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In His Place: Sonic Idols Book #2

Page 17

by Lisa J. Hobman

  Mrs Delaney huffed. “Me too, love. It’s all a bit rushed if you ask me, but they’re adults. I was surprised about them getting married at Gretna, but who am I to argue? It’s obviously come back into fashion.â€� She laughed and I held my breath so as not to let my pain become evident. “Ooh, sorry, love. Someone’s at the door. I’ll have to go. Speak soon, okay?â€�

  I swallowed down the ball of emotion that had lodged in my throat. “Sure. No worries. Bye for now.â€� I hung up the call and closed my eyes as tears over spilled.

  If only I had let myself believe that what I was feeling for Si was real. If only I had realised before he met someone else. If only I hadn’t been such a damn coward and I had just told him to bear with me. That I definitely had feelings for him but I was trying to deal with the guilt of falling for my dead fiancé’s brother. He would have understood, surely?

  All the if onlys in the world wouldn’t change anything though. He was getting married to someone else. He was finally happy. And my timing couldn’t have been worse. Just as he realised he was over me, I realised I loved him with all of my broken heart.

  Chapter 32



  The wedding room was set up with rows of wooden chairs facing the front where the anvil stood. Candles were lit all around, giving a cosy and warm feel to the exposed stonework. Bobbie and I took our seats along with the other guests. Nick and Cat waved over when they arrived and they came to sit beside us, followed by Chris and Stig, who had come as each other’s plus one.

  We were surrounded by white roses, and the fragrance was reminiscent of a balmy summer day. In fact, when I closed my eyes, I could have been back at home in the garden of mum and dad’s house with Joe and Allie, guitar music playing as Nick sang whatever new song he was writing, and a blissful look in Allie’s eyes. A serenity brought about my brother and the love he had for her.

  Something tapped at my leg, ripping me from my memory, and I snapped my eyes open to chastise whoever it was.

  Bobbie was staring wide-eyed at me. “Don’t you dare fall asleep.â€�

  I shook my head. “No. No, I wasn’t falling asleep. I was just thinking about Joe, sorry.â€� I cringed.

  Her features softened. “Oh, no. That’s okay, sweetie. Times like this make me think of Dean. It makes me sad that I’ll never get to see him walk down the aisle with his new bride. I miss him so much.â€�

  I reached to squeeze her hand and ignored the minor fact that Joe would have been marrying the woman I love if he were still here, and I would’ve been so happy for him, pushing my feelings aside because, not only was he my brother, but he was my best friend in the world. I bit down on the inside of my cheek in the hopes that the pain would shock me into remembering that my future was sitting beside me.

  Bobbie was hopefully going to be my future. Okay, so it wasn’t love… not yet. But I’d been thinking overnight about the fact that I should give things a serious go with her. And the only way I could do that would be to make love to her and show her that I was committed to making us work. But all would be revealed in time. There was no rush. Today was all about Den and Roger. Tonight, however…

  Once all the guests were seated, I glanced at Bobbie and smiled. She ran her thumb gently over the back of my hand and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I swear there were tears in her eyes. No doubt she was still thinking about her brother and how much she hurt from losing him, and it struck me again how much we had in common. All part of our foundation. A foundation we could build upon if I just let it happen.

  The celebrant gestured for us to stand and music began to play. Den and Roger had decided to walk down the aisle together and the whole congregation turned to see them holding hands and smiling lovingly at each other as the sounds of Herb Alpert’s “This Guy’s In Love With Youâ€� floated from the sound system and around the room. The love they had for each other was evident in their eyes, and for a moment, I felt that it was entirely possible for me to achieve what they had. Theirs had been a whirlwind romance by every definition, but who had the right to tell them they had rushed into it? Not me, that’s for sure. Just the way they looked at each other whenever they were together was proof enough that they were destined to be married.

  Once the men reached the front of the room and were standing before the anvil, the celebrant began to speak. He talked about love being unconditional and that marriage was something you shouldn’t enter into without knowing it was right. I didn’t see a single hint of hesitation in either man’s eyes. I have to admit to being a little bit emotional myself. Who knew that a strapping, six-foot odd drummer like me would get weepy over true love? I was definitely going soft in my mid-twenties.

  It came to the time for the exchange of vows and the celebrant announced that the couple had chosen to write their own.

  Den was first. “Roger, some say there’s no such thing as love at first sight, but I say, just like a certain, hunky, bearded TV character we both love, they know nothing.â€� Laughter rumbled around the room at Den’s impersonation. “The fact is, I’ve been on this Earth for over fifty years, and until you walked onto my tour, I had never had that glimpse of forever with one man. But on that first day, you looked up and smiled at me and it was like my future played out on a big screen. Okay, so there were a lot of clips of us running through fields of corn; you were bare-chested, obviously.â€� Another rumble of laughter. “But from that moment, I knew I wanted to get to know you. To spend as much time with you as possible. And to be with you forever. Yes, it’s happened fast, but what’s the point in waiting? So, I stand before you today, Roger, with hope for a long and bright future filled with laughter and, hopefully, a pug puppy. I’ve always wanted a pug. And I think we should call him Hector. But, I digress. I want you to be my forever. I love you.â€�

  Applause erupted and everyone stood as Den placed a ring on Roger’s finger and then curtseyed to the congregation. Then he dabbed at his eyes, trying his best to be discreet, bless him.

