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Highland Moon Box Set (BBW Scottish Werewolf / Shifter Romance)

Page 25

by Mac Flynn

  Eva blushed. "I-I did nothing of the sort!"

  "Then you both know the way to the training grounds?" I spoke up.

  Davina paused in her tying of my bodice to lean forward so she caught sight of my face. Her brow was furrowed as she studied my expression. "Why do you ask these questions, Muira?"

  I pursed my lips and spun around to face the surprised pair. "I can no longer remain in these quiet chambers," I told them.

  "You wish to go to the dining hall?" Eva guessed.

  "Or the courtyard?" Davina suggested.

  I shook my head. "I wish to go to the patch of ground where my laird and his men train."

  Eva's mouth dropped open, and even Davina frowned.

  "But the attempt on your life!" Eva reminded me.

  "My life was spared, and I will have two very good friends to accompany me," I pointed out.

  "For once I must agree with Eva. This is rather dangerous," Davina commented.

  I stood tall and bowed my head. "I understand, and I do not blame either of you if you do not wish to escort me."

  "Lady Muira!"


  Both of them spoke in scolding tones as they gathered around me and grasped my sleeves.

  "Never believe we are so selfish!" Eva pleaded.

  "You should know us better than that, Muira!" Davina scolded.

  "If you do not worry for your positions then I can only assume you worry for your safety. I understand, and will not force you to go with me," I assured them.

  Davina stepped back and stood tall. "Well, I for one refuse to allow you to travel alone," she insisted.

  "And I will not allow either of you to leave without proper supervision," Eva chimed in.

  I allowed a twinkle to slip into my eyes and a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. "Then you will go with me?" I asked them.

  "Of course!" they cried in unison.

  "Then let us go at once," I insisted.

  We finished my dressing and ventured forth to the training grounds outside the village. My pair of friends walked on either side of me and led the way.

  "Are you sure this is so wise?" Eva asked me as we walked down the long road from the castle to the village.

  "Would you rather have remained at the castle?" Davina asked her.

  Eva glared at her friend. "I would not. She is our responsibility, and I will ensure her safety."

  "I will take responsibility for my actions," I reminded her.

  "We won't blame you for anything, will we, Eva?" Davina scolded her friend.

  Eva sighed and shook her head. "No, of course not."

  Davina leaned forward as we walked and frowned at her old acquaintance. "What ails you? I thought you would be pleased to see your young laird."

  Eva scowled at Davina. "It would please me to perform my duties to Lady Muira, but-" She paused and shook her head. "I would rather not discuss the matter."

  "Come on. Out with it," Davina insisted.

  "It isn't of importance," she argued.

  "It is if you won't discuss it," Davina countered.

  Eva's eyes flickered to me as we entered the village and turned left toward the High Road. She lowered her voice so she wouldn't be overheard. "If her ladyship won't laugh at me."

  I smiled and shook my head. "Of course not."

  Eva bit her lower lip and looked at the ground. "Well, I have a horrible feeling something might happen. Something very bad."

  Davina rolled her eyes . "Another of your feelings?" she scolded her.

  Eva glared at her. "This one is very strong. Something will come, and it will be terrible."

  By this time our quick feet had taken us beyond the boundaries of the small village and to the training grounds. The grounds abutted the High Road and was a flat parcel of wheat ground. The wheat was put up for the winter so the hundred men walked on the small stubs of the once-golden harvest. Tristan stood at their head and showed them several sword moves for close combat. Alan and Angus were at his sides and assisted in the drills.

  We were not long unnoticed. Tristan turned and frowned at us. He spoke a few words to the men and strode over to us.

  "Why have you left the castle?" he asked us.

  I shrank beneath his ire. "I only meant to see you," I explained.

  Tristan looked from Davina to Eva, and each in their turn bowed their head. "Why did you not stop her?"

  I frowned and stepped forward. "The choice to come here was none of their doing. I commanded them to accompany me, and they obeyed against their wishes."

