows.”

  It was nothing.

  It was so completely innocent.

  Just when I get ready to check my messages, Chad comes out with an update. “She’s doing well; they gave her something to help with the pain that is safe for the baby. They took some blood and have her hooked up to a fetal monitor. Her doctor is actually the doctor on call tonight so he’s here and with her now. They think it’s just Braxton Hicks contractions and a pulled abdominal muscle.”

  Thank God.

  “So she’s going to be okay?” Mike asks him, and for the first time I notice how worried he is. Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be after Lila Hope?

  “Yeah, she’s going to be fine, they’re keeping her overnight for observation because her blood pressure is higher than they would like. I’m going to stay with her. You guys can go and I’ll keep you updated if anything changes.”

  “Okay, we’ll go, take care of her, okay? If you need us, or if anything changes at all make sure to call or text anytime.” Mike sounds like a worried father “Will do, man, see you two tomorrow.”

  “I’m glad she’s going to be okay,” Mike says as he exhales a deep breath.

  “Me, too,” I tell him but I’m so distracted, I’m dreading looking at my phone.

  “Just read the messages, Daniel. It’s not going to get any better until you can fix it and you can’t fix it until you read the messages and find out where she is.”

  Connor: Why does Kate think you were fucking Vanessa?

  Connor: Daniel seriously you need to call me what the hell happened up there?

  Connor: She’s drinking tequila and freaking out. She says you were fucking Vanessa. I know you weren’t. You wouldn’t.

  Connor: You’re not answering me back. You didn’t really do it did you?

  Connor: The noises and positions she described sound pretty convincing. You’re not answering which makes it more believable. Where are you???

  Connor: They are dancing in a way that should not be legal.

  Connor: Come on man I’m not even getting a chance to cock block them they’re too busy grinding all over each other on the dance floor. Why aren’t you calling back?

  I’m gonna be so sick. Before I can text him back, my phone rings and it’s Jess.

  “What the hell, McCormick? Where are you? What did you do to my girl? I told you from the beginning if you hurt her, so help me God…”

  I don’t have time for this crap so I cut her off, “Where are you guys, Jess?”

  The tone in my voice tells her I’m not messing around and she answers immediately, “We’re at The Scene but you can’t get in unless you’re on the list.”

  Oh, I’ll get on the list.

  “Put Connor on the phone.”

  “No, I want to know what happened tonight.”

  Fucking woman!

  “Jess, there’s not time for this. I didn’t do anything with Vanessa, she’s actually in the hospital, now put Connor on the phone!” I hear her passing the phone and talking in the background.

  “Is Vanessa okay?” Connor asks, concerned.

  “Yes, she’s fine. They’re keeping her for observation. We’re on our way now but you need to get me on that list.”

  “I’ll try, man, but they are really tight on security here and there’s no hot chicks working the door but I’ll see what I can do. Mike’s with you?” he asks hesitantly

  “Yes, both of us, why?”

  “Well, it’s just that…shit, I don’t want to tell you this but Marc and Kate have kind of been going at it
.” I can’t even hear myself think over the blood rushing in my head.

  “What do you mean they’re going at it?” When those words come out of my mouth, Mike hits the gas.

  “Put that fool on speakerphone.”

  “Connor, going at it how?” Mike yells at him.

  “Aw hell, you two, I can’t get in the middle of all this. You just need to come down here and fix it before it’s too late.”

  “We’ll be there in five minutes. Do whatever you have to do to keep Kate in your sight and away from Marc.”

  Mike throws his keys at the Valet when we get there but Connor wasn’t kidding—the security here is a nightmare. Tonight the club is closed to the public so you can’t get in unless you’re on the list. The bouncer is at least sympathetic that we do have friends in the club and lets us stick our heads in really quick to see if we can flag them down.

  Mike’s calling Connor to get him to come to the door and my eyes are searching for Kate. Out of the corner of my eye I see her on the dance floor with Marc. Connor wasn’t kidding; what they’re doing should be illegal, but when he leans down and covers her mouth with his my heart breaks. Mike sees it, too.

  “Son of a fucking god damned bitch! Look, I don’t care who you are, tell them we got past you. My girlfriend is in there making out with some guy.”

  The bouncer looks conflicted, and when Connor comes to the door to try and get us in, it almost works.


  “Look, man, they’re with us, just call Marc or Jack and ask them. They would have been on the list but we didn’t think they were coming after all.”

  “You’re here with Marc and Jack?”

  Connor nods. “Yes, for Marc’s birthday.”

  Suddenly, this doesn’t feel like it’s going to go our way. “Who was kissing your girlfriend; do you know the guy?”

  Before I can say no because I get the feeling that’s the answer we should give him, Mike answers, “Marc was kissing my girlfriend.”

  The bouncer stiffens up and takes back his professional stance. “Can’t let you in then, sorry.” The thing is he doesn’t look one bit sorry. Mike loses his shit “Why, are you friends with Marc or something?”


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