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FIND HER (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) (LOVE HER Book 1)

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by Gemma Hart

  And Julian quickly realized how bright and sensitive Cora truly was. Although her knowledge of art might not be extensive, her interpretation was perceptive and genuine. He could see how she found a piece of each artist to relate with, therefore making each painting a more intimate and personal experience.

  As they gazed upon another glorious Rodin, Julian cleared his throat. “Tomorrow night, there will be a formal charity gala sponsored by JB Enterprises. I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me.”

  Cora was stunned. She had of course known about the gala. It had been part of her agenda. It was an event that would be attended by socialites and business magnates from all across Europe. But she was no fool. She had seen the newspapers and magazines parading pictures of Julian with gorgeous models and actresses. She had assumed he would be attending the event with someone of the like and had a hard time believing he couldn’t find a date more suitable than herself.

  “Um…are you asking me because of last night? I promise, I really do forgive you,” Cora said.

  Julian smiled wryly, as if she had said something deprecating. “No,” he replied. “I’m asking you because I’d like for you to attend the event with me.” His body was warm and she could feel his heat surround and hold her.

  Cora’s heart thumped. “Is it an event an assistant would attend?” She was quite sure she had never seen a picture of Trisha on Julian’s arm at any kind of public function like a gala.

  Julian turned towards her. Cora felt like she could get lost in the man’s eyes, so dark and full of depth they were. “No,” he said, his voice low like rolling thunder. He brushed his hand across her cheek. A smile creased his own stubbled cheek. “But maybe it’s an event a friend might attend?”

  Cora’s breath hitched as she smiled irrepressibly. A friend. “Yes. Yes, I’ll go,” she answered breathlessly.


  “I might’ve found a new trail. I can’t say for sure yet but I’m heading over to follow some new leads. It looks like Gloria Judson was in trouble with the law in Las Vegas. She hightailed it out of here as soon as the cops started sniffing around. I’ll keep you posted, chief.”

  The voice mailbox beeped then asked if he’d like to repeat the message or delete it. Julian lowered his phone.

  A new lead.

  It didn’t surprise him in the least that Gloria had tangled with the law. She seemed like a woman hellbent on self-destruction. But what worried him was Karen. He could only imagine the kind of chaotic tornado that child had been tossed into thanks to Gloria.

  Julian could feel the tenseness growing between his shoulder blades again. How much longer would this search take? It had already been four years now. He should’ve started earlier. Years earlier. But so much had taken up his time and consumed his energy, least of all being JB Enterprises. He had let others take away his focus and he had gotten distracted.

  Although Paulson’s message had been promising, he had had many false starts with Montgomery and had learned to keep his hope in check. As he pulled on his black suit jacket, he mentally shrugged away all darkness.

  He would not make the same mistake again with Cora.

  Something about her seemed to bring about a lightness, an ease within him and he wanted to enjoy it tonight. A smile played at his lips as he thought about her opening his surprise.

  Cora stared at the large open box on her bed. Inside, it contained the most gorgeous gown she had ever seen. A rich jewel green satin, the dress shimmered against the light.

  Earlier that day, as she accompanied Julian through his business engagements, Cora had wondered how she would possibly find something suitable for the charity gala tonight.

  She had only packed work appropriate clothes. And even those, she had quickly realized, were quite below the fashionable Parisian standards the other European assistants and even receptionists adhered to.

  Cora had been about to go downstairs to ask the concierge where she could max out her credit card to find an appropriate evening gown when there had been a knock at the door.

  A bellhop had presented her with a large box wrapped in a silky white bow. Attached underneath the bow was a small white card, reading, “I’ll meet you downstairs at eight.”

  Cora stood by the bed, freshly showered and in her soft hotel robe, as she gently stroked the expensive gown. She was almost too scared to try it on. It would undoubtedly be the most expensive item of clothing she had ever worn. But looking at it, Cora could tell it was perfectly her size.

  How did he know?

  Sucking in a breath for courage, Cora lifted the dress out of the box. Tonight she would be showing up to a highly publicized event on the arm of the Model Millionaire. She would be the one dancing and dining with Julian Benedict.

  With a flutter of butterflies, Cora quickly threw off her robe.

  Julian leaned against one of the hotel’s marble pillars as he waited for his evening’s date. He had no doubt in his mind who he would want to spend tonight with. No model or actress could capture his attention and his heart like Cora could and the proof was in his body. He could hardly stand still. He was actually eager to just see her. It was a feeling he hadn’t had towards a woman in a long, long time.

  A swish of green caught his eye. Julian raised his head to look upon the most breathtaking sight he had yet to see in Paris.

  The formfitting gown swept across her lithe figure, enhancing every alluring curve. The strapless neckline accentuated her swell of creamy breasts. And the jewel tone green made her skin glow like white silk. Julian’s lips twitched as his gaze met her face.

