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Reckless Beat Box Set #2

Page 62

by Summers, Eden

  Then everything quietened as the pleasure faded and the world slowed.

  He leaned her against the wall and stared back at her with soft eyes and luscious lips. “Minx,” he whispered.

  “Manipulator,” she countered.

  He froze, every defined muscle taut in the passing beats of silence. “Are you really angry at me?”

  “No.” She shook her head and gave a genuine smile. “I couldn’t be more overwhelmed with gratitude, even though it’ll take time for the guilt to wear off.” The price may have been high but her relief was even higher. Finally, she would get to be with him. All day. Every day. No hidden feelings. No sneaking from public view. “I love you for what you did for me.”

  His lips tweaked, his grin speaking of pride. He leaned one elbow against the wall and beamed down at her, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. “We’re free—”

  The door hinges squeaked and she swore as she pulled Ryan closer, hiding her nudity the best she could. Mason’s face came into view through the crack of the opening door, his expression turning horrified before he slammed the door shut.

  “Fuck you, assholes,” Mason called down the hall, the echo of laughter coming from the living room. “I fucking told you those weren’t fighting screams… Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in the bathroom, shoving my fingers down the back of my throat.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Three weeks later

  Richmond, VA

  Ryan tapped his foot to the beat and sucked in the electric atmosphere of the last show of the tour. The hometown fans were hysterical, screaming their lungs out without a care for the music they were drowning out.

  Even the thrown underwear was piling up at an unprecedented rate. There were bras and panties flying everywhere. Each time a new item sailed forward, he’d glance side-stage at Leah to see those pretty eyes roll. She pretended to be disgusted, but he knew she loved the attention the band received.

  It was all her doing, after all. She’d built them, carving out their careers to make them a worldwide success.

  “Thanks for the warm welcome, Richmond.” A large pair of red panties landed at Mason’s feet and he picked them up with the toe of his boot. “Thanks, again,” he drawled, this time with less enthusiasm.

  Ryan turned his usual appraisal to Leah and this time found her focused on the cell in her hand, her brow furrowing before she strode from view.

  That woman had him so far under the thumb he doubted he’d ever regain his sanity. Every second away from her made him feel lost. She was the perfection who guided him and Felicity through the potential nightmare of Julie’s pregnancy announcement.

  Leah had written Flick’s public statement that told the world her fun with Ryan was over and she planned to stick by him with friendship as he struggled to come to terms with his ex-wife’s infidelity. The result was a wave of sympathy from fans. He was no longer the black sheep. His favorable reputation had slid back into place… At least temporarily.

  He wasn’t sure what the world would have to say once the news of him and Leah broke. But for now, their relationship remained private. They were happy to enjoy one another in peace while they flew under the paparazzi radar—hiding in the tour bus and sneaking into hotel rooms in the middle of the night.

  The quiet wouldn’t last long. They knew that. They also knew they were strong enough to withstand whatever the vultures threw at them once their personal lives were made public.

  At the intro to their next song, a large pair of black knickers flew forward, missing the stage. He glanced for Leah again, this time finding her back in her usual spot, her frown still evident as she made a T signal with her hands, calling for a timeout.

  He nodded and came to Mason’s side and gave him the message via a jerk of his head in Leah’s direction. The lead singer didn’t skip a beat. He belted out the final verse of the song and then addressed the crowd.

  “We’re going to have to take a short intermission. Don’t you fuckers go anywhere. We’ll be back soon.”

  The five of them jogged from the stage, handing off their instruments to the approaching technicians.

  “What is it?”

  She didn’t look at him; instead she focused on Blake. “Gabi’s mom called. You need to get home.”

  Blake’s face turned bleak. “What happened?”

  “Gabi has gone into labor a little early.” Leah beamed. “You’re about to become a father.”

  “She’s having the baby?” Blake stepped forward, grabbing Leah’s waist. “She’s having the baby!” He lifted her off the ground, swinging her around before dumping her back on her feet.