  Tristan returned his attention to me and pursed his lips. "Do you not understand the danger? Your assassin could return at any moment and succeed in the task to which she has assigned herself."

  I stood tall and looked him in the eyes. A spark of energy shot through me in which I found strength. "I would not have allowed her to frighten me into not living my life. If she returns again I will show her I am not afraid."

  A hint of a smile slipped onto Tristan's lips. "It seems we both have lacked the faith of one another at some point, and the time for mine was brief." He opened one arm and stepped aside for me to join him by his side. "Come, my godly wife, and join-"

  "My laird!" Alan shouted.

  We all turned our attention to Alan. He pointed at the High Road, and we followed his finger to the point where three riders rode hard down the road. My heart quickened when I recognized them as Bruce, Chamberlain and Duncan. They rode up to us and their filthy clothes and sweat-covered steeds showed their hard journey. The men dismounted and hurried up to Tristan. They were joined by Angus and Alan.

  "My laird, it is as the man has spoken," Chamberlain revealed.

  "Aye, and far worse," Duncan spoke up. His face was grim as he shook his head. "Men of my father's lands have joined them and strengthened their army."

  Tristan frowned. "What cause have they in union with the Menzies clan?"

  "Rumors, my laird," Chamberlain continued. "Rumors of devilry among the lairds of Castle Campbell."

  "Their priests urge them to stamp out the Devil by joining his lot against us," Bruce spoke up.

  Tristan pursed his lips. "I see. Then there can be no convincing them otherwise?"

  Chamberlain shook his head. "None at all save for victory. God's will would be shone through the victor."

  "Then we will show them god's will," Tristan promised. He turned to me where I stood off with Davina and Eva, and offered me his hand. "Will you grace us with god's majesty?"

  I smiled and strode over to lay my hand atop his. "Wherever you lead, my laird, I will follow."

  Tristan nodded, and looked to the men around him. "Have I your strong hands to assist me in god's will?"

  "For forever and a day," Duncan promised.

  "I will join you," Angus offered.

  Chamberlain and Alan bowed their heads.

  Bruce looked on the company and smiled. "This shall be interesting."


  "Very interesting, but we must first give strategy to our decisions," Tristan advised.

  "And choose groups for the army we fight against has two heads," Bruce revealed. He knelt on the ground and drew a few circles in the mud with a stick. "This group-" he pointed at one circle, "-moves along the High Road, but the other dares the passages through the woods and mean to strike us from the east."

  "Which is the larger?" Tristan asked him.

  Bruce tapped the circle that followed the forest. "This one. They mean to hide their greater numbers until they are gathered for a fight in the valley."

  "Then I will take a chosen few and face them," Tristan suggested.

  Alan's eyes widened. "My laird, we haven't the men to split into two groups. Many of them are newly trained."

  Tristan looked past Alan's shoulders at the men. They stood shoulder to shoulder in long rows and watched the whispering with unease. Tristan pushed through our small group and moved to stand before them. When he spoke he spoke with a loud, clear voice that echo
ed over the whole of the group.

  "My loyal men, I have heard dire news," Tristan told them. "These men-" he gestured to the three, "-have brought news of an army of Menzies who come from the northeast to avenge their fallen brethren." The eyes of the men widened and they glanced at one another to whisper frightened words to their companions. Tristan held up his hand and they quieted. "I know you fear for your loved ones and yourself, but fear not when god is on our side. I myself will confront the greater of the army and trap them in the woods while you meet the lesser portion on the High Road where you command the territory."

  "But who will go with you, my laird?" a soldier shouted.

  "A chosen few, but I will not separate any of you from your brothers-in-arms," Tristan assured them.

  "But we are not afraid, are we, men?" another soldier called to those around him.



  "This is for our homes!"

