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Syncopated Rhythm

Page 5

by Erik Schubach

  She replied, “Yes Amber. Is everything OK in there?”

  I sighed, trying to gather the courage to show someone, besides the Roths, my vitiligo for the first time since high school. “No. It isn't. I seem to have got myself in an embarrassing mess and need your help. Please come in.” My voice cracked and my eyes were tearing up.

  A concerned looking Kylee popped in and shut the door quickly behind her and she looked at me. She tilted her head as I tugged on my shirt. “It got all tangled up in the pins fastening the wig. Please don't tell anyone about what you see here.”

  She was shaking her head. I know she already saw my skin discolorations but she didn't say a single word. She went to work trying to twist the shirt for better access to the pins. “Wow. You really did a number up here. I don't know if I can get to them without cutting your...”

  I cut her off. “No! No cutting.” I took a deep breath and calmed down. “I'm sorry Ky.”

  She shrugged and put a warm hand on my shoulder with a smile. “No problem. The wig is just in the way.”

  I took two shuddering breaths and sat in the chair in front of the mirror. Then whispered, “Then take it off.” A tear rolled down my cheek as I tried to be brave.

  She went to work removing all the pins fastening the wig to my scalp. Then she pulled the wig back and was able to get to the two offending pins that were weighted down by the shirt. I felt the pressure on my scalp release as the wig came away and she untangled the shirt from it and my hair fell down around my shoulders.

  She looked at me with a huge grin. “Taa daa! ...Jesus!” She gasped and her eyes went wide as I shrank back in embarrassment. She pushed my hair back, the contact of her fingers on my scalp felt heavenly. Her smile doubled as she looked at my shame. “You're fracking gorgeous Amber! Your hair is amazing!”

  She wasn't looking at me in pity or disgust? She was just smiling, her hand moved haltingly toward my side, toward the blotches then it stopped. She locked eyes with me. Her smile got cute and lopsided. I quickly grabbed the shirt that Taylor had supplied and pulled it over my head.

  I blurted, “I can do it from here.”

  She got a sad look on her face. “OK. Why do you... can I ask... is it... why do you hide it? It is beautiful. It's a shame you keep yourself hidden away all the time.”

  I closed my eyes and didn't say anything. I heard the door close behind her. What in the hell was she seeing that I wasn't? I looked in the mirror at my brown and blotchy white striped hair. I pulled the shirt up a bit and ran my fingers along my vitiligo, the source of so my ridicule in the locker rooms in school. The bane of my entire existence. I refused to be “Amber Lee, Leper of District Three” anymore. If nobody could see it, I could pretend it didn't exist.

  I put the rest of my wardrobe on then went about fastidiously putting my hair up and fastening my pink wig. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then I looked up to the mirror and opened my eyes. “There she is,” I whispered. Amber LaLanie had come out to play again. I smiled at myself, much better.

  I looked at the door while I fought off the silence booming all around me. What must Kylee think of me? Now that she has seen the real me? I stepped over then opened the door. Taylor came in immediately and started fussing about with the outfit and two others followed her in. They were the hair and makeup people. “Umm... I do my own hair and makeup.” Gawd, I sounded like one of those high maintenance divas that Kylee had joked about.

  They stuck around and gave me “pointers” as I did my own. But, they didn't need to know what I was hiding under my foundation and they certainly didn't need to know I wore a wig. I could see Kylee sitting out in the hall, cute as ever, with her iPad up and a grin on her face. I couldn't look her in the eye.

  Finally, Kylee looked at the time then stood and motioned her head to me that it was time to get on the set. I excused myself from the ladies and joined her in the hall. She snickered. “They were like hover-drones in there.”

  I snorted, against my will, and glanced at her. Her eyes were trained on me. Those damn dimples were threatening to kill me. Finally I broke and smiled back, locking our eyes. “I'm pretty sure they think I have a diva complex.”

  She grinned a self satisfied grin and said to nobody in particular. “DI-VA.”

  “Hey now traitor.” I bumped her hip playfully as we walked to the group standing on the stage.