  “The jet is already preparing for your arrival, and a car is on its way to the staff entrance of the parking lot.”

  “God, you’re brilliant.” Blake kissed her forehead, his eyes wide with shock. “I guess I better get out of here.”

  “Yeah.” She chuckled. “You better. I told her I’d get you to the airport straight away.”

  “What about my luggage?”

  “I’ll handle everything. Just get yourself back home and send our love to Gabi.”

  He nodded, accepting fist bumps, arms punches, and other masculine shows of affection from the band and crew. “I’ll see you all back home.”

  Ryan pulled her close as Blake ran for the stage exit. “He’s right, you know.”

  “Hmm?” She cocked a brow, leaning into his hug.

  “You’re brilliant.”

  “I’m glad you finally noticed.” Her smile was wide, her glossy red lips hypnotic as they brushed against his, without pause, without reservation. Just the way he liked it.

  His cock stirred and he broke their connection to ensure he didn’t have to walk back on stage with a tent in his pants. “How are you feeling?”


  “Liar.” She’d stressed herself into an ulcer. Even after Julie had signed the divorce settlement and the media had quit hassling him and Felicity, she still hadn’t relaxed. She wasn’t herself and he couldn’t wait to get them back to New York for some much needed recuperation time. “You need to see a doctor.”

  “I’ll do it once we’re home.”

  Home. Her apartment. The place they would soon live in together. The concept always added an extra beat in his chest.

  Mason came up beside them, a bottle of water in his hand. “When the two of you are finished sucking face, do you mind adding to the conversation about our missing bass guitarist?”

  “We could play with a man down.” Mitch wiped the sweat from his face with his shirt. “It’s only for one show.”

  Leah nodded. “You could. Or you could give Hannah the opportunity. She knows the set.”

  “Since when?” Mason took a gulp of water.

  “I had a discussion with her weeks ago about the possibility of this happening. Blake’s replacement was always going to be at least a few hours away, and it wasn’t like the baby had a strict schedule for arrival.”

  “Have you called her?” Sean asked.

  “I have, but she’s aware you might not approve.”

  “I vote for whatever brings us closer to the after party.”

  “Me, too.” Ryan squeezed her tighter, demanding her attention. “And the hotel suite after.”

  Mason made gagging noises. “How long until she’s ready?”

  “Not long. Go and explain what’s happening. Hopefully by then she’ll be here.”

  “And what about Sidney? Did her flight arrive on time?”

  “Yes. She’s with Melody, organizing the caterers for the after party. Which reminds me—” She placed a kiss on Ryan’s lips and stepped back. “—I have to double check the alcohol order. We can’t be short on booze.”

  Reluctantly, he let her go, her warmth slipping from his fingers, her scent slowly leaving his lungs. “Be waiting for me after the show.”

  She gave him a wicked grin, one filled with promise even through the tired bags under her eyes. “You’r
e so demanding.”

  “And you love it.”

  Her cheeks blushed, giving him all the confirmation he needed. Not that he needed any. He’d learned what she liked and there was very little she didn’t, as long as they were together.

  “I’ll try my best.” She gave him a finger wave and retreated with a seductive sway of her gorgeous hips.

  “You’re so fucked.” Mason placed a condescending clap on his back. “There’s no way you’re ever getting that leash off your balls.”

  “Just like you with Sidney?” He met the lead singers gaze with a cocked brow.

  “Yeah.” Mason chuckled. “Just like me with Sid.”

  * * *

  Five hours later.

  Leah laughed through a yawn. Everyone was drunk—the band, the crew, the security team, and Slicker. All of them mingling in the backyard of Mason’s Richmond property as music poured through innumerable speakers.

  Ryan stood behind her, his chest unyielding against her back, his arms wrapped around her waist. “Do you want me to ask Mason if we can crash in one of his rooms?”