  Tristan smiled and held his hand higher. "I will never call such loyal men cowards, but what I have planned in the woods is better taken by few men." He stepped aside and gestured to Alan and Chamberlain. "They will lead you into battle when I cannot, and trust in them as you would me. Besides, you fight not for me alone, but for all your families." The men looked at each other and nodded their heads. Tristan unsheathed his sword and held it over his head for all to see. "I know you will make them proud!"

  The men echoed his gesture and raised their swords and those taken from the defeated Menzies.

  "Hooray!" they shouted. "Hooray!"

  Alan pursed his lips and moved to stand beside Tristan. "Is this wise, my laird? Should we not instead gather more men?" he whispered.

  Tristan lowered his sword and turned to Alan with a grin. "I would not miss a challenge such as this, and recall that we have god on our side." His eyes flickered past Alan and settled on me. I smiled and nodded, and Tristan returned his attention to Alan. He set one hand on the trusted captain's shoulder. "But fear not for us while you have your own battle to fight. I and those I take with me will have the advantage of tree cover, but you must brave the open field."

  Alan straightened and bowed his head. "Your men are ready, my laird."

  "Our men, my friend, and I know they will fight well for their families," Tristan replied. He passed Alan and walked over to the small group of men. His eyes settled on Duncan and Angus. "Will you both fight alongside me?" he asked them.

  They both nodded.

  "With our dying breath," Duncan assured him.

  Tristan laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "I don't believe it shall be as terrible as that."

  Bruce stepped forward. "I will come with you," he offered.

  Some of Tristan's humor fell off his face and he shook his head. "The main army will need another strong fighter."

  "The main army will need its commander," Bruce countered.

  Tristan shook his head. "I would not stretch god's will across two areas of combat."

  "You needn't. I will go in your stead and take his faithful servant, your wife, with me," Bruce offered.

  Tristan frowned and his eyes flickered to me. "I would prefer she remain with me, and I against the main part of their army."

  "What you would prefer is not of greater importance than you at the head of your men. They will need you to rally them, and I have experience with god's will," Bruce reminded him.

  "I would trust Bruce with my life. He has saved it once before," I spoke up.

  Tristan stepped up to me and clasped my hands in his. He pursed his lips and looked into my eyes. "You are sure?" he whispered. "You have never been alone with god's will."

  I smiled and squeezed his hands. "It must come at some time, my laird, or I will never know this new me," I pointed out.

  A hint of a smile passed his lips and he nodded. "Very well," he called out loud enough so all to hear. He turned to the group of men and his soldiers. "I will ride with the main army, and others will go in my stead to defeat the portion that travels through the forest."

  "Hooray!" the men shouted.

  Tristan looked to our close friends. "Let us return to the castle and prepare for battle."

  Alan took control of the men and led them from the grounds. Chamberlain, Duncan and Bruce walked along with us with the reins of their horses in hand to give their steeds some rest. Duncan stepped up to the side of Tristan and lowered his voice so few could overhear but those with the gift.

  "I have lived three days with this man named Bruce and know of his great tracking skills, but I have not seen him fight. Is he competent?" Duncan whispered.

  "I trust him to be as great a fighter as myself," Tristan assured him.

  A crooked grin slipped onto Duncan's lips. "I don't recall you being the most competent-"

  Tristan unsheathed his sword and spun around to press the blade against Duncan's throat. The action took less than the blink of an eye. Tristan smiled into Duncan's bewildered face.

  "You were saying?" Tristan asked him.

  Duncan gathered himself and grinned. "I was saying you've changed a great deal since we last met."

  Tristan chuckled and sheathed his weapon. "I will accept your words as a compliment."

  "Now what was that show with your lovely bride" Duncan wondered as we continued on our way to the castle.

  "She is to be among your group in the battle," Tristan revealed.

  Duncan started to a stop and Angus' mouth dropped open.

  "A woman?" Angus choked out.

  "A child of god," Tristan corrected him.

  "For once my brother has some sense about him," Duncan chimed in. Angus glared at him, but the look was ignored. "This is no time to jest, old friend. Battle is no place for a fair maiden."