  She smiled nervously and said, “I'll be right over there if you need anything. Good luck Amber.” Then she shuffled off to one of the chairs off to the side of the set, filming the whole time with her iPad. So I stuck my tongue out at her and she scrunched her nose at me in retaliation.

  Skylar and Kimi stepped up to me. Sky greeted me with, “Hey Amber.” Kimi with her emotionless mask added, “Hi Pinkie.” I grinned at them both as the other talent all congregated.

  They were wearing Victorian dresses from the nineteenth century. I whispered, “What no sexy elf outfits like they tried to get me into?”

  Kim snorted and Skylar laughed. “Oh no, they tried. My wife here had a little something to say about it.” I grinned at that.

  The producer and director spoke about this set a bit. It was basically a background choir shot that would have many camera angles, dolly shots, and sky cams that they would edit for transitions later. They would pipe in the track for us to sing along to for more realistic takes than straight lip synching. They would take separate close ups near the end of the shoot. Soloists would be shot on Monday.

  They also informed us that there would be a production meeting with each artist on Monday to present storyboards and schedules for our individual number video shoots afterward. That would lay out our time line for the next couple weeks. Oh joy, two weeks or so of doing absolutely nothing, with like two days of actual shooting.

  They positioned us in the virtual winter wonderland with the green screen backdrop that would have a winter shot of a little town down in a snowy valley inserted in post production. I got to stand next to a cute little snowman. Go me!

  Before I knew it, fake snow was falling and they were calling action as the music played. We had an awesome time singing the background choir. We all played off of each other and had a general blast. Three takes later they filmed us kicking snow and having mock snowball fights with each other, or tossing brightly wrapped presents back and forth. Then we sang portions of the song again, this time with cameras shoved into each of our faces.

  Then it was lunch time and the director was calling a wrap for the day and thanking all of us. He reminded me that I had a solo on Monday. I nodded and assured him my keeper was very efficient and stormtrooper-like and she wouldn't let me forget. Ky shot cute little daggers at me with her eyes.

  Chapter 4 – Lunch

  Miranda Keys looked around at everyone with mischief-filled eyes. “Ladies... and teenaged looking gentlemen.” Conrad Chase and Max McDonald, being the only male talent on the album, feigned hurt. But they did, they looked like kids to me! Gawd I feel old. She grinned at them apologetically then continued speaking to the group, “Let's go cause a scene? Lunch out in public?”

  It was comical, all of us artists were nodding with glee. This would kick up a crap-storm of paparazzi and fans. Just what the studio didn't want as this shoot was supposed to be secret. The keepers were trying to talk them down. All except Kylee who was grinning at the whole spectacle and standing next to me now, filming the whole thing with her iPad.

  I grinned at her. “Aren't you going to try to stop me?”

  She smiled and nodded as she took my arm in hers. “Yes by all means, I shall try to stop you over lunch Amber Lee.”

  I snorted and Skylar spoke to the back of her hand like she was being stealthy. “This one's a keeper.” We all laughed at the pun.

  Miranda Keys, always the joker, looked at her own keeper and pointed back then said, “Here comes Evan!” Then she started comically running for the door when the woman looked back. The woman shook her head in frustration and followed her as a
ll of the talent and their keepers streamed off the set.

  Without the cover of the parking garage our procession made our way out the front doors and we started walking down the sidewalk in search of grub. The couple entertainment news reporters with the chops to perpetually wait there in case someone famous walked out of the studios were shouting questions and following us snapping pictures and sending out the alarm to the masses. I'm sure they were shocked as hell at the sheer number of stars in our group.

  I looked back. Kylee and the other keepers were doing an admirable job of keeping them off of us. People on the street started realizing who we were and started following and snapping pictures and video with their cellphones too.

  Three blocks later we arrived at a nice little corner cafe, aptly named Cafe on the Corner. Now we had a full ration of paparazzi and people surrounding us as we went inside. Our keepers ran interference, I realized Kylee was at the door with her arms held wide barring everyone from following us in. I giggled then reached out and grabbed her hand and dragged her in. God I didn't want to let go, so I didn't. The staff was incredibly efficient and blocked others from entry once our group made it inside.

