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Catching Luke

Page 16

by Debra Elise

  “Hell, I’ve never been sanctioned by the league before. And I don’t like how it feels. You ever break the rules, Lara? Ever get caught doing something so stupid you just want to hide in a cave for a month?”

  His words were slurred but the regret behind them was loud and clear. “No, I’m not a rule breaker. But I’ve been known to bend some rules.”

  “Like when?”

  Like since I’ve met you, she wanted to say. But she just smiled. “Have you heard from your agent about any backlash because of this? I know you have a few endorsement deals. Are they going to drop you over this?”

  “Yeah, we talked on and off today. So far, no one has called to cancel any contracts. Since this was my first time, I’m hoping it just blows over. The sports channels have been having fun with it though.”

  He reached out and took her hand. “So you think you still want to hang with a dumbass ballplayer who used to have an inflated ego, but now only has a bum knee?”

  “You mean you don’t plan on re-inflating your ego and going back to your rule-breaking ways when you’re all healed?” She grinned.

  “Lara, I can admit that buying that bike was irresponsible. I feel like shit knowing I can’t do my job because of my choice to put myself first over the team. So no, I won’t be replacing it until after I retire.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea. How do you think your teammates feel about all this?”

  “I plan on talking to most of them as soon as I can. Tomorrow we’re going to Mav and Kelsey’s for dinner, so I’ll talk to some of them then, but I’ll also address everyone at the next team meeting.”

  Lara was heartened to see how he was accepting responsibility. She’d worried that after his drinking he’d rail against the league and pull a prima donna, poor-me attitude. She was just about to tell him how she felt when he leaned into her and snaked his hand up her skirt.

  “Now that you’re back, how about we pick up where we left off in the kitchen the other day?”

  Lara stopped his hand and chuckled. “You’re insatiable, you know that?”

  “Hey, it’s partly your fault. If you weren’t so damn beautiful I wouldn’t be trying to get you horizontal every chance I get.”

  Lara took in the compliment and sighed. She felt the same. But first he needed a shower.

  “How about you take a nice hot shower, I’ll start dinner, we’ll watch a movie after, and then I’ll let you get me horizontal?”

  “Best offer I’ve had all day.” He removed his hand but snuck a quick kiss before he found his cane and lifted himself off the couch.

  At the entrance to the hallway he stopped and turned back toward her. “Lara, thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not lecturing me about the bike. And for listening to me, being a friend.” His face relaxed into a warm smile. He sent her a wink and left the room.

  Damn. Why did he have to go and say such nice things to her? What happened to keeping it fun and casual?


  The Outlaws had a five-game home stand and Kelsey had decided to invite some of the veteran players over for a dinner party.

  Even though they could now technically be labeled a couple, Lara still felt funny arriving with Luke at Kelsey and Mav’s place. There were going to be members of the team there she hadn’t met yet, as well as their spouses or girlfriends. She didn’t want to give out the impression they were a couple when in a few weeks’ time she’d be leaving—hopefully.

  Luke drove them, and he was in a great mood. It was the first time he’d been able to get back behind the wheel of his treasured Camaro. His hand had been on her thigh the entire drive over. He massaged her exposed flesh until she thought she’d reach over, slam on the brake for him, and jump him for anyone passing by to see.

  He kept her on a slow simmer at all times just by looking at her. When he touched her, all bets were off. “Luke, you keep that up and we’re going to be late for the party.” Her breath shallow, she reluctantly pushed his hand away.

  When she looked over at him, she was struck by his profile backlit by the setting sun. He had a wicked grin on his lips and laugh lines around his eyes as he squinted. Her gaze traveled to his hands on the steering wheel, along the corded muscle of his forearms, and higher to his tricep where his Outlaw tattoo peeked out under the tight short sleeve of his shirt.

  Her fingers itched to touch. So she did. She turned toward him and ran her fingers along the route her gaze had just traveled. His muscles tensed under her light touch. She heard him draw in a quick breath. She peeked up at him and noticed his lips had thinned out. She grinned in triumph.

