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Rangers: Silver-Star Seductions: A Two-Book Box Set

Page 14

by Ciana Stone

  “Kade, we don’t have to go through it. You just have to accept. I am who I am. You don’t have to be here, don’t have to be with me. But if you want to, then here I am. But I’m not going to pretend to be something I’m not.”

  “That’s the problem. You’re so goddamn caught up in pretending that you don’t even recognize who you really are anymore.”

  “Well, fuck you.” She rolled off him and marched into the bathroom.

  As she was raking a comb through her hair, he appeared at the door, leaning against the frame. She turned to look at him and he held out his hand. After a moment, she put the comb down and put her hand in his.

  He led her to the bed, stripping back the bedspread. “I’m not asking you to change, or to pretend. Just asking that you do something for me. Just this once.”

  She gave him a look that was loaded with “yeah, I’ve heard that before” but he ignored her as he turned back the sheets.

  “I want to make love to you, Cia. Really make love to you.”

  Cia wasn’t sure who was more surprised by his statement—him or her. He did seem to look a bit stunned once he’d spoken the words. Maybe it wasn’t the words, but the desire behind them. She wasn’t any surer of what he was feeling than she was about whether she actually remembered how to make love.

  And maybe now was as good a time as any to find out. It was for sure that she’d never met anyone she’d rather try with. She knew she worked hard at hiding things, but the truth was she had quite a thing for Kade. Not just because he was amazing in bed, but also because something about him called to her on an emotional level.

  She nodded and he laid her back on the bed. Kade sat beside her, his hands tracing lightly down the length of her body and back up. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Cia.”

  She smiled up at him, trying to keep the moment light with a tease. “The feeling is mutual, lover.”

  “Lover? Is that what I am to you, Cia?”

  “Just a word, baby.”

  “So I’m not your lover?”

  “Trust me, Kade, if I was looking for a full-time lover, you’d be at the top of the list.”

  She knew she’d fucked up. She saw it in his face. “So what are you looking for?”

  Maybe she never had to speak the words. Maybe she could show him. “This,” she said as she sat to slide her arms up and circle his neck. She pulled his head down. When their lips met, she put everything she felt and couldn’t say into the kiss.

  Kade must have understood at least part of it. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, deepening the kiss.

  If later she could analyze it and pinpoint one moment where everything changed, it would be this kiss. Kade went from being a man to being her man. It would sound silly even to her, but everything he was and had to offer was in that kiss.

  And because she wanted it so badly she latched hold of it. There was nothing else that existed. No case, no past, no future. Just now. They came together in a manner she was unaccustomed to. Tender and sweet, slow and gentle but yet him demonstrating his dominance.

  She didn't know how much time had passed. She looked up at him as another climax threatened.

  Their eyes locked. And together they took the free fall. Wonder overcame him. Here she was, the one he'd wished for an never expected to find. His lover, his woman. Nothing would ever be the same again. Not ever.

  When the storm passed, Kade sagged onto her, feeling the rapid pound of her heart.

  “Need air,” she wheezed.

  Kade moved off her so she could roll over onto her side, her face against his chest. So hot. He wrapped his arms around her, relaxing. He fought it but it didn’t take long for sleep to claim him.

  Cia’s eyes flew open at the first intrusion of silence. She snatched up her phone from the nightstand and activated the speakerphone. “Yeah?” She hit the home button to activate the tracking app, hoping that whoever was on duty was already trying to track the call.

  “Smith farm, edge of town. There’s a nice private root cellar in the backyard. Be there in an hour.”

  The voice sent shivers down her spine. He wouldn’t announce his location unless he was confident he was safe from a raid.

  “What about the Smiths? Are they alive?”

  “For now. If you’re not here in an hour I’ll be forced to turn my attention to them. And don’t even think about trying to storm the house. It’s wired. You try to get them out and I blow it.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  The line went dead. She felt Kade’s hand on her shoulder. “You believe him?”

