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Paris (Entangle Me Book 4)

Page 5

by Way, Maggie

  “He’s been...never mind.” A gorgeous blonde throws herself at him, and they are in Paris together. Hardly my dream situation.

  He wants you, I know that for a fact.”

  I shrug my shoulders, keeping my eyes glued to the laptop. Yes, Tristan wanted to have dinner with last night, yes, he wanted to take me to the Louvre the day before, and Palace of Versailles the day before that. But I said no, and opted to do all of those things with Gabe instead. I’m not going to compete with a woman for a man’s attention. “Yeah right, did he ask you to say something?” I suggest tersely, sceptical of why Gabe is still so persisting on this matter.

  “He doesn’t have to because he is always talking about how annoying you are, how bossy you are, how bitchy—”

  “Oh gee, he sounds like my biggest fan! Not.”

  Gabe chuckles loudly. “No, he is clearly gaga for you if you drive him nuts. Trust me on this.”

  I sigh loudly as I look up from my laptop.

  “It’s Vic... that blonde girl.” I can’t bring it to myself to say her name.

  “Who?” He pauses for a moment before clicking his fingers. “Oh yeah, her. Tall, thin, kind of bitchy looking?”

  That’s the one.

  “I met her the other day, not that it was voluntary.”

  My ears perk up at his revelation. “What do you mean?”

  “I was with your hunk of a man and when we got to the hotel lobby she was just standing there, waiting for him.”

  Oh god, they have been meeting up regularly? My stomach churns pitifully.

  “See, told you—”

  “Tristan was not happy to see her. And I mean that, like I could see his temples throbbing. He looked pissed off,” Gabe nods.

  I shift in my seat to lean towards him, interested to know more. “What are you talking about?”

  “Well firstly, as soon as we walked through the lobby, she practically charged towards us. Tristan kept saying ‘What are you doing here?’, ‘How did you know I was staying here’? It felt like she was...stalking him almost.”

  Huh, come again? A gorgeous blonde wants to stalk Tristan? Yeah right.

  “And then what?”

  “Tristan kept trying to blow her off, saying he’s busy with work. But then she said she would totally tell on him and Tristan finally agreed to meet her later. Trust me, he did not look keen at all,” Gabe insists and I know he is telling the truth.

  “I don’t get it. They were exes...”

  Gabe shakes his head. “Not to me. I’m not an expert on body language or anything but he did not look keen at all.

  Not one bit.”

  I purse my lips, utterly confused at this new found development. I’m supposed to believe that Tristan is less than interested in a gorgeous, rich blonde, but for some odd reason feels obligated to continue seeing her? Something is fishy, and it’s not the smoked mackerel I had for lunch.

  “Anyway, I got a really creepy vibe from her. She wasn’t even charmed by me. Me, of all people!”

  I gasp dramatically. “She’s a monster.” A fifteen year-old, clingy, borderline stalker monster. Sure, I’ve heard it all now.

  Closing the laptop, I smile at Gabe.

  “I feel like dessert. Let’s go out for something quick before we drive up, yeah?”

  Gabe smirks. “It’s not going to help my waistline...but okay. I feel like crepes.”

  “Me too!”

  I get up to grab my jacket, keen to change topic. I’m not going to waste my time deliberating over a guy. Chocolate and friends will always be more fun.


  Let’s get this show on the road. More specifically, this two-day extravaganza on the road. The drive to Chateau de Riviera was spectacular - Paris might be gorgeous with its cosmopolitan and rich history seeping through every brick, but driving through the countryside and outskirts of the city was an absolute privilege. I wish I was the passenger, not the driver.

  It’s 10.45am and I’m just finishing up setting the chairs with the decorators. I’m dressed and ready to go in a tailored knee-length black dress, my hair up in a tight bun, my ears adorned with drop down silver earrings. I’m wearing silver pumps but secretly I wish I could wear sandals to walk through the grass, but I’ll get over it and be cautious not to get my shoes scuffed.

