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Better With You: A Bragan University Novel

Page 13

by Gabriela, Gianna

  “You don’t come here often either,” Colton says to me softly.

  I give him a sideways glance. “I’ve met you here for lunch before,” I remind him and add “For all you know, I come here all the time.”

  “No, you don’t. I would know.”

  “Doubt it. I’m not on your radar.”

  “Says who? I can tell the moment you step into a room.”

  I blush at his words. I know he’s probably messing with me, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling giddy.

  Kiya and Blake start talking about their day, while Colton and I are happy to sit back and let them take the lead. Neither one of us is eager to speak. I still can’t believe I shared a couch with him.

  I take the last bite of my burger and I’m about to grab a fry when my hand runs into Colton’s.

  “Have you been eating my delicious fries?” I ask, dipping one into barbecue sauce.

  “You just noticed? You’ve got to work on your situational awareness.”

  “Oh crap, Hunter. Never touch her food. It’s the golden rule,” Kiya says seriously.

  “Why not?” he asks, grabbing another one of my fries.

  “She’s got a food obsession,” my roommate says, preventing me from answering.

  “I do not! You just didn’t ask,” I say pointing at her.

  Colton leans in, whispering in my ear, “You’re saying all I have to do is ask?”

  “Yes,” I reply breathlessly.

  Wow, did it just get hot in here? It feels like we’re no longer talking about fries.

  “You never share your food with me,” my roommate interrupts again.

  I look away from Colton and shrug my shoulders. “You never ask.”

  “What are you doing tonight?” Blake asks Kiya, diverting the conversation.

  “Oreo shakes and Channing Tatum,” Kiya tells him nonchalantly.

  “Doing Channing Tatum, huh?” Blake playfully lifts his eyebrows.

  “Yeah, who wouldn’t?” Kiya answers, and she’s right. Even I wouldn’t pass up on that, and that’s saying a lot considering my virginity status.

  “Will you share with me?” Colton asks.

  “What? Oh.” I push my fries to his side. Kiya scoffs from the other side of the table, but I just roll my eyes and smile.

  “Blake and I will be there at eight,” Colton says.

  “Be where?” Kiya asks.

  “At your place.” Colton directs his answer to me, and then looks at Kiya.

  “Wait, what?” I ask.

  “Oreo shakes and movies sound like a great night,” he adds like that’s a proper answer.

  “It’s a girls’ night. At least that was the plan,” Kiya responds.

  “Now it’s just a night,” Blake retorts, kissing her cheek.

  “I can bring some food to pay you back for stealing your fries. Does that sound good?” Colton looks me dead in the eyes, waiting for a response, and I know my fries are not the only thing he’s stealing from me.

  “I guess that’s okay,” Kiya says seizing the opportunity.

  “Thanks, babe. Can’t wait.” Blake kisses her cheek once more.

  Well, there goes our girls’ night and my venting about my professor.

  “Shit, we’ve got to go. We’re going to be late for practice,” Blake says, shifting his focus from Kiya to Colton.

  “Let’s go.” Colton grabs my now empty tray, places it on top of his, and walks to the trash can. I look in Kiya’s direction, catching Blake leaning towards her for a kiss. I look away, trying to give them some privacy. When Colton comes back from dropping off the trays, he grabs his bag and looks at Blake, where I assume he catches the kiss I was trying to avoid.

  He chuckles. “Get a room.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” Blake grabs his things.

  “See you tonight then,” Kiya tells him, trying to prolong their time.

  “See ya,” Blake gives her a quick peck.

  I look back at Colton, startled to find him closer than I’d expected. He’s close enough to kiss. And for the briefest moment, I think he’s going to do exactly that. His hand glides along my cheek, and he places his mouth to my ear.

  “I’d do the same if you let me,” he whispers. My eyes flutter closed at his words, and when I open them back up, he’s walking out the door.

  “Not a word,” I warn Kiya. I have no idea what that was about. If I’d let him do what, kiss me? Is that what he meant?

