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Her Haunted Knight

Page 10

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Christ’s nails!” Hugh raced Wind along the ancient wall until he came to the place described by the priest at the door.

  When he clicked his tongue, Wind reared and whinnied but with stout heart, ascended the steps.

  Then, high above the meadows, Hugh turned on the wall’s thin path and his heart sank at the smoke rising and Rose’s pitiful scream.

  Have faith, my love.

  Leaning forward, he urged Wind faster until he arrived back at Lanercost atop the battlements. There, a foolish knight refused to yield with sword drawn and helm down.

  “Move or die!” Hugh impaled the soldier because there was no time for battle.

  In the square below, Rose’s desperate gaze met his as flames licked the edges of her tunic.

  “Aaaahh!” Placing knife between teeth, Hugh soared off Wind and landed on her burning pile of wood.

  He sliced through her binds, picked her up, and jumped to the ground. Then, after making sure she’d not been harmed, he stormed over to the bishop and put his blade to the man’s throat.

  “I swear, I shall kill you.”

  “Put the knife down.” The command came from DeBruce who stood a few feet away. His sword was pointing, along with those of about a dozen men.

  Hugh grunted, lowered his knife, and shoved Rose behind him. Then he stomped until the tip of DeBruce’s sword met his chest. Normally he’d not hesitate to slay any man so foul as to watch a woman burn. However, with his wound open, it’d be more difficult. Not only that, should he raise sword against his liege, all recently gained would be lost, including Rose.

  When her small hand slipped into his, Hugh unclenched the grip on his knife, turned, and spat on the ground in front of the bishop. “She risked her life to save mine. Does that sound like a murderess? Let me confront her accuser.”

  Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

  The abbess strode out from the small crowd gathered in the square with nose held high. “You can’t save her, le Despencer. She murdered Sister Cecilia and tried to murder me. For that, she must die.”

  “If you touch her, my men will burn Lanercost to the ground. Anon, M’lord, you should read this.” Hugh reached into his belt’s pouch and handed forth Rose’s missive.

  The earl pulled the parchment out of the hollowed twig and paled. “Damnation. She’s a de Longley on her mother’s side. Nobility. Someone, douse that fire. You?” DeBruce glared at Hugh. “Into the church. Someone take the girl and clean her up.”

  “She stays with me.” Snarling, The Destroyer clenched his sword, ready to kill anyone who tried to touch his woman.

  “Hugh, don’t.” Her palm covered his tight knuckles and he pulled her shaking fingers to his lips.

  “Stay with me. It’ll be over, soon. I promise.”

  Her other hand pressed into his bloody side and tears, black with soot rolled down her face. “Ye shouldn’t have come, Destroyer. Look at ye.”

  “I’ve lived through far worse. ’Tis him that should worry.” Hugh tossed his head at DeBruce, entering the church with his knights.

  When Hugh stumbled, Rose put an arm around him, taking his weight. Inside, she let go, genuflected, and blessed herself at the font. Then, she led him to the altar where DeBruce’s angry face was lit orange by bright torches.

  “Sit him down before he falls down.”

  “Thank you, m’lord.” Hugh coughed up blood and his side screamed in agony.

  “Don’t thank me. Your life may still be forfeit. Out with it, Destroyer. What goes on, here?”

  Hugh turned from his liege and spoke to a man who’d just entered the church. Dressed in fine wool tunic and jewels, he was no doubt a noble canon who lived within these walls.

  Hugh hoped the other man would be more willing to listen. “How many mysterious deaths did you have, prior to the arrival of the new abbess?”

  “None at all.” Clever eyes narrowed and the man’s frown deepened as he stared at the abbess.

  “And now?”

  “Two, we believe. Sister Cecelia and recently, Mary Margaret has gone missing.”

  Even DeBruce seemed shaken by that revelation and the abbess’s face skewed, a shriveled apple inside a white wimple. “It was Rose, I tell you. Rose.”

  “Did you search her room for a weapon?” It was obvious to Hugh what had happened and his sword hand itched to wipe out this holy order of idiots.

  Because Rose was a mere servant, she was undeserving of a second thought but now all feared because she was noble-born.

