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Tiger's Lily

Page 12

by Cheyenne Meadows

  She grabbed the book away from him before he could rifle through the pages to the sex scenes. Change of topic was definitely called for. "How long have you been here?"

  He shrugged. "A few hours. I already filled the water and checked fences for you."

  "Thanks. I really appreciate that."

  "You should." He tugged at her ponytail. "That damn bull didn't cozy up to me nearly like he does you."

  Her fingers intertwined with his as they walked the short distance to the back door. "I'm sorry."

  "No problem. Stew is ready on the stove. Oh, and I've got a surprise for you." He paused before opening the door, a mischievous grin on his face. Those light blue eyes sparkled.

  "A surprise?" Lily couldn't imagine what in the world it could be. He better not have spent more money on her. The vet bill for the girls was more than enough, even if he had a stash of grand wealth at his disposal.

  Instead of answering, he opened the back door, ushering her inside.

  It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the brighter light, but as soon as they did, her mouth dropped open at the sight.

  A large black German shepherd rested on an oversized dog pillow near the couch. Her head came up at their entrance, but she didn't move to greet them.

  "Oh, my." Lily walked slowly over, kneeling before the animal. Slowly, she held a hand out to the dog, smiling when a pink tongue flicked out to lick her. Chocolate brown eyes, dull and sad, returned her gaze. Then Lily noticed the shepherd was missing a front leg. Despite that, she appeared in good health with a shiny coat and muscles with a tad bit of fat covering her bones.

  She petted the dog, softly speaking at the same time. "Where did you find her?"

  Cale sat down on the floor beside her. "This is Tally."

  Charity trotted over to crawl on his lap while Faith took the obstacle course, climbing over the large dog to reach Lily. Tally didn't even blink at the kittens.

  "She's a retired Army dog."

  "Army dog?" Lily had heard the military used dogs for tracking and detecting drugs and mines and other things. But, she really knew very little about the program.

  Cale nodded, picking Charity up to pet her, being extra careful with her shaved tummy. The orange and white spotted kitten purred in delight. "She was trained to sniff out bombs. Spent the last couple of years in Afghanistan."

  "Her leg?" Lily stroked between Tally's ears, noting the dog seemed to lean into her hands as if asking for more.

  "Roadside bomb. It killed her handler. The shrapnel she took cost her the leg."

  "Oh, no." Tears welled up in Lily's eyes at the thought of what the poor animal had been through. "Where did you find her?"

  "An old buddy works at the rehab clinic for Army dogs in Texas. The Walter Reed for dogs, if you will." His free hand reached out to rub along Tally's back. "Anyway, I was close to there and looked him up. He told me about her. How no one would adopt her because she still struggles with post traumatic stress."

  Lily looked away from the dog for the first time, her eyes settling on Cale. "Dogs get PTSD?"

  "Apparently. It makes sense, if you think about it. Everything that they see and hear during battle." Cale's eyes dropped as he looked away.

  Lily reached over to him, patting his thigh. It didn't take a genius to know Cale's mind envisioned something horrific in his past. Wanting to distract him, she inquired more about Tally. "You said she was up for adoption?"

  He scratched Charity's ears, then turned to Faith, sharing the attention between the siblings. "The military adopts out the dogs that are no longer able to work. Some go for police dogs, others go to civilians willing to adopt them and care for them."

  "You said no one wanted her?" How could anyone look in those eyes and turn her away?

  "She wasn't a police dog candidate with the missing leg. None of the civilians wanted her either. The hospital did the amputation and gave her extensive rehab, doing everything they could to give her a normal life. But, the PTSD seemed to be the issue that turned adopters away. Loud noises send her to hiding, refusing to budge. They say she shakes and is literally terrified. Storms and fireworks are her nightmares."

  "Oh. Poor, poor girl." Lily rubbed both hands through the thick fur. "After everything she did there to save lives, now no one will step up and take care of her."

  Cale smiled. "Well, someone did."

  She pinned him with her gaze. "Who?"