  “Many words, but not now. I have class. Get ready to tell all later.” She grabs her things and walks away.

  I remain seated at the table, waiting for the erratic beating of my heart to cease.

  The things he does to me with just words are incredible.

  Someone clears their throat behind me. I turn, half expecting it to be Kiya so desperate to know what Colton whispered to me that she decided to skip class, but I’m completely wrong.

  Instead, there are three sets of eyes on me; one of them filled with anger.

  “Abbigail,” I say, ready to get whatever is about to go down over and done with. “Kaitlyn,” I add when I spot her standing behind Abbigail. She lowers her gaze, avoiding my eyes. I guess the lines have been drawn and I am the only one on my side at the moment.

  “I was just stopping by to let you know that whatever you think might be happening with Colton, isn’t,” Abbigail says with a snarl.

  For a second I want to tell her that it’s really none of her business, but instead I go with the truth.

  “There is nothing going on between Colton and me.”

  “You’re damn right there isn’t.” She gets closer to me. I assume in an attempt to appear threatening or more intimidating. She’s a couple of inches taller than me, and since I’m sitting down, she towers over me. I bet she enjoys feeling mighty.

  I force myself to stop rolling my eyes. “I just said that.”

  “Understand, honey, that Colton is mine. So back off, or I’ll make you back off.”

  Hers? Seriously. If he were hers she wouldn’t have to be all in my face, warning me to back off. Pathetic. “Two things, honey. First, you don’t scare me. I am not threatened by you. On the contrary, it seems you’re threatened by me. Second, I don’t think Colton would agree with you. He isn’t property and he doesn’t belong to you.”

  “You should be afraid. I can make your life really hard, sweetheart. Since you just got here, and you might not be aware, I’ll tell you. I’m the one he always comes back to. Everyone knows that.”

  The blonde behind her nods in agreement, and I look to Kaitlyn, but she gives nothing away.

  “Since I am new here, maybe I can teach you a little something about self-respect. Don’t be the girl they always come back to. Be the one they never leave.”

  Seemingly irritated with me and the fact that I’m not backing down, she places her right hand on the table and leans in closer. I am hyper-aware, ready to strike if necessary.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll back off.”

  Tired of her petty threats, I get up from the table and grab my things. I turn my back to her and feel something cold and wet hit the back of my jacket.

  “Oops,” Abbigail says innocently as she tips her iced coffee all over me. Her blonde friend, the one standing next to Kaitlyn, laughs as the drink drenches my jacket and pants.

  “I’m so sorry,” Abbigail adds apologetically.

  “Don’t worry,” I tell her mirroring her same fake ass smile. Two can play at that game. “I was going to take this off when Colton comes over tonight anyway.”

  Abby’s nostrils flare suddenly. Oh, shit. I know I shouldn’t have said that, but it just came out. I couldn’t help it.

  Abbigail’s mouth opens and closes a few times, but nothing comes out. Behind her, Blondie’s eyes look like they are ready to jump out of her face, and I think Kaitlyn’s are dancing with excitement. Odd.

  I guess my words shut Abbigail down since she just huffs and walks away. As she retreats, I hear her
mutter the word, “bitch.” I shake it off because I know it isn’t true.

  She leaves the dining hall and panic consumes me. Kaitlyn will surely tell her brother what I’ve insinuated. Ugh, I am so screwed.


  The moment Kiya walks through the door, she demands to know what Colton had whispered in my ear.

  “Was it something dirty? Did he bite your ear? Oh! Was it something so dirty you can’t bear to repeat it to me?” she says, cornering me in the kitchen as I finish washing the dishes.

  “Kiya, no!” I say, desperately trying to make her stop. “He just said he’d do the same if I let him.”

  My roommate frowns. “Do what, exactly?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. You’ll never believe what happened after that though.” I tell her about my encounter with Abbigail.

  “Is she kidding?” Kiya exclaims as I finish recounting the conversation. We move to the living room to organize it a little before the guys get here.

