Aboard the Wishing Star

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Aboard the Wishing Star Page 6

by Debra Parmley

  Viv halted, hair spray bottle in hand and raised one eyebrow. "Oh, you did not just tell me to hurry up." She picked up her room card key and spun on her heel. "Let's go."

  Viv did the marching step down the hall that she always did when she was pissed off, fast as her short stride would go, Kara following along behind, her longer legs having no trouble keeping up.

  Kara was relieved to see Nate and Adam waiting for them at the table.

  "Good evening, ladies," Nate said with a nod and a slow perusal of appreciation.

  "Good evening." Kara slid into her seat with smile only for Nate, enjoying the way he looked at her and noting how Viv bristled because neither man paid her any attention.

  Was Viv jealous? How much different she behaves now that I'm single again and ready to date.

  It was at that moment she realized she truly was ready to date. Nate made it seem easy, less intimidating. Why had she been so nervous about dating?

  She sat up in her chair, leaned toward Nate and said, "Please pass the rolls."

  "Certainly." He reached for the silver basket and handed it to her, their fingers brushing as their eyes met. "Butter?"

  "Yes, please."

  Even the most mundane exchange between them held an almost electric charge. It was simply happening and she wasn't even trying.

  Vernon and Phyllis, the elderly couple celebrating their anniversary, ordered a bottle of champagne for the table. They'd obviously made up, and the newlyweds had joined them for dinner tonight in honor of the older couple's anniversary.

  Once everyone had a glass, Vernon raised his glass in a toast. "To my lovely wife and the happiest years of my life." He glanced around the table. "And to falling in love. May you fall hard and land softly into welcoming arms."

  Oh, God, yes. Welcoming arms. Oh, how I wish ... How I want that.

  "Hear, hear," William and Beverly, the newlyweds echoed.

  The tinkle of glasses rang.

  They're lucky to have had so many years together.

  Kara blinked through misty eyes as she sipped champagne. Then Nate's warm, strong hand gave her knee a gentle squeeze before releasing it. She set her glass down and sent him a smile. He'd made her feel better with that squeeze as if he'd known she was a little choked up.

  The waiter moved to take her order. The menu was a blur through watery eyes, so she ordered the waiters recommendations.

  Kara waited for Nate to order before she started a conversation. But once again Viv beat her to it.

  "What's your guilty food pleasure?" Viv asked leaning toward Nate.

  Kara arched her eyebrows.

  What does she think she is doing? Same old Viv, insisting the spotlight be planted firmly on her.

  "Mine is Godiva chocolate," Viv purred.

  "Pecan pie," Adam said recapturing Viv's attention.

  Kara wondered what annoyed Viv more, the men paying attention to Kara or the fact Kara forced Viv to shorten her beauty routine.

  "My favorite is tiramisu," Kara jumped into the conversation and gave her whole attention to Nate, ignoring Viv. "It's the one desert I can never pass up, even when I'm full."

  "I love tiramisu," Nate said and the smile he sent her warmed her to her toes.

  "Is that your guilty food pleasure too?" Kara.

  He leaned in close to Kara and said in a low voice, "My guilty pleasure is whip cream on naked skin."

  "Oh my." Her eyes widened and the thought of him licking whipped cream off her skin sent tingles down her back. She'd never experienced that. Nate could turn the simplest thing into the most sensual, and he did it in such a playful way. Images of what he'd described now filled her head, making her squirm in her seat as he watched her with mischievous eyes. His gaze deepened as she squirmed.

  "Tonight's show is 'In the Mood.' It's love songs from Broadway shows," Viv gushed. "I love musicals and theater."

  "How about you?" Nate asked Kara.

  Whipped cream or ... no, wait. Theater. He means what do I think about theater. Or does he?

  "Viv loves drama. Me, I'm more into old movies."

  "You're more of a cuddle up at home to watch movies kind of girl?"

  "Well, yes. Though I like going out to see movies and sometimes theater."

  "I enjoy watching old movies too."

  One more thing we have in common.

  "And cuddling."

  Oh how good it would feel to cuddle up with him, sharing a bowl of popcorn.

