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Cap_A Reed Security Romance

Page 21

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “We should slow down. We should..” Her chest heaved and my eyes locked on her nipples that were putting on a show for me. I nodded along with her thoughts, knowing it was probably for the best. Things were still so iffy with us.

  “You’re right. We should definitely slow down,” I said to her chest. I couldn’t help it. My hand reached out on its very own and pulled at her nipple. She moaned and thrust her chest forward. “I definitely shouldn’t do that.”

  “No,” she shook her head almost violently. “You shouldn’t.” Her hand slid down my chest and gripped my raging cock through my sweatpants. I hissed as she slid her hand into my pants and ran her thumb over the tip. “I probably shouldn’t do that either.”

  “Definitely not,” I choked out. “We should probably stop,” I panted as she began to stroke me. “Or else this is going to get out of control. We’ll do something we might regret.”

  “You mean like getting me pregnant?”

  She looked at me through her eyelashes and batted them twice seductively.

  “You’re right. Can’t fuck it up too much more.”

  I crashed my mouth to hers and possessed every inch of it. I couldn’t stop touching her, feeling everything that I had been missing. I couldn’t remember the last time that we had really wanted each other like this. We had let off steam and used each other, but this was more than that. I felt connected to her in a way I hadn’t in so long.

  She yanked my sweats down and then practically monkey climbed up me to align herself, then sank down on my cock.

  “Oh, fuck, Maggie. Don’t move.”

  I was very close to losing it and coming inside her before we even got to the best part. She stilled but started running her tongue down my throat and then bit my earlobe. It sent a spark straight to my groin. My hips thrust into her involuntarily.

  “You’re not helping, Freckles.”

  She laughed and then tightened her legs around me, clenching as she did. When she started moving, she was still clenched tight to give herself the strength to lift herself up and down. I couldn’t hold on anymore. This was too much. I dropped to the floor, not able to walk with my sweats around my ankles and thrust deep inside her. It was like coming home. I pounded into her, faster and harder until she was screaming my name. It was quick, hard, and explosive, but then it usually was with her.

  I rolled off her and laid down on the floor looking at the ceiling. Fuck, I needed that. I glanced over to see Maggie in a haze of sexual relief and contentment, but there was one question I had to know.

  “Freckles, when did you take off your shorts?”


  Our flight landed an hour ago and we were now in our rental on the two hour drive to her grandparents’ house. She hadn’t been home to see them in four years, so they were very excited for our visit. I had thought that after us having sex with everything still up in the air that this trip would be awkward between us, but it wasn’t. Maggie was more relaxed than I’d seen her in a long time and I felt it also.

  Maggie was sleeping in the passenger seat and I couldn’t help but look over at her as we drove down the road. She was absolutely beautiful, and now that she wasn’t sick anymore, I could see the changes to her body. She was wearing a loose shirt, but I could still make out the bump that was still very small. Her breasts were also bigger, and I wasn’t going to lie, I really liked that. Her face was also starting to fill out a little more, or maybe it was just that she wasn’t quite so thin anymore. Either way, she looked gorgeous.

  Maggie’s eyes sprung open when I drifted over the rumble strips because I had stared too long at her and hadn’t paid attention to the road. I quickly corrected the car and glanced back over at her.

  “Oh my, God. Aggie was right. That felt great,” she murmured.

  “What felt great?”

  Maggie’s face turned bright red as she looked out the window.


  “Aggie said that driving over bumps felt really good when you’re pregnant.” It flew out so fast that I almost didn’t catch it.

  “Would you like me to drive over them some more?” I asked, grinning and secretly hoping that she wanted to have a little fun before we got to her grandparents’ house.

  “No,” she said quickly.

  I slid my hand over the center console and rested my hand on her thigh. It was innocent enough at first, but then I started rubbing circles with my thumb. After a minute of that, I slid my hand up and down her thigh, getting a little too close to the apex of her thighs and moving more toward her inner thigh with every stroke. I snuck a quick peek and saw her chest heaving every time I moved my hand back toward her heat, which I could already feel seeping into her jeans.

  At first, I let my fingers graze the seam of her jeans, but when she opened her legs wider for me, I took no shame in rubbing my hand along her pussy. Her hips started jerking against my hand and it took everything I had to not pull the car over and drag her across the seat. Luckily, we were in the middle of nowhere and there were hardly and cars on the road.

  “Mmmm, oh, God.” Maggie moaned and squirmed in her seat and I continued to rub her.

  “Open your pants,” I commanded. She quickly flicked the button on her jeans and yanked the zipper down. My fingers found her warmth and slid through the juices that were soaking her panties. It only took a flick of her clit to set her off. I plunged a finger inside her as she came, just so I could feel her clenching and spasming around some part of my body.

  My cock ached behind the zipper of my pants, but watching her come would have to be enough for now. I couldn’t pull over and fuck her on the side of the road, though I really wanted to. When I finally removed my hand from her pants, I had to pull over at the next town so she could clean up in the gas station. I had to also. I couldn’t very well shake her grandpa’s hand with his granddaughter’s pussy juices all over them.

