Book Read Free

No Shame

Page 24

by Nora Phoenix

  He slowly made his way back inside, where Miles was apparently laying down the law with Brad. His face was inches away from Brad’s, his voice deceptively calm, but more authoritative than Indy had ever heard him.

  “I will not take any crap from you, today, do you understand me, boy?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Brad’s eyes were spewing, though.

  “If I hear that mouth of yours say anything more I don’t like, I will spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit for days. And trust me, it won’t be the kind of spanking where you’ll get to come, you feel me?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I know you’re disappointed. So am I, and so is Charlie. But you’re damn well gonna swallow it and get the fuck over yourself, or you won’t get your reward for another month. Am I making myself clear?”

  The last bit of defiance disappeared from Brad’s face. Indy wasn’t sure what the reward was Miles had been talking about, but it sure as hell had been an effective threat.

  Brad bowed his head, his shoulders dropping. “Yes, daddy.” He waited a beat, then added, “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “That’s a good boy. Go apologize to Charlie, okay?”

  Brad nodded. He seemed hesitant to leave. Miles smiled, opened his arms wide to pull him close and hug him, kissing his head. Brad mumbled something Indy couldn’t make out.

  “I know. Let it go, Brad. You apologized, and now it’s good. I love you, sweetheart. Go make up with Charlie.”

  He sent Brad off with a smack on his ass. All rebellion was gone from his posture, Indy noted. Miles’ approach seemed to be highly effective.

  “What was that about?” Indy asked, curious.

  Miles sighed. “We promised him we’d double-penetrate him today if he behaved yesterday. He did, but now I had to tell him we couldn’t, because of Noah and Connor leaving. He didn’t take it too well.”

  “DP? He’d like that?” Indy couldn’t even begin to imagine. Maybe Charlie was small, like him, so combined with Miles’ dick it would be doable. He’d seen Miles’ cock, if not up close, and it wasn’t exactly small. Then again, Josh loved taking Connor’s cock and that thing was massive. To each his own, right?

  Miles grinned. “He’d fucking love it. He’s a dirty little shit with an eager hole. Pretty sure DP will be heaven for him.”

  Yup, to each his own.

  “Look, Indy, now that I have you by yourself for a second, two things. First of all, Brad had testicular cancer a while ago, and they had to remove one testicle. He’s highly insecure about his appearance. Also, he has some ED issues, all psychological. It’s getting better, but he can’t always get hard when you’d expect him to. Could you give Josh and the others a heads up just so they know? I’d hate for him to feel insecure around you guys.”

  “Wow. So sorry to hear that, man. Is he okay now?”

  Miles gave him a sad smile. “As far as the cancer, yes. The emotional stuff, that will take a while. Brad doesn’t trust me enough to share openly with me. Yet.”

  Indy stepped closer, put his hand on Miles’ arm. “He’ll get there. I see some of myself in him, you know? He’s so damaged, wounded. But he’s making progress. You’re being great with him, Miles. You’re exactly what he needs.”

  “Thank you. He’s exactly what I need, too.”

  Indy grinned, pulled back his hand. “You mean a guy whose sexual appetite rivals yours?”

  “He’s a little boy slut, always happy to be used. Can’t deny that’s a match made in heaven considering my cock is in constant need of attention. But I love him, Indy. I love everything about him.”

  “I know. I wasn’t suggesting you only like him because he’s easy. Anyway, what was the other thing you wanted to ask me?”

  “Josh. What does he need? How can I help?”

  “Josh’s PTSD is exacerbated by stress. Any changes in his routine cause him stress, so today is a biggie for him because Connor is gone, and Connor is hurting, and both affect Josh. Right now, he’s good, but I expect he’ll struggle more as the day progresses.”

  Miles nodded. “Okay. What helps to relieve him of that stress?”

  “A BDSM scene. It’s one of the reasons why Connor works him over regularly. I mean, they both get off on it sexually, but it’s also a massive stress releaser for him. After a deep session, he’s usually episode-free for days, sometimes longer.”

  “How long has it been since his last session?”

  Indy grimaced. “Almost a week. They had one planned for today. I mean, Connor spanked him a few times this week, but those were quickies, not a full-on session. I could call Master Mark and ask for a session, but I’m not sure if that would work as Josh needs a lot of trust to let go.”