  "Mmm, that sounds wonderful." Images of cuddling up next to him filled her head as she directed her attention back to her food, beneath his gaze and warm smile.

  Though she may have forgotten how to date, being with Nate was easy. After dinner, the four of them sat together at the show, Nate on one side of Kara and Viv on the other. Viv turned sideways, all her attention on Adam, ignoring Kara.

  The glittering costumes and musical numbers dazzled with sequined gowns, lights and great singing. The show would have captured Kara's attention entirely if not for the way Nate's fingers traced the back of her hand.

  The touch of his fingers sent tingles all through her body, and the hum, which never faded when he was near, built within her. Thoughts of how they'd dance later and the hope he might kiss her again filled her mind.

  Though he didn't look at her, she sensed he paid attention to her reaction, her slightest breath.

  After the show, Viv said, "We'll freshen up and meet you guys in the nightclub in thirty minutes."

  "We'll be waiting," Adam replied.

  "Hurry back." Nate held her hand as Kara looked up into his eyes.

  "I will."

  Thirty minutes seemed like forever but at least Viv didn't dawdle in front of the mirror this time. She also didn't speak to Kara.

  A quick brush of her teeth and a dash of lip-gloss and Kara was ready.

  Viv dropped her lipstick into her bag. "I'm ready."

  "Let's go."

  Heading to the club, Viv walked like a racehorse itching to break stride. The deck was slick, and Kara slid into a bench. "Ouch."

  Viv stopped. "You okay?"

  Kara rubbed her thigh as the muscle throbbed. "Yes."

  "Dancing will make you forget about it." Viv tapped a toe, impatient.

  "I'm fine. Let's go."

  Kara's thigh hurt and was going to bruise Fair skinned, she bruised easy. The anticipatory hum that had built within had fled when she ran into the bench. She couldn't wait to see Nate.

  As they entered the nightclub, pulsing neon lights underneath the dance floor lit the dim room. A DJ called out the next tune with a dedication. Kara followed Viv to the bar. They perched on stools and scanned the room for Adam and Nate, who soon appeared beside them after making their way through the crowded club.

  A slow song started. Nate stood and held out his hand. "If you're ready, I'll claim that dance now."

  Kara's heart gave a leap. Her stomach fluttered before she placed her hand in his. Warm, strong fingers closed over hers and he led her to the dance floor, maneuvering through the crowd with ease. He turned, smiled, and pulled her close.

  The minute he took her in his arms everything around them faded away from her mind. He slid his left hand around her waist and twined the fingers of his right hand through hers. She placed her hand on his shoulder. How strong and solid he was beneath her fingertips. He held her with a strong, firm grasp.

  He swung her around and she caught her breath. The warmth of his hand through the waist of the silk dress heated her skin as he pulled her closer, his eyes darkening as they gazed down into hers.

  "Silky smooth," he said, the corners of his eyes turning up as he smiled.

  Her heart hammered against her ribs. They moved in time to the music, around and around. Nick's dark lashes framed deep brown eyes that smoldered as he watched her.

  She could stay in his arms and never return home again.

  She was falling.


  She couldn't fall. Not for one night or one week.<
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  It would be so easy to fall in love with him.

  She couldn't bear it.

  Love meant loss and a broken heart. Again.

  Chapter Seven

  Nate pulled Kara closer, and his hands moved down to her waist where he held her light as if she were made of glass. Her shyness made him move slow, though he wanted nothing more than to carry her off and make passionate love to her. She was everything his dream woman would be. Soft feminine curves and long silky hair enticing him to touch, sweet voice and loving eyes. Beyond the physical though, which called to him so strong, there was something else, something deep and primal that had no name.

  The silk dress slid beneath his fingers, the only thing between them, and he felt the curve of her hip, the way she moved under his touch, letting him know the way she might move beneath him in a different kind of dance.

  Her eyes glanced at him and away before glancing back, which deepened his smile. He knew the subtle signs a woman sent, even unaware, in the dance of courtship.

  She felt good in his arms. Her scent intoxicated him.