  "She will be far more useful than any of our swords," Bruce spoke up. "She will be as a shield to us, and I wonder if we shall have any sport this day."

  Duncan scoffed. "A shield maiden? Like of old? Those are fairy tales to tell children."

  "Our wet nurse was fond of those stories," Angus chimed in.

  Bruce chuckled and pulled ahead of us. "Then you shall learn old tales today," he called over his shoulder.

  We continued on our way and arrived at the castle. The courtyard was filled with soldiers as they armed themselves in what armor they owned. The horses were brought from the stables and those that belonged to our three spies were brushed down and given ample food and water. Their rest would be short-lived. They would go out again to the fields of battle.

  Tristan turned to Chamberlain. "Prepare my armor as before along with your lady's horse, and we shall be down presently."

  Chamberlain bowed his head. "As you wish, my laird."

  Tristan took my hand and led me to our bed chambers. He closed the door firmly behind us and turned to me with worried eyes. My laird moved to stand before me and set his hands on my shoulders as he studied my face.

  "You are sure you wish to do this without me?" he asked me again.

  I clutched the necklace I wore and gave a nod. "I do, my laird. I will be protecting my family and friends."

  "She will not be alone," a voice spoke up, and Ciardha rose from the chair turned to the fire. She was as herself, the beautiful Lady Campbell, and there was a smile on her lips. "I will protect and guide her."

  Tristan's face brightened, and he hurried over to clasp her hands. "Mother, you have returned. I feared you had left forever."

  She chuckled and shook her head. "Never, my son. I merely kept a far eye on you and your own. Now I see you have more need of my services than a mere watch."

  "How will you help me?" I asked her.

  "By assisting you in focusing the goddess' power," she revealed. "She is a rather strong spirit, and sometimes fickle, but with my help there will be no worry."

  I smiled and gave a nod. "Then with so many friends by my side I will have no fear."

  Lady Campbell turned her attention back to her son. "Where does Bruce mean to ride?"

you, though he doesn't know it yet," Tristan told her.

  She chuckled. "Excellent. I shall see if there is any rust in his swing and tease him accordingly."

  A dark shadow fell over Tristan's face and he pursed his lips. "Mother, why did you never tell me the truth of my true heritage?"

  Lady Campbell's smile slipped off her face and she sighed. "Because I never wished for you to know." She cupped his cheek in one hand and studied his face. "Though your parentage shown through regardless of my wishes. The heritage of the wolf."

  Tristan set his hand over hers and smiled. "I would have it no other way."

  His mother smiled and gave a nod. "That is the son I raised. Now come. War is upon us and chatter is not the wisest strategy."


  Lady Campbell reverted to her Ciardha disguise and we rejoined our friends, and a few acquaintances, in the entrance hall. The men were decked in leather and metal armor and bore swords. Our acquaintances, Seumas, Laird Graham, Lady Annabel, and Laird MacLaren with his wife, stood to the side. Laird MacNaughton and Duncan stood at the center of the group, and their heated voices echoed down the halls.

  "Lies!" MacNaughton insisted.

  "They are not lies, Father! I saw our men among their troops!" Duncan insisted.

  MacNaughton looked up and down Duncan and sneered at his son. "Then you are blinded by the lies of that man." A nod indicated Bruce who stood to one side with a small smile on his lips.

  "What is this about?" Tristan spoke up as we joined the group in front of the doors.

  MacNaughton stood tall with his lips tightly pursed together. "I have heard reports that my people follow the Menzies, and I do not believe it."

  "If you doubt the word of your own son then there is but one way to prove to you it is true. You must come with us," Tristan replied.

  The laird's stance stiffened. "I had thought to remain behind with Seumas and see to the castle and village."

  Seumas stepped forward and bowed to MacNaughton. "If it pleases you, my laird, I would rather join in the fray and defend my cousin's lands."

  MacNaughton's eyes hardened. "It does not. You informed me of a different desire."


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