  “What does he like?”

  “What doesn’t he like? Spanking, paddling, Connor has started caning and whipping him, too. His pain tolerance has gone up, he told me the other day. Sexually, he likes it hard and rough. He has a cock cage, but Connor also uses nipple clamps on him, butt plugs, and he ties him up, of course.”

  Miles’ eyes softened. “Are you okay with all this? I’ve read your file, you know.”

  It was easy to forget sometimes how much Miles knew about him. In some areas, he knew way more than Noah, since he’d had access to Indy’s elaborate statements to the DA. Sure, he’d told Noah and the others some of it, but not everything. Some of it was so painful that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready to talk about it.

  “Indy, if you ever want to talk… I’m here. Friend to friend, but with patient confidentiality. I wouldn’t tell a soul.”

  Indy didn’t think. He stepped up to Miles, hugged him tight. The bigger man’s arms came around him as he held him close. “Thank you,” Indy whispered. “It means a lot to me. One day, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

  As he turned his head to kiss Miles’ cheek, his body encountered Miles’ groin, which was as hard as Indy had expected.

  “I’m sorry,” Miles said, wincing.

  Indy reached out with both hands, grabbed his face and forced Miles to meet his eyes. “Dammit, Miles Hampton, that’s the last time I ever want to hear you apologize for your cock, you hear me? To me, to Noah, to anyone of us. We. Don’t. Fucking. Care.” He nodded when he saw Miles had gotten the message, then added, “If I hear one more apology out of that mouth of yours, I will spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit for days.”

  He giggled when Miles’ eyes went wide for a second, before he recognized his own words to Brad. Miles laughed. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Indy let him go. “I oughta smack your ass for even trying to apologize again.”

  “Whose ass are we smacking?” Josh asked, walking in with his hair still wet from the shower he’d just taken.

  “Miles’. If he ever dares to apologize for being hard.”

  Josh rolled his eyes. “Who cares?”

  “I know, right?” Indy said, laughing when Miles held up his hands.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. I promise.”

  Josh hugged Indy from behind, and Indy leaned back against him. “We could also smack yours if you want to. Or if you need us to.”

  Josh sighed. “Yeah, that’d be good. I’m antsy already. Maybe this afternoon?”

  “Whatever you need, baby. We’ve got you.”

  “Are you okay with me doing this, Josh?” Miles asked.

  Josh nodded. “Yeah. I trust you and I really need it. Can you do it?”

  “Yes. We’ll keep it simple, but make it intense enough to satisfy your needs. You’ll have to talk me through your limits, and especially any hard limits you have. And I’ll need to know your safe words.”

  “I’ll safe word for him,” Indy offered. “It’s hard for Josh to relax otherwise, right, baby?”

  Josh nodded. “I don’t use safe words with Connor because he reads me like an open book. We’ve tried it, but I was too focused on determining whether or not I liked something to get to subspace. It’s one of the reasons why we’ve build our sessions
up so slowly in terms of intensity, because Connor sets a pace he’s comfortable with for both of us.”

  “Indy, I have to ask again: are you okay with this? Can you handle this? I can’t worry about you when I have to focus on Josh…”

  Indy loved that he was so concerned, for both of them. “I’m good. It was hard for me at first, but I’ve seen enough of what they do by now to realize Josh craves it. I love watching him sink into subspace and bliss out.”

  “Okay, good. Josh, why don’t you and I take some time right after lunch to walk me through your limits? Oh, and do you want Brad and Charlie to watch, or would you prefer it private?”

  Josh sought Indy’s eyes. “I don’t mind them watching, but are you okay with that, baby?”

  Indy shook his head. “This isn’t about me. This is about you, what you need.”

  Josh bit his lip as he clearly pondered it. “Let them watch. I think it would be good for them to see a scene, even a mild one like this, so they know what they’re getting into when they have to decide on our proposal.”

  “Have you talked to them yet?” Indy asked Miles.

  “No. I’d planned to today, but I’m not sure to would be the right timing now.”

