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Highland Moon Box Set (BBW Scottish Werewolf / Shifter Romance)

Page 15

by Mac Flynn

  Though the blood was cleaned and the flesh stitched together, I could see that the old Laird Campbell's throat had been viciously mauled. Jagged bits of flesh poked through the stitches and were a testament to the fangs that had torn his life from him.

  I covered my hand with my mouth and turned away from the ghastly sight. My laird placed the torch into its holder and set his hands on my shoulders. He leaned down so he whispered in my ears.

  "Do you understand the truth?" he asked me. I shut my eyes and nodded. My laird had killed his father, and in a manner so vicious as to leave those telling wounds. "What will you do?"

  I had no answer to give to him. My body trembled with a mortal fear for my own throat.

  My laird turned me around and cupped my chin in his hand. I opened my eyes and looked into his face. His expression held no remorse, but there was determination in his firm eyes.

  "I murdered my father for the good of us and our people," he told me. "He was a madman bent on destroying me, and in time he would have become aware of our relationship and killed you, as well."

  I clutched onto his shirt. "But why? Why did your father despise you so? What is it that makes you so different from everyone else?"

  A bitter smile slipped onto his lips. "I told you my mother fell out of favor with my father, and she died not many years after."

  I nodded. "Aye, but-"

  "I believe my father murdered her."

  I started back. My eyes grew wide and I shook my head. "No. How could-"

  "How could a husband ever murder his wife by poison? Because she was not as she appeared," he told me. His eyes swept over me and his gentle smile returned. "Which leads us to your other question, but have you not guessed it? Do you not recognize one of your own worshipers, my goddess?"

  I shook my head and stepped back out of his reach. "I am no goddess. I have no worshipers. I am-"

  "You are more than you understand," he insisted. He stepped up to me and grasped my upper arms. His eyes caught mine and I felt myself falling into his warm, heated gaze. "I am a creature of the full moon. A man who is not a man, but something more."

  I cupped my face in my hands and shook my head as I tried to block out the plain truth. "Please no! Tell me no more!"

  He pulled me closer to himself and I tried to separate us, but he was too strong. His iron-clasped hands held me to him. "I have the ability to change my form into that of a wolf creature, and I have chosen you as my bride."

  I shuddered and turned my face up to him. Tears poured down my cheeks. "Why? Why have you chosen me to linger with you in this sinfulness?"

  His smile softened and he tilted his head to one side. "I am a cursed man, but this curse does not make my actions evil. I have chosen you because I saw in you much potential."

  "But I am no monster!" I insisted.

  "And do you believe me one?" he returned.

  "I. . ." My words caught in my throat.

  I had meant to answer in the affirmative as all the church teachings and words spoken by my elders commanded me, but I found I could not. The voice inside me, the voice that desired to belong to this man-no, this creature-held sway over my choices. I was a prisoner to its decisions as surely as my laird was a prisoner to his curse.

  A triumphant smile slipped onto his lips. "I see your answer in your eyes, my goddess, and I am very glad for it."

  I shuddered and turned my face away. "Why do you call me that?" I whispered.

  "Because I worship you as surely as the villagers worship their god," he replied.

  I looked to him and furrowed my brow. "But do you not-" He shook his head.

  "No. My god-my goddess-is only you, my love." He cupped my chin in his hands once more and leaned down to plant a teasing kiss on my lips. His warmth breath blew over my face and I inhaled his wonderful, musky scent. "And on the night of the full moon-tomorrow night-I will worship you in all your glory. For now, though, we should leave this hole. A tomb is no place for a goddess of your radiance."

  My laird extinguished the torch and we were plunged into darkness, but I had no fear. I was in his trance, the control that his being held over me. He clasped one of my hands in his and led me through the darkness and out into the light. The door was shut behind us, and we stepped onto the plain of the dead garden. He tilted his head up and gazed at the clear, cool wintry sky. I followed his eyes and noticed the large, dim moon above us. Its true brilliance would not be known until the night.