  She burrowed under his sleeve and outlined the bandanna-wearing outlaw that spanned the width of his upper left arm and thought how fitting a symbol it was for him. Wildness and risk taking wrapped in one hard-bodied, gorgeous man who for the time being was all hers. Where was she going to find the strength to end this when the time came?

  “Darling, just say the word and I’ll pull over and be happy to let you have your way with me.” The hint of a dare filled the car and she was tempted. Damn, she was tempted, and she loved how his Oklahoma drawl deepened when he was hungry for her. But Kelsey was counting on her help with the setup tonight. Bestie before hot car-sex won out.

  She let out a long dramatic sigh. “Next time, I’m afraid. If we’re late, Kelsey will never forgive me. She’s a nervous wreck. For someone so cool and collected in her job you’d think she’d be the same with a simple dinner party.”

  “Well, how many dinner parties has she hosted?”

  “This is her first one.”

  “I’d say the tension of being the star player’s fiancée is messing with her usual ‘what I say goes’ approach in her job. She’ll be fine. And as much as I’d love to watch as you come sitting on my lap, where we could get caught at any time, we’d better not.”

  She nodded. At a loss for words. The image of her losing control like that for any passerby to see brought an unexpected tightness to her core. She’d never thought of herself as an exhibitionist, but the thrill the suggestion gave her was something to think about. He’d opened her world to a new level of sexual pleasure, and with him she felt anything was possible.

  “Shoot, there’s the turnoff. Guess we missed our chance.” He picked up her hand and kissed the palm and winked at her. “Next time, darling.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “Oh, I keep my promises, Lara. Let there be no doubt about that. If you’re willing, anytime, anywhere. Just say the word.”

  He parked the car and left her staring out the front window picturing them sweaty and needy in the front of his Camaro. She was not going to make it through the evening without him touching her, or being inside her. She’d make sure they found some time alone.

  He opened her door and helped her out. She was still grinning from her naughty thoughts.

  “What’s with the smile, darling? You look like you’re up to something.”

  Oh, she was. And he would be too, as soon as she could find the right time to drag him to one of the guest rooms upstairs.

  Lara had been acting funny since they’d arrived. No, not funny. Different for sure. She was definitely in a good mood, but it was deeper than that. She seemed thoughtful, and he had to say her name several times before she heard him.

  When he asked her earlier how her interview went, and when she would find out about the job, she just smiled and said “soon.” He felt she was holding something back and the old defenses came up. He was used to most women playing his emotions, but he hoped to god Lara wouldn’t be one of them.

  He took Mav up on his offer for a drink and watched her sashay away from him as she and Kelsey headed to the kitchen to finish the dinner prep.

  “Luke? Hey man, put your eyes back in their sockets and tell me what you want.” Mav was waiting for him at the wet bar in his over-the-top man cave. “You’ll have her all to yourself again in a few hours.”

sp; Luke clapped his hands together and shook off the dirty thoughts he was enjoying. “I’ll take whatever beer is the coldest.”

  They took their beers over to the monster of a couch. Mav never did anything halfway. The room was filled with all the latest audio/visual gadgets you could ever wish for, and what looked like a torture device in the corner.

  “Hey, Mav. What’s that contraption for? You and Kelsey into kink now?”

  “Nah, I don’t need that crap. It’s some friggin’ Pilates thing that Kelsey claims will help me with my flexibility. She’s been the only one using it. I’m not going near that thing.”

  “Never figured you for a coward, Mav. Give it a try. You never know, it may help your technique on the mound . . . and in the bedroom.” Luke almost took a throw pillow full in the face, but he was quick. Had to be. Five Gold Gloves proved that he had the fastest home-to-second toss in the league.

  “Whatever. Let’s talk about you, shall we?” Maverick leaned back into the deep cushions of his leather couch and sent Luke a look reserved for disapproving fathers.

  “About what? We talk practically every day; what’s up?”