  Indy sighed. “Maybe not. I don’t know how this will affect Connor. But the proposal stands. We want you guys here. Just maybe wait a week or so till things have quieted down a bit?”

  “Yeah, that sounds smart.” Miles shot Josh a confident look as he put a hand on his shoulder, slow enough so Josh saw it coming. “We’ve got your back, Josh. I’m gonna check on Brad and Charlie, but I’ll be right back, okay?”

  * * *

  Charlie loved cuddling with Brad, especially when the two of them were naked, like now. It hadn’t been the plan. Brad had come in to apologize after being quite rude when Miles had told him they’d have to change their plans for today. He’d been honestly sorry, and Charlie had accepted his apology with ease. The fact that Brad was apologizing in the first place was big.

  Then Brad had wanted to be held, and one thing had led to another, and Brad had rimmed Charlie till he saw stars. Actual fucking stars, as he’d come so hard he’d been unable to move for a minute or two. He’d offered to suck Brad off, but he’d informed him he wasn’t allowed to come, courtesy of Miles. So they had cuddled, both naked, simply talking and touching. It was absolutely perfect.

  The three of them were perfect. Charlie hadn’t realized how much he needed both: to be taken care of and feel protected, and to be bossy and toppy. With Miles, he had the first, and Brad allowed him the second… Well, Miles did, too, to some degree. Charlie felt the man secretly loved it when Charlie got all bossy, though he’d never admit it to Brad, obviously. Theirs was one of those combinations that sounded and looked all wrong, but was so wonderfully right.

  The door opened and Charlie turned his head.

  “Look at you two, all naked and gorgeous,” Miles said.

  Brad looked up. “Wanna join us?” he asked with puppy eyes.

  “For a few minutes, yes, please. After that, I wanted to ask you to come to the kitchen, because we have something to discuss.”

  Brad tensed in Charlie’s arms. “Is it something good?” he asked.

  Miles made quick work of his clothes before he joined them on the bed, spooning Charlie from behind, effectively sandwiching him between himself and Brad. His cock was rock hard, poking Charlie in his back. He didn’t mind at all, loving the sensation of that strong body behind him.

  “It is, and thank you for asking so nicely, Brad.”

  Brad beamed and Charlie had to kiss him. Simply had to, because he was so cute, with tongue until they were both gasping for breath. Then he had to roll on top of him and rut against him, because that lean body felt so damn good underneath him, Brad’s hands possessively on his ass, pressing him close. Charlie had come not a half hour ago, and yet he was so damn hard again, so horny.

  Miles moaned. “God, the two of you are killing me.” He had his hand on his cock, was fisting himself hard.

  Charlie rolled from Brad straight onto Miles and kissed him. He tasted so different from Brad. Brad was sweet, somewhat timid, whereas Miles was all male, spicy, and so dominant. Their tongues fought, pushing each other back and forth.

  Miles let go of his cock to grab Charlie’s ass, his fingers digging into his ass cheeks. He moaned in his mouth. “You’re so fucking sexy, baby. God, you make me so hard.”

  Charlie grinned, then attacked Miles’ mouth once more. He pulled his legs up when he felt Brad nudge him, then Brad’s mouth descended on Miles’ cock between his legs. Charlie’s cheeks were resting against Brad’s curls, tickling his hole and balls.

  “Oh, fuuuuck!” Miles grunted, undoubtedly distracted by Brad’s mouth around his cock. Charlie used the distraction to grab the lube from the night stand. Miles had said they only had a few minutes, but he didn’t need more than that. Someday, he wanted to take the time, but for now, he wanted his cock inside Miles, and it wouldn’t take but a few minutes to come.

  “Brad, babe, let go a sec,” he told him.

  Miles’ cock plopped out of Brad’s mouth with a slick noise.

  “Hands and knees,” Charlie ordered Miles. Miles raised one eyebrow, before turning around and getting in position. “Brad, get underneath him.”

  Miles’ hole was beautifully pink. And tight. The man sighed as Charlie breached him with a finger.

  “How long has it been?” Charlie asked.

  “I dunno. A year, maybe?” Miles sounded apologetic.

  Charlie smacked his ass, laughed. “Well, then you’re gonna feel this the rest of the day. Open up for me, baby.”