  Looking upon the lush garden, I’m thrilled with how it looks. The gardens surrounding the Chateau de Riviera are already a thing of beauty: with an abundance of lavender, lilacs and white lilies the natural perfume is tantalising mixed with the warm French air. The reception setup is simple but classy and elegant: forty white wooden chairs are perfectly lined up looking towards the arch at the front, which is decorated with yellow lace and pink rose buds. To the side of the chairs, there’s a long buffet table which will be setup with drinks and nibbles. Fortunately the whole reception is being held under a large shaded tree so the guests won’t be forced to sunbake for the hour long ceremony.

  Looking speculatively at all the chairs, I make sure it’s all lined up straight and that each and every one of them has a lilac purple sash on it. Yep…the second row all has it…yes so does the third….okay all done. Ticking off my check list on my clipboard, I start walking back to the chateau to find Gabe. I’ve assigned him to deal with the catering, so I can help with Marie and the bridal party in an hour or so.

  As I walk into the chateau, I’m surprised to see one of the bridesmaids walking in. Then one of Alain’s brother walks in, then Marie’s daughter walks in. Hmm, they weren’t supposed to get here til 11.15am. If the bridal party are here that means…


  My heart jump starts at the sound of Tristan’s voice. I really shouldn’t, I was expecting to see him today. In a work capacity, no less. But that doesn’t mean his voice doesn’t affect me. Turning around, I have to remember to breathe. Not only does his voice affect me, so does that face. And body, holy cow does he have a good one. In a fitted black tuxedo, he is the epitome of male beauty. Does he realise what a sexy beast he is? Clearing my throat, I straighten my posture and give him a polite nod. I’m not going to date him, I’m only going to work with him.

  “Hey,” I say as I push my headset up.

  Walking up to me, that devilish smirk sits on those sensual lips. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but he looks rather happy to see me. And if I’ll admit to myself, I am happy to see him.

  “Hey.” Hands in his pocket, he takes the chance to look at me up and down. I’m secretly thrilled he is checking me out. “What’s the ETA?”

  Looking down at my clipboard, I run my eyes up and down the page.

  “Okay, so you may have seen but the venue is all done now. The technician has just finished setting up the sound system. The violin quartet is due to arrive at 11.30am and they will be rehearsing in the quiet room in the back of the Chateau, no changes there.” I scroll to the next page, skimming everything. “Gabe is with the catering, going well there. Drinks will be served at midday sharp, with the canapés to follow at 1pm.”

  Tristan looks pensive, absorbing the update. “Good. The guests are still due to arrive the same time, the bridal party insisted on arriving earlier but the schedule is still the same. Don’t forget to speak to Pierre about the cake.”

  I point to a bit on my page. “Already done.”

  “And what about the DJ, he’s supposed to come thirty minutes earlier to test his equipment.”

  Come on, who does he think he’s talking to? For someone so chilled one second, he sure can switch to serious business mode the next.

  “Dude, I got this. Anything else?”

  “You look beautiful,” he blurts out, those whiskey staring right at me.

  I blush immediately, hating that he has such an effect on me, despite everything that’s happened.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself. I bet you $50 you are going to take off that bow-tie straight after the ceremony,” I rib, knowing how he hates formal wear. Shame, because he wears it so well.<
br />
  He grins, pulling his head back. “After the ceremony? More like the first chance I get. Once the vows start, I doubt they will care.”

  We both laugh, but it’s forced and polite. I better see how Gabe is going, instead of getting distracted by this hunk of a man who I’ve made out on more than one occasion.

  “Anyway, I better get going—”

  I haven’t even walked two steps before Tristan steps in front of me, closing the distance between us. There it is again. That static, that electricity that happens whenever I get close to him. It can’t be still there, I’m not supposed to want him. Leaning into my shoulder, I ignore how good he smells, how good he looks.

  “Is there a chance I can take out the hottest girl at this wedding after it’s over?” He whispers, his hot breath making the back of my hairs stand up. I gulp nervously, knowing that I would say yes in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for the sudden appearance of his ex-girlfriend, who fortunately is not here today.