  She blinked. Her mouth opened and shut a couple of times before any words emerged. "Me?"

  "Yep." He sat the kittens aside. One hand reached up to cup her cheek. "I couldn't think of anyone better for her. You have a touch, a way with animals."

  Lily's mind whirled. "She needs someone with her all the time to build up her confidence and ease her fears. I have to work…"

  Cale's finger shushed her. "I've already talked to Mayberry, before the adoption became official. Told them the trainers recommended a quiet home where someone could be with her all the time due to her fears. He understood. Talked about how many times those dogs saved his life and the life of those in his unit. He didn't even hesitate just offered to let her come to work with you each day and hang out in his office. Said it was the least he could do."

  Lily nodded, touched once more by the generosity of her boss.

  "The cats?"

  He gestured at the kittens rubbing all over Tally. "Cat tested and approved."


  "She walked up, smacked Tally on the nose, gave her a royal stare, and then rubbed against her legs. I don't speak feline, but I took that for acceptance after she showed the dog who ruled the house." They both looked up to find the calico resting on a throw on top of the couch, her front legs tucked under her, in a content and lazy mood.

  Lily smiled, picturing Hope doing that very thing. It was no secret the cat ruled her little world. "Okay." She sighed deeply.

  For the first time, doubt clouded his expression. "You don't want her?"

  She looked down into those big dark eyes, knowing she could never abandon such an animal. "No. It's not that. She just looks so… forlorn. As if she's seen too much, been dealt too many blows in life and has forgotten what happiness and fun is."

  Cale shifted closer, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. "That's what drew me to her. That expression. It tore at me. I knew you could bring her back." He pressed a kiss to her temple. "Just like you did with me."

  Tears overflowed with his words. Lily turned her head to meet his kiss, breaking apart to wipe at the teardrops. "I love her already. Almost as much as I love you."

  His smile lit up the room.

  She petted the dog once more, promising she would be well taken care of. "Welcome home, Tally."

  Cale stood, pulling Lily up with him. They had to step around the cat toys and a couple of new dog toys before making it to the kitchen. "Let's get you fed."

  Using a dipper, he scooped up two big bowls of steamy stew, setting them both on the table. Lily pulled two bottles of water from the fridge and placed them beside the bowls. Both hungrily dug in.

  She finished first, her eyes roaming over Cale, still shell shocked and ecstatic that he was there. "Thank you. This is the best gift I could have gotten."

  "I can think of a couple of ways to thank me." His voice carried a low husky tone, full of sexual hinting.

  "Oh, really?"

  "Yeah." He stood, taking her hand in his, kissing the palm before drawing her finger into his mouth, cleaning it with his tongue.

  Lily's breath caught at the erotic teasing. Her belly did a slow somersault while parts below clenched in anticipation of what would come next. "You know. It's been a few days. Perhaps I should make sure you still have that belly button, just in case it's disappeared or something."

  He laughed before pulling her flush for a deep kiss.

  Claws dug into her leg as one of the kittens decided she made a good mountain to climb. At the same time, Tally stuck her cold nose against Cale's gr

  Cale cursed while Lily giggled. "Perhaps privacy is necessary for belly button inspection."

  Lily unhooked the trouble maker kitten from her pants, sweetly chastising her while carrying her back to the couch. Cale took charge of Tally, whispering softly to her while digging a chew bone out of a plastic bag sitting on the kitchen counter.

  "I think so. Besides, I'm not sure I ever recovered from someone's kitten biting my nipple in search of her breakfast."

  "Awwww." She grinned up at him, the memory fresh and funny as ever. "Want me to kiss it again and make it all better?"

  "Oh, yeah. Better feed the endless pits before they return for an encore." He rubbed his chest like the bite still hurt.

  With a shake of her head, Lily headed to the kitchen to do just that. Cale moved to fill the dog's food bowl. Feeling his gaze, she turned around, finding his eyes locked on her. Quickly, she put the food out, stepped over the cats, and met him in the hall. Taking his hand into hers, she kissed his palm. "I love you, Cale."