  "Just one long night and day, and I will show you your true calling," he whispered. He turned to me and his smile warmed me. "Until then we will be as simple lovers, but after tomorrow night we will be as one beneath the glow of the moon."

  His words quickened my heart and a warmth rushed over me.

  "Must we wait?" I whispered.

  He pressed me close against his chest and smiled down at me. "Anything good is worth waiting for, and you are not quite attired as I would wish." His eyes flickered down to my dress. Cobwebs and tomb dust covered the lower hem. "And I believe the good tailor is come

  Leod came from the garden entrance and bowed his head to us. "My laird, Leod has come to tell you the tailor is here with dresses," he announced.

  I blinked and looked up at my laird. "How did you know?"

  He tapped the side of his nose. "A gift, or some would call it a curse." He guided me over to Leod and placed me before the servant. "But go with Leod and I will join you after I attend to a few matters."

  My laird gave me no chance to argue, but hurried past us and through the open door into the castle. I turned to Leod, who smiled and bowed to me.

  "Leod is pleased to see my lady in such wonderful health," he commented.

  I blinked at him. "My health?" I wondered.

  He clasped his hands together and eagerly nodded. "Aye. My lady's cheeks are very rosy."

  I pressed my hands against my cheeks and felt the heat from my lingering lust. I blushed and turned away from him. "I-it is nothing, merely the cold," I explained.

  Leod's face fell and he swept one hand towards the door. "Then Leod would like to bring my lady inside before my lady catches her death of cold."

  I allowed him to lead me into the drafty but warmer confines of the castle. We turned up the stairs and walked side-by-side down the north wing hall. There was no sound but those of our feet on the worn stones, and I was uneasy.

  "How is Bean Lyel?" I spoke up.

  Leod closed his eyes and shook his head. "My master has sent her away. Leod's wife was very bad to my lady."

  I hung my head. "I am sorry I have caused you such pain."

  Leod stopped and turned to me. He clasped his rough hands in mine and shook his head so vigorously I worried he would hurt himself. "No! No! My lady is very good, and Leod's wife was like old Laird Campbell. Very mean. Leod did not like her very much, and now Leod is free to marry anyone of his choosing."

  "But she was your wife," I reminded him.

  Leod wrinkled his nose. "She was given to Leod, but Leod did not like such a gift. She was cruel to Leod, and Leod is glad she is gone." He smiled and shook my hands. "Leod would rather see my lady's smile than Leod's wife."

  I managed a smile for him. "Then I will be sure to smile as often as I can," I promised.

  "Good! And my lady's pretty clothes will help her smile very much!" he told me.


  He led me the remainder of the hall and into the chambers I shared with my laird. Maher the tailor stood at the foot of the bed with a large trunk on the floor between him and the roaring fire. He saw us enter and hurried over with a wide smile and a skip to his step. Maher clasped my hands and pulled me into the room.

  "My lady, I thought you were lost!" he teased.

  I laughed as I tried not to stumble through his eagerness. "Muira, my old friend," I reminded him.

  "Lady Muira, if I recall," he returned. He set me beside the closed trunk and flung open the lid. A half dozen dresses were carefully packed one on top of the other.
"And another memory I have is promising you some very wonderful dresses, and I have delivered them." He pulled out an elegant evening dress dyed the color of red wine. The sleeves were simple, but billowing enough to hide my plump figure. "The dress is very slimming, bu it will reveal those wonderful curves you possess and bring you the envy of any lady," he assured me.

  "It is beautiful," I complimented him. I glanced down into the trunk and noticed the next dress. My brow furrowed and I pointed at the cloth. "For what occasion should that be worn?"

  Maher pulled out the dress so I was allowed a full view. The dress was the color of fresh snowfall and had small, long sleeves. The waist was slim, and the length reached to my ankles. The neckline was very low and would show an ample part of my breasts.

  "It is one especially ordered by our laird and is made of the finest silk I could find in such short notice," he explained. "Though for what purpose I cannot tell you."

  "It is very beautiful," I replied.

  "Yes, but allow me to show you the others," he eagerly pleaded.