  “What about your girlfriend?” I say, my tone filled with bitterness.

  He shoots me an annoyed look. “She is not my girlfriend, she means nothing to me.”

  “Well you mean something to her, and that bothers me. Big time. I don’t want to talk about this now alright?”

  I start walking away, keen to get to Gabe, keen to get away from this topic of conversation. Tristan follows me as we start walking down the long and stone-walled hallway of the chateau.

  “Well, when do you want to talk about it?” He asks, his voice slightly anxious.

  Pushing my headset down, I look down at my clipboard. “When we don’t have a bloody two day wedding to plan. Look—”

  My steps are halted by the sensation of Tristan grabbing my arm, turning me around to face him, staring heatedly at me.

  “I promise you nothing is happening with her. And nothing will. You’re the one I want.”

  Inside I do a happy dance, and I suppress an urge to grin like a Cheshire cat. I believe him, at least I want to believe him. But this is really not the time.

  Putting my hand gently on his chest, I look up at him. “Let’s go for a drink when the wedding is over, okay? With Gabe of course.”

  The corners of his mouth move up, he looks happy with my answer. “Sounds good.”

  Okay, I really need to get on with things. Moving back, I grab my clipboard and clutch it tightly to my chest. “I’m going to sort out the catering, just give me a yell out if you need anything.”

  Tristan winks at me. “You got it, babe.”

  Blushing again, I rush down the hallway, delighting in the fact that he is watching me as I walk away.


  The first day is over. A casual affair set amongst the lush paddocks and gardens’ surrounding the chateau, the whole thing has been light-hearted, full of laughter and joy. I love the idea of a garden wedding. Even with all the risk that it presents the reward has been abundantly clear.

  Lilies and violets surrounded the gardens, providing a delectable and subtle fragrance. All the guests dressed in casual smart attire, the women in bright lace and satin, the men in white and beige shirts and trousers. Delightful piano music topped off the relaxed atmosphere, and the jovial laughter and chit chat of the guests made it clear that although these people had money, they weren’t interested in flaunting it. They were here to have a good time. Marie may be in her mid-forties and a mother of three but she has a great figure, and her long sleeved lace mermaid dress highlights her curves in the right areas. The fabric has a tinge of pink, which highlights her auburn hair, which she has put up in a tight bun. Choosing to wear minimal makeup, no earrings, she also opted to wear sandals for this evening! Alain chose to throw caution to the wind, wearing cargo pants and a white linen shirt. He’s slightly rotund with thinning hair but you can tell he was a looker

  The wedding was a bright and colourful occasion, with dresses ranging from emerald green to pink to canary yellow.

  And the food was not a disappointment either. Even though Claudio may have been stubborn and mulish, he did a wonderful job with the food. The food he presented to me, Tristan, and the happy couple were to die for, looking absolutely beautiful presented on the buffet table. Goat cheese quiche, cheese and fruit platters, grilled asparagus with lemon butter sauce, prosciutto wrapped melon balls, pates, and escargot. Escargot isn’t my cup of tea, but it was a hit with the guests and I was even tempted to try it because of the garlic butter drizzled over it. Overall the food was delicious but the cake took the cake, literally. The pink champagne sponge cake filled with cream, it was served with strawberries and whipped cream. For a second I wished I was one of the guests so I could help myself to a second serving.

  Not to say the event didn’t go without a hitch. Between Tristan, Gabe, and I scurrying around making sure the guests had adequate shading and refreshments to get through the two hour ceremony, the chateau’s resident pig Marcel oinking loudly every twenty minutes, and the music halting mid-way due to one of the chefs accidentally turning off the power supply, it was a stress. But a stress that turned out to be a success.

  It’s not over yet. The hard work is yet to come for the reception tomorrow, and I am already itching to get my hands on my laptop to prepare for the second day.

  It’s 6pm and I’m back in Paris in my hotel room, preparing for the second day of celebrations tomorrow. Mostly everything is done, except one thing and it better be done as well.