  Although she had never looked so beautiful or so regal, he could see it was still his Cora. Her short spiky bob feathered around her face, making her still recognizably Cora.

  Offering his arm, he smiled, “Shall we?”

  Cora’s eyes glittered. Julian had never noticed how green they were before. The gown brought out the softly muted green-hazel of her sparkling eyes.

  “Yes, let’s,” she grinned as she took his arm.


  The cameras had flashed like a blinding wave of light as Cora and Julian exited their limo. As they walked up the steps to a private gallery that was hosting the charity gala, cameras flashed and photographers shouted for one more pose, one more shot.

  Cora had assumed Julian would want to ignore such attention and head straight inside. Most of his public photos were of him frowning as he guided his date towards whatever event they were attending.

  But instead of leading her straight into the gala, Julian put an arm around her waist, stopping in front of the cameras to wave and pose. Cora tried not to let her jaw drop in front of the photographers.

  These photos would be posted worldwide within a matter of hours. She would soon find herself on the cover of newspapers and magazines. Did Julian know what he was doing? The press would immediately label her as Julian Benedict’s new mystery woman when in fact, she was just his personal assistant. He was making a terrible mistake.

  But when Cora looked up to warn him, he gave her a lazy, devastating smile. “A little camera-shy, are we?” he teased.

  Cora looked into his warm gaze. He did know what he was doing. He was doing this on purpose. As an irresistible heat bloomed within her, she gave him a glinting smile. “Not at all,” she replied softly as she very obviously leaned her head on his shoulder in a very intimate and public gesture.

  She could hear the paparazzi nearly climbing on each other to get a shot of the couple. Cora had wondered if Julian would immediately pull away but instead he wrapped his arm even tighter around her waist, pulling her close. Cora’s smile broadened as she looked towards the blinding camera flashes.

  Inside the richly decorated gallery, chandeliers glittered across the room, casting a beautifully fantasy-like ambiance. Suited waiters flitted across the floor with trays of champagne.

  As they entered the dimly lit hall, Julian snatched up two flutes of champagne, handing one to Cora. Each with a consp
iratorial smile, they clinked glasses as they drank.

  Cora felt like she was dreaming. The tin shack. Her mother. The empty bottles of alcohol. The stale and scavenged food. They all seemed like a nightmare that had happened eons ago.

  Tonight, with endless glasses of champagne and Julian’s strong arm around her, seemed like a wonderful dream that she hoped never to wake up from.

  It seemed like all the heartbreak and broken promises she had left behind in Mexico could never touch her in such a magical place. She was wearing a beautiful gown in Paris with the Model Millionaire. But he was more than just a handsome face.

  She could sense a warmth within him. There was sincerity and truth in him as well. She remembered how simply he had apologized to her at the Musée d’Orsay. No excuses, no blaming. He had just apologized and had even explicitly asked for her forgiveness.

  This kind of caring in a man was something she had not felt in such a long time. It made her feel safe and warm.

  Cora sipped another glass of champagne as she watched Julian speak with a business colleague. She had come to New York with the intent of making an independent life for herself, free of any emotional ties or baggage. That included men. Too many disappointments and heartbreaks had taught Cora early on that she would be better off on her own.

  But as she watched couples dance and laugh together, Cora wanted the exact opposite. She wanted someone to hold her. She wanted someone to keep her close. She wanted someone to kiss her.

  It was well past midnight when Cora found herself in a private alcove with Julian. A tiny bit drunk on champagne, she leaned against his solid chest as the soft music played around them. Julian had his arm comfortably around her.

  Feeling his body, his heat, Cora lifted her head. Resting her chin playfully on his chest, she said, “You did not invite me here tonight as your assistant, oui?”

  Julian grinned, taking Cora’s breath away. “Oui. I did not.”

  Cora rested a hand on his chest, right above his heart. “And right now, I am not your assistant, sí?”

  “Feeling quite linguistically international tonight? Sí, no eres mi asistente ahora.”

  Cora smiled faintly at his Spanish but she lowered her head, brushing her forehead against his chest. “But later tonight? Will I go back to the hotel as your assistant?” Cora watched her breath flutter Julian’s shirt front.

  There was a beat of silence. Cora could feel the steady thump of Julian’s heart under her hand.

  Then a large hand lifted her chin. With a steady gaze, he answered, “No, not if you will stay with me.” And with that, he swooped down, capturing her lips in a rough and brutal kiss that left Cora’s lips feeling battered and bruised.

  His tongue plunged into her mouth, capturing and owning all of it. Her pulse quickened and she could feel her body tightening in arousal underneath the gown.

  Although hidden by the alcove, Julian switched their places so his back was towards the open space, further sheltering and covering Cora. A large hand plunged down the front of her dress and squeezed one of her creamy breasts.

  Cora barely bit back a moan. With thumb and forefinger, Julian pinched her nipple, sending a shoot rocket of pain straight down to her pussy. He captured her lips in another kiss before Cora could openly moan.

