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Justice Falling

Page 25

by Audrey Carlan

  Collective murmurs of “here here” and “Amen” were heard. Nate snuggled into my neck once more. “My girl is such a softy.”

  The group said their goodbyes and shuffled out of the daycare, everyone content in where their life was. I had Nate, Tanner, and our little one on the way. I was finishing my school work in the evenings, and would soon be teaching grade school. It just proved how much your life could change if you love and let yourself be loved.

  Hank and his angel, Aspen, were two people from completely different worlds, but love brought them together and made those differences seem very small. From what Nate told me, Collier pursued London relentlessly until she finally gave up her guilt and grief over falling in love again after losing her husband. For Nate and me, our story was no different than theirs. I didn’t believe I was worthy of love. In the end justice and love prevailed over my insecurities and the heavy weight of my past. All in all, each of us had beaten the odds, falling deeply in love forevermore.

  The End

  For the Readers

  I can’t thank you enough for sticking with me through the creation and release of the Falling Series. So many of you have reached out to me with loving, open arms, and for that, I’m so grateful. I was surprised when you fell in love with Hank and Aspen’s journey as much as I did and continued to stay with me through London and Collier and now Nate and Camille’s love story. I’m so honored to have had even one person read my books. Writing this series was a dream come true and each and every one of you helped make that dream reality.

  Many of you have asked for Tripp’s story and one day I think I will write it, but right now my muse is kicking and screaming to spread her wings into the other love stories I have spinning a wickedly hot web in my brain.

  If you liked the Falling Series, please consider leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads. Those reviews mean the absolute world to an indie like me.

  Authors, please check out the list of people I thanked and the “bad ass blogs” that I noted. Each and every one of them are incredible and could very well help you reach your dreams too.

  Thank you all. Until next time…Namaste.



  The light in me, bows to the light in you.

  When I am in that place in me,

  and you are in that place in you…

  we are one.

  Excerpt from Trinity Trilogy Book 1

  True to his word Chase wakes me two hours later. I expect the hotel alarm clock, not soft soothing fingers caressing my face and hairline. A bone chilling cold creeps along the sensitive skin of my cheekbone. My eyelids flicker open and gaze into sleepy, half-hooded azure blue eyes. His features are different under the muted glow of the bedside lamp, more comforting, less intense. I could get used to seeing these bedroom eyes. He holds an icepack against my swollen cheek, the icy chill sends shivers through me.

  “Gillian, what’s my name?” he asks in a hushed voice.

  “Chase,” I say groggily, the anesthesia making my tongue feel thick and swollen.

  “Here Baby, take these.” He puts two small white pills on the tip of my tongue and hands me a glass of water. When did he start calling me, Baby? “The doctor said it will help with the swelling and the pain from your stitches.” I swallow the pills and lay back down.

  He sets the glass down, brings the covers back up to my chin and puts the icepack on the bedside table. His gaze clocks every inch of my face, a mercurial look fastened to his features. I smile dreamily at him. Chase is pretty.

  “Why, thank you,” he says, amusement in his tone. I didn’t realize I said the thought aloud. I don’t take it back. It’s the truth.

  He plants a soft kiss against my lips. His right hand cradles the undamaged side of my face. I return the kiss as he slides satiny lips against mine. He continues the slow assault on my mouth not increasing the pressure or taking it further. Just kissing me how he wants. Like a man who cherishes his woman. This is dangerous territory we’re entering.

  Chase’s tongue strokes my bottom lip and I slide my hand into his hairline, tickling his scalp and increasing the pressure. That’s all the permission he needs, taking the invitation greedily, using his mouth to swallow me whole. His tongue sweeps past my teeth and against my tongue in long unhurried swipes. He tastes good, rich and utterly male. I want his body on top of me, coating every surface with his warm skin. Tugging at his shoulders I attempt to bring him against my chest. It doesn’t work. He’s a solid rock, unmovable. I grunt in frustration, scissoring my legs to aid in my goal. Unfortunately, Chase does the exact opposite of what I want and pulls away.

