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Tiger's Lily

Page 9

by Cheyenne Meadows

  If they filled their plates with turkey and stuffing from the stove, most of the smaller dishes should fit and give them plenty of room left for eating. Desserts would have to sit on the kitchen counter for the time being. Half a pan of cinnamon rolls disappeared before dinner could be called half done. As soon as the turkey came out, she could shove a loaf of homemade bread in the oven to warm it. Lily planned out the tactics of space and so many bodies, and getting the food ready at the same time. Spinning, she barely missed Loco as he pulled dishes and silverware out for the meal.

  She planned and directed, amazed at the abilities of the guys. Rumor had it most men wouldn't step foot in a kitchen to cook unless they worked as chefs or simply loved to prepare meals. Yet, here stood five tall, dark, handsome, and deadly men, cutting, slicing, cleaning, and mashing just like they did it every day at home.

  Home. She wondered if they even had one. Like everyone else, they probably had a place they called theirs, to drop off their clothes, pick up bills, and sleep occasionally. A house sure, but a house didn't always make a home.

  Through cordial chit chat, she discovered none of them were married and they all were in the military at some point in their lives. No surprise considering what little she knew about the job they did now. Too bad for the women of the world. Despite their dangerous nature and intimidating appearances, they really behaved like true gentlemen. They worked right along with her, no laziness in any of their bones as they all progressed together toward placing a nice feast on the table. A woman could do worse, much worse. Sure, nothing was ever perfect, but having a hunky man, with gentle hands, a kind nature, the ability to cook, clean, and protect was the stuff of dreams.

  Her eyes fell on Cale. Definitely the stuff of dreams. If only she could be sure he felt the same.

  The chime of a timer brought her back to reality. The turkey was done.

  With all the help, a feast lay before them. Cale carved the turkey, while the group commented on his knife handling skills, tossing out comments and comparisons, not all of them positive or flattering. Lily couldn't be sure, but she thought he might have given them a one fingered wave between slices.

  "Scavengers." Night announced from his seat at the end of the table.

  Lily looked down. Sure enough, Hope and her kittens smelled the hot food and marched right over, sitting between the men, outright begging for table scraps. Dillon swore he wore them out playing, but leave it to her bunch to find energy when it entailed food. Smiling, she hopped up to grab a couple of paper towels. Cale anticipated her move, cut two thin slices of turkey and laid them gently on the towels. Calling the girls, she lured them away from the table and over to their feeding station. She quickly pulled the tender meat apart with her fingers, cautioning the cats their food was still hot.

  "It's easier to give up and feed them first than to try to keep them off the table. Besides, they have that downright pitiful starvation look down pat." Dillon tossed out the information as he passed a bowl full of mashed potatoes around.

  Watching the girls eat with their usual haste, Lily moved back to Cale's spot in the kitchen. "I think we're going to need a couple more pieces to fill them up."

  She set to tearing up the extra turkey into smaller chunks, spreading the meal out before the fur babies. "They should sleep well this afternoon with such full tummies."

  "Just like people?" Spoon shoveled in a mouthful of homemade bread. She had warmed a whole loaf, figuring the guys might plow right through it.

  "Here I thought men didn't sleep. They watched football, unbuttoned their pants, passed gas, belched, and scratched their… parts after such a meal." Lily teased back, the heat rising in her face when she realized what she almost said.

  Loco grinned at her. "Purt near."

  Lily couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Never would she have imagined her first Thanksgiving alone would be just the opposite of what she envisioned a week ago. Cats with bulging bellies lay around bathing and napping. Five oversized men sat at the table, shoveling in food while reminiscing and teasing, more like a family than simple co-workers. Each and every one of them thanked her, sincerely appreciating the effort and meal. Though dangerous and probably deadly, these men made her feel safe, honored, and humbled. Golden hearts resided under their thick layers of skin.

  The chatter died down as everyone worked on cleaning their plates. Large mounds of vegetables disappeared by the spoonful as the platter of turkey slowly whittled down to scraps. Just as Lily expected, the homemade bread soon bit the dust. Even the desserts vanished nearly as fast as she could pass out utensils and bowls.

  Declaring themselves stuffed, all the guys chipped in to clean up the kitchen. Dillon even washed dishes, mainly because Cale left him no choice, threatening to kick his rear if he didn't get to the task and quit whimpering about it. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the interplay with the brothers. More than once one of them would smack the other for some presumed insult. Just like when they were kids, she would bet. Their poor mother must have considered them a great handful.

  Within thirty minutes, her kitchen sparkled. Clean dishes were put away and trash carried out. Even the floor shined after Loco zipped over it with a hardwood floor mop. The room had never looked better. Thanks to all the guys, who now drifted toward the couch, turning on the small television to watch football. How typically male.

  She wondered if they would nap and snore, or get all excited about the game and actually pass gas and scratch themselves. Shaking her head, she followed them into the living room.

  For the first time, her Spartan furniture and lack of essentials embarrassed her. Night and Loco put her sleeper sofa back together, making room for three of them. Dillon took the small recliner, easing it back to elevate his wounded leg. That left Spoon without a seat except on the hard wooden floor. "I'll get one of the kitchen chairs, although they won't be comfortable…"

  He shook his head at her. "I'm fine. Really."