  When I got to the men’s room, I locked the door behind me and quickly went into the stall, yanked out my cock, and fucked my hand to the image of Maggie coming all over my fingers. It took me exactly three minutes to spill my cum all over my hand and there was someone banging on the door by the time I washed up, but I didn’t give a shit. There was no way I’d be able to sit next to her the rest of the drive with a hard on.

  “Should we be doing this?” she asked as I got in the car.

  “Doing what exactly?”

  “Having sex. You giving me an orgasm as we drive to my grandparents’ house.”

  “Are you saying you want me to stop giving you orgasms?”

  “I’m just wondering if we’re fooling ourselves here. We kind of just picked up where we left off and I don’t want to confuse things.”

  Is that what we had done? It didn’t feel that way to me. “I don’t see it that way. When we broke up, we were pissed at each other.”

  “And now everything’s so clear between us?” she scoffed.

  “No, but you did ask me to come with you on this trip. That was something you never would have done two years ago or even two months ago. I’d say we’re making progress.”

  “But what if we can’t work it out? What if we just weren’t meant to be together and we’re pretending that things are all good because we’re going to have a baby?”

  Her concerns were valid and I couldn’t say that I hadn’t thought the same thing after we’d had sex, but this felt right and I was willing to go with it if it meant another chance with her.

  “We may be fooling ourselves and this could end up as one huge mistake, but I’m willing to risk it if you are. We have a chance to make this work and be a family. I know that not all our issues are settled because we’re having a baby or we had sex or even because you asked me to come with you. But I love you, Freckles. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, no matter what happens.”

  “I love you, too. I want this to work so much. I’m just so worried that I’ll screw it up again.”

  “Freckles, I think there’s a good chanc
e we could both screw this up at any time and we probably will. We both know what our issues are. Now we just have to work every day to get past them and keep fighting.”

  “You want to keep fighting?” she asked with a smile.

  “There’s nothing I love more than fighting with you. It gets me hard when you get all feisty and don’t do what I say. It’s one of the things I love most about you. We just need some balance.”

  After we got that sorted out, we finished the drive to her grandparents’ house and I was starting to get nervous. I had never met them before and I was worried what they would think about our situation.

  “So, do they know about the baby?”

  “I haven’t exactly brought it up yet,” she said sheepishly.

  “Do they at least know about me?”

  “Yes, I never hid my relationship with you, but I also didn’t tell them that we broke up, so we should probably keep that under wraps.”

  “How do you want to tell them?”

  “I was kind of hoping that we could not tell them.”

  “Like ever?”

  “No, I just thought I could tell them on the phone when we got home. Then I wouldn’t have to see their faces.”

  “Maggie, I’m not hiding from your grandparents. They deserve to know.”

  She sighed and looked out the window at the passing town. We had just entered her hometown and were about two minutes from our destination. “I know. I guess I should just rip the bandaid off.”

  “Just don’t call me your baby daddy. I don’t think they’ll appreciate the term.”

  “Why don’t you like it?”

  “Because it implies that all I’m good for is making the baby and we’re so much more than that. Besides, if you never told them we broke up, then we’ll just say that you got pregnant. We’re living together again, so it’s not like they would know the difference.”

  “You want me to refer to you as my boyfriend?”

  “That sounds so juvenile. I’m a man,” I puffed out my chest a little as I said it.

  “You are all man, Cap. Strong, brave, handsome..”

  I waved my hand for her to continue.

  “Sexy, virile, large,” she said and then glanced down at my cock that was now swelling again.

  “Okay, I think you can stop now. I definitely feel more manly now. Maybe a little too manly. We may have to drive around the block.”


  Maggie and Sebastian


  “Come on, Freckles. Let’s just go to the door. Staying in the car isn’t going to help any.”

  “I just need a minute.”

  “We’ve been sitting here for five and they’re staring at us from the window.”

  I looked over to the house and saw Grandma and Grandpa staring at us from the picture window, no doubt wondering why the hell we were still sitting in the car. Sebastian got out of the car and came around to my side, opening the door and holding his hand out to mine. I grudgingly put mine in his and let him pull me from the car. This sucked. I felt like a teenager going to tell her parents that she had gotten knocked up on prom night. I had lived with my grandparents after my parents died and though it was only for a short time, I still desperately wanted to always do right in their eyes. I had a feeling I was failing miserably.

  “Just relax, Freckles. It’ll be okay.”

  “Sure, keep telling yourself that.”

  “What’s the worst that could happen?”

  We were almost to the door, so I plastered a smile on my face and prepared for the onslaught. The door flung open and my grandma rushed out to hug me. When she wrapped her arms around me, I almost broke down in tears. Damn hormones. It had been too long since I’d had her warmth wrapped around me.

  “Hi, Grandma.”