  “God, what you do to me, Gillian. It’s never…let’s just say I’m not used to this.” He pulls completely away and walks to the other side of the bed and gets in. The rumpled sheets and imprint of his head in the pillow tell me he’s been sleeping next me. In my drug induced state I hadn’t noticed. I frown wishing I could remember the exact moment his body entered the bed next to mine.

  “Not used to what?” I turn on my side, resting my head on the pillow and stare at him in the soft light. He’s lying on his back, breathing deeply. His white t-shirt stretches across his broad chest accentuating the pop and dip of a perfectly sculpted frame. I want to scrape my nails against the fabric to see how he would respond. He’s contemplative and brooding. Instead of touching him, I wait, keeping my distance.

  “This attraction. It’s maddening,” he frowns as I stare.

  Chase is panty-melting good-looking. Everything about him attracts me. From the tip of his dark hair, down his beautiful face and over his broad chest to the parts of him I haven’t yet been introduced to. I’m not sure what’s he talking about but my head is heavy and I’m losing the battle to keep my eyes open. I feel him turn toward me.

  “Gillian, look at me,” he says sternly.

  My eyes pop open and focus with a great deal of effort. I’m fading fast.

  “I need you to remember these three things. Vanilla, Emerald and Popsicle. You got that?” I nod. “No, say it,” he demands as I close incredibly heavy lids.

  “Um, vanilla, emerald and a popsicle,” I repeat like a good girl.

  The next time I wake to heat, an inferno. A warm body surrounds me, large legs and arms enclosing me tightly. The room is bathed in black and strong arms hold me fast against his chest, preventing much movement. I can’t remember the last time I woke in a man’s arms. The feeling of being so sheltered, so secure is heart-melting. I can feel Chase’s breath quicken and his chest rise and fall against my cheek. If only I could bottle this feeling for eternity.

  “Baby, what’s the three things I asked you to remember?” Chase says in a low gravelly voice.

  “Um, green, vanilla and popsicle.” I snuggle into his chest and start to drift. My head is so heavy it feels like a stack of bricks are holding it down.

  He stiffens and pulls away, forcing me to lose my comfy spot. “Gillian, what are the three things in exact order, exactly as I said them?” His tone is harsh, demanding.

  I try really hard to think back to what he told me. “Oh. Vanilla, emerald, not green, and popsicle.” I say confidently but still exhausted.

  A huge breath leaves his chest but the scowl I can barely see in the shadows of night is still marring his lovely face. “Go to back to sleep.” He grips me protectively and I rub against his side like a cat, stretching and finding just the right position before I start purring.

  Gentle fingers glide along my arm, shoulder, neck, hairline and down along my hip and naked thigh. The caress is repeated over and over, sending dizzying bouts of lust through every limb. The sensation is wonderful and I roll completely onto my back, opening myself to him in the most vulnerable way. Chase’s large hand slips to my bare belly and covers the entire expanse. He’s huge compared to me.

  An errant thumb lightly circles the edge of my panties. My breath puffs out in tiny frantic bursts of excitement. I feel the heat of his head at the base of my neck, his
five o’clock shadow grating along my skin. His teeth nibble at my chin in a line to my mouth. Once there I take his lips into a feverish kiss. His tongue demanding entrance. I open for him. In this moment there’s nothing I want more than Chase, over me. On top of me. Completing me.

  Chase drinks from the well of my mouth, biting into my bottom lip then moving to its twin. I groan, needing, wanting, more. Finally his hand slides under my shirt to cup one full breast. I arch, pressing the heavy flesh into his strong hand, relishing the tingles that spread through my chest. I taste his breath as he moans his pleasure into my mouth. His fingers fondle the globe teasingly. Then utter relief splatters across my senses as he brings the cup of my bra down and grazes his thumb over my aching tip. Bliss.

  “Oh God,” spills from my throat as if ripped directly from the heavens. It’s guttural and raw. Chase is doing this to me. Turning me into something else, someone I don’t recognize. He swallows my cry as if he’s eating it, all lips, teeth and tongue.

