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Standing Between Earth and Heaven

Page 25

by Douglas Milewski

  Kommissar — A quasi-military, quasi-religious organization dedicated to protecting dwarf craftsmen around the world. They have their own army and may independently wage war.

  Kurfurst(in) — Eight highest ranking members of the Slagsmal. They represent the original eight guilds of Jura City. They are (in order of rank): Golddiggers, Kommissars, Gemcutters, Silversmiths, Stonebrothers, Malachites (exiled), and Ironmongers.

  Langurud — The Loam capital. This is where the elders meet every year.

  Loam — Dwarves originating from Uma. Primarily farmers, potters, cooks, and grave diggers. Their primary goddess is the White Lady. Loam are of the Agslavit caste.

  Logician — A non-guilded dwarven trade dominated by Farsund. Most guilds hire logicians to handle non-guild functions, such as managing servants, food, and movement of goods.

  Lord Cason — Previous King of the Earth Lords and Lord of Stone. He built the walls of Jura City. Superseded by Basileus.

  Lord Cason’s Gate — The main gates to Jura City.

  Lord Protector — See Protector.

  Malachar — God, Earth Lord. God of Copper and patron of the Malachite Empire. Usually represented as a one-eyed, sinuous green serpent.

  Malachite — Dwarves from the Malachite Mountains. They claim Malachar, Lord of Copper, as their primary god. They also have a strong tradition of Red Lady worship. They were once the elite guard of the Dragon Emperor. They overthrew the Dragon Empire and now rule it themselves. They trace their origins back to Uma. They are respected for their copper, brass, and bronze work. After their secession from the GDU, they were declared part of the Agslavit caste. Malachites may be killed on sight in Jura City.

  Malachite Empire — The Malachite dwarves overthrew the Dragon Empire and renamed it.

  Malachite War — The most recent war between Jura City and the Malachite Empire. The war ended in a stalemate.

  Magma — God, Fire Lord. Deceased. Preceded Queen Plasm.

  Maran Zarander — Dwarf, Loam. Widow. Meister Cook. Vodie.

  Mother-of-Storms — God, Enigmatic. Most powerful known being. Many ambitious people bargain with her. The price that you pay is always greater than the benefits that you gain. Those who dare not bargain with her may bargain with her hags.

  Mount Erebus — Homeland of the Schan elves and personal domain of Plasm, Queen of Fire.

  Nomos — God, Alliance. Deceased. Former elected leader of the Alliance of the Sun. Father of Tythia, patron of Justice.

  Oathbreaker — An alliance of gods that dominated the ancient world. Overthrown by the Alliance of the Sun during the Crusade of Light.

  Oro — Dwarf, Loam. Meister Farmer. Widower. Maran’s great uncle. Elected King of the Loam, which is a ceremonial position. Deceased wife was Getta.

  Osei — Human, Rendlander. Pacifist. Lord Protector for Kurfurstin Strikke. A boatman and a retired warrior.

  Ostiary — Minor clergy who oversee entrances.

  Petek Kaba — Human, Astrean. Former triad sister of Altyn Tag.

  Phoenix Empire — Human empire. The southern partition of Thule’s Empire.

  Plasm — God, Fire Lord. Queen of Fire and Passion. Last surviving god of Glittering Vale.

  Prophet of Uma — God, Alliance. Deceased. Organized the Alliance of the Sun and introduced the Strictures.

  Protector — In Jura City culture, a bodyguard with the legal right to bear arms (a staff) in weapon restricted areas. A Lord Protector has the legal right to carry a staff in the Slagsmal and act as a bodyguard to a Furst or Kurfurst.

  Quema Saargi — Dwarf, Randsfjorden (mother’s side). Widow. Meister Logistician. Ironmonger Freifrau. Daughter of Verum and Goteryd Saargi.

  Randsfjorden — The dwarves of Fort Resolute. Mostly known for bookkeeping, logistics, law, and alchemy.

  Red Lady — God, Oathbreaker and Bloodletter. Goddess of Secrets Kept, Secrets Revealed, Politics, and Betrayal. One of the Savage Sisters. Her heavenly servants are the Featherheads.

  Red Sybil — Oracle of the Red Lady.

