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Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male

Page 2

by Gold, Annie

  "So, officers, do you think that this was gang-related?"

  The older one spoke up. "As a matter of fact, yes. Miss Saunders here was somehow unwittingly dating a member of the Rioters. They've been terrorizing our streets for a long time. The sandy blonde-haired man is their ringleader, a man named Theon Groppoli."

  A gang. I'd been dating a member of the most hated gang in my city, and somehow I'd been completely oblivious to it. Ritchie had never given me even the slightest clue. He never brought guns into the house, never hung out with anyone too shady, and even had gotten a day job to help me with rent. I cradled my head gently in my hands, feeling a bout of shame wash over me for my stupidity.

  "Miss Saunders, with this crime you've witnessed, we may finally have the evidence to put this bastard behind doors." The young officer's tone was eager. "We can offer you the best in protective custody. Get you a whole new identity and move you elsewhere until it's time for the trial to take place. We've been trying to nail him for something for so long, and now you've actually witnessed him at a crime scene!"

  "With all due respect, officers, I have reason to doubt the extent of your protective custody." Mr. Tanaka's tone was mild, but it gave voice to exactly what I'd been thinking. And what the hell? They were more concerned with this gang leader getting jail time than they were about the fact that I'd had my head cracked on the sidewalk. Which I sort of understood, but it was irritating all the same.

  "Now Mr. Tanaka, we know you saved her, and we'll get your story in a moment, but I must insist that we put the girl in protective custody," the older officer argued as the paramedic stepped back, packing up her supplies.

  The girl? This asshole had gone too far. "Listen," I snapped. "I'm not 'the girl.' I have a name, I just witnessed a man get murdered, and I'm really sick of you talking to me like I'm five! I'll decide what happens, and I agree with Mr. Tanaka. Everyone knows witness protection is a joke, especially if someone is after them like the Rioters. They have connections all over the place."

  The older officer looked surprised at my outburst, then chagrined. "Apologies, Miss Saunders. We don't have any alternatives, however. You can't stay with family. It'll just put them in danger. Where would you stay?"

  Damn, he had me there. I didn't even have any family that kept in contact with me. Mr. Tanaka surprised me yet again. "She can stay here with me, officers. My security force will keep her safe until you can work out a trial."

  I...wait, what? Stay here? In this gorgeous place? I feel like it's illegal for me just to be sitting on this couch! And security force? Who the heck is this guy?

  The older officer protested. "Mr. Tanaka, you don't have to do that--"

  "On the contrary, it would be an honor for me. This gang will be after me as well when they discover that I have seen three of their member's faces and helped a witness escape their grasp."

  An honor? Me? I felt like laughing hysterically. Oh, this was just the cherry on top of one very, very fucked up day. Sure, why not live with the hot Asian who saved my life so I can hide from gang members that will want my head, because I'll testify against them in a trial? Of all the shameful things, I burst into tears. I just couldn't take it anymore.

  "Miss Saunders..." The older officer sounded uncomfortable, but Mr. Tanaka cut him off.

  "I believe that is enough for now, officers. You may return tomorrow and question her more. For now--" I watched him beckon to an elderly man that I hadn't even noticed standing in one corner of the room, "--Miss Saunders will remain here, where she will be safe. You may interview me as soon as she is settled, but for now please excuse us." He rose and bowed formally, offering his hand to me. Completely bowled over, I took it. What else could I have done? He made perfect sense. The elderly man strode smoothly up and helped Mr. Tanaka escort me out of the main room and up a flight of stairs.

  "I apologize if this is forward of me, Miss Saunders, but I do not like the idea of you being anywhere vulnerable. My security force is some of the best in Japan, as well as here in the United States." Mr. Tanaka's tone was a little worried. "I hope you are not angered by my insistence that you stay here. It would be for my peace of mind more than anything. So please, would you stay?"

  I was still recovering from my slight fit of hysteria. "But I don't have anything to wear."

  He chuckled slightly, and I suddenly felt as if I could stare at the curve of his mouth forever. Everything about this man... his aura of mystery, his gentle nature, his ability scare off men bigger than him... Get it together, moron! He's just offering you a place to stay because it's the polite thing to do.

  "I believe my sister's clothes will fit you. You can take her room, if you'd like. She's in Japan currently, studying in college."

  We stopped in front of a gorgeous mahogany door near the end of the hall. "This is her room." The butler, as I assumed was his position, threw open the doors to reveal a room my entire tiny apartment would have fit in. Everything spoke of feminine comfort, with white lace and soft lavender trim. The bed was a work of art, a four poster with what looked like the most comfortable mattress in the world topped with dainty pillows. The carpet was comfortably thick under my sore feet.

  Pretty, but not really me. But the bed was calling to me. "This is gorgeous," I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

  Mr. Tanaka placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Please, feel free to look around. Her closet is over there." He nodded to a large white door on the right side of the room. "And her bathroom is just next to it. I'll send up Himiko in a moment to assist you. Taro," He indicated the butler, "will remain with you. Please excuse me, and I will go get things straightened out downstairs."