  “It seems the day before JR went off on you and Lara, he told Chaz that he heard a rumor about you using steroids. Said he met this guy at O’Malley’s who’d tell anyone who listened that you were paying off the team trainer to keep silent and shit.”

  The hair on the back of Luke’s neck stood on end. Shit. His mind raced to what Howie had told him about the loser who’d caused a scene just last week. He didn’t know anyone named Nate or anyone who hated him that much to go into his soon-to-be bar and talk smack about him.

  Mav finished off his beer and set it on the coffee table. “I think JR has some issues with you he hasn’t shared with anyone. Hell, he used to hit in the .400s until it was discovered he juiced. Then after he fulfilled his suspension, he struggled to get close to .250. He starts to gain some ground again, but ‘Bam!’ your stick is on fire this season, he gets pushed to the back of the lineup, and he goes back to his old ways because he can’t handle being second best. I’d say he’s dealing with some paranoia or jealousy where you’re concerned, at the very least.”

  Luke thought long and hard about Mav’s theory and it made sense. Parts of it also matched up with what Howie had told him when he’d brought Lara into O’Malley’s that first time. JR must have swayed this Nate character to badmouth him. Maybe even paid him off to do it. Shit, he hated drama.

  Mav squeezed his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t know about this sooner. Chaz just told me yesterday.”

  He was the one guy on the team who understood what Luke’s thoughts were right now, and it wasn’t the time to hash it out with the other players about to arrive. “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be talking to Chaz the first chance I get.”

  “All right, sounds good to me. Hey, we need to get moving. Kelsey wants me to pick some wine out from the cellar before everyone starts showing up.”

  “Wait. You, have a wine cellar? Since when did you get so fancy?”

  “Fuck off. It was her idea, and the builder converted a small room in the basement for us. It’s pretty cool actually. I’m thinking of adding a cigar room right next door.”

  “Judas priest, Mav. What’s next. A bidet?”

  “Nope. Already have one.”

  Luke had heard it all now. He burst out laughing and couldn’t stop. He followed his red-faced friend downstairs to the brand-spanking-new wine cellar. Mav picked out several bottles in silence. He didn’t find Luke’s belly laughing amusing.


  Lara stepped through the French doors leading to the backyard and searched for Luke. Dinner had gone well, and now they all were outside having drinks, listening to music, and relaxing. She’d shooed everyone out there earlier while she straightened up the dining room for Kelsey.

  Not that she was fond of cleaning. No, she had ulterior motives. And they involved one tall, dark, and handsome baseball catcher who’d started something earlier. And now she was determined to finish it.

  Kelsey had outdone herself with the landscaping in such a short time. Twinkle lights had been added to most of the trees that surrounded the stamped concrete patio, and she’d scattered plenty of outdoor furniture around the in-ground fire pit. Everyone was occupied and wouldn’t notice two people missing from their happily buzzed group.

  When she found Luke he wasn’t alone. The second baseman’s date, Prissy, Priscilla, whatever, was doing her best impression of a squeeze play with her breasts on Luke’s forearm while Cruzer was oblivious to her cheating ways.

  Lara saw red. She hadn’t thought of herself as the jealous type, but boy howdy, she was itching to snatch the redhead’s extensions and pull her off her man. She didn’t stop to think how upsetting it was to see Luke with another woman. Because that was sure to happen when she left. No, all she wanted to do was get in between him and the woman who’d been eye-fucking Luke all through dinner.

  By the looks of Luke’s red face, he felt the same, and when he noticed her marching over he visibly relaxed. Then he grinned. Lara could only assume he thought it was hilarious to watch her fight another woman for her man. Well, she’d throw them both off guard, effectively marking her territory.

  She slowed her pace just a bit. Didn’t want to spook the girl. No, she wanted her good and caught red-handed when she made her announcement. Luke’s eyes widened a bit as she stopped just behind her prey. The silly woman didn’t notice her as she was intent on getting Luke to feel her up.