  Once everyone was seated again, Roger took a deep breath. “Phew. How the heck do I follow that?â€� Everyone laughed again. “You know that feeling when you’re on a rollercoaster and you’re heading towards a downward part of the track and your stomach is all fluttery? You know it’s going to be scary, but ultimately, you’re going to have a blast. That’s how I felt when I met you, Den. I’d heard about you before and knew from the stories that you were a tough guy to deal with. But the look on your face that first time we met… all that was missing was the cartoon love hearts floating above us. It was mutual, you see. That love at first sight thing. I was so tongue tied and nervous but… you were just so wonderful. You are wonderful. You make me laugh each and every day and I swear you’ve prolonged my life by a decade simply by doing that. You’re kind. Thoughtful too. The way you look after your boys… wow. I’m in awe, Den. You’re the most hilariously funny man I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, and every day, I wake up excited. Like a giddy teenager with so much to look forward to. And I can’t wait to be your husband. And for us to start our lives officially as a married couple.â€� He patted at his waistcoat pocket and his eyes widened. Shit, he’d forgotten the ring. “Oh… erm… I seem to have…â€� He glanced down the aisle towards the exit and the door opened. He turned his face briefly back to Den and a grin widened across his bearded face. Then he crouched and shouted, “Come on. Come on, boy!â€�

  Everyone in the room shared questioning glances until Den squealed and his hands covered his mouth. A jingling could be heard and then scampering feet. Roger stood again, and in his arms was a little sandy coloured pug puppy with a wedding band attached to his collar on a ribbon. I almost lost it at that p
oint. My throat constricted as I watched tears streaming down Den’s face.

  Clearly trying to remain composed, Roger inhaled deeply and said, “Den, my love, I thought Hector, our new pug puppy, could bring you your ring.â€� He handed the pug to Den and removed the ring from the dog’s collar. The dog licked the tears from Den’s face and it’s stubby little tail wagged like crazy.

  He was a sobbing wreck as Roger placed the ring on his finger. Once the ring was safely in place, he grappled his new husband into his arms. “Oh, thank you, Roger. He’s beautiful and I love him to bits. I love you too. Thank you so much.â€�

  With tears in his eyes, the celebrant, announced, “Dennis and Roger… I now pronounce that you are married.â€�

  Another loud applause erupted and I looked on as Roger and Den shared a sweet, romantic kiss.

  Chapter 33



  I had never really been a fan of wedding receptions. All the ones I had been to as a kid had been dull as shit, but this one was shaping up to be great fun. First off, we sat down for a really tasty steak, and it was so juicy, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

  I caught Bobbie laughing at me, and with a mouth full of food, I asked, “What’s up with you?â€�

  “Every mouthful you take is like a mini orgasm. I swear I’m getting jealous of a slab of damn meat.â€�

  I waggled my eyebrows suggestively. “Ah, well. I will have to make it up to you later then.â€�

  Her smile disappeared and she leaned towards me. “What do you mean?â€�

  I swallowed as her warm breath sent shivers down my back. “I mean that you promised to show me what’s under your dress and I intend to take you up on that offer.â€�

  Her breathing rate increased and her pupils dilated. “Really? But we said we wouldn’t do anything until you were sure. Does that mean…?â€�

  I leaned forward and took her bottom lip between my teeth. Gazing straight into her eyes, I nibbled gently before releasing the reddened flesh, and I kissed her. “I think you know what it means, Bobbie.â€�

  She slipped her hand into mine and pulled me down to take my mouth in a hot, searing kiss. “You wanna know what’s under my dress?â€�

  I kissed a path from her mouth towards her neck and whispered, “Mmhm. Why don’t you tell me?â€�

  She clamped her teeth briefly on my earlobe, sending a shockwave of pleasure straight to my groin. “Nothing.â€�

  Oh. My. God.

  I wanted the rest of the people in the room to disappear so I could swipe everything from the table and take her right then and there. But no sooner had she teased me almost to the point of no return than she pulled away and gave me a sweet smile.

  She smoothed a finger around my cheek. “Hold that thought, Mr Delaney.â€�

  There was a clinking of glasses and everyone turned to focus their attention on Den, who was now standing to give a speech.

  “Ladies and gents, as you know, this has all been a very fast turn around and I can’t thank you enough for rearranging your schedules to make sure you could be here.â€�

  Chris piped up, “Yeah, well it’s a wonder we got the time off. Our boss is a total douche. A real task master.â€� Everyone laughed and Den rolled his eyes.

  “I’ll have you know I’ve heard very good things about your boss. Roger here adores him, don’t you, Rog?â€�

  Roger held up his hands in surrender. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for a cute smile and a fake tan.â€� More laughter followed and Den bent to kiss his new husband on the forehead.