  Arousal sizzled across Cora’s body and she could see Julian fighting the same battle. Pulling up her dress and covering her again, he leaned down and nipped at the lobe of her ear. “Give me five minutes to have the driver pull around.” And before she could answer, he stole another kiss then disappeared.

  Cora had no time or attention to admire Julian’s extravagantly luxurious penthouse suite. As soon as they were able to close the door, their bodies flew towards each other like two magnets.

  Julian roughly pulled off the expensive dress, leaving Cora in her lace bra and panties. He paused to admire her soft curves and sweet body but was too overwhelmed with his consuming need for her to stop what he was doing.

  As he took another taste of her lips, he laid her out on the bed. Plunging his hand down her panties, he found her wet and swollen folds. “Good girl,” he murmured, feeling her readiness.

  His expert fingers gave her pussy a hard stroke, making Cora arch her back and moan. “Oh god,” she groaned.

  With his other hand, Julian pushed down the bra cups, revealing Cora’s beautifully full breasts. He leaned down to tongue a nipple. Cora ran her fingers through his hair. Her body quivered as pleasure wracked through her.

  Expertly fingerfucking her, Julian raised his head up and looked down at Cora’s flushed heart-shaped face. “You’re beautiful, Cora,” he murmured. “Fucking beautiful.”

  He hadn’t had such unplanned, unrestrained sex in years. But Julian Benedict was still a man who enjoyed control, even during spontaneous sex. As he felt Cora’s body tightening in preparation for her orgasm, Julian gave her swollen clit a light pinch—just enough to make her cry out for more—before pulling his hand away.

  Cora’s head immediately shot up from the pillow. “Why did you stop?” she asked breathlessly, her body already squirming for more. Cora wrapped her hand around his wrist, futilely trying to encourage it to continue.

  “Beg for it,” Julian commanded. He stretched his tall body against the length of hers. Grabbing both of her wrists in one hand, he pinned them up above her head, making her back arch up.

  Cora’s eyes widened. “Julian,” she whispered.

  “Beg to come,” Julian said unrelentingly. His fingers lightly teased against her folds, much too softly for her to get off yet just enough to keep her on the edge.

  “Oh god, please,” she whined, trying to pull her wrists against his hand.

  Julian roughly stole another kiss from her. “You can do better than that. Please what?”

  Cora couldn’t believe what he was making her do. “Please, I want to come,” she cried, her face hot with embarrassment and wanton need. “I need to come! Please!”

  Julian’s teeth lightly clamped against a helpless nipple making Cora breathe in a hissing breath. The pain only heightened her pleasure and he clearly knew it.

  “How do you want to come?” he asked calmly even though his cock was ready to burst. God, when was the last time he had been this aroused?

  Cora looked pleadingly up at him but she could see the solid steeliness of his eyes. He would not budge until he was satisfied with her begging.

  “Please, fuck me,” she said quietly, almost mumbling.

  Julian plunged a thick finger into her aching pussy while he sucked hard on her nipple. Cora arched her back and cried out at the sudden invasion. Her body seemed to explode with pleasure. But just as quickly Julian pulled his hand away, leaving Cora further on the edge but no closer to her orgasm.

  “Why don’t you try again?” he said. “Beg clearly and loudly and maybe then you can come for me.”

  “Please fuck me! Fuck me hard, Julian! I want to feel you inside me! Please!” Cora cried out with abandon.

  Her body seemed to possess a mind of its own and she could hardly contain herself. Being pinned under Julian with her hands so easily restrained by him only made her pussy drip and her heart race.

  “Since you asked so nicely,” Julian murmured. With his free hand, he ripped Cora’s lace panties and using his knees, pushed her legs further open.

  Capturing her lips, Julian plunged his entire length deep into Cora’s waiting pussy. Cora’s cries melted against Julian’s lips as she arched into him, willing her body to melt into his.

  Ecstasy sparked across her entire body. Nerves shot waves of pleasure down her spine making even her fingertips and her toes tingle with the heady glow of her orgasm.

  She had come so hard from just one thrust. Cora felt depleted and drained. Her body had been so on edge and so needy for him that she felt completely used by her orgasm.

  But she could still feel his hardness buried within her, stretching her. Keeping her arms pinned, Julian began moving his hips, pulling
out his cock before plunging it deep within her again.

  Cora tried to shake her head against the pillows. She couldn’t take another orgasm. She would surely die. But Julian just bit the side of her neck, grunting as he thrust into her, harder and deeper.

  Unbelievably, she could feel the mounting waves of arousal build within her. She couldn’t believe it would be physically possible for her to come again and yet her body was answering each of Julian’s thrust with a loud wringing wave of pleasure.

  Cora moaned. “God, yes! Please! Harder!” she moaned. Julian answered her pleas by thrusting himself deeper into her, his cock brushing against her womb.


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