  A flick of the wrist sent a couple of pillows from Cale to his comrade. Spoon grinned at him, then made a small nest, adding cushioning to the floor.

  That left her. She knew without a doubt any one of the guys would gladly get up, giving up his seat to her. But, she didn't want that. They needed some down time. If watching football after eating Thanksgiving lunch provided that, then she would relish in it and let them absorb as much relaxation as they could garner.

  Cale patted his lap. "Come on."

  She looked at him in surprise.

  The corner of his mouth crooked upwards. "I promise to keep my hands to myself and not bite."

  "You better. First time you fondle my ass, you'll wonder what bus ran you over." Loco flung at Cale.

  Cale flashed his middle finger. "Asshole."

  "I'll remember that, football bat."

  "Where's a referee when you need it?" Lily's head snapped from one man to another as they mouthed back and forth.

  Both shot her a look, pointing to Night, who simply rolled his eyes, shaking his head at their antics. The quiet one, he spoke rarely, but what he did say made her smile. A man of few words, lots of action, and a gentle old soul to those he deemed worthy.

  Shaking her head, Lily stepped around long legs and big feet until she reached Cale. Gingerly, she sat down on his lap, leaning half against him and half against the arm rest, trying to give Loco more room.

  Cale immediately wrapped an arm about her, pulling her snug against his side. "There. See. We fit just fine and Loco won't get the tar knocked out of him."

  "As if." A loud snort followed.

  Dillon clicked on the remote, found the right channel, and all eyes turned toward the television, focusing on the game.

  Lily settled into Cale, soaking up his warmth and strength. A year ago if someone told her she would be cuddling on a man's lap watching sports with him and his buddies on this holiday, she would have called that person demented. Yet, here she sat, content and even happy. Her heart swelled with emotion, particularly when
it came to the man holding her.

  He met her eyes and gave her a slight squeeze and a smile, before returning his attention to the game.

  For the first time in many months, she felt cared for.

  Not to be left out, the girls meandered over. Charity hopped into Dillon's lap, while Faith marched purposely into Spoon's lap, flopping down as if she belonged there. Both men grinned, immediately stroking the kittens. Hope took a bit longer, finally jumping on Night's legs, staring up at him for the longest moment. He spoke to her in a language Lily had never heard. The cat must have understood as she turned three circles, then settled into a neat ball to doze while the boss of the group lightly brushed her back with long fingers. Three motors began to purr in contentment.

  Resting her head on Cale's shoulder, she closed her eyes. Perhaps there is such a thing as love at first sight after all. At least by second sight, anyway.

  Chapter 12

  A shifting movement pulled Lily from her doze. Strong arms cradled her body as they gently placed her on bare couch cushions. She woke up with voices nearby, ones it took an extra second to recognize.

  In a flash, she sat up, noticing the guys heading toward the front door. "Wait. Are you leaving already?" Her voice croaked, hoarse from her nap. They couldn't go, not now. Not when her relationship with Cale began to blossom.

  Cale turned to her. "The guys need to get going. Dillon is packing right now."

  Her heart sank at his words. She chastised herself for falling for a man that would walk out of her life in mere minutes. I was just a fill in for a few short days.

  Cale's strong arm tugged her against his chest. "I'm not leaving, Lily."

  Blinking back tears, she managed to look up into his face, finding the truth she needed. "But, you said they were leaving and Dillon was packing."

  He nodded, brushing a kiss to her temple. "They are going to drop Dillon by Della's house. He moped and whimpered and looked downright pitiful enough that the guys decided to put him out of their misery."


  The edge of his lips curved up. "Della only lives about an hour from here. Just past Timberline. Since he was up and about and the danger had passed, Dillon insisted he would get to her tonight, one way or another."

  Letting out a relieved breath, Lily returned his smile. "Good for him." She wiggled loose, heading toward the small group of men gathered near the south side of the house, all carrying duffel bags and weapons. "Are you sure you can't stay?"

  Spoon shook his head. "Bugle here is determined to get to his woman. Besides, we would only cramp Cale's style hanging around." A tinkle sparked in his eye as he glanced over at the man in question.

  Cale flipped him off, but quickly ruined the effect with a chuckle.

  Dillon limped out of the bedroom carrying his gear. Plopping it down, he headed over to Lily, giving her a warm hug. "Thank you. For everything."

  "You're welcome. You remembered the rest of your medication, right?" The nurse in her rose to the occasion.

  "Yep. Cale personally checked my bag three times just to make sure." A huge grin spread across his face. "We're headed to Della's."

  "I heard." She leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Take care of that girl of yours."

  "Will do."

  She took a moment to hug each man, thanking them one more time for what they did in protecting Cale, Dillon, and her.

  Cale did the same, and then stood behind her as together they watched the guys pile into the SUV and drive off.

  A forlorn sigh escaped from Lily.

  "What was that sigh about?" Cale spun her around in his arms, shut the door with a free hand, and tilted her chin.

  "I miss them already." She confessed.

  His lips twitched. "I'm still here."