  One paparazzi somehow made it past and shouted, “What brings you all together in Seattle?”

  A waitress was shoving him toward the door when Miranda winked at me and yelled as she pointed at Kylee. “Babette Stevenson there has cast us in a SciFi movie. Where music and love are the only things that can battle the invading fleet of aliens.”

  Kylee had a dead serious look on her face when the man looked at her. “Yes. They are space vampires. Music paralyzes their nervous systems and love melts their hearts. The working title is Heartsong Warriors.” Damn she's quick! I tried hard not to lose it.

  The man was writing on his notepad frantically as the waitress finally got him out the door and she locked it and flipped the sign to “closed”.

  All of us except the keepers started cracking up. “Well done Babette.” I snorted and Kylee smiled and looked down shyly and blushed, warming me up a bit.

  We looked around as the wait staff was pushing tables around to form a large sitting area for us. The few customers that were already eating had all stopped and were looking at us in disbelief. Miranda shrugged her shoulders at them. “What? We heard they had good sandwiches here.” Causing another round of chuckles from us.

  Once we were finally settled in our seats and the keepers were situated at another table, we all sort of deflated and relaxed as menus were handed around. There was a spare seat next to me. I looked back at Kylee and nodded my head down toward the chair. She shook her head and blushed profusely. I took it out of her hands. “Does anyone object if Kylee, or 'Babette', joins us?”

  There were murmurings of, “By all means.” and “Of course not.”

  She nervously stood and walked over then playfully slapped my arm as she sat. “Gawd Amber. I'm going to die of embarrassment. I shouldn't be sitting here.”

  I grinned cheesily with my teeth showing. “Too bad. Diva here, remember? I win.”

  She rolled her eyes playfully then timidly sat between me and Max McDonald.

  We all ordered “bad” choices. Kylee and I ordered French Dips with endless steak fries. We were pushed together a bit as the waitress was passing out plates and our legs accidentally touched. I felt Ky stiffen but oddly, and to my silent glee, she didn't move away. We just ate with her silent and staring ahead, our legs touching. Was she blushing?

  I have to tell you, that lunch was possibly the most fun I have had at a meal in a very long time. Everyone was loquacious and we had a great time sharing stories and laughing. There is just something cathartic about sharing your experiences with like-minded individuals.

  Some of the others commented on how they loved Kylee's idea in the morning brainstorming meeting, causing her to blush again.

  Most of us “old-schoolers” laughed until we cried when Conrad Chase shared his first “crazed fan” story. The laughing doubled when Miranda asked what Kylee thought of his “traumatic experience” and she replied, “Aww... he's so cute, like a puppy.”

  He placed the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically and said, “Babette, you cut me to the quick.” Causing more howling laughter. Was the kid flirting with Kylee? I pushed my leg in tighter against hers. Kid? I'm not THAT old.

  I stole a fry from Kylee's plate. She playfully slapped at my hand before offering me another one. Her shy smile almost ended me right there. What was it about her that I found so... so Kylee?

  Most of the other patrons had already left by the time things wound down. I glanced at the windows that all had their shades drawn for our privacy but could see bustling motion and the shadows of the throngs of people gathered around outside. It didn't phase me much anymore. In the early years it was almost terrifying that those people were there to see me. Now I enjoyed seeing the impact I make on my fans. I wasn't a fan of the paparazzi in any way shape nor form though.

  I had to hand it to this cafe. Their staff was completely professional and the way they catered to our privacy, without even being asked, was top rate. I pulled out a twenty and put it under my glass for a tip. They deserved it. Everyone at the table except Kylee followed suit. She seemed to empty her wallet, a five and three ones.

  But then she snagged the bill when the waitress brought it. She pulled out a platinum Visa and waggled her eyebrows. “This 'business' lunch is on Art in Motion. Though to make it legit we have to mention business. Golly, what an interesting day on the set today.”