  “Oh there you are, Luke. I’m ready.” She watched Luke’s face light up as she stepped in front of the girl. “Oh, sorry I didn’t see you there. Priscilla, is it? Thanks for keeping Luke company, but I suggest you and the girls head back on over to your own date.”

  She ignored the gasp of outrage, and continued in a loud stage whisper to Luke. “I can’t wait for you to spank me and kiss it all better. I’ve been wet for you since we arrived.” She had to bite her lip to keep herself together. Damn, she’d give anything to see the look on Ms. Thing’s face, but watching Luke’s eyes bug out was even better.

  “Now, that’s what I like to hear, baby. Lead the way.”

  Lara “accidentally” stepped on her wanna-be rival’s toe and ground her heel maybe just a tad too hard. Either way, she got her point across.

  She took Luke’s arm, and as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened, they both walked away from the sights and sounds of the party and made their way upstairs.

  Once they reached the guest room, and before she could utter a word, Luke pushed her through the doorway, locked the door, and stalked her toward the bed. The back of her knees hit the mattress and she sank onto the down comforter and giggled.

  “That, my sweet little Lara, was very naughty. What should I do with you?”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Her eyes felt heavy while her pulse raced at all the possibilities of what was next.

  “I’m not really into spanking, but I’ve been thinking of how much I want your mouth on my cock while I lick you. How does that sound, darling?” He walked up to the edge of the bed, reached down and spread her legs wide apart.

  He pulled his shirt off, tossed it to the floor and stepped out of his shoes. Before she could finish saying “oh, my” he undid his zipper. He palmed his cock and took her hand and placed it around his hard shaft. She gave him a light squeeze and he groaned. Music to her ears.

  The word “gorgeous” didn’t do the man justice. Every inch of him was better than the last and she knew firsthand how he tasted, what he sounded like when he came. She’d never done what he proposed, but that didn’t mean she was against it. Far from it.

  “You haven’t said anything, Lara. Are you up for this?”


  “Aw, darling. Have you ever done this with another man?”

  She wondered if he knew how his drawl deepened when he was turned on. It did yummy things to her i
nsides. She didn’t trust her voice so she nodded. She wanted—no, needed—him to stop talking and start touching her.

  “Damn, it turns me on even more knowing this is something I can experience as your first with you.” He dropped his hands from himself and helped her stand up. He began to help her undress but she was too impatient.

  She pushed his hands away, spun around him, and pushed him backward onto the bed. Not an easy thing for her to do, considering their height and weight difference. But she wanted his mouth on her and hers on him. Now.

  As soon as she had the last garment off, she walked over to the side of the bed making sure his eyes were on her. She climbed onto the bed and straddled his torso backward and wiggled herself down until she felt his hot breath.

  She slowly lowered herself onto his face as she gripped the bedsheets on either side of his hips. She felt so wicked, and lord, her pussy was wet. She waited until he moved and when he did, she cried out his name. His hands now held her hips in place as he pleasured her.

  Not sure if she should move, she remained frozen in place as he licked her and suckled her clit. Pinpricks of heat exploded inside her as he switched his attention to fucking her with his tongue. She couldn’t be still any longer; she began to rotate her hips and moaned his name.

  He took turns going fast and slow drawing out her pleasure. She could have wept. When she opened her eyes she locked on his throbbing shaft and a stab of guilt hit her. She wasn’t giving him anything in return. So she stretched her body down a bit in order to reach him and was rewarded with a slap on her ass.

  Her hand shook just slightly as she encircled the top of his shaft and touched the tip with her tongue. She felt him jolt underneath her. Lara smiled and continued. She took him in and began to twirl her tongue around and back down.

  He let out a grunt and before she knew it he’d flipped her over and announced, “Damn, it’s too much. I can’t give you pleasure and take your hot little mouth on me at the same time.”

  She didn’t get a chance to protest. He’d spread her legs open and taken up where he left off. This time he put his fingers inside her and pumped while he licked her clit. The sensations of being filled on the inside and caressed on the outside created stars behind her closed eyelids.


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