  “Yeah.” She dialed Travis on speakerphone so that Kade could hear.

  He picked up on the first ring. “We got it.. Butch got here twenty minutes ago and listened in. Said the guy was on the up and up. He is where he claims. There are five people in the house. Man, woman, three kids. All tied to chairs in the kitchen. There’s enough fertilizer and nitrate under the kitchen table to blow the whole place and it’s on a remote detonator.”

  “Let’s move,” Cia replied.

  “Already moving,” Travis responded. “Sending you GPS coordinates now. We’ll rendezvous a mile from the farm.”

  Cia hung up the phone and turned to Kade. “We gotta go. Meet’s in an hour. If we’re late –"

  “You can’t go in that root cellar, Cia. It’s a death trap. One way in, one way out. No way for us to protect you.”

  She knew he was right. Being closed up in a root cellar with that monster was the last thing she wanted. But if there were no other way, she’d do it. She’d just have to try to make sure she wasn’t alone.

  “Come on, let’s get going. We’ll figure out something.”

  “We better. I’m not letting you go in there alone.”

  She took the moment to kiss him gently. “Don’t worry. I don’t plan on being alone.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Cia got up and started dressing without an answer to his question. She was quite certain he’d think her plan was crazy. She wasn’t so sure he would be wrong.

  Travis, Butch and Delilah were waiting at the designated coordinates when Cia and Kade arrived. “What’s the plan?” Travis asked.

  “Making sure those people don’t die today.” Cia looked around at everyone. “This one we’ll have to play by ear. Butch, you’re sure the place is set to blow?”

  “Like Chernobyl.”

  “Shit. Okay, let’s go.”

  They all piled into Travis’ car for the short drive. The farmhouse was lit; it looked as if every light in the house was on. Cia got out of the car and closed the door as Kade tried to follow. She spoke through the window to Butch and Travis in the front seat. “You guys need to get inside my head.”

  “Been wanting to do that since we met,” Butch quipped. “You gotta let us in, Cia.”

  “I know.” She closed her eyes for a moment. Lowering barriers that she’d spent years fortifying wasn’t as easy as turning off a light switch. Faintly, at first, then growing steadily stronger, she felt them.

  Talk about an alien landscape. Butch’s voice in her mind had her opening her eyes.

  Travis? She mentally called to him.

  I’m here.

  She nodded and turned her attention to Kade. “Stay with them. They’ll know if I get into trouble.”

  “You’re already in trouble.”

  “Maybe.” She gave him a smile. "But stay here anyway.”

  Before she let the wave of emotions pouring off him deter her, she turned and started up the drive to the back of the house. She felt a presence. Sure enough, Joe walked beside her.

  “I’ve got to stop him, Joe.”

  “I know, Gracie.”

  “Think I stand a fighting chance?”

  “I think it’s time you trusted, Gracie.”

  “In what?”

  “That good can triumph over evil.”

  “I’m trying, Joe.”

  “Stop right there, bi
tch.” The voice came from the darkness ahead.

  Cia stopped and a man stepped from the darkness into the spill of light from one of the back windows of the house. In his mid-twenties, average in height and weight, he wore the clothes of a farm hand. Only the insane light in his eyes gave away the evil inside.

  She knew Vacher was in him. The left side of his face was frozen in a rictus resembling a sneer.

  “Drop the gun and kick it over here.”

  She removed her sidearm from its holster, dropped it at her feet and then kicked it toward him.

  “Your backup.”

  She smirked and bent to remove the gun from the ankle holster, kicking it to him as well.

  He pointed her own gun at her, using it to gesture. “Let’s go.”

  She did as ordered, stopping only when she saw the thick door of planks that stood open above the hole in the ground. Her courage threatened to fail. Images of his past kills flashed in her head. She couldn’t do it, couldn’t move.

  “You or them, bitch.”

  That set her into motion. She had three deaths staining her soul. She couldn’t add more. With legs that felt weak, she started climbing the metal ladder that led down.