  The nightclub thinned out. Nate swung Kara into a corner. Her steps faltered. His hands settled firm upon her hips to guide her. He kissed her just below the ear, blew soft in her ear, and then pulled away, holding her just enough at a distance to look down into her eyes.

  His eyes searched hers. The green eyes gazing back at him held desire, excitement, a touch of nervousness, and a deep hunger.

  "I'd like to go up on deck and see the stars." She spoke in a soft voice.

  "All right, sweetheart." Threading his fingers through hers he led her across the room to the door.

  He opened the door for her and then joined her, sliding his arm around her waist, pulling her close. "It will be windy." He glanced at the silk dress she wore. "Might be chilly."

  He placed a soft kiss upon her temple and noted how warm her skin was. Perhaps they were either overheated from the dance floor or perhaps something else. Even though the ship had moved into warmer waters, nights at sea could be cool even in the Caribbean. They wouldn't stay out long or she might catch a chill.

  They stepped outside and walked to the top deck as the breeze picked up, blowing her dress against her form. At the rails he pulled her close and rubbed her arms up and down. "Don't want you to catch a chill."

  "Let's go down one level, out of the wind."

  "Yes, good idea. It's cooler out than I thought."

  They moved down the steps and over by the lounge chairs. He reversed one around so it faced the ocean instead of the pool. "We can relax and watch the ocean for a while. I'll hold you and keep you warm."

  Women always sought his warmth. They'd snuggle in bed, seeking heat, wanting to be held. He enjoyed warming them, holding them close. One lover had even said he heated her from the inside out. He was used to women seeking his heat.

  But Kara sought nothing from him.

  It was refreshing. There was something special about her.

  He didn't want to lose her. The more he spent time with Kara, the more time he wanted to spend with her.

  They sat together, her back against his chest, his arms around her while bright stars shone overhead and the ocean moved in dark silence. He leaned his cheek against her head.

  "I like holding you."

  He felt her smile, along with her sigh.

  "I like it too."

  She nestled in closer, rubbing against him, and he tightened his arms around her.


  Kara watched the white caps in the ocean, enjoying the feel of Nate's arms around her, the warmth and strength in his body, his warm, spicy scent and the rumble in his chest as he murmured in her ear, his voice sending tingles down her neck.

  She hadn't been held this way for a long time. Perhaps never held exactly this way. Kara closed her eyes to listen to Nate's voice, the quiet sounds of the ocean and the wind; the rapid beat of her heart.

  She wished they could stay like this forever.

  It was an impossible wish. He would get off the ship and go back to his job. She might never see him again.

  She tried not to trust in wishes. She'd let the evening take her where it would. She didn't want to live with regret.

  When he began kissing her ear, she gave herself up into the feeling, losing track of time as if nothing existed but this moment.

  Nate tensed and she wondered what was wrong.

  A drunken man almost fell into their deck chair.

  "Hey you know a good party? All the nightclubs are closed. Won't give me 'nother drink."

  Nate lifted Kara off of his lap and stood in front of her as he faced the man. "No, we don't."

  The man tried to look around behind Nate, but he shifted his body sideways, blocking the man's view of Kara.

  "What you got back there? Anything to drink?"

  "No." Nate took Kara by the hand. They moved past the man.

  "Where you going?"

  "Come on, sweetheart, I'll walk you to your cabin," Nate said.

  Kara wondered if Viv would be in the cabin. She'd ignored Kara all evening as she hung onto Adam.

  Nate walked Kara to her cabin then leaned one hand against the wall. "I had a wonderful evening."

  "Me too."

  His lips met hers in a soft kiss. Her heart fluttered. It was a deep, delicious kiss.

  They came up for air and she caught her breath. She turned and fumbled with the card key. "Would you like to come in?"

  "Yes, I'd like that very much." His hand closed over hers, calming her nerves. "Here, sweetheart. Let me." He held open the door as she walked in then followed behind her, pulling the door closed.

  Good. Viv is gone. Now is not the time to be shy.

  She placed the key on the table and turned to him, placing her hands on his chest. "Kiss me again."