  Miranda was fist to chirp out like a bird with a sly grin, “Oh my yes. I can't wait for the next shoot.” The others mumbled similar nothings. I just grinned as the red headed imp handed the card and the bill to the server and also nodded her head toward the table of keepers. The waitress efficiently whisked away the card and the two bills.

  I tilted my head at Ky, shooting an unspoken question to her. She blushed and looked down and said, “Since my masters degree apparently qualifies me to get coffee for the staff and pick up wardrobe and props, they sorta gave me a corporate card.” She shrugged and I just grinned at her, though I was a little put off by the fact that they used someone with her obvious artistic skill set for gopher activities. They seem to defer more to the stick figure Barbie type women at the studio instead.

  Then it was time to face the maelstrom outside. Skylar comically asked, “Sacrifice the fresh meat?” Max, Conrad, and Elise Tran all grinned at us and headed toward the door with their keepers. As they pushed through the front doors the rest of us thanked the staff at the cafe and headed out the back alley.

  Miranda pressed the back of her hand against her forehead dramatically, mimicking Conrad's earlier display. “The poor teenyboppers, we knew them well.”

  Kimi snorted and I grinned broadly. I saw Kylee shaking her head at our antics. “The press will eat them alive,” she said to our laughter.

  I grinned. “That's why it is so funny. They have to pay their dues.” She rolled her eyes at us but I caught her cheeks dimpling in a barely restrained grin.

  We made it back to the studio parking structure without incident and the young ones showed up a few minutes later with grins on their faces and the paparazzi at the parking garage gates. We all applauded them and they took a bow. Max grinned. “So did we pass? Do we get into the veteran club?”

  I giggled. “Not enough battle scars, but that helped a bit.”

  Conrad grinned. “It wasn't all that bad. But, don't those guys have a life?”

  Kimi deadpanned. “No.” We all laughed and started heading to our respective cars. Skylar and Kimi stayed by my side.

  Then Kim said, “So, how about it Pinkie. We are all sprung until Monday, come visit with Sky and me? Bobbie and Blake are going to be heading out to camp this weekend so we will have the lodge to ourselves tonight.”

  Then she looked over at my keeper who was trying to be unobtrusive. “You are welcome to come too Kylee... or should I call you Babette?
” A silly smile bloomed on Kim's normally stoic face. I grinned at that, she must really like Ky if she was offering up a smile to her.

  The red headed woman looked to be on the verge of a panic attack as her eyes darted around to the exits before she locked eyes with me and tilted her head cutely in question. I grinned and nodded. She stuttered out, “O... Ok.”

  Then Kim turned with her emotionless mask on and looked at her keeper who was again checking his watch. “But you Edward, are not invited. We will see you on Monday morning.”

  He looked undignified as he argued, “I'm supposed to...”

  Kim took a step toward him with fire in her eyes, cutting him off. Damn. That was intimidating. Edward looked away. “Fine, but I'll come to collect you at eight AM on Monday.”

  Skylar grinned at him and said with her divine British accent, “Then by all means, collect away.” She waved the tips of her fingers to him in a toodle-loo gesture. We all watched him get into the rental town car and drive away before we all broke out into fits of laughter.

  Then Skylar stopped suddenly. “Oh bloody hell Flower...” Kim looked at her as Sky continued. “He was our ride.” She finished with a grin. Kimi turned to me and comically put her thumb out toward me like she was hitchhiking with that unreadable look on her face. That had to have been the funniest thing I had ever seen Kimi do in the ten years I have known her.

  I giggled. “I'm sure we can find room for you in old Baltar.” This caused the color to drain from Kylee's face and looks of confusion from the girls.

  Chapter 5 – Visiting

  I was on the verge of hyperventilating as Amber said, “I'm sure we can find room for you in old Baltar.” to Satin Thunder. Oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd... I was knocked out of my panic by a warm hand on my arm. I turned and looked into Amber's sparkling grey eyes, they were enough to make me hyperventilate as well.

  She asked, “Are you ok Ky?”


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