  He followed, pulling the heavy door closed, bolting and padlocking it. Cia felt a lump of fear take shape in her gut. She was trapped with the monster.

  Calm, Cia. Calm, Butch’s voice came from inside her mind.

  “What’s your name?” She tried not to notice the thick wooden table with chains attached to each leg that dominated the center of the small space.

  “You know my name, whore.”

  “I’m not speaking to Vacher, but his vessel. What’s your name?”

  “Forget it, bitch, he can’t answer. He’s mine.”

  Cia studied the man’s face. “You’re such a coward, Vacher. Not strong enough to fight your own battles, not man enough to really face me.”

  She turned her back on him, circling the table, and using it as cover to pull her phone free and dial Kade’s number. “I always figured you were weak. A real man wouldn’t have to hide behind holding hostages, or hijacking a body. But then, you never were strong, were you?”

  “Shut up, whore.”

  “Or what? You’ll kill me?” She laughed. “Oh sorry, you’ll have your vessel kill me. I forgot, you don’t have the strength.”

  “Strong enough to rip your limbs off while you scream and beg.”

  “Oh? Without your vessel? I’m psychic, remember? I can fight your vessel here on the physical plane or you on the astral. Well, I could…if you were strong enough.”

  “I’m gonna fuck you with everything you see on the wall.”

  Cia had already seen the blades and torture implements hanging from pegs on the wall. She couldn’t let herself think about them. She had to somehow coax Vacher from the man’s body. Disincarnate, he was weak and maybe she, Butch and Travis could banish him. Or maybe the help she really needed came from another source, she realized.

  I need your help. She called to the spirits of the women whose lives Vacher had taken. Please.

  “You ready to scream, whore?” He started toward her.

  In the car, Kade had heard as much as he could stand from the speaker of his phone. He’d muted the phone so that Vacher wouldn’t know they were listening. At least he and Delilah were listening. Until Cia had called, Travis was quietly relating what was happening from his and Butch’s mental link with Cia.

  “I’m going in.” Kade opened the car door.

  “The door is of two-by-tens, bolted and padlocked,” Travis said quietly. “You’ll get her and that family killed if you try.”

  “Well, we can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

  “I’m calling Brett,” Delilah announced and pulled out her phone.

  “We don’t have time for talk!” Kade spat and got out of the car. He paced down the driveway a few yards. He had to do something. Suddenly it came to him.

  “Joe? Are you here? I need your help. Please.”

  Silence met his pleas. Kade felt helpless. And scared. “Joe, please.”

  “I can’t interfere.”

  Kade whirled at the sound of Joe’s voice. “I didn’t ask you to. Just get me in there. Can you do that?”

  “And then what? You’ll die to save her?”

  “If that’s what it takes.”

  Joe smiled and suddenly Kade was inside the shelter, standing behind the man. Cia was a yard away, in front of the man, taunting him. Her eyes widened ever so slightly, not much of a reaction but enough that the man noticed.

  Kade went into motion, diving at the man as he turned. They both went down, grappling for control. Kade managed to roll so that he was on top. His fists were like jackhammers, raining blows.

  Vacher bucked and writhed, dislodging Kade. Kade fell back and Vacher dove on him, wrapping his hands around Kade’s throat. Retaliating in kind, Kade went for Vacher’s throat with as hard a punch as he could throw.

  Vacher gagged, his eyes bugged out and he reached up for his own throat. He tried to rise, fell and rolled over on his back, clawing at his crushed throat. All at once, he went limp.

  Cia dove for Kade, pulling him to his feet. “Are you okay? How did you get here?”

  “The remote.” Kade ignored her questions. “Find the remote.” Vacher’s vessel was down, but for how long? Could Vacher force the nearly dead man back into motion? They had to make sure the people in the house were safe.

  Cia dug through his pants. The remote was in the right side pocket, along with a key. She held them up. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Right behind you.”