  With his thumb he pulls and pinches the tight peak, elongating it into a tender bit of flesh that’s tethered directly to the pleasure building in my core. I grip him hard pulling him to me, sliding my hands under his shirt to scratch my nails down the fine skin of his muscular back. He takes the advantage and slides my shirt up, exposing my chest to his gluttonous eyes. His hands push the bra down to fully squeeze and grope both breasts greedily, flicking and tugging at each tip, driving me insane with lust. I pray that he never stops touching them. I’d willingly serve them up on a platter every day if he would promise me this nirvana regularly.

  “Fuck, you have an incredible body!” he says as he pulls my right breast into his warm mouth. Sparks fly as the wet heat of his tongue sends ribbons of pleasure down to the ache between my legs. God I wish he’d touch me there. His other hand plucks and pinches my nipple’s twin, adding to the mounting tension spiraling through me. Heat infuses low in my belly and I arc my hips against his straining erection relishing in the heavy growl that leaves his lips. As he worships my tits I think I might actually come from him lavishing my breasts. He sucks and flicks the enlarged peak with the tip of his tongue until it glistens. He moves one hand up to my neck to settle at the nape. His thumb grazes my swollen cheek and I gasp as pain splinters out in every direction, dampening my excitement.

  “Shit, Baby, I’m sorry. Fuck!” He backs away and I pull him with all my might. He’s a wall. An unmovable one. I want to throw my hands in the air and flail my limbs in a full soap opera worthy tantrum. He cannot set me on fire without putting me out.

  He sits back on his haunches, watching me seethe.

  “Chase, no. No, it’s okay. Really, I’m fine.” I place soothing kisses everywhere I can reach as I scoot into his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist. With intent, I’ve placed my center directly against his raging erection. He slides his hands along my ass and grips me firmly, digging his rock solid cock against my clit.

  I groan, head tilting back baring my neck. “God, yes!” His hand slides lightly along the column. I feel the melancholy building in him as he reverently touches the five perfect crescent shaped indents marring the skin there. They’re likely coupled with bruises that would resemble a man’s hand. A physical reminder of the torment I’d undergone only hours ago.

  I shiver, forcing myself not to recoil. More than anything I need to let a man be close to me again. If not forever, at least for now, with this man. Damn, I promised myself I’d never be the victim again and here I am, covered in bruises, narrowly having escaped death by another abuser.

  Chase lays me back against the bed, his soulful gaze filled with pain. “Gillian, I’m going to give you some relief, but we need to wait.” His words are meant to soothe but they only frustrate. I am not a porcelain doll. I can take whatever he dishes out and then some.

  I look up at him, confusion and desire thick in the air around us. Before I can respond he slips his hand into my panties and plunges two fingers deep into my sex.

  I cry out. Ecstasy invading every facet of my being. His long fingers press high and hard, sending waves of pleasure to rip through me. This is exactly what I wanted. Chase touching me. His thumb searches through my curls and finds the little bundle of nerves nestled there, sliding against it perfectly. He pumps his fingers in and out of me as he circles just the outside rim of my clit driving me wild. My hips buck and reach up into the air while my hands spread across the mattress, searching for something to grab onto. Anything that will keep me grounded to this earth. I twist the bedding in my fingers as his free hand lifts my shirt baring my breast to his waiting mouth. He covers one nipple and flicks the tip, sending naughty little pin pricks to the center of my excitement.

  “So good!” I gasp.

  My head moves from side to side, frantically trying to hold onto this feeling. It’s overwhelming and unique, just like the man who’s giving it to me. His fingers hook delectably inside me, digging harshly into that effervescing spot deep within. Just when I think I can’t take anymore, his thumb presses in tight circles over my clit as his teeth bite down on my nipple.

  Gone. Set off into orbit. Pleasure shoots through my core, light explodes behind my eyes, and the sound of thunder pounds in my ears. I scream his name as my body quakes and convulses in a blinding orgasm.

  Chase continues plucking every one of my erogenous zones until there’s nothing left but the automatic shake and twitch of well used muscles.