  “I don’t know. They did seem really close at the party.” I remember the kiss they’d shared that night—the all too passionate kiss that made my stomach hurt.

  “Word on the street is that’s done with.”

  “What happened?” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  “She got a little clingy, or so Blake says.” My roommate grabs some of her coats from the rack and walks to her room.

  “He’s probably still sleeping with her though, right?” I yell as she retreats. I don’t want her to confirm this, but I want to know if it’s true. He probably told her no strings attached. He seems like the guy who wouldn’t want anything or anyone holding him down.

  “He’s interested in someone else,” Kiya says, smirking as she comes back into the room.

  Of course he’s into someone else. And here I thought he was into me.

  “He’s coming to see her today, actually,” she adds, not letting me escape the conversation. I chuck a pillow at her.

  “Shut up! I thought you were being serious.” I tell her as I pick up some snack wrappers from the coffee table in front of the TV.

  “I’m being serious, Mia. Colton volunteered to come over tonight.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “And earlier today, he sat at our table.”

  Yep, monumental step he took there by sitting with the peasants.

  I roll my eyes. “That doesn’t mean anything,” I respond.

  “It does to everyone who’s been worshipping the ground he walks on.”

  “Really, you think so?” I ask her because I want her to say yes. I want someone else to confirm what I have already been feeling.

  “Yes, I do think so. Colton has never done that before.”

  “Never sat at a different table? Never hung out with friends and watched a movie? I’m pretty sure he’s done that before.” I roll my eyes again. At this point, they might permanently remain at the back of my head.

  “Not really. He sticks with the guys on his team. Always. His group never changes and never allows any new members outside of new players.”

  “Abbigail is in it,” I can’t help but add.

  “Only because of Kaitlyn, Mia. Colton likes you. He’s never been like this before, never had to invite himself over to a girl’s house. He’s literally going out of his way to spend time with you. Everyone can tell, trust me. Why else do you think you’re a blip on Abbigail’s radar?”

  I shrug.

  “She felt threatened.”

  “Threatened, by me? If that’s the case, she’s mistaken. He is not interested in me. There has to be someone else.” I insist on telling her the opposite of what I feel. Maybe I’m trying to convince myself that he couldn’t possibly be interested in me.

  “No, she’s threatened by me,” Kiya deadpans “Obviously by you, M! Maybe there’s someone else, but he must not like her that much since he’s coming here tonight to hang out with you instead.”

  “He’s coming to hang out with us. With me, you, and Blake.”

  “Oh please. I’ve seen him God knows how many times over the last few years, and he’s barely acknowledged my presence. I don’t think he knew my name until after his party, and I think he only learned it because of you. He lives with Blake, too, which means he has no excuse to come here to hang out with him. He’s coming here for you, M. I didn’t peg you as the naïve type.”

  “Whatever,” I say, not wanting to get any further into it. I wish I could agree with what Kiya is saying, but I can’t. I can’t bring myself to think that there is a possibility he might like me.

  “Did you throw the popcorn in the microwave?” Kiya asks.

  “Aren’t they bringing food?”

  “Yes, but we’re watching a movie, so we need popcorn.”

  I’m not a fan of popcorn, not since working part-time at the movie theater when I was in high school. “We don’t need it.”

  “Mia, put the damn popcorn in the microwave.”

  “Are you trying to impress Blake, Kiya? You seem edgy.” I channel my inner psychologist. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Are you trying to impress Colton?” she retorts.

  “What would make you say that?” I ask her as I walk over to the kitchen.

  “The fact that you aren’t wearing your signature movie-watching-Frozen-pants,” I hear her yell.

  “I only wear those with you, dear. They’re my special bonding with Kiya pants.” There’s no way I could wear those with other people around.

  “Yeah, yeah. Is the popcorn popping?” she asks just as I place two bags of popcorn inside the microwave.

  Coming back into the living room, I salute her. “Yes ma’am.”

