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Syncopated Rhythm

Page 15

by Erik Schubach

  My hands flashed to cover my mouth as I saw Wanda standing beside the screen and pointing out the fourth line. “Video Concept by Kylee Nelson” People were turning to look at me and clap.

  Mom looked back and fourth between the screen and me as I collapsed on the couch beside her again. She held my hand and said, “You did it baby. You realized your dreams. I'm so proud.” I wiped my tears on my sleeve then tried hard not to break down.

  I glanced over at Skylar. “How? ...”

  She brought a finger to her lips. “Shhh... just relax and watch.”

  Then I watched as each video from the various artists progressed. My hands were shaking. I was getting more and more confused as each one ended with my name credited for the concepts. They were using ALL of my ideas but I had never shown any of my individual artist presentations. Where did they get them? MY iPad! Oh shit, there were things I would never want Art in Motion to see!

  Then my worst fear was realized when the final video was announced. Holiday Cheer by Amber Lee LaLanie. Amber Lee? I buried my head in my hands, I think I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. But then my head snapped up when the music intro started playing and a voice started speaking over it. Amber's face was on the screen, repeating those words she spoke to me before.

  “That's what music is. The embodiment of fun and emotion. It shares a connection between people that mere words can't do. Just listening to the lyrics you can see, feel, taste the emotion of the artist who wrote the song. We can all empathize, from our own experiences, with the words and make them our own. That's the magic of music and why it will never get old for me.” As she was speaking, she was unpinning her pink wig just like in my private video I had made of her. She flung the wig aside and let her snow leopard hair down and fluffed it up with her fingers. Then she started removing the makeup from her face. When she was done with the monologue, she lifted her head, her eyes were glittering and she had a huge smile on her face. “I'm tired of hiding. Let's have some fun!”

  Then the camera cut to Amber Lee... not Amber LaLanie.. strutting in a holiday wonderland. Her vitiligo on proud display and that gorgeous mane of hers that I longed to run my fingers through, flowing behind her.

  She projected pure fun and seemed to become the music she was singing. Her joyful movements mirrored the dance I had envisioned. I was crying again. My smile almost hurt as she hit that playful rhythm in the middle, closing her eyes and bouncing on her toes in a circle. It ended with her fist pumping and yelling, “Spread the cheer!”

  Her voice spoke as the screen faded to black displaying the music video information. “Someone I care about shared a simple truth with me recently. 'Show the world who you are and stand proudly.' I want to share that same truth with you.” Gawd she was spectacular. I missed her so much but I was so very proud of her. I realized I was still smiling in shock.

  Then the host was back on announcing the top forty countdown as Wanda turned off the A/V projector.

  People were clapping in my direction, including mom and the Roths. I was blushing profusely. I looked pleadingly at Kim and Sky as I nudged my glasses farther up. “How? When? Is she ok?”

  Before she could reply a guitar started strumming in a playful tune and a voice that I craved rang out singing an upbeat song of treasures found and wonders to be seen and discovered. Amber Lee was sitting on a stool where Satin Thunder had just played earlier. Her twinkling eyes were locked on me and her smile was contagious. I just watched with a hand covering my smiling mouth.

  I didn't recognize the song but it dragged us all along for a merry ride. This was one of the best numbers I had heard her sing. I was mesmerized by the splotches on her face, neck and arm, they made her look so exotic so... gawd I was getting aroused. How sexy can one woman be? Then it hit me, not only was she letting people see her real hair but she was wearing short sleeves!

  On the second chorus I thought I was going to blush into the nether realm when I realized this Deep Red she was singing about was me. I stood on wobbly legs, a grinning Sammie helped me stand. I made my way quickly to her as she finished to the room clapping at her.

  She put the guitar down just in time as I grabbed her into a tight hug. I realized what I was doing and released her and stepped back quickly looking at the floor. “Sorry. I didn't mean...”

  She reached out and tilted my head up so our eyes met. She was smiling. “Never apologize to me. I sure hope you meant the hug. Otherwise my plan of coming to date the hell out of you after all that video business was done like I promised, would be ruined.” I realized the room was silent.

  I looked around and leaned in and whispered, “But you're Amber LaLanie...”

  She cut me off with a whisper of her own, “No. I'm Amber Lee. A simple girl from Iowa, standing in front of the amazing woman that I hope I can call my girlfriend.”

  I was crying happy tears and nodding like a fool. But nothing mattered but the lips that were now on mine. I could die happy now.

