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Her Colorado Dreams [Spirit, Colorado 1]

Page 5

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Jake shot toward the back, weaving his way through a few clusters of people to see if her knee was okay—or so he told himself. When he reached the trio, Josh was joking with Lana and Rex. When he caught her attention and saw the huge smile aimed at him, his cock hardened. Down boy.

  “Hi, Lana.”

  “Jake! Am I glad to see you.”

  She was? “Whatcha doin’?” He nodded to the boot in her hand. “Quit your day job?” She laughed and the sound tumbled straight to his gut.

  “I came in to buy some boots. When I saw how busy Cal was, I offered to lend a hand.”

  “That was awfully nice of you.” He nodded to her knee. “How’s it feeling?”


  That was a relief. He’d thought about stopping over a couple of times, but the conditions on Mount Pilot had finally turned perfect and he couldn’t pass up the chance to BASE jump. “Great.”

  Josh held up his closed hand. “Long time no see, buddy.” Those two had left Spirit for a few years but had recently returned. How the hell two poor guys could afford to buy a whole hotel was beyond him.

  Jake tapped fists with him. “Yeah.”

  “How’s it goin’, man? Heard you’re doing some amazing things with the new digs and that you even hired some British lady to help promote your new place.”

  “We did. She starts work in a few days.”

  Jake couldn’t get a read on that sour response. Rex stepped up. “We hired her sight unseen, and I’m hoping she’s as good as her resume implies.”

  Jake’s curiosity got the best of him. “You win the lottery or something?” He glanced at Rex, who provided no answer.

  Josh slowly shook his head. “I did it the old-fashioned way. I saved my money.”

  “Good for you. I wish I did.” That wasn’t Jake’s style, that was for sure. “I spend it as fast as I make it.” Fueling his adrenaline high cost money.

  When he caught Lana’s pinched brow, a quick flash of regret seeped in. Someday he’d need money to start a family. Good thing he had plenty of time before that happened.

  Lana retrieved the boot from Rex. “By the way, Jake, you left your domino set at my house the other night.” Her pretty lips bowed upward.

  “Oh, yeah? Maybe if I come by, you can give me a rematch. That is assuming you don’t mind losing again.” He winked.

  She batted her eyelashes. “You won’t get lucky a second time. That’s a promise.”

  “You are so going down, Dupree.”

  All three of them laughed just as thunder rumbled outside. He needed to change the subject and quick. “Looks like a storm’s brewing.” Smooth, Jake, smooth. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Cal appeared to be busy as usual. “Lana, why don’t you go over and see if my brother could use your help?” Having her so close messed with his mind. He held out his hand. “I’ll take that.”

  “Oh, sure.” She faced Josh and Rex. “Nice seeing you guys again.”

  “You, too, Lana.”

  As soon as Lana left, Jake waved the boot. “Can I get you a different size? This one looks a bit too small.”

  “Size twelve medium.”

  This was only an eleven. “Sure thing.” Happy to have something to do other than watch Lana and her perfect ass, he trotted to the back. Too bad he had no fucking idea where to find this boot. He must have spent over five minutes before he located it. Talk about feeling like an idiot. After all, this was his store. Jake painted on a smile, a little embarrassed for taking so much time. He waved the box. “Here ya go.”

  Rex tried them on and walked around a bit. “These will do just fine.”

  “Great. Cal can check you out.”

  Now he really needed to go, storm or no storm.

  * * * *

  Cal waited until the last customer left the store, and for the employees to sign out before he asked Lana out. Normally, he would have taken another hour to balance the cash drawer, but with her here, he wanted to take her out as a thank you for all her help.

  Be honest.

  He wanted to spend time with her. Hell, he’d been waiting for the right time to ask her out for years. They’d clicked on a level that was so fundamental that his whole body exploded just looking at her. The kiss had done it. Since then, he’d not been able to get her out of his mind. She was the one for him, and he was going to do everything in his power to win her.