  Rendland — Country in the Phoenix Empire.

  Rendlander — Humans native to Rendland. A violent people, with deep ties to the Red Lady.

  Rem — God, Enigmatic. Goddess of Dreams.

  Samael — God, Bloodletter. Formerly an Oathbreaker. God of Fury and Slaughter, Tumult and Panic. Patron of the Feral Nation.

  Savage Sisters — A trio of goddesses hailing from Uma. They are the White Lady, the Red Lady, and the Wild Woman.

  Schan — Elven people hailing from Mount Erebus in the Phoenix Empire. They are the personal servants of Plasm, Queen of Fire.

  Sefydlog — See Shuffle Dog.

  Shuffle Dog — A section of the Jura City slums occupied by Cartref refugees. Location of both the Ammelite Court and the old Loam cemetery. Properly, Sefydlog.

  Siberhaus — Dwarf, Farsund. Burggraf of the Forge of Ten Iron Rods.

  Sisters of Amelioration — A cult of Tythia, Goddess of Justice. The sisters serve as a court to all who seek justice.

  Slagsmal — The legislative body of the Great Dwarven Union. Representatives are Fursts or Kurfursts.

  Slaughtertown — The Kalt slaughterhouses upriver from Irontown.

  Stechen Vorschlaghammer — Dwarf, Hadean. Deceased. Ironmonger Protector. Son of Strikke Vorschlaghammer.

  Steingraf — High level military position in the Kommissars. Approximately equal to a colonel.

  Strictures — Religious rules laid down by the Prophet of Uma and adopted by the Alliance of the Sun. Prominent strictures include the prohibition of bloodletting (sacrifice of sentient beings) and oathbreaking (breaking your own obligations while demanding that obligations owed to you be fulfilled).

  Strikke (Saargi) Vorschlaghammer — Dwarf, Hadean. Widow. Ironmonger Journeyman Machinist. Meister Seamstress. Kurfurstin of the Ironmongers. Daughter of Verum and Forsythe Saargi. Mother of Stechen Vorschlaghammer and Beitel Vorschlaghammer.

  Svero Saargi — Dwarf, Hadean. Ironmonger Meister Machinist. Previously Kurfurst of the Ironmongers and previously Chairman of the Great Dwarven Union. Arguably the best living general in the world. Son of Verum and Forsythe Saargi.

  Tavan Kak — Human, Astrean. Former triad sister of Altyn Tag.

  The Butcher — See Samael.

  Thule — In ancient days, he was the Emperor of the entire world.

  Thule’s Empire — The world-spanning empire of antiquity. On the death of Emperor Thule, the empire was partitioned into the Griffon Empire, the Dragon Empire, and the Phoenix Empire.

  Trysorydd — God, Imperial. Patron of the Griffon Empire. Usually depicted as a griffon. Possibly fictitious.

  Tythia — God, Alliance. Elected leader of the Alliance of the Sun. Goddess of Justice. Daughter of Nomos, previous leader of the Alliance of the Sun.

  Uma — Ancient city to the east. Ancestral home of the Loam, Flintlanders, and Malachites.

  Verum Saargi — Dwarf, Hadean. Deceased. Husband of Goteryd Saargi and Forsythe Saargi. Father of Svero, Strikke, Jasper, and Quema. Previous Kurfurst of the Ironmongers; succeeded by Svero Saargi.

  Vitrean — Dwarves from the Vitrean Mountains, far to the south in the Phoenix Empire. Vitreans are experts with glass and glassy materials. The Vitreans have seceded from the Great Dwarven Union.

  Vodie — A dwarven healer who employs magical techniques. Different dwarven cultures use different techniques.

  Weber — Human, Jura City. Assistant Meister Seamstress under Strikke.

  Wild Woman — God, Alliance. Goddess of the Hunt. One of the Savage Sisters. Her heavenly servants are the Hellions.

  White Lady — God, Alliance. The Goddess of Agriculture and Death. One of the Savage Sisters.

  Zarand — A town in (and capital of) the Zarand Agricultural Territory.

  Zarand Agricultural Territory — Maran’s home territory.

  Zebra — Elf, Schan. Black Tiger, poet, revolutionary.

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