  Cia scrambled up the ladder, unlocked the padlock, threw the bolt and shoved at the heavy door. Just as it swung up and fell open, she was jerked back down. The fall wasn’t gentle. She landed at the base of the ladder and looked around.

  The room was filled with dark swirling energy, accompanied by a foul smell that made her gag. Kade was on the floor a few feet away, looking stunned. “Get up!” She ran to him, trying to pull him to his feet. “Kade, get up!”

  He got to his feet at the same moment the energy rushed them. It encircled Cia. Pain like nothing she’d ever felt permeated every cell of her body. She could do nothing but scream.

  A laugh competed with the sound. Vacher. You wanted a face-to-face, whore? Well here it is.

  Kade screamed at it, “Take me, you bastard. Only a coward fights a woman!”

  A shape began to coalesce. Vacher.

  Kade dove at it. Cia felt the force release her and fell. Vacher turned on Kade. She struggled to stand, she had to help Kade. He fought Vacher, his blows meeting nothing of substance as his body was tossed and buffeted.

  Suddenly Kade flew backward across the room, hit the wall, and slid to the floor. The energy descended on him. His body arched as if in terrible pain then stilled. At the same moment, the energy vanished.

  Cia scrambled toward Kade. She had to get him out of there. Vacher must have depleted his energy, at least for the moment. Now was their chance to escape.

  “Kade!” She tugged, trying to pull him up. “Wake up. Come on, Kade.”

  His eyes opened. “Thank God,” she gasped. “Come on. Get up.”

  He smiled at her and she screamed. This wasn’t Kade.

  He laughed and grabbed for her. She scrambled back on heels and hands like a crab as he sat. “Perfect,” he said with a smile that chilled her blood. “Poetic, don’t you think? I’m going to make you suffer for a long time and do it with your lover’s hands.”

  “Kade.” She tried to keep the fear from her voice. “Kade, listen to me. You can fight him. You’re not evil. He can’t hold you unless you are. You can beat him. Can you hear me, Kade? Fight him. Force him out.”

  He laughed again. “He’s not so pure, whore. Didn’t you feel his hate? I did. He wanted me dead. Wanted to murder me. You did this to him. Gave him to me. And using him, I’m going to make you the masterpiece of my work. Then
, when you’re dead, I’ll leave him and his guilt will kill him.”

  Cia felt something behind her and realized it was a gun. She grabbed it as Vacher dove at her. He missed landing on top of her and she scrambled to her feet. He rose and started for her.

  “Freeze!” She raised the gun, pointing between his eyes.

  “Go ahead, kill your lover,” he taunted.

  Cia couldn’t. Killing Kade was what Vacher wanted.

  Get out, Cia. Travis' voice came from inside her mind. Get out and let us help you.

  “There you go again, displaying your weakness, your ineptness.” She taunted Vacher as she inched toward the ladder. “Not strong enough to do your own dirty work. You’re such a joke, Vacher. Not a man, not even an effective demon.”

  “Fuck you, bitch!”

  She laughed, watching his face. “I bet you can’t even get it up. That’s why you have to use torture. You’re dickless, not even able to fuck.”

  He took a step toward her, an unsure step. She saw his expression change, saw Kade. And she used that moment to run.

  Cia heard the howl of rage as she clambered up the ladder. Vacher was on her heels as she ran toward the car.

  Travis, Butch and Delilah met her at the corner of the house. There were weapons in each of their hands, all aimed at Vacher in Kade’s body.

  “Back down!” Cia screamed at them then turned to Vacher. “Coward! You’re too fucking scared to take me on yourself. You hide in him because you don’t have the balls to face me. You know I’ll beat you. Just like I did before. You’re pathetic!”

  Vacher screamed and broke free of Kade’s body. A black mass of energy like a dark cloud rushed at her.

  Cia felt her team join with her, Travis and Butch on either side of her, their hands clasped with hers. Delilah joined hands with Travis, the four of them united against the evil that streamed toward them.

  Light of the divine protect us. She heard Delilah’s voice, joined by the others. Light of the divine protect us.


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