  “Anyway, as I was saying, it means the world to Rog and me that you could all be here. And I want you to know I’ve footed the bill for the bar, so fill your boots, folks. Cheers!â€� He held up his glass and everyone shouted their response in unison.

  Roger stood next and everyone quietened down. He handed the wiggly bundle of fur he was holding to Den and smoothed his tie down.

  He cleared his throat and then began to speak. “Don’t worry, we’re not going to bombard you with long speeches. I just wanted to say thank you to you all, but mainly to Sonic Idols. You’ve taken me into your team and made me feel like part of your family. It’s a position I will cherish.â€� He reached down and held his hand out to Den, who grasped it. “This man beside me has come into my life at a time when I never thought I would love again. I lost my first partner to a heart attack five years ago and I hadn’t looked at another man since. But meeting Den has made realise that maybe there isn’t just one soulmate out there for us all. Maybe we get another shot at true love, even if we didn’t think it was possible. So, thanks, Denny. I love with you all my heart.â€� He leaned to kiss Den as the guests applauded. “Now, if you’d all like to go through to the adjacent room, there’s a dance floor and another bar! Cheers!â€�

  Bobbie squeezed my hand. “Do you think he’s right? That there’s more than one true love out there for everyone?â€�

  I gazed down at my petite blonde companion and smiled. “Do you know, I really think he could be.â€�

  Once we were all ensconced in the room next door, the dance music started. People sat in their groups, laughing and chatting, and the atmosphere in the room was so good. So positive.

  The DJ’s voice came over the speakers and announced, “Ladies and gents, could I have your attention, please? It’s time for our newlyweds to take to the floor for their first dance as a married couple. Let’s give them a round of applause.â€�

  The opening bars of “Can’t Take my Eyes Off Youâ€� began, and Den and Roger walked onto the dance floor. A spotlight shone down on them and they began to sway to the music. They sang along to the lyrics which seemed to fit their situation so well, and everyone looked on with warm hearts and smiling faces.

  When it came to the famous chorus, the room erupted as every single voice joined in. Bobbie grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor where everyone else had now congregated. Once it was time for the instrumental part, the singing voices suddenly became terribly bad trumpet sound effects, and of course, Bobbie and I joined in. This was followed by more loud renditions of the chorus and whoops and cheers that almost lifted the roof off the place.

  The song ended in one massive group hug, consisting of everyone in attendance. Den and Roger were in the centre of the circle and each word was belted out until I felt sure the neighbours to the venue would complain. But oh. My. Word. It was such a bloody laugh.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed so much and I began to wonder if it was all down to the company I was with. Especially Bobbie.

  The night wore on and Bobbie and I danced for most of it. At some point, people started to slope off to their rooms. Lightweights. I was in for the long haul. I didn’t want the night to end. But the DJ announced that there would be two more songs and so it was clear it would be ending all too soon.

  “Love Bitesâ€� by Def Leppard was the next song to be played, and I slipped my arms around Bobbie’s waist and pulled her close. I tried not to think about the lyrics too much. The DJ certainly hadn’t made the best choice; playing this particular song at a wedding may have been a bad decision but it was one of my all-time favourite songs so I closed my eyes and swayed Bobbie in time with the music.

  I bent to kiss her and slipped my tongue into her mouth. She tasted of wine and wedding cake, and I decided at that precise moment that I had to take the leap. It was a leap of hope and faith, but I had to believe that what Roger had said was true. Allie wasn’t mine and never would be. But here before me was a beautiful, sweet girl who wanted to be with me. To give herself to me. And I had to be man enough to admit that I wanted her t
oo. Lust was playing a big part in it, as was alcohol, but deep down, I knew she was perfect for me. There were so many reasons why we should be together. Our shared grief. Our love of music. The fact that we got along so well and that there was a definite sexual attraction. I was at the top of that rollercoaster Roger had mentioned in his wedding speech, and I had to just hold on and enjoy the ride.

  A part of my heart would always belong to the auburn-haired girl from Scotland, but she didn’t love me.

  Bobbie did.

  “Hey, shall we take a bottle of champers upstairs and find out what your non-existent underwear looks like?â€� Ugh. It wasn’t the most romantic proposal I could have presented her with. But it didn’t seem to matter.

  “Absolutely. Just let me grab my bag.â€� She disappeared briefly before returning to my side and taking my hand. “Let’s go.â€� She pulled me towards the exit and I willingly followed.

  Chapter 34



  With eyes sore and swollen from crying, I stared at the clock. It was one in the morning which meant that Si would officially have been a married man for hours. I had been watching the news off and on all night and was surprised there had been no leaked footage of the wedding. I guessed Den had ramped up security in light of recent incidents involving the band. And having experienced first-hand the frightening side of the band’s fame, I could totally understand why there had been no press in attendance.

  But it didn’t help me and my need to see him. To see his face. To know that he was okay and happy. But that was crazy, because he must have been ecstatic. He was married, for goodness sake.


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