  “Not yet.” There was no doubt his intent held a dubious amount of slumber, but she didn’t feel like she was officially off duty yet. She wanted to make sure everyone ended the night in one piece. And there was still no word on Blake and Gabi.

  She wouldn’t be able to fall into a deep sleep until she knew they were all healthy and safe.

  “Here you go.” Mason stopped in front of her, Sidney at his side, and handed over a bottle of champagne. Not a glass. Not a flute. A damn bottle. “You can’t abstain at an after party.”

  “Thanks.” She took the offering and cradled it in her hands like a seasoned groupie.

  “I hear congratulations are in order.” Sidney spread her arms wide, engulfing Leah and Ryan in a quick hug. “It’s about time the two of you got together.”

  “Good things come to those who wait.” Ryan raised his half-filled scotch glass in a toast. “I’m definitely a lucky man.”

  Leah remained silent, happy to let him claim this was luck when it wasn’t. Ryan was a deserving man. He was owed happiness. She only hoped she was enough.

  “That’s what we all say at the start,” Mason drawled.

  Sidney frowned and turned to her fiancé. “And then things change?”

  “Obviously.” Mason stared her down without remorse. “I haven’t seen you in two weeks, and yet I’ve been home for hours and still haven’t got you naked.”

  “I thought the hundred or so people in your back yard would’ve postponed your surge in libido.”

  Mason shook his head and clucked his tongue. “Do you know me at all, woman?” He grabbed her waist and tugged her forward. “Come on. You need to help me find Mel and Sean. I think they might be taking liberties in one of my bedrooms.”

  Sidney dragged her feet, scraping the heels of her sparkly black pumps. “I don’t want to help you with that.”

  “Too bad. I’ve seen enough graphic horror with these two. I don’t think I can take much more on my own.”

  Leah chuckled as they strode away, and placed the champagne bottle on the table by her side.

  “You’re not going to drink?” Ryan whispered beside her ear.

  “Not when I’d pass out after the first sip.” She hugged the arms around her waist and grinned as she spotted Hannah and Felicity slink away from their male band members to slip into the darkness of the tree line at the back of the property. Those two were going to make headlines soon and Leah had a feeling it would only boost their already promising careers. “I haven’t been sleeping well.” Or eating. Or functioning, for that matter.

  “I know.” He held her tight. “I hope it gets better once we’re home.”

  “Me, too.” She turned in his arms and drank in the memories that came with the hint of scotch on his breath. “Why don’t you go and mingle for a bit? I need to use the bathroom.”

  “OK. I’ll come find you soon.”

  She sucked in a deep breath at the loss of his warmth and strolled for the glass doors leading into the open kitchen area. The end of the tour was always an emotional crossroad. After weeks under the feet of five brilliant men, she then had to go home to an empty apartment. But not this time.

  Ryan’s toothbrush would live beside hers. The scent of his aftershave would fill her home. His arms would hold her during the night. Every aspect of her future was an exciting prospect. Even the parts she hadn’t anticipated.

  After using the bathroom, she made her way through to the living room and glared at the man standing before the floor to ceiling windows.

  “Why are you here?”

  Scott turned toward her, a beer bottle in his hand. “I thought the invitation might have been a Reckless olive branch.”

  “I’m sure it’s more a case of Mason keeping his friends close and enemies closer.”

  “I’m not your enemy, Leah.” He pivoted back to the window and sipped from his beer. “Never have been.”

  “That’s news to me.”

  “It was business. You can’t blame us for trying to hold on to our most successful band.”

  “I can.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “And I will.”

  He shrugged. “Well, that’s all over now. Grander has come to terms with losing you guys. We’re not going to fight it any longer.”

  “Good.” She began striding for the door, only to stop when he began talking again.

  “Ryan seems crazy about you.” There was no hint of a threat, just an undeniable poke at her protective nature. “If you’re unconvinced I’m not out to get you, at least believe me when I say I could’ve demanded anything when he came to my home asking for a favor. He was desperate. Yet, I let him off easily.”