  “Do what he asks.” DeBruce nodded at two of his soldiers and shot Hugh a glance. “Still with us, le Despencer?”

  “Aye.” Hugh gritted his teeth at the gut-wrenching pain and leaned against Rose whose soft hand rested in his while they waited.

  She whispered in his ear, “Why? Why risk yer life for me?”

  Heaving a sigh, Hugh cupped one of her soft cheeks with his unbloodied palm. Someday he’d make love with her again and see her round with his children. “Don’t you know? You’ve haunted my every moment since seeing you in the forest.”

  DeBruce cleared his throat. “Should she be found innocent, she’ll take her vows.”

  “She’s lain with me and we will marry.” Hugh scowled at the earl whose brows shot up.

  “Her? She’s what? Twenty? Way too old to wed.” DeBruce was saved from an earful from the sputtering Rose when the guards reentered the church.

  The taller of the men held aloft a knife, the shaft dark with dried blood. “We found this in the abbess’s chambers.”

  “That doesn’t prove anything. I use it for my evening meal.” The abbess’s smile was so serpent-like, Hugh half-expected a forked tongue to slip out.

  “We also found these.” Grimacing, the other guard lifted a bloody tunic and a small leather-bound book, both which he handed to DeBruce.

  The earl read for a moment, eyes grew wide, and his mouth dropped open. “God’s wounds. She’s the devil incarnate. Take her away.”

  The book was then handed off to the canon who read, frowned, and turned to Rose. “You are free to go.”

  As the abbess was dragged out of the church, cursing most foully, DeBruce stroked his full red beard. “We’ll need to contact de Longley and de Wolfe, immediately.”

  It seemed to Hugh that suddenly the statues in the church danced in circles. “My liege, could I ask one more boon?”


  “I might need a moment…” He lay his head back onto Rose’s lap and closed his eyes.


  Rose screamed. “Christ’s Cross! Someone! Lay him on the floor. Help me to remove his armor. Damnation, Destroyer, ye won’t die. Not on account of saving me.”

  There was not much time.

  “Get me a flesh needle. Now! DeBruce, if ye have any love of this man, find the cauterizer. Let Sir Aliyar and his men into the walls! We must stay this bleeding. And someone bring me the sacramental wine.”

  The rest of the day and long into the night, Rose did all she could to save the wonderous man who’d stolen her heart and saved her life. Then, she lay down on the church floor, exhausted. At some point, Aliyar came to her side as Hugh was put upon a litter and she followed them into an infirmary.

  “You should get some sleep, m’lady.” Aliyar pulled her away from Hugh’s cot.

  “No, no. It’s because of me, he lies here near death.” She put her hand to Hugh’s warm forehead and prayed as she never had before. “Please, dear God, let him live, and if ye want, I will marry yer Son, Christ.”

  Hugh thrashed his arms and moaned. “Over my dead body.”

  Destroyer? Yer still with me?” Her heart leapt and tears welled as she kissed his face, his lips, and his forehead.

  “Aye. Still here.” He coughed with a crooked smile and she forced her recipes down him until he slapped her hand away. “The only person you’re going to marry Rose Douglas, is me. Swear to it or I’ll die just to spite you.”

  She laughed and put his rou
gh palm to her cheek. “I swear it.”

  “And God’s blood, try to stay out of trouble. Better yet? Aliyar, see to it she moves not an inch from my side until I give the order. Understood?”

  Chapter 16

  Several weeks later Hugh rode back to Naward, lying flat in a wagon while Aliyar rode alongside, growing more irked each mile. “I’ll stuff a rag in your mouth, m’lord, if you don’t stop asking.”

  “But I must ride into the keep. What if Scots are about and see I’m nothing but an invalid? They’ll take Naward.”

  “There’ll be no more Scot attacks.”

  “And why is that?”

  “DeBruce wrote to de Wolfe who’s on his way with a small army. I believe you’re to be wed to his goddaughter in the keep chapel as soon as he arrives.”

  Hugh moaned, thinking of all the things that needed to be done. “Once he takes a whiff of Naward, he’ll no doubt burn the place to the ground. The place is unworthy.”