  She was dragging me by my hand back to mom. Sammie stood and let us sit. Then the stories began.

  I couldn't let go of Amber's hand as Kim relayed how all of this came about. She started by saying, “It was legendary. The stuff of heroes.” Her voice drifted and her eyes seemed far away when she said 'heroes'.

  Amber laughed at that and said, “I don't know about that. Mandy was the hero in this piece. After I called her when I couldn't find you Ky. And I...” She paused and pulled out my iPad from her purse and handed it to me shyly. “And I saw the amazing ideas you had for the videos...” She was blushing profusely. “She almost made me spew the water I was drinking when she ended our conversation with 'Don't worry Amber. I got this shit.' That woman has comedic timing.”

  Kim's stoic look broke as she added. “You should have seen ol' Evan when she showed up at Art in Motion with all of us artists in tow and asked... how did she put it Sky?”

  Skylar comically covered Sammie's ears. “Well Flower, I believe it was 'What kind of a fucked up operation are you running here?' Then she slid Kylee's iPad over to Evan and said 'I want THESE videos. Make it happen or we are scrapping this million dollar project with you!' It was brill.”

  Kim nodded with a sly grin. “Yes, that was it. Fucked up operation. Thanks Sky.” The two exchanged cheesy grins at their sarcastic banter. Kimi continued. “She had them sound booth then shoot her for her part that day then left Amber in charge of the project in her stead and she returned to her lovely wife Anabella down in Vancouver.”

  Sky smiled at me. “You would have been bloody proud of Amber, Kylee. I swear there was fire in her eyes and I cried when she took off her bloody wig at Art in Motion and kicked ass and took names. You are so good for her you know?” Then she whispered to Amber's blushing embarrassment. “She made that git, Leanne, fetch the coffee every day.”

  I snorted then just stared into Amber's eyes. I got lost in them and tuned out for a bit. She was almost giggling when she said more assertively, startling me out of my daydream of her lips on mine. “Hey Potato? You listening?”

  I squinted an eye and waggled a fist at her. “Watch it Cornfed!” To everyone's laughter.

  Then Wendy announced that it was now five pm and visiting time was over. Everyone groaned in disappointment. I turned to mom as a nurse came up to her. I smiled. “I love you so much mom. I'll see you tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving.”

  She looked confused as she asked, “Ky-Ky?”

  I nodded and hugged her again as she said, “I love you too.” Then my girls. Heh, that sounds so odd. My girls all gave her hugs and bid her goodbye too before she was led away to her room.

  I closed my eyes and just spoke to the universe, “I'm so happy right now.”

  Amber gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Ok, Potato, lets load up Baltar and get to your place for a makeshift Thanksgiving!”

  I bit my lip and scrunched up my face, “Ummm... there may be a slight problem with that, Cornfed.” We all zipped up and made our way outside.

/>   Epilogue

  We pulled up to the little two story apartment building in Baltar and shut off the purring engine, which stopped immediately. I still couldn't get used to Baltar looking and running like he had just rolled off the showroom floor.

  I went to nudge my glasses back into place then remembered I was wearing contacts. I looked fondly at the extremely nervous woman who had asked me to marry her last week. I still couldn't believe how lucky I was to have such a gorgeous snow leopard as my fiance. We had only been together for six months but we both knew we were destined to be together forever. When she was trying to ask me, it took a few tries because I was just interrupting her, repeating “yes” over and over again until she finally got the whole question out. Then I comically replied with, “I'll think about it.”

  Which got me a, “Watch it Potato!”

  I smiled at that and said, “Of course I say yes. I love your Cornfed ass. Oh, and everything attached to it.”

  I'm really not too sure what happened after that. It is kind of a haze of passion as she made it her sacred duty to make a woman out of me as many times that night as she could. It was quite possibly the most beautiful, fun, sexy, and erotic experience of my entire life.

  Still in the back of my head is this little chibi me bouncing up and down in glee, screaming, “You're friggin' kissing Amber Lee LaLanie!” every time our lips meet. Level up! Achievement unlocked: True Love!

  That inspired this cross country road trip. I suppressed a chuckle when I looked at the food wrappers adorning the back seat, which Amber will make me promptly clean up once we get back home in Seattle. She's so fussy about keeping Baltar clean it is almost an obsession.