  He kisses me with languid slow sweeps of his tongue and lips, his fingers still lodged deep within me, almost as if he doesn’t want to leave my heat. I sigh as he gently pulls his hand from my panties. His eyes are so dark it’s like looking into a black hole. With his azure orbs laser focused on me, he brings his fingers to his mouth and leisurely licks them clean of my essence. A low purr resonates through my chest and out my lips. His eyebrow lifts into a perfect point as his tongue swirls around the long digits.

  My eyes widen and grow heavy with lust as my hips set up a slow dance, waiting patiently for more of what I know he can offer.

  “You taste so good, Baby. I can’t wait to have you. Here, taste.” He kisses me deeply. I can taste myself on his tongue and there’s something incredibly erotic and forbidden about it. Everything about Chase seems erotic and forbidden. When we’re both breathless he leans over me, his weight held up by the strong muscles in his forearms. I stretch, pointing my toes and reaching above my head until I feel relaxed and sated.

  “Good,” he asks. His sly grin and cocky tone only make me want to jump him.

  Then it dawns on me that he didn’t get anything in return. He goes to pull away but I reach out and grasp the obvious erection tenting his boxer briefs. Holy shit he’s big. This is going to be so good. I lick my lips in barely contained anticipation and mentally prepare to be blown away. He stills my hand.

  Confusion and hurt play havoc with my frayed emotions. “What about you?” My voice sounds almost like a child’s.

  “That was for you, Baby. When you’re better, I will fuck you good and hard. That’s when I will make you mine. Until then, we wait.”


  To my husband Eric – I will always love you more. Thank you for your unending support and encouraging me to chase after my dreams.

  To my mentor Jess Dee – You will forever be a beautiful part of my journey in this crazy world of writing romance. I have such an incredible author to look up to. Read her books. You won’t be sorry people!

  To my critique partner Sarah Saunders – I had no idea that when you offered to critique that you’d be so damn good at it. This book wouldn’t be my best had I not had you there to provide such thoughtful criticism, funny comments, and overall character evaluation. You kept me honest and knew when a past character was falling out of their personality. This book is as much for you as it is for me. I love you girl! Can’t wait to do it again!

  To my soul sisters Nikki, Dyani, and Carrie – Without the three of you well, I just wouldn
’t be me. I don’t think I would have taken the leap had my girls not pushed and prodded. Trinity Trilogy is up next…prepare to be blown away by your doppelgangers Maria, Bree, and Kathleen. BESOS for life!

  To my editor Alfie Thompson – Thank you for always fitting me into your schedule and finding all my mistakes. Let’s do this writer/editor thing again sometime.

  To my sisters Jeana, Michele, and Denise – Thank you for reading and loving my books and spreading the word to all your friends and pretty much anyone that will listen. I’ll love you forever.

  To my beta readers:

  Jeananna Goodall – After I send my chapters to my critique partner I send them to you and wait patiently (or not so patiently) to hear your opinion. I love the way you experience my stories. It’s beyond what I could ever hope for. You’re my biggest cheerleader and loving supporter. I have come to count on your thoughts and feedback and I will never take you for granted. Thank you for being you girlie. I love all your pieces!

  Ginelle Blanch – You blow me away with your ability to catch errors after it’s been reviewed, critiqued, edited and edited again! You make my books better and my heart bigger by sharing your experience from the readers perspective. I “heart” you hard.

  Niki Davis – I still can’t get over that you randomly wanted to beta and that you live down the street from me. I look forward to getting to know you better. Thank you for reading and reviewing Justice and sharing your experience. I can only hope that readers fall in love with my stories the way you have.

  Additional special thanks to the following:

  To Audrey’s Angels – My official Audrey Carlan Street Team. I’m shocked, humbled, and so damn glad I have the most amazing women to lift me up and cheer me on. I dreaded starting a team because I was so worried that there wouldn’t be anyone who wanted to join. I was floored by the outpouring of your kindness, love, and support. I owe you all some serious prezzies.


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