  He brushed a few fingers across my cheek, then exited the room with a polite bow. I watched him go, numbness starting to set in. Though I found it slightly odd that he'd touch me like that, I brushed it off. Sure, why not? I'll just make myself at home in a place I'd normally never set foot in for fear of breaking something. I shivered and looked around helplessly. Where was I supposed to start?

  "If I may, miss, I believe Miss Himiko left most of her nightclothes in the dresser." The butler's voice made me jump. I glanced at him, and he gave me a warm smile. It was slightly reassuring, and I felt some of the tension in my chest ease up. "You have nothing to fear here, miss. Master Akihiko will sort everything out. For now you should rest."

  Just as he finished speaking a gorgeous Japanese girl rounded the corner, dressed neatly in a maid's uniform. She wasn't the same girl that had served tea downstairs, and I found myself wondering how many people this Mr. Tanaka had working for him. "Ah, you must be Miss Saunders." Her voice also had a soft, pleasant cadence to it. "I am Himiko. Master Akihiko has told me to look after you. I understand you were injured?"

  Reflexively my fingers reached up to brush along the bandage on my head. She swept gracefully into the room. "I am a skilled nurse, and the only reason the medic downstairs agreed not to take you to the hospital. Please, have a seat." Waving to a chair in front of a desk, she started pulling out bandages and antiseptic from her pockets. I did as I was told and sat, beyond doing anything on my own anymore. I could still feel tears leaking down my cheeks, but I wasn't sobbing anymore. Just in shock.

  Himiko tsked softly. "You poor thing." She dabbed at my cheeks with a tissue, then checked over the bandages the paramedic had placed. "Your hair is covered with blood, my dear. Would you like me to wash it for you?"

  Typically I was beyond anyone helping me. Ritchie had even told me on more than one occasion that I was too independent for my own good, but someone pampering me sounded like heaven right now, especially since I wasn't sure I could have done it on my own. My arms felt weak, and they hung uselessly at my sides, so I nodded as a fresh bout of tears started. Himiko patted my shoulder. "Wait here, I'll go and get things ready."

  I took in a little more of the room as she walked into the bathroom and started running some water. The walls were painted with fanciful wisteria vines. A few mirro
rs decorated them, along with some gorgeous scenic pictures of various places in Japan with things like shrines and mountains. There was a soft gauzy canopy hanging from the four poster, tied back with lavender ribbons.

  Himiko walked back in carrying an armful of towels and what looked like shampoo, and she was followed by Mr. Taro carrying a large washbasin full of steaming water. "Will you lean back in your chair, Miss Saunders? We can take care of the rest." Mr. Taro set the basin on the desk behind me as I complied, leaning back in my chair. Himiko set everything down on the desk's surface and leaned the chair back a little for me. I hadn't realized it was adjustable. Her fingers were gentle as she guided my hair into the basin and began slowly massaging my scalp.

  Though my head was still pounding, I couldn't deny that it felt wonderful. She poured some shampoo into her hand and began rubbing it through my now-wet hair, and I closed my eyes in bliss. I'd never experienced anything like this before. Himiko made sure to be gentle with me, and after she'd rinsed out the shampoo she braided my brown hair back and set about cleaning my cut properly, insisting that the paramedic had been too hasty and hadn't done a good job. She re-bandaged my forehead and pulled out a set of silky pajamas from a drawer in the pretty white dresser. "Would you like some help changing your clothes, Miss Saunders?"

  I was feeling too blissful to protest being spoiled like this, and my head still hurt with the slightest movement. "That would be really nice, Himiko. I'm not used to being pampered like this, but my head is just hurting like crazy."

  "Well, I do not believe that you have a concussion, Miss Saunders, but I will be keeping a close eye on you for the next little while just to ensure that you are all right."

  The butler walked out, closing the doors behind him out of respect. Himiko stripped me down completely, even removing my bra and panties. The pajamas were far too feminine for me, but they felt amazing against my skin. The baby-doll top floated away from my body, and the harem pants left plenty of room for easy movement. "Wow... I don't think I've ever owned anything this nice. I feel like I'm going to get in trouble for it," I half joked, but my fingers stroked along the fabric, enjoying the sensation. Himiko pulled out a silk robe that completed the ensemble and helped me into it.

  "There is no need to feel that way, Miss Saunders. You look lovely, and the clothes fit you so well. It is lucky you are close to Mistress Yuki's size." I assumed Yuki was Mr. Tanaka's sister. Sitting back down on the edge of the bed, I sank into a feather mattress and felt utter exhaustion creep in to claim me. I sank back on the pillows and idly watched Himiko dim the lights in the room, leaving only a small lamp by the bed on. She took up a seat next to the bed and helped me climb under the covers. Though I hadn't been tucked in since I was probably five, I found I still enjoyed it as she pulled the soft comforter up and drew the canopy down around the bed.

  "Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything, Miss Saunders. I will be right here next to the bed."

  I was barely coherent by this time, and was already in the midst of drifting off. I uttered my thanks, but my consciousness was soon swallowed up by merciful darkness.