  Ali chuckled. “You may be surprised.”

  When they got to the edge of the forest, Hugh sat up. “Enough, Aliyar. God’s blood, I’ll ride like a man or die trying.”

  “You’ll explain to Rose that you threatened my life if I did not?”



  Once astride Wind, Hugh happily waved to his people who’d exited their shops to cheer. He was well-pleased at how the streets were cleaned of filth, with only a small stream of liquid that ran down the borders.

  Stunned, Hugh stared when they reached the now dry moat. “What’s this?”

  “Rose found an ancient chain in the wall, pulled, and the moat emptied into the river. Then, we buried everything and added the sharp spikes at the bottom.”

  After crossing the drawbridge, a page took Wind’s reins, and Hugh lifted a leg. He sucked in his breath as he clutched his painful waist, and dismounted. Inside the great hall, he nearly tumbled onto his arse.

  The former dark cavern was lit as day with new torches. Bright banners hung on the walls, trestle tables were stacked on their sides, and benches piled high. However, the most amazing thing was the floor.

  The filthy rush carpet was gone, replaced by shining marble mosaics. Intricate woven rugs from the east were placed on the floor by the far wall with thick sitting pillows in front of an inviting fireplace.

  “My God. This palace is worthy of the sultan. How?”

  Aliyar shook his head and stared at the wonder. “Rose. She insisted the whole priory come and work as penance for almost killing her. Apparently, none wanted an enemy a stone’s throw from Lanercost, especially when they heard she’s goddaughter to de Wolfe.”

  “M’lord?” Rose, his wonderous angel approached wearing a stunning blue tunic, her short red curls covered by a simple veil.

  He dropped onto one knee in front of her and kissed her hand. “M’lady. I’m undone by your beauty.”

  “Don’t be daft. ’Tis still me.” Her face, however, lit up at his compliment.

  Then, she dropped to her knees in front of him and placed her lips on his. The people who’d followed from the bailey and inside the kitchen cheered.

  Laughing, he groaned as he rose off his knees and hugged her. “I cannot believe how much you’ve accomplished while I lay sick. This hall is like you, a beautiful rose, newly bloomed.”

  “Sit, m’lord, or I’ll make ye drink my latest batch of dwale.” She grinned with a twinkle to her eye. “According to a missive that just arrived, de Wolfe comes with my uncle. I cannae even begin to imagine what it’ll be like to have family. Your father comes too.”

  “My sire?”

  Hugh moaned and elbowed Aliyar who whispered, “Apparently, your father found a miraculous document when all his legitimate heirs died in Wales. He’s petitioned Edward that you inherit his holdings.”

  Aliyar produced a parchment proving that Lord le Despencer supposedly married a servant girl. Years ago, Hugh would’ve fought the devil himself to be legitimate. Now, it only smelled like stale fish. Surprisingly, though, the bitterness he’d carried for years was less.

  “I suppose I cannot uninvite him?”

  “Certainly not.” Rose lifted to her toes and kissed his cheek. “Now sit. Will ye eat something?”

  “Only if you dine with me.” He tucked a red curl behind her ear and his shaft swelled at the thought of entering her sweet sheath. It’d been way too long since he held her.

  At the clap of her hands, trestle tables filled the room, and women brought in trencher bowls filled with spicy lamb stew. Rose sat down by his side with her plump lips turned up at the corners.

  His chest grew tight when lovely blue eyes met his with thick red lashes wide and cheeks pink with blush. It was if some shell around his heart had broken wide open.

  “Will ye cut my meat and feed me little bits?” A tongue flicked over her lower lip and his besotted heart pounded as he stabbed a miniscule piece of meat and brought it to her mouth.

  “If need be.”

  She stared for a moment, nipped, and grinned. “This could take all afternoon and into the night as well.”

  “I cannot wait that long. I need to have you in my bed, your legs wrapped around me.” His lust for her stirred as he cut another morsel and placed it in her open mouth.

  Her blush bloomed more as she captured his gaze, chewing slowly. “I’ll come to ye tonight, if ye wish it.”