  "And, I love you, too." He tugged her into the bedroom and shut the door firmly behind them.

  No sooner had Cale ensured their privacy than Lily began tugging at his shirt, clutching the hem in her fingers and lifting. He took the hint, helping her, before returning the favor. Within a few seconds her clothing lay in a heap on the floor. Cale still wore his jeans even as he stood with a bare chest.

  His mouth covered hers as his hands roamed all over her body, leaving sparks in their wake.

  Lily kissed him for all she was worth, showing him in the most elemental way possible how much she missed him and welcomed him back. Her sure hands reached out, unbuttoning his jeans, slipping her hand in to find the object of her search. His erection jumped with the slightest brush of her fingers. Unable to help herself, she shimmied the jeans down his hips, letting them fall to his feet. Following them down, she kneeled before him, grasping his cock in hand. She looked up at his face for an instant then reached out with her tongue, licking over the tip in a sultry kiss.

  He groaned deep, but his gaze never wavered.

  With more confidence, she focused on her task at hand, slipping her mouth over him, licking and suckling, moving as deep as she dared before reversing her maneuvers, elating with each jerk and moan from Cale, signaling her limited skills met his approval.

  He reached down to cup her cheek, gently pushing her away. "I can't take any more."

  Lily looked longingly at the arousal dangling in front of her and licked her lips, not ready to give up her succulent prize. Just as she leaned forward to take him inside her mouth, he scooped her up and carried her to the bed.

  "You can do that later, sugar. Right now, I want to be inside you." Cale's low tones and words sent her belly on another deliciously slow somersault.

  Laying her down in the center of the large bed, he followed her down, raining kisses over her body, before focusing his attentions on her breasts, while his hand spread her legs and sought her innermost femininity. She welcomed his invasion, writhing in a desperate need for more. Her hands flew over his chest and back, reaching down to grasp his blatant arousal, running her fingers back and forth over his sensitive flesh.

  Cale groaned then pulled back, nibbling her inner thighs while staring at her velvet core.

  Lily tensed. She recalled the last time he showered such attentions on her sending her into paradise in short order. But, she worked all day long, hadn't showered since early morning, hadn't changed her underwear.

  As if understanding her uncertainty, Cale soothed her. "Shhh." Leaning in, he licked across her outer folds. "Mmmmm. Such sweet nectar. Share with me, love." He urged her thighs further apart, used his fingers to open her for his tasting.

  Lily gasped at the delightful sensations centered on Cale's administrations with his talented tongue. She clenched the sheets so tightly, her knuckles whitened, even as she widened her legs, needing him closer and deeper.

  Two fingers slipped inside while he licked around then over her highly sensitive clit. A whimper escaped her lips. "Please." Her body demanded more than his teasing.

  Cale lifted, once again hovering over her. Wrapping her in his arms, he quickly rolled them both over, switching their positions. He reclined on his back with Lily perched on top.

  She looked down at him and blinked. She hadn't been on top before.

  As if sensing her hesitation, Cale reached out to cup a breast, tenderly squeezing and molding, brushing his thumb over the nipple. "Ride me."

  The words and his half-mast bedroom eyes forged her confidence. Adjusting her position, she scooted to align their hips. He assisted by bracketing her hips with his hands, encouraging her to move astride. Once she found the angle, he released one hand to grasp his cock, guiding it to her center.

  Lily watched his face, then slowly settled over him, taking him deep inside her body. Her core welcomed him back with abundant dampness, ensuring ease of entry.

  His hands clenched on her hips, but otherwise, he remained still, allowing her to set the pace. After a pause to catch her breath, she began experimental movements up and down as well as a gentle rolling motion, learning the location of hot spots for both of them.

  Cale hands roamed her body, always returning to her modest breasts, before venturing out once more. More than once, he dipped between their bodies, his fingers glistening from the procured moisture.

