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by Tom Morris

Clinical Notes – Adam Delgarde, Development Team Leader, High Energy Research Project, CERN.

  The patient was admitted on Friday 13th March, 2025 in a comatose state. It was reported by the accompanying personnel from his place of work that he had suffered an electric shock, but there was no evidence of trauma associated with such an event. All vital signs appeared normal; heart beat, blood pressure, respiration and temperature were within expected parameters. The pupils were somewhat dilated and slight tremors of the limbs and facial muscles were noted.

  Electrocardiography was carried out and no evidence of myocardial infarction could be discerned.

  Electroencephalography produced anomalous results. While thalamocortical resonance appeared normal the degree of neuron spike activity indicated the possibility of an episode of psychogenic non-epileptic seizure might have taken place. It was determined therefore to place the patient under close observation for a period.

  After a further four hours signs of consciousness ensued. The spasms of the limbs increased in frequency and degree. The arms were raised and claw-like movements of the hands were accompanied by a violent thrashing of the head backwards and forwards. The patient then attempted to speak but in the main only incomprehensible sounds could be discerned interspersed with phrases such as 'No, No' and 'Get out.' A mild sedation was induced intravenously and the fit ceased after a few minutes.

  The patient was left under observation and the following morning the sedative dose was tapered off. Delgarde regained consciousness within about 10 to 15 minutes and lay quietly looking around him. On prompting he was able to confirm his name and to acknowledge his present circumstances. It was noted that his speech was laboured and that he seemed to have a little difficulty in forming his words. Muscular co-ordination was also poor and he appeared to have trouble in controlling his movements.

  Over the next two days he made a rapid recovery and as far as our tests could determine had regained full health. He declared that he felt completely well and on his own insistence he was discharged.

  Signed: Bertram C. F. Jacobsen, Head of Clinical Admissions, Hopital Generale de Geneve 17th March 2025.


  Internal email.

  From:Gustav Behringer, Head of High Energy Operations – Project Breakthrough

  To:Guy Messenger, Project Administrator

  Subject:Return of Adam Delgarde.

  Date:22nd March 2025


  Adam has been to see me and is insistent that he is fully recovered from his accident and is keen to return to work. He has had a full medical examination by the corporation medical team and they agree that Adam shows no signs of any ill-effects and are happy that he should carry on with his project work. This being the case I am agreeable to him taking up his duties again with the proviso that you keep an eye on him to make sure that he is continues to be OK. Adam says that while he was resting, preparatory to his return, he thought deeply about the project and that he has determined the nature of the problem. He believes that with a few modifications he can adapt the beam focussing in such a way to provide a stabilised plasma matrix and thus a dimensional incursion. I told him to discuss this with you but if you feel it is as promising as it would appear I suggest that you let him carry out the changes he envisages.




  Parxgel C'veth, Exulted Segment Guardian. Greetings.

  I have news of the greatest import requiring your immediate intervention. As instructed I carried out a survey of sector Delta Prime 21SX to determine the provenance of several energy anomalies which had been noted. While thus engaged I determined a new disturbance in the warp and moved to investigate. The flux expanded suddenly and a dimensional vortex opening suddenly I was sucked through into the underverse. To my horror I became trapped as the portal collapsed and I found myself constricted in an inanimate construct. Shortly afterwards a life form attempted to interrogate this apparatus and sensing a degree of sentience I transferred myself to it. Initially this caused the organism to convulse and loose consciousness. It was some time before it recovered and I was able to establish control. Its construction was based on a primitive four-limbed system and its sensory ability crude. It did however possess elements of a useful reasoning ability which I was able to subsume quite rapidly. I discovered that it had been engaged, with others of its kind, in building the equipment which was responsible for the energy irregularities which we had noted but which so far had been unstable due to the unsophisticated nature of the apparatus. It was possible to implant in this creatures mind the necessary instructions to remedy this and to ensure its resumption of its efforts. This was successful and I was able to return through the stabilised warp portal which became established.

  I respectfully urge you to make all haste and assemble the necessary forces to break through and establish a beachhead in this segment of the underverse. The physical world these creatures inhabit is replete with useful resources and although their society is primitive in the extreme it is none-the-less ripe for exploitation.

  In all haste: Arbath G'delph , Assistant Field Explorator, Sector Delta Prime.




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