  She drew on her coat she’d stored in the back and pranced up to the front. Her eyes sparkled. God, she was an incredible woman. He closed the register with a resounding ding.

  “You want to catch an early dinner? Looks like a storm might be coming in.” His attempt to be casual and cool sounded flat and contrived.

  She shrugged. “Sure. Where?”

  His cock pressed against his fly. Down boy. “I’d rather stay close, which means either the Harmony Café or the Spirit Café.”

  “I say the Spirit Café. I can drive. I’m parked right in front.”

  “Great.” Even if she’d suggested they hop on one foot, he would have agreed.

  After he locked up the store, they piled into her car. Four blocks later they came to the café. He helped her out, wrapped an arm around her waist to make sure she wouldn’t slip getting to the sidewalk and bustled her inside. Having an arm around her felt right.

  “Whew.” She shook out her hair. “It’s bitter cold out there.”

  “Yup, but it’s warm in here.” He kept his arm tight around her as he led her over to the window, even though she could have made it to her seat without the help. “Mind if we sit here? I’d like to keep an eye on the storm.”


  Today had been one of his best days. Having Lana stop in and then offer to help made the time speed by. He also loved what a quick study she was on the register. She could swipe the credit card, handle the receipt, and bag all at the same time. Too bad her vacation ended soon. He could always use an extra hand.

  He’d seen Jake come in, actually get some shoes from the back, then speed on out. Something was going on with his brother, and he’d love to find out what it was, but right now he had a woman to impress.

  The waitress came over and asked to take their order. “I know what I want.” He was a creature of habit who always ordered the same thing. “Ladies first.”

  “I’ll have my usual.” She looked up and smiled. Her eyes sparkled and his cock jumped.

  The waitress winked. “Your usual, too, Cal?”


  Lana laughed. “We are so alike.”

  “I know.” Except she always had the hots for Jake and not him. Tonight he planned on changing her mind. He and Jake loved to share their women, but that wouldn’t be the case with Lana. He wouldn’t subject her to his brother’s moods. Nope, this one he was keeping for himself.

  Less than five minutes later the waitress returned. “Here ya go. A Summer Lovin’ sandwich and a coffee for the lady, and a Hero’s Welcome and a hot tea for the gentleman. Can I get you anything else?”

  They both shook their heads and their waitress left. Lana bit into her sandwich. “Why did Jake rush out without even saying good-bye? He came in, helped Rex, and practically ran out the door.”

  Cal was impressed that she’d noticed. “I have my theories.” He couldn’t tell from the inflection in her voice how much Jake’s leaving had bothered her. Did she think his brother had reacted to her helping out?

  She cocked a brow. “Do share,” Lana said.

  “I don’t think Jake’s a real happy person.” Normally, he wouldn’t have discussed his brother’s issues so openly, but Lana was someone who’d known Jake from before their dad died. Ever since then, he’d pushed people away, his own brother included.

  “Why do you say that?” Her soft voice spoke volumes. Here was a woman who really cared about people.

  “Our dad died at sixty-one. Jake changed after that. He withdrew.”

  She sipped her coffee. “He seemed open and friendly with me.”
r />   He wasn’t surprised she’d say that. Few people saw the real Jake Martin. “At first he’ll be good, but once he gets attached to someone, he withdraws and goes off and plays.”

  “Having a fulfilling life means having good people around you and cultivating those relationships.”

  “You don’t have to convince me.”

  “So you think he was getting close to someone and that’s why he raced off?” A hint of panic laced her voice, or was the emotion hope?

  “I believe so.” He placed a hand over hers. “I think he likes you.”

  Her mouth formed a cute little O. Now wasn’t the time to think about what those pert lips could do to his cock.

  “I doubt that. Jake likes all women.”

  “Not like you. You’re special.” He wasn’t quite ready to detail just how much both brothers wanted her.

  “I think you’re wrong.” She scarfed down the rest of the sandwich. “Regardless, I do think you’re right about the fact he’s not happy. Maybe we can help him.”

  No one had ever suggested that before. Working with Jake took too much effort. “You have an idea how?”