  “Do you expect a thank you?”

  “No. But a lesser dose of animosity would be nice.”

  “I bet Felicity and Hannah feel the same way.”

  He took another gulp from the bottle. “Gay artists don’t sell.”

  “They do if you back them. You need to start a trend instead of following archaic opinions. Maybe then you won’t have every artist hating the sight of you.” She continued for the door, this time not stopping until she was in the back yard and at Ryan’s side.

  “What did Scott have to say?” he asked in greeting.

  She wove her arms around his waist and smiled up at him. “Have you been watching me?”

  “Like a hawk.”

  Her cell vibrated in her front pocket and she pulled it out to see an incoming video call.

  “Shit. It’s Blake.” She shot Ryan a glance. “Where is everyone?”

  “You looking for us?” Mason asked from behind her, his arm around Sidney.

  “Yes.” She turned in Ryan’s embrace, finding Mitch and Alana approaching hand in hand as Mason waved over Sean and Melody.

  “Hurry.” Her Reckless family rushed to nestle close, all of them staring at the picture that came on screen. Blake had his arm outstretched, holding up his cell as he lounged beside Gabi on a hospital bed.

  “Oh, my, god.” Leah’s free hand came to her mouth at the sight of the baby cradled in Gabi’s arms, it’s tiny body swaddled in a pink blanket.

  “It’s a girl.” Blake kissed the side of his wife’s head. “Sophie Marie Kennedy.”

  A chorus of congratulations were offered, some more drunkenly ecstatic than others while Leah blinked through a sheen of tears. “Are you both healthy and happy?”

  “Terribly happy.” Gabi smiled through obvious exhaustion. “I’m just glad Blake made it here in time. I wasn’t sure if he would.”

  “We’re all so proud of you both.”

  “And we can’t wait to get home to see you all,” Alana added.

  “Thank you.” Gabi leaned into Blake. “I’m looking forward to introducing Sophie to her gorgeous aunts and uncles.”

  “What happens from here?” Sidney asked. “How long will you stay in the hospital?”

  “We’re not s
ure.” Blake touched a gentle finger to the baby’s nose. “But my first job is to buy a shotgun and let all those little fuckers know my girl is off limits.”

  “Blake.” Gabi swatted her husband with her free hand.

  “I’m not joking.” Blake remained unapologetic as he spoke to his wife. “The most beautiful girl in the world is going to have thousands of admirers, so I’m starting my stockpile of bullets early.”

  Sophie let out a squawk and Gabi turned to face the camera. “We better go. I’ve still gotta work out this breastfeeding thing.”

  Another chorus of well wishes came forth as Gabi blew kisses at the camera. Then they were gone, leaving euphoria in their wake.

  “The first Reckless progeny has arrived.” Sean shouted with an empty glass raised in his hand. “This calls for tequila shots.”

  Ryan groaned from behind her and everyone else dispersed, following the drummer with heavy intoxication in mind.

  “You’re quiet,” she whispered to Ryan, already sensing his unease. “Want to talk about it?”

  “No. I’m happy for them.”

  “I know you are. But I also know you’re upset.”

  His scotch glass rose, and she heard him drink heavily from behind her. She didn’t react. She had a sense any sudden movement might spook him.

  “There’s something I haven’t told you,” he murmured. “Julie thinks I can’t have kids. She said she’d tried for years with no success. Then bam, she starts fucking around with some other guy and instantly she’s impregnated. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out I’m the problem.”

  “You’re not the problem, Ryan.” She trailed her fingers over the hand at her stomach, knowing without doubt he was wrong.

  “You don’t know that.”

  She shrugged. “Call it intuition.”

  He sighed, his disbelief heavy between them. She hadn’t wanted to have this conversation yet. The whole kids thing was scary. She’d planned on waiting until they were back in New York, with the stress of the tour behind them.


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