  His eyes flared and he smiled. He bent toward her. Her eyes closed as his lips touched hers.

  The kiss was sweet, tender. Her lips parted and it deepened, his tongue danced with hers. He kissed her lips, her cheek, and across to her ear, tickling her with his tongue, raining kisses down her neck.

  Giving her a lazy smile, which said they had all night, he sat on the bed, taking her by the hands and pulling her closer.

  The silk slid across her skin as she moved.

  His warm fingers moved over her hips, pulling her dress up, finding the outline of her lacy, bikini panties. His fingers traced her skin in a slow pattern, teasing her, warming her. He moved so slowly she wanted to cry out.

  Oh yes, please touch me.

  But then his hands moved away and the silk fell down across her hips again.

  "Your roommate is here."

  Viv slid the key in the lock.

  "Oh, no." Disappointment filled her as Nate stood.

  Viv opened the door.

  "Good night, sweetheart, I had a wonderful evening," Nate said.

  "Me too."

  Viv stood with a look of surprise on her face.

  "Give me a good night kiss before I go?" Nate asked.

  Kara smiled and nodded.

  He gave her a sweet, soft kiss. "Sleep well, sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Yes, see you tomorrow."

  He turned. "Good evening Viv."

  "Evening." Viv stepped aside to let him pass. She closed the door, came in, and plopped on her bed. "Was I interrupting?" She smirked.

  Disappointed in the lost moment and not wanting Viv to see that, Kara turned her back and pulled off the dress then reached for her nightgown. "We were just saying good night." She didn't want to discuss Nate with Viv right now. She wanted to linger in the memory of his kisses.

  "Girl, if Nate is anything like his cousin you're in for a treat. Why aren't you giving it up to that hunky man?" Viv smirked again.

  "Stop it, Viv." Kara slipped into the nightgown and turned back around.

  "You need to loosen up. Give him the green light." Viv wiggled her eyebrows. "Then leave the rest up to Nate. It's bee
n a long time for you, but he knows what to do."

  And what is the green light? No, I am not even going to ask.

  "Oh, for God's sake. I was married. I know what to do."

  "But you're rusty." Viv leaned forward onto her elbows. She cupped her head in her hands and rushed on. "I'll give you pointers."

  Kara crossed her arms. They were not still in high school and this was hardly her first date, even if it had been many years.

  "I do not need pointers."

  "You intrigue Nate. He must find you mysterious. Since you haven't given it up, you're still a challenge."

  Kara, shocked by the way Viv continued to speak to her on this cruise, frowned. When did Viv become so careless with our friendship that she thinks she can speak to me that way? When had this started?

  Ever since we boarded this ship she hasn't been the same Viv I used to know. Kara was not in agreement with Viv's theories on dating. Viv's smug expression irritated Kara so much she wanted to change the subject.

  "You ran off with Adam quick enough. What about Rory?"

  "Rory and I aren't exclusive and he's back in Britain. You're changing the subject." Viv smirked. "What you need is to get laid."

  "I do not need to get laid."

  Maybe you need to get laid. You're the one being bitchy.


  Kara bunched up her pillow and threw it at Viv. "Stop it, Viv. I don't need your help."

  Viv threw it back at her. "Then live a little."

  Kara squeezed the pillow in both hands. Viv made her want to scream. "I am living."

  "Bloody hell. You're not living. You're just going through the motions."

  "You don't understand anything."

  Viv's face turned red and she exploded. "No, I don't. I never had a husband to lose, which you've rubbed my nose in. Get knotted!" Viv ran into the bathroom, slamming the door.

  What the hell was that all about? ... If I have to hear one more of Viv's little British expressions, I'll jump overboard. I really will.

  Kara wanted to scream in frustration.

  Viv burst out of the bathroom again. "You think I don't have feelings? You made Neil your whole life and shut me out. I know what Neil used to say about me. Poor Viv can't keep a man. Goes through a new one every month. You think that doesn't hurt? But let me tell you something. I'm living my life. Neil is dead. And you might as well be. You're wasting your life mooning over a man you think was perfect. He wasn't. He came on to me, Kara. You don't know how he really was."


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