  Miles bore down as Charlie added a second finger. Seconds later, Miles’ ass clenched around his fingers as he came down Brad’s throat. His body went slack, and Charlie used the opportunity to add a third finger. His hands were small, so he had to get in at least that before fucking him.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “Mmmm. Feels good. Burns, but good.”

  He kept moving and stretching till Miles’ hole relaxed around his fingers. “Here we go, baby. Tell me when I need to stop, okay?”

  That beautiful, pink pucker fought to keep him out at first, but Charlie kept pushing until the head of his cock made it past the first ring.

  “Damn, you’re tight.” He gave an experimental shallow thrust. The pressure on his cock was incredible.

  Brad laughed, crawled from underneath Miles. “I wanna see you take him.”

  Miles groaned.

  “Open that sweet ass for me, honey,” Charlie said, thrusting again. Miles shivered under his hands.

  “God, you’re so fucking hot like this,” Brad said, his voice raw. “Both of you. It’s fucking sexy.”

  Charlie inched in deeper, slowly but surely, until he finally bottomed out. “Fuck, you feel good,” he told Miles.

  He slowly pulled out, surged back in. Fuck, he’d missed this. He liked being fucked, at least when Zack had bothered to make it good for Charlie as well, but damn, it was so good to top again, first Brad and now Miles. His men.

  He found a rhythm, slow, but deep. Miles was still so damn tight that he didn’t want to pound too hard. He was gonna feel this anyway.

  “You good, baby?” he checked.

  “Yeah… Need to come… Please, Brad…”

  Brad didn’t need to be asked twice, as usual. He reached between them, found Miles’ cock.

  “Oh…thankyouthankyouthankyou…so close…”

  Charlie smiled, sped up his own thrusts. The pressure in his balls increased, and shivers tingled down his spine. His fingers found Miles’ hips, dug in for grip. He needed to… He pulled back, thrust in harder. Could Miles take it? A low moan indicated he could. Charlie surged in again, his balls slapping against Miles’ ass.

  The body underneath him spasmed, as Miles was coming all over the bed. Charlie let go, fucked him hard and deep for the last few thrusts, before unloading inside him. God, he�
��d forgotten how deeply satisfying it was to deposit your cum in another man’s ass. Mark him.

  Miles was his. And so was Brad. They belonged together, the three of them. His men. Miles, his protector, and Brad, his wanton little slut. Had there ever been a day when he hadn’t wanted to fuck him? He’d loved him since the day he’d met him, even as a high school student. And now he was his. To love, to cherish, to hold, to take care of. And to fuck. Hot damn, he wanted to fuck him, too. He was still hard, not done by far.

  He yanked Brad down by his ankle, turned him on his back, then launched himself on top of him. His cock was slick enough, and if not, Brad would love the burn.

  “Pull your fucking legs up.”

  Brad obeyed immediately, a stunned expression on his face.

  Charlie held his cock with one hand, found Brad’s hole with the other. “Let me in,” he demanded.

  No finesse here, no going slow, or inching in. He pushed in, then slammed home. Brad cried out, tears forming in his eyes. His cock hardened instantly, testament to how much he loved being taken like this.

  He was too small to kiss Brad while fucking him, so he latched on to his nipples instead, scraping first the left, and then the right one. Brad bucked beneath him, whimpering. Charlie needed to be deeper inside him, harder. He leaned back, folded Brad’s legs almost double. Good thing the guy was flexible as could be.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” Charlie moaned. “Miles’ hole is so tight, but you, baby, you can take anything we dish out. My beautiful, beautiful boy slut… Look at you, all desperate for more.”

  He rammed in so hard, Brad’s whole body moved an inch, until Miles steadied him, supported him. Brad’s eyes drifted shut, an expression of pure lust on his face.

  “You be a good boy, baby, you listen to me and your daddy, and I promise you we’ll ravage that wanton hole of yours… We’ll fuck you so hard, so deep, you’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven…”

  Miles was jacking himself off furiously, keeping pace with Charlie’s brutal rhythm as he fucked the living daylights out of Brad’s ass.

  “Paint him, Miles. Spray your cum all over our cum slut here. I’m gonna fill his hole with my load. Need to show him he’s mine.”


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