  She continued this slow and easy rhythm until Cale took control once more. He pulled her down hard to meet his counterpoint thrusts, increasing their speed, and intensity. Lily threw her head back, allowing him to direct her motions, needing more, deeper, and harder. Her hands braced on his chest, giving her purchase for his pounding movements.

  "Come for me, Lily." He removed one hand from her hip, slid over to where their bodies met. Deft fingers found her clit and plucked.

  The growing tension escalated immediately. One more rub of the sensitive area sent her over the edge with a quiet cry. Contractions locked Cale deep within her body as wave after wave of ecstasy shot through her. Her body massaged and milked him as she pressed firmly to him, soaking up every nuance of sexual excitement.

  Cale pounded against her for another few strokes, bucking his hips frantically, before clamping her tightly against his groin, ensuring his erection remained buried deep throughout his climax. Deep moans and a few shudders racked his body before he relaxed once more.

  Lily wilted, draping over his chest, valiantly trying to catch her breath, still feeling the minor spasms deep inside where Cale joined with her. He lightly rubbed her back before wrapping his arms around her, holding her close.

  She nuzzled his pec before nipping him lightly with her teeth, smiling to herself when his cock jerked inside her. Focusing, she tightened her vaginal muscles while licking across his nipple. Despite the recent exertion, she felt energized, revved up, eager for the next bout of lovemaking.

  "Damn, vixen." Cale muttered against her shoulder.

  Lily sat up enough to look into his face. She grinned wickedly as she performed another hip roll.

  Cale tensed under her, his large hands easily holding her locked in place. "You can kill a man like that."

  "Good thing tigers have nine lives."

  He chuckled warmly, smiling up at her.

  "Welcome home, Cale." Lily leaned down to kiss him lightly on the lips, snuggling into his large, warm body.

  "This is home. Because of you, love."


  They pulled into the long gravel driveway, headed toward the single story brick house surrounded on all sides by pastures and hayfields. Memories assailed him even though it had been years since he visited his parents or their home. Familiar fields where he and Dillon played baseball and chase. Where livestock grazed for as long as he could remember. Mom would place a pitcher of sun tea out on the porch early so it would be ready for lunch. They hauled hay in the summer, helped feed that same hay to the livestock in winter when over a foot of snow closed roads and
school for the day.

  This was home.

  Dillon called them earlier in the week, serving as a go-between once more. His parents wanted a small family get-together with their sons. Not since before the divorce had that happened. The time had come to lay the past behind them and step ahead into the future, which included reuniting with his parents, or at least trying to. Dillon was right in that regard, although, he didn't dare tell his younger brother that. His head was big enough already.

  Unfortunately, Dillon also told Lily. She lectured him more than once on the importance of parents in your life, even as an adult, making him feel guilty when she mentioned how much she wished her mother was still alive, so he could meet her. She didn't nag. It wasn't her style. Besides, those stories of love and missing her departed mother proved much more effective in relaying her message. They cut through his defenses as nothing else could.

  He tried to ignore her, but she placed Operation Parent Reunion at the top of her to do list. She cajoled, lectured, sweet-talked, and finally swayed him with all her prodding. He couldn't deny her anything she wanted. That fact would terrify him with anyone else. Lily possessed an innate honesty and compassion that earned and kept his trust while her unquestioned love made him strive to keep her happy. She did so much for him, gave him so much. He sought ways to repay her for all those little moments of joy only she could provide.

  Cale sucked it up and phoned his parents a few days ago. They only spoke for a few minutes, but his mother sounded hopeful and excited to hear from him. His father concurred, in his gruffer manner. Since his father spent his early medical career as an Army physician before leaving to pursue private practice, gruffness and orders were simply a part of the man. It had been that way as long as he could remember.

  When his mother invited him out the following weekend, he immediately agreed, promising to bring Lily along. Like he could leave her home. Lily would mope even as she understood his reasons. However, his mother refused to be denied the opportunity to meet Lily after Dillon sang her praises to them. His father, few on words, would expect an introduction, wanting to assess Lily for himself.


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