  I press the call button on my phone, and after three rings, the decorator Marcy’s voice comes through.


  “Marcy, it’s me,” I reply.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I need an update on the wedding favours.” They better be done; they are only due tomorrow at 9am.

  She sighs impatiently. “Err, so we’re about half way done with putting the tags on the handmade scented candles, and—”

  “Half way? What? They should have been done by last night.”

  Another huff blares through the receiver. “Kate’s a bit slow doing the tags, and you want it tied in a certain style…”

  “Well if it’s easier just to tie them in the way you think is easier, please do it that way,” I start to raise my voice but I stop myself, taking a moment to breathe quietly. “Marcy, you there?”


  “What about the Jordan almonds? Have they been wrapped?”

  “Yes, we just finished it this morning”

  “And the crystal key chains? Have the labels been wrapped on them?”

  “Yes, we just finished that last night.”

  “Okay and the tote bags, you guys have enough right?”

  “Yes, 200.”

  “No I said 220, I made that very clear.” I pinch my nose, trying to get it clear to her.

  “It’s too late, we can’t—”

  “No, I don’t want to hear can’t. I asked for this at the beginning and you need to deliver what was promised. Make it happen, think of a way please,” I roll my eyes heavenward. Do I need to spell it out for her?

  Another loud sigh comes through the phone. “Fine, is that all?”

  “Yes, that’s all for now. I’m still awaiting the confirmation about the peony centrepiece but I’ll call you as soon as I find out.”

  “Yep, fine. See you,” she hangs up abruptly.


  “I take it you don’t like her very much?” Gabe asks, stifling a giggle. “You should have made me talk to her, I’ll have her laughing her tits off in no time.”

  I smirk as I start typing on my laptop. “Apart from the fact that she sighs more than she breathes, everything is going crystal smooth. Even the caterer has come through and agreed to the set changes. The venue is all good for tomorrow, they were happy to put out the extra table. Anything else?”

  Gabe looks at his notes. “Nope, I’ve had such a blast planning this one!” He chuckles.

  I laugh softly. “Me too. It also helps thattheir menu is to die for, tomorrow should
be lots of fun. Well except for…” I stop myself when I’m reminded of the fact that Victoria will be there tomorrow. No doubt with her hands all over Tristan.

  “What?’ Gabe asks.

  “Never mind.”

  “I bet you can’t wait to have some lovey-dovey time with Tristan when this wedding is over huh?” he teases.

  “Uh-huh, that’s the least of my concerns right now,” I murmur, concentrating on the laptop. “I just want to get this wedding over the line, make it absolutely perfect tomorrow.”

  I hate to admit it, but Gabe is right. Secretly, I’m dying for this wedding to finish so I can hang out with Tristan again, and perhaps spend some one-on-one time with him. He says I’m the one he wants and I do believe him. Maybe there really is nothing going with Victoria, maybe they’re just friends.

  After all, she really can’t be that much of a threat. Right?


  What a wonderful second day, this is the best wedding celebration yet! As I walk around the restaurant and survey the fruits of our labour, I’m really proud at how the whole event has turned out. Glancing over at the wedded couple, I can’t help but notice how happy they look. In my stock standard tight-fitting black dress, I’m itching to get changed and into something more comfortable for my planned drinks with Tristan and Gabe. We deserve to let our hair down after this big project and celebrate a good job well-done.

  The Paris evening is a warm but still pleasant 28 degrees centigrade. As the event comes to a close, I can’t help but reminisce how beautiful this evening has been.

  Everything came together, even Marcy and her team. The wedding favours looked beautiful, all packaged in the customised tote bags. Tonight’s reception was absolutely lavish and beautiful – instead of doing formal speeches and dinner, it was casual dancing at the restaurant and all the guests had a blast in the private outdoor hall, smoking and clinking their wine glasses the whole night. A couple of guests danced merrily to relaxing tunes and melodies created by saxophones, accordions, harmonicas, flutes and guitars.


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