  “I thought you were going to stay in the car all night. Honey, it’s so good to see you. You can’t stay away that long anymore.”

  She pulled back and studied my face. I was trying my best to hide the fact that I had something huge to tell her. It didn’t work.

  “Alright, out with it,” she said as she held me at arms’ length.

  “What?” I asked innocently. “I’m just happy to see you,” I said as tears started slipping down my face.

  “Maggie, you’ve never been a crier, so don’t try and pull that crap with me.”

  “There’s my little girl,” Grandpa said as he came up behind Grandma. “And you must be the young man she told us about.”

  Grandpa stepped forward and thrust his hand out to Sebastian, who took it and gave it a strong shake. Grandma continued to study me with intense eyes and I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Sebastian got me pregnant,” I blurted out so my grandma would stop staring at me. I don’t know why I thought it would work. My gaze shifted to Sebastian’s, who looked at me like I had just thrown him under the bus.

  “Well, now that we got that out of the way, why don’t we grab a drink.” Grandpa stepped outside and took Sebastian by the arm, dragging him away from the house. Sebastian caught on that it was time to leave and hustled along with Grandpa to his truck. They were out of the drive a minute later and I was left to deal with my grandma. I looked back at her in trepidation, knowing she wasn’t going to be happy with me.

  “Come on inside. No point standing out here for all the neighbors to gossip.”

  I followed her inside to the kitchen where she poured us both a cup of coffee. “I’m assuming that he is going to put a ring on that finger.”

  “Grandma, don’t start.”

  She put a hand on her hip and gave me her best “don’t sass me” stare. “I know that your mom and dad raised you better than to go out and get pregnant.”

  “It’s not like that, Grandma.”

  “Then you tell me what it is like. You’ve always been a smart girl, Maggie. You never take any crap from anyone and you always go after what you want. So you tell me, what is it you want right now?”

  I sighed and sat down in the chair and waited for her to sit down also. “I want him.”

  “So he’s the problem.”

  “No, we’ve had some issues to deal with and most of it’s on me.”

  “Honey, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but if you love him and want to be with him, you’ve got to figure out how to make this work. Especially with a baby on the way.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Grandma. I love him so much, but something’s always holding me back.”

  “Are you afraid it won’t last?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. I actually came here because I needed to know what happened to Mom and Dad. I think that’s why I always hold back on committing to Sebastian.”

  “Honey, that doesn’t make a lick of sense.”

  I sat there trying to sort out what I was thinking and how best to describe it. “It’s like, I need to know what really happened that night. It’s always bothered me that the Sheriff brushed it under the rug like he did. I know that Mom would never have been driving recklessly and caused that accident. Something else had to have happened.”

  “How does this keep you from taking the next step with Sebastian?”

  I shrugged. “I’m always chasing the next story, trying to solve someone else’s mystery. I guess if I keep chasing those stories, I figure eventually I’ll find out what happened that night.”

  “I’m going to tell you something very important here and I want you to really listen.” I nodded and focused on Grandma. “That’s all a bunch of horse malarky.”

  I snapped my head back in shock. Here I was telling Grandma what kept me up at night and she was telling me it was all crap.

  “For some reason, you have it in your head that you can’t be happy unless you know what happened to your parents. Let me tell you something, what happened was horrible. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you it’s alright. Of course it’s not. Your father was my baby and I loved him more than life itself. Your mother wa
s like my very own daughter, but that doesn’t mean that I stopped living my life. Do you think that if you hold out until you have all the answers that you’ll suddenly be ready to make a life with him?”

  “I just-”

  “No, you’re hiding. You’re hiding from life. Honey, the accident was horrible and chances are you’ll never know what happened. There could be any number of reasons for that crash and none of them will give you the answers you need. It won’t bring them back and it won’t make it alright. You just have to suck it up and move on with your life. You’re going to miss out on something great if you don’t. That man loves you and if he has any sense, he wants to build a life with you. I’m happy that you came to visit, but you are not going to sit around here and pretend that this is the trip you needed to sort out your feelings. Now, you are going to be the strong woman I know you to be and get your shit straightened out. You are going to give us a chance to get to know that young man and then you are going to go live your life, because anything less is a disgrace to your parents’ memories.”

  “Geez, Grandma. I didn’t come here for a swift kick in the pants.”

  “I think you knew exactly why you were coming here.”

  I smiled at Grandma. Maybe she was right. She always knew how to get me back in line and always told it like it was. She was right. No matter what I would potentially find out, it wouldn’t change a thing about how I feel about Sebastian or what our future held. I was just chasing ghosts, hoping they would tell me how to live my life. I only had to look to Grandma for that guidance.


  “What’ll you have, son?”

  I sat down on the stool next to Maggie’s grandpa and hoped to God this wasn’t one of those talks that dads liked to have with future son-in-laws. He took me to the local pub after it was clear that Mrs. Curtis was going to have it out with Maggie. I felt slightly bad for leaving her there, but then I was with her grandpa and had no idea what was in store for me.


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