  “What movie are we watching?”

  “I don’t know. Something with Channing Tatum,” I say.

  “Should we force the guys to watch Magic Mike?”

  “Yes! That’s the best idea. They deserve it for inviting themselves to our girls’ night,” I encourage her. I can already imagine the awkward and uncomfortable look on their faces when all the hotties start to dance and strip.

  The doorbell rings, the little sound reverberating for a few seconds. Kiya runs to get the door while the microwave dings indicating the popcorn is ready. I head in the direction of the kitchen instead.

  “Hi, babe,” I hear Blake say.

  “Hey,” Kiya responds and I can imagine the smile on my roommate’s face. “Hi, Colton,” she adds, her tone a little more serious, and I laugh as I imagine her standing in front of Colton. He can be intimidating.

  “She’s in the kitchen. You know where that is,” she says a little louder so that I hear it. She thinks she’s funny.

  “You need help?” Colton says seconds later as I’m taking out the bags of popcorn. I empty them into two bowls.

  “No, I think I’m okay,” I tell him while grabbing a bowl with each hand.

  “Thanks for inviting us over,” he says with a freaking breathtaking smile.

  I smile back. “You sort of invited yourself.”

  “You could have said no. You can always say no,” he says and I see self-doubt make a brief appearance.

  “I didn’t think I had a choice.”

  “You always have a choice.”

  Our conversation seems to be taking a serious turn. I clear my throat. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. Kiya is stoked to be spending time with Blake.”

  “And you?”

  “What about me?” I ask, knowing exactly what he means.

  “Are you happy to be spending time with us? With me?” His eyes hold me in place as he waits for my response.

  I blush. “Yes.”

  “We’re starting the movie! Get in here,” Kiya yells. Yelling has become her specialty, it seems.

  “We better get in there,” Colton says with a low chuckle and I almost melt. He takes a bowl from my hand, his fingers brushing mine in the process. Goosebumps break out all over my body. After a few seconds, he moves away, leaving my fingers tingling.

  “Wait,” I s
ay remembering that I need to tell him about my interaction with Abbigail. Shit, this could ruin the rest of the night—maybe even ruin whatever this is between us. I’ve thought a million times about how to bring it up, or whether I should bring it up at all, but I know I have to – someone will. Time to come clean. I take a deep breath.

  “What’s up?” he asks.

  “After you left the dining hall, Abbigail approached me…” I look down at my feet and start wiggling my toes.

  “What did she want?” he practically growls.

  “She was just marking her territory.” Or trying to, anyway.

  I can feel his anger rising, but I don’t dare look at him. “I’m not her fucking territory.”

  “I figured you wouldn’t like to be considered property, and I told her that. You don’t look like the kind of guy that belongs to anyone.”

  “Did she say something to you? Do anything to you?” I can feel his eyes scanning my body. I assume he’s looking to find any physical marks or signs of a cat fight.

  “Nope. She wanted me to back off. She doesn’t seem like the type to get down and dirty.”

  “You don’t have to listen to her.”

  “I know I don’t—not that she has anything to worry about anyway. But I did say something…”

  Here it comes.

  “What did you say?”

  “She, uh, she purposefully dropped coffee on my shirt. And I—I told her I was planning to take it off when you came over tonight anyway, I’m sorry.” Finally, I look up and meet his gorgeous eyes. They hold a hint of amusement, not the cloud of anger I expected.

  “Why are you sorry?” he asks, smiling at me.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I think I gave her the wrong idea.”

  “You’re saying she thinks there’s something between us?” he says, pointing at me then to himself.

  “Yeah.” I look back down at the floor like it’s the most interesting thing in the world.

  “And is that what you wanted her to think?” he asks, closing the distance between us. Using his index finger, he lifts my chin, bringing my eyes to his once more.

  “At the time I did,” I admit.

  “And why is that?” he says, his eyes holding what can only be described as desire. The tension in the air becomes palpable.


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