  Chapter Three

  The wonderful scent of freshly baked bread woke me up, and the sunlight streaming into the room caused me to blink a few times and groan.

  "Ah, you're awake." Mr. Tanaka's voice snapped me quickly out of my post-sleep stupor.

  Please tell me I wasn't drooling or snoring.

  "The officers stopped by this morning, but you were still asleep, so I told them to stop by this evening."

  "Evening...?" What time is it?

  "It's just a little after three o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Saunders." Somehow he answered my question before it left my mouth. "I knew you needed the rest, so I asked the others not to disturb you."

  I jerked up in bed. "Three? I have to get--" A sharp stab in my head shut me up mid-sentence, and I sank back with a gasp of pain.

  "Please don't move around too quickly. The police have called your place of work and informed them that you will be leaving the state, to mislead the gang into thinking you have been placed in protective custody. Your apartment has been taken care of as well. I had all your things brought up." He indicated a pile of familiar suitcases to one side. "I did not want you to worry about your things being stolen."

  "Wow. You're efficient."

  He smiled a little as there was a soft knock at the door. His attention turned. "Come in, Himiko. She's awake."

  The maid from last night opened the door with one hand, balancing a tray of food in the other. My stomach snarled at me, and I was reminded that I'd skipped lunch and dinner yesterday. Smiling, Himiko set the tray down in my lap after Mr. Tanaka pulled back the gauzy canopy. It was a modest meal of fruit and bread, and there was a mug of steaming tea sitting in one corner. Flowers were arranged around the entire display, and once again I couldn't help but find myself wowed. There was so much attention to detail in everything these people did. I started eating as Mr. Tanaka continued.

  "You may stay here for as long as you need." He held up a hand to stop my protests. "I insist. You are not safe outside this home. It is no bother for any of us here. Please... for my peace of mind, Miss Saunders."

  How could I say no to his gorgeous face? And I could definitely get used to being spoiled like this. "Well... I'm not usually one to depend on others, but I know I don't really have a choice. None of my family is around anymore. At least, no one that cares." I refused to acknowledge my father, who'd left me when I was five and had never contacted my mother again. I had no siblings, although I had quite a few friends.

  My friends... How was I going to explain my sudden radio silence to them? I probably wouldn't be allowed to use my cell phone anymore because the gang could trace the number. As I ate I decided that was a worry for the future. For now I was determined to enjoy what little time I would spend around this highly attractive man.

  Mr. Tanaka looked slightly saddened. "Well, it is a shame not to be close to family, but perhaps it is for the best that you do not have anyone too close to you. After you have finished breakfast, would you care to join me for a tour? Himiko has informed me that you should not stay bed-bound for too long. It will wear on your spirits."

  I felt uneasy. "I don't know if I'll be up to moving very quickly."

  "It will be all right, miss. It may seem difficult at first, but I guarantee you'll feel much better after moving around." Himiko smiled at me.

  Mr. Tanaka rose. "I'll leave you to your breakfast, Miss Saunders."

  Nodding to Himiko, he strode out with undeniable grace. What is it about this guy...? But I halted that train of thought before it could go any further. There was no sense in mooning over him. Thankfully Himiko distracted me as I sipped my tea.

  "So Miss Saunders, I have chosen an outfit for you. I hope it was not too forward of me." She indicated a comfortable-looking pair of dress pants and a simple red ruffled blouse. Though I dressed up every day for my work as a secretary, I'd never worn anything that looked quite that tailored.

  "It looks really nice, Himiko. I love it."

  She helped me out of the bed, then exited the room. "Please call if you need assistance."

  Ugh...I was never going to get used to people offering to do everything for me. However, I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "I will, Himiko. Thank you." Though it was slightly challenging for me, I did manage to tug the blouse and pants on. I gingerly redid the braid Himiko had given me last night, being careful not to pull too hard. Taking one last look in the mirror, I decided I was fit for decent company and walked out of the room. Himiko was waiting for me, and she smiled.

  "I'm glad those clothes fit, Miss Saunders. Master Akihiko is waiting in the downstairs hallway."

  "All right, Himiko. Thanks again."

  She only bowed in response, then walked into my room to collect my breakfast things. I made my way slowly down the hall, staying close to a wall in case my head started throbbing so bad I wouldn't be able to fun
ction. In the daylight it was much easier to study the opulence of the mansion. When I'd been brought up here last night I hadn't had a chance to look around much, but now I noticed all the gorgeous fresh flower arrangements in vases I'm sure were worth millions. The walls were a tasteful crimson color bordered in gold. There were scrolls of calligraphy in characters I couldn't read, having never studied kanji, but I could appreciate the simplistic beauty.

  Mr. Tanaka was waiting for me in the grand hallway. He was wearing a simple white button up shirt tucked into slacks, yet I'd never seen a sexier man. His hair was pulled back into a half-up, half-down style again. Suddenly I felt a little shy. Things had been rather tumultuous for the past twelve hours, and I really knew next to nothing about this kind man who'd taken me in. But I had to start somewhere.


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