  "I see that." She looked up at him through her lashes, coyly teasing. "So, what are we going to do now?"

  "Oh, I can think of a few things." He tossed out, rubbing his chin over her crown. "Walking fences and checking cattle."

  "Done that already."

  "So we have. Feeding and playing with bottomless pit kittens."

  Both looked over to the couch, where the small family took up residence on the still warm cushions. "I think they are good."

  "Laundry and cleaning up the kitchen." His lips tasted her ear lobe, nibbling with the slightest nip of teeth.

  A shiver sped down her spine. "Already done, too." Her voice dropped to a whispery level, sultry with a hint of uncertainty. "Perhaps we can work more on those kisses while I check to make sure you do have a belly button."

  His soft laughter sent her hopes flying. One hand reached down, captured hers, and placed it at the bottom of his t-shirt. "Check anything you want. Anywhere you want."

  She sucked on her bottom lip for a long second, new at this game. "What about the kisses?"

  He placed a small peck on the end of her nose. "Oh, there will be lots of those. Every kind of kiss imaginable."

  Her belly did a slow somersault as his lips sealed over hers, his tongue pressing for entry.

  * * * *

  Cale caught her low moan as she melted into his kiss. Arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her flush to his frame, allowing her to feel what exactly she did to him. Her hands tugged at his shirt, pulling upward in a near frantic motion.

  Breaking their contact, he eased back to remove the article himself, reveling in the expression on her face as she took in his bare chest. No one had ever made him feel handsome and special, not the way Lily did with her rapt attention, appreciation, and obvious enjoyment in simply staring at him. His blood ran hotter knowing such a basic thing appealed so much to her.

  Almost cautiously, Lily reached out, tenderly placing both hands on his shoulders, allowing them to slowly meander across his pecs, down his sternum, and over his abdomen, excitement and open curiosity sparkled in her eyes the whole time. She sucked on her bottom lip as one finger traced the waistband of his sweats.

  The sheer innocence she exuded was the only thing that kept his control in check. As it was, he hauled back on the reins of his control more than once, each little action on her part pushed him further into the flames, while testing his patience.

  Swooping in, he took her mouth once more, his kiss deep and thorough, entreating her to follow him into the fire so they could burn together. Both hands latched onto her sweatshirt, sneaking underneath to lightly stroke and explore until he found her bra-clad breasts. Cupping each in a hand, he lightly stroked his thumbs across the nipples, feeling the shiver course through her body like it was his own. Snaking one hand to her back, he unclasped her bra, eagerly pushing it down and away, far enough to feel her bare skin against his callous roughened palms.

  She arched into his touch, a small whimper escaping her mouth only to be caught by his.

  Mirroring her with a growl of his own, he stepped back, putting enough space between them so he could easily read her face. "Are you sure?"

  She nodded, leaning back toward him.

  He reached out, took one of her small hands, and led her into the bedroom, quietly shutting the door all but a crack behind them. Turning, he took in the sight of Lily as she pulled her bra through one of the sleeves of her sweatshirt, marveling at the ability and mechanics.

  Her eyes roamed over his body once more, pausing an extra beat at the level of his groin. A telling blush appeared.

  "Like what you see?" He couldn't resist the urge to tease her.

  Lily sucked her bottom lip in a nervous gesture he recently discovered. The motion endeared her all the more. "Can I…?" Her words trailed off as the crimson stain on her face deepened.

  "Yes." He answered, not certain what she was asking. It didn't matter. She could do anything she wanted. Everything she wanted. He was a willing subject for all her experiments. He stood still, watching her approach slowly, her right hand reaching out for the tie on his sweatpants. No sooner than her fingers found the string, did she look up, uncertainty written all over her face.

nable to speak, Cale wrapped his fingers over her hand, then leisurely tugged, releasing the bow. Still holding her hand, he led it back to his body, tucking her fingers beneath the now loosened waistband.

  She wiggled her fingers, lightly stroking his already hard flesh.

  Cale clamped his back teeth together, holding tight to his control, giving her the time she needed to learn his body. It might prove torturous now, but it would surely benefit him in the long run. Besides, if his instincts about her experience or lack thereof were right, she needed all the time and encouragement he could give her. He steeled himself for more of her touch.

  Her confidence grew and she became bolder in her touches. First, with slipping more of her hand inside the material, then finally dragging the sweats down, letting them settle around his ankles. Quickly stepping out of the puddled material, he stood nude for her viewing pleasure.

  He grabbed her hand as she reached out to touch his erection. "Later."

  Bewilderment crossed her face.

  "I need to touch you." With that said, he made short work of her sweatshirt, leaving her upper body bare. Raspberry nipples ripe for the taking stood out from modest but perky breasts. "Kiss you." Leaning in, he brushed his tongue across one side, before taking the nub fully into his mouth, sucking gently.

  Lily gasped and stumbled slightly under his tender assault.

  Bending down, he swept her legs up, cradling her against his chest, until he reached the bed. He laid her down near the center, taking a moment to take in her beautiful body. Faint bristle marks gave one breast a rosy tint compared to the other. Her flat belly quivered with erratic breaths.


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