  Maher pulled out another evening dress created with rare purple cloth, and two dresses for everyday wear. He placed the dresses on the foot of the bed and looked into the trunk. His face fell and he pursed his lips.

  "I am afraid I haven't saved the best for last, Lady Muira," he admitted.

  I leaned forward and looked into the trunk. A simple black dress with heavy lace was the final apparel. Maher lifted the dress out and it shimmered with satin.

  "Your funeral dress, my lady, for tomorrow's most somber of occasions," he explained to me.

  I felt the color drain from my face. I reached out and pinched the fabric between my fingers. There was a long moment of silence between us as I studied the cloth and Maher studied my face.

  "Is it to your liking?" he wondered.

  I started at his voice. "What? Oh, yes, of course. It's very pretty," I answered.

  Maher shook his head. "Then I have failed you with this dress. The others you described as beautiful, but this is merely pretty."

  "It isn't your work that upsets me, but the occasion," I admitted.

  Maher closed his eyes and gave a nod. "I understand. Funerals are very dreary businesses, especially ones one is required to attend." He set the dress into the trunk followed by all but one of the day dresses. "But I hope to create more dresses for you on your happy occasion," he added as he closed the lid and turned to me with a smile. "I hear our laird wishes for it to be soon."

  I blushed and nodded. "Aye." A sudden, tense thought struck me, and I bit my lower lip. "Does. . .does my mother know of my betrothal?"

  Maher grinned. "Aye, and she has sent her surprise and her blessings through me, and wants me to tell you she wishes to see you at some day before the wedding. There is some bit of advice she wishes to give to you."

  "What is it?" I asked him.

  He wagged his finger in front of his face. "I learn much in my trade, but not from prying. She would not tell me, and I would not inquire. I merely passed on your happy news, and return it in kind."

  I smiled and jumped forward to envelope him in a hug. "Thank you, old friend."

  He gently pried me from him and I noticed his blushing face. "A very great welcomes to you, Lady Muira. It pains me to tell you, but I must be on my way. Other clothes are in need of tending."

  I stepped back and bowed my head. "I understand, and I hope to see you again very soon."

  "And for a fitting of a bridal gown," he added with a wink. "Good day to you, my lady."

  "Good day," I returned.

  Maher packed his trunk and left me to myself. I shed my old clothes and clumsily attired myself in one of the day dresses, a beautiful, thick one the color of the autumn through the windows. I looked out the window and my eyes fell on the garden below the sill. The garden was long, but still I could not miss the large door at the far end and set into the ground. Though I smiled and laughed, my mind was never far from the earthen tomb and what I had learned.

  I thought of my laird's mother and father, and the horrible secret he had confided in me. A man who murders his wife is a terrible thing, but to be murdered in turn? And by his own son? I could not judge them, but I wondered what God, my god, would judge against their souls. For my account, I pitied the son and recoiled from the father.

  The door opened and I heard boots enter. I didn't need to turn around to know that my laird had entered my presence. He walked up to me and placed his hands gently on my shoulders.

  "You look wonderful," he whispered into my ear.

  His touch and soft voice thrilled me. I closed my eyes and shuddered. "Thank you, my laird."

  "But you would look much better without them," he added.

  My heart quickened as the familiar rush of heat swept over my trembling body. The heat pooled between my legs where was centered the majority of my lust for this man who wasn't a man.

  He spun me around and captured my lips in a passionate kiss. I groaned and pressed my ample frame against him. His hands deftly untied the rear strings of my dress and the cloth fell to the floor. My bodice soon joined the dress, and I stood before him with only my under skirt.

  His hands roamed my body as his lips pressed sweet, hot kisses down my neck.

  "So beautiful," he whispered.

  I closed my eyes and panted. "My laird," I moaned.

  He raised his head and his heated gaze ignited a fire of lust inside me. "Ask me anything, my goddess, and I will give it to you."

  "Take me," I breathed. "Take me and never let me go."

  A sly smile slid onto his lips. "With pleasure, my goddess."