  She shrugged. “Jake seems to light up when he’s around kids. I know he lives for his adrenaline rushes, but perhaps we can show him that life is more than just a BASE jump away.”

  He studied her. “Wow. That was deep.” Getting to work with Lana might not only help Jake but would also allow him to learn more about her. “If you can come up with a few ideas to save him from himself, count me in.”

  She smiled. “I have a few ideas, but I want to ruminate on them for a while.” She stared out the window where the trees on the mountains were swaying. “Where do you think he is right now?”

  By he, Cal assumed she meant Jake. “If I had to guess, he’ll be on the slopes zooming around on his snowmobile.”

  She faced him. “In this weather? That could be dangerous.”

  “Bingo. Precisely why he’d be out there.”

  “He does this often, I take it?”

  “Too often. He’ll be gone for days. Every time I question where he goes, he laughs it off as a joke. It’s like he has a secret life.”

  Lana didn’t answer for a while. She held her coffee cup in her hand and seemed to be content inhaling the scent of the rich brew. “I take it he has no steady girlfriend.”

  Cal couldn’t prevent the chuckle from leaking out. “No. He doesn’t date anyone more than a few times.”

  She turned her gaze back to him. Her brows pinched. “Is he afraid he’ll end up dying and leaving his woman like your dad did him?”

  Cal leaned back in his seat, amazing at her perception. “That would be my guess, but I gave up psychoanalyzing his actions long ago. Hell, I can’t even figure out why he refuses to wear a uniform to work or commit to a schedule.” He leaned forward on his elbows.

  She blew the steam off the top of the cup and her eyes glazed over as if she got lost in her world. “Too bad.”

  “Changing the subject, how’s the trial coming?”

  She looked up. A pretty blush crept up her face as if her thoughts were on Jake. He’d bet the cost of the meal one or more were naked in her scenario.

  Just then a large gust of wind rattled the window, and she glanced outside. “Co-counsel doesn’t want to put Anna on the stand, but I want to take the chance. I think she can sway the jury with her story.”

  He raised his brows. “I didn’t think you were a risk taker.”

  She laughed and faced him again. The sincere and lush sound warmed him. “In the courtroom, many call me fearless. That trait doesn’t extend to the rest of the life, unfortunately.” She glanced out again and nodded to something. “My mother makes fun of me because I refuse to sell my ten-year old Corolla. That’s how safe I like to live my life.”

  “Ten years isn’t old. It runs well, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes. That’s the point. I’ve never missed an oil change. I even change the belts at the manufacturers’ recommended timing.” She smiled. “See? I don’t take risks.”

  He laughed. “I bet you get your teeth cleaned twice a year, too.”


  “Me, too.”

  They finished their meal in silence. He’d had a wonderful time. Too bad his cock wanted to see if they were as compatible in bed. He’d been so busy with the store that he hadn’t had time to cultivate any real female relationships. He’d had sex, but it was Jake who’d brought home the women. Those ladies weren’t one either wanted to keep for a long time. Lana, however, was different.

  She dabbed her mouth with the napkin, and he wished he were that piece of paper.

  “As much as I’ve enjoyed our meal, maybe we should go.” The sky was nearly dark and the clouds had turned gunmetal gray, a sure sign they were in for a big storm.

  The wind howled outside. “Yeah.”

  She pulled a wallet out of her purse, but he stayed her hand. “No. I asked you out.”

  “As long as you’re not trying to pay me like an employee I’ll let you.” She grinned. “This time.”

  So that was what was on her mind. “Hardly. This was a bona fide date.”

  He paid and sheltered her from the buffeting wind once they got out the door. He waited until she got in the driver’s seat before heading to his side. Now was the time to make his move.

  “We might be headed for a bad storm. Would you like to hunker down together?” Say yes.

  Her face brightened. “Sure. I can drop you off at your car and you can follow me home. Does that work?”

  Not only did his pulse race, but his cock hardened. “Perfectly.”