  Without warning, she scraped back her bench and jumped upon it. “Ye all must excuse us, good friends. M’lord’s injury is still much. As his healer, I must take him to his chambers so I bid ye all a good day.”

  Eyes merry, she put an arm around his waist. “Make this look true, Destroyer.”

  As he had in the priory, he put some weight on her and climbed the stairs. Once inside the room, he barred the door, dropped his sword, and took her into his arms.

  She responded to his kisses with a lust that matched his own, her fingertips digging into the back of his head, her lower half pressing against his.

  He recalled the last time they’d made love was her first and he needed to slow down. “Are you sure you want this?”

  “What magic have you done to me, m’lord? I cannae sleep nor eat for want of you. Och, it’s as if my verra soul is dying for your touch.”

  “It’s like that for me, as well. Should my want grow more, I’d spend my seed or mayhap go blind.” He sat on the mattress and pulled her onto him while the sweetest of giggles came forth.

  “I should not want that, m’lord.”

  He unclasped the chain around her waist, unpinned the veil from her locks, and placed both on the table beside his bed.

  “After all we’ve shared, would you call me Hugh?”

  “Aye. I’d like that.”

  “As would I.” Scooting closer, he hugged her curvy body and at the scent of lavender, his shaft grew more.

  “I need us to be one, dear angel. It’s been too long.” Slowly, he threaded his fingers through her hair, tilted her head, and pulled her open mouth to his.

  His tongue thrust in and out, exploring while she shyly tangled back. Then, kissing grew so intense that they panted to catch their breaths as he lay her back on the bed. Needing more, he pressed a knee up between her legs. she lifted her arms, and he pulled off her tunic. A moment later, she lay gloriously naked before him.

  “Now, you.” She didn’t need to ask twice.

  Off came his boots, he tore off his tunics, and unwrapped his braies. Laying side by side, he caressed her body while devouring her with his eyes.

  Would she belong to him? Could they hold onto this forever?

  Eyes bluer than Sultan’s sapphires glistened and held his gaze while her small hands cupped his beard. “I thought I’d lost ye.”

  “’Twas no more than a scratch, angel.” He rolled on top of her, put his weight on his elbows and spread her legs open with his knees.

  Even though his sword was begging at her opening, he h
eld back, and felt between her legs.

  When he found hot honey, he licked his finger and moaned. “You’re so ready.”

  “It’s thus, whenever I think of ye.” At her sweet admission Hugh slid off the mattress onto his knees and threw her legs over his shoulder.

  Then, he lapped up her juices while she squirmed and arched. Suddenly, she went taut as his bow, screamed, and shuddered. On the edge of his own release, he climbed up her body and plunged. She bucked like a charger, driving him to madness and he rocked into her repeatedly.

  So damn close.

  She arched up, he met her core, and they both hit splendor beyond heaven at the same moment.

  Later, as they floated back down to earth, his tears mixed with hers. “There are no words, sweet lady, when I’m one with you.”

  “Shush.” She reached up and touched his wet cheeks, played with ears, and put fingertips to his lips.

  Just like that, he was hard again. All afternoon and into the night, they sated their hunger and it wasn’t until dawn broke, they slept.

  Chapter 17

  Hugh paced in the small chapel, hand sweaty and resting on his sword’s hilt. When he explained the circumstances of the wedding, at first William de Wolfe was angry but after meeting Rose yesterday, he laughed out loud.

  Even though her uncle de Longley wanted a huge wedding, Hugh insisted they keep the attendance small. Little by little they’d both be introduced to nobility and make a place within Edward’s ranks. At some point in time, they’d host a huge celebration. Hopefully, at the birth of their son.

  When his bride walked into the room, Hugh’s heart stopped. Her short curls were barely covered by a veil that sparkled with small jewels. The sultan’s sapphire that he gave her sat in the middle of her forehead, held by a gold chain. She wore exotic green silk sleeves and matching wool tunic that laced up the back, showing off her lush curves.

  None of that really mattered for Rose’s beauty came from within. It was how she smiled as if he were the sun and the moon. By God, he’d spend his whole life making sure that look never left her face


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