  My skirt was flung aside and I stood naked before him. My laird swept me into his arms and carried me over to the bed where he lay me atop the sheets. He pulled off all his own clothes and lay down beside me. His naked body pressed against half of mine and I felt his stiff, throbbing need against my hip.

  My laird's hand swept across my wide hip and dipped into the coarse hairs between my thighs. I leaned my head back and groaned as his fingers brushed against my wet, heated core. My entire being reveled in the lust that penetrated my body and soul, and I felt the change come over me.

  My breasts swelled and spilled over my chest. I felt my hips widen and thicken beneath his body. My hands lengthened into long claws that clutched the covers. I tilted my head back and let my thickening hair spill over my shoulders and curve down my ample breasts. The change penetrated deeper than ever as my muscles stretched and pulsed with a great power, a taste of which thrilled me to my core.

  "Yes," I heard my laird hiss. "My goddess. My true goddess."

  I panted and squirmed atop the sheets. An aching desire rippled through my new, strong body, and I was awash in a lust that threatened to consume me were it not satisfied with sinful rutting.

  "What. . .is happening. . .to me?" I whispered.

  "The approaching full moon tempts you," he soothed me as his finger stroked the sensitive nub between my wet folds. My hips rocked with his touch. "Your soul longs to be set free from this mortal coil in which you live."

  A rush of heat soaked into my body and the ache inside me grew deliciously unbearable. I groaned and squirmed. "Please set me free," I breathed.

  He chuckled and nipped at my neck. "Not yet, my goddess, but tomorrow night will be your night. Your moon. Today, though, I will do what I can."

  He leaned down and captured one of my buds in his mouth. His hot lips suckled me and sent wonderful shivers of pleasure through my body. He never stopped his stroking of me, and I sank blissfully into the deep, lustful depths of his gentle caresses. The sin that consumed me was like nothing I had ever experienced. My body was alive with agonizing desire that left me wanting more. I wanted only for him to make me his, to take me for all eternity and force me to submit to his strong will. I was his goddess, his bride, his slave, and I moaned in the wonderful thought of a lustful union with this powerful creature.

  "Please," I groaned.

p; He lifted his head and gazed at me with eyes the color of amber. His teeth were sharp and his hair, like mine, spilled over his back like a mane. The sunlight through the windows glistened off his sweat-soaked body and showed off his thickened muscles and the coarse stubs of fur that broke through his flesh. He spoke in a deep, husky voice that made me shudder.

  "What is it you wish, my goddess?" he whispered.

  I clutched his shoulders and my fingers entwined themselves in his long, beautiful fur. "Make me yours and keep yourself inside me. I wish to know nothing else but you until the full moon," I pleaded.

  He chuckled. "A wonderful command, my goddess, but one I can only fulfill for this moment."

  A hot flash of lust rippled through me, and I whimpered. "Please. I want only you. Only you can quench this unbearable thirst inside me."

  He leaned down and pressed our lips together for but a moment. "I will do what I can this day, my goddess, and tomorrow night will be all the better."

  He positioned himself at my core and penetrated me with his stiff, throbbing manhood. I leaned back my head and moaned as we joined as one. Our bodies and souls intertwined in a lustful dance that fanned the flames of need until sweet orgasm came to us. His thrusts were long, hard and deep. My loud moans filled the air as I rocked my hips with his sweet penetrations.

  "So. . .hot," he growled.

  "Yes," I groaned. I pressed my pert breasts against his chest and planted little kisses on his neck. "Fill me. Make me yours," I whispered into his ear.

  He grunted and his movements quickened. A smile slid onto my lips as I felt the first throes of orgasm pour from my hot core. I reveled in the tremors of pleasure that penetrated me to the very depths of my soul, and I delighted in the sinful bliss of lust that created such raw power inside me.

  "Yes. Oh god, yes," I murmured to my laird, my husband, my god. I clung to him as the waves of orgasm grew stronger. "Yes, that's it. More. Oh god, more. Just a little more. Oh god, yes." The pleasure heightened beyond compare and my body convulsed with sinful bliss set upon me by this creature that was my lover. I clutched onto him and cried out my glee to the walls around us. "Yes! Yes!"


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