  By the time they’d driven the four blocks back to the store, the snow had started to come down in earnest. He hoped that Jake wouldn’t stay out in this stuff, though he’d done dumber things in his lifetime.

  “Mine’s the black, beat-up Jeep.” She smiled, clearly recognizing they had the same idea about transportation.

  He ducked his head against the snow flurries and hurried inside his car. As soon as he started the engine, he dialed up the heater. Most likely it wouldn’t get warm before he got to her house, but he had to give it a try.

  Sure enough, only cool air blew through the vents as he pulled to a stop behind her. If he played his cards right, they’d be watching the sunrise together.

  Chapter Five

  Lana was conflicted. All through dinner, she couldn’t help but stare at Cal. He was everything she wanted in a man. He was charming, kind, responsible, and, above all, careful. She loved how patient he was when he’d shown her how to check out a customer, and then with the way he praised her talent. He had high school kids doing the same chore, so she understood working a register wasn’t rocket science, yet she still thrilled at his delight.

  Was it bad that she’d occasionally think of Jake?

  You want both.

  That was the problem. Jake was a flirt and that appealed to her feminine side. Cal was hot and sexy, too, but in a more conservative way. He spoke to her heart.


  She cut the engine and picked up her purse. She had to laugh. All day at the store, and she’d forgotten to get the boots she’d gone there for. As soon as Cal opened his car door, she got out and raced up her steps to the porch, careful not to slip. She was fumbling with the key when Cal’s hand clasped over hers.

  Her damned pussy heated up from his touch.

  “Let me help.”

  In one twist, he got the door open. As much as she prided herself on being a planner, she had no idea what was going to happen after she got him inside. Should she rip off his clothes, grab his hand, and lead him to the bedroom? Or would they be totally civilized and talk for a few hours about the weather and the town’s gossip, before stealing a kiss?


  She blinked and returned her attention to Cal. “Yes?”

  He’d already removed his coat and placed it over the back of the sofa. She was about to say he could leave it on the
bed when his hands unzipped her jacket.

  “It’s warm in here.”

  “It is?” Her brain failed to register anything but him.

  “Well, I’m hot.”

  By now, he had her sleeves halfway down her arms, and she let him take off her coat. His gaze never left her face, and the intensity grew stronger with each passing second. Once he’d removed her outer layer, he tossed it onto the chair as if nothing mattered but them.

  Please don’t stop.

  Cal inched closer, slid his arms around her waist, and pulled her hips to his. My God, his cock was already hard. Instantly, her body heated. Like the first time on the sofa, she leaned in to kiss him a fraction later than he did. Instead of the soft kiss she expected, his was demanding.

  He opened his mouth and without hesitating, she plunged in. Their tongues tangled and soothed. She could taste the lemon from his tea and the ketchup from the fries. As they did their explorative dance, he massaged her back, and her mind exploded with need. She never wanted to stop kissing him, but to get him naked, she’d have to pull away and tear off his clothes. To have his skin touching hers would be heaven.

  As if he could read her mind, his hands slid around to her front and slipped them under her sweater. His hands cooled her skin and sent shivers of delight up her body. She’d thought about making love to Cal for so long. Patience in the courtroom was one thing, but patience when she wanted something physical wasn’t going to happen.

  She broke the kiss. “I think it would be healthier to get out of these clothes than chance opening the windows to cool off.”

  His lids half closed. “Yeah. Good idea. I’ll help.”

  His palms rose over her body and lifted her sweater. As his thumbs reached her breasts, instead of him pulling his hands away from her body, he pressed in against the contours of her bra, barely missing her nipples.

  Once he got the sweater over her head, the static electricity made her hair rise. He tossed aside her top and smiled. “You need a little grooming.”

  She’d been about to do it herself, when he smoothed his hands down the side of her head. As his fingers reached chin height, he abandoned fixing her hair and cupped her cheeks. Once more, he leaned in. This time the kiss came out tender, as if he wanted to savor every second they were connected. Their breaths mixed, and his thumbs stroked her face.


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