  I started to open my door but Amber just sat there, staring at the building. She wouldn't look at me as she spoke. “I can't do this Ky. I changed my mind.”

  I shook my head with a sad smile and got out and walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and squatted to look her directly in her 'deer in the headlights' eyes. “You can do this baby. You are the strongest woman I know.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep shuddering breath as I took her hand and she nodded and got out of the car. I glanced at the pristine green paint job on Baltar as I shut the door. I almost snorted again. I don't really want to know what Kimi had said to the guy to have him give the title back to me in exchange for the girls paying him his two grand back. But the man wouldn't look at me.

  I turned to look Amber in the eyes again. I fed her my strength through our clasped hands. I winked and she said, “Let's do this. I love you, Potato.”

  I gave her a peck on the lips. “And I love you.”

  We walked up the outside steps to the second floor and up to apartment 204. She raised her hand to knock but pulled back. I put a hand on her shoulder and she nodded then knocked. A few seconds later a slightly heavyset woman who looked to be around fifty or so, in a sharply pressed maid's uniform, opened the door.

  The woman's hand shot to her mouth in shock when Amber uttered, “Hi... Mom.”

  The woman started sobbing on the spot and pulled my girl into a tight hug. “Amber Lee? My baby!”

  I stood there with a happy tear in my eye as I watched the two Nelson's cry into each others shoulders. I'm so glad I talked Amber into this. She needed to forgive her mother. She had simply done the best she could. We should never judge someone for doing what they needed to to survive this world.

  I knew she loved her daughter. That's why she worked so hard. I knew it to be true. But even if I hadn't, one simple thing that Amber had told me, proved it. Every morning, when Amber woke up to an empty apartment because her mother had to go to work... she had left a bowl of cereal on the counter for her daughter. I know that sounds stupid, that it isn't much... but it was enough for me to know.

  I watched the reunion play out. She invited us in and we sat on the old worn sofa as the two caught up. My mind drifted to last Thanksgiving again. When we had gotten back to my apartment, I was so embarrassed about the state I was living in. I had assured everyone that I was getting furniture on my first paycheck.

  Skylar had pulled me aside in the bathroom like she was angry. She said, “Don't you dare apologize for how you are living! I've been there. Hold your chin up woman.” I had nodded and she wouldn't let me get back out to the others until I had a smile on my face again. I didn't understand that, but I'm sure she'll explain one day since they practically live with us now, as we are either over at their new place or they are over at ours. Or we are all over at Bobbie's.

  I opened the letter from Mandy Harris that night. She was requesting that I handle the production of all music videos for Harmony Trax artists in the future. She had seen my work on my iPad and my Indie films and was convinced she needed the best. It was a multi-million dollar opportunity for me.

  I had the shock of my life at the end of the month when my bank balance had an extra half million in it. I found it was from downloads of my Indie films from iTunes. The Babette Stevenson coverage coupled with the record downloads of the holiday album videos caused international attention to me, and my films had had hundreds of thousands of purchases in just a few weeks.

  I wound up starting my own studio, Cornfed Potatoes Productions. Starting small, with Harmony Trax work and then building quickly from there.

  I grinned when I thought about the production of my first full length Indie film which was going to start next week. A tongue and cheek production of a campy and sarcastic space film, Heartsong Warriors. I had already got all of the artists from the holiday album shoot to agree to appear in it. I believe Miranda's exact words were, “Hells to the yeah!” When I told her that it was her debacle so she would have to play it through.

  Amber's popularity has tripled, if that is even possible, now that she performs as God made her. Sometimes she will wear the pink wig for a number or two but she no longer hides herself away.

  She still can't be alone for long before she has to have sound all around her, but she is getting better. And the therapist I nagged her into seeing is helping. She is the same shrink that Reese Qualls uses.

  I was knocked out of my memories by a warm hand grabbing mine. Amber was looking between her mother and I with a fond smile she reserved just for me. “Mom. I want you to meet the woman I love. This is my fiance, Kylee Marilyn Nelson. She's a little odd and a certifiable geek but I love her anyway.”

  I squinted an eye and waggled a fist at Amber. “Watch it Cornfed!”

  She just giggled and said, “You shush Potato.” Her mom ignored my offered hand and pulled me into a quick hug.

  I blushed and felt my heart speed up in a syncopated rhythm when Amber mouthed to me, “I love you.”

  So that's me, Kylee Nelson, work in progress.

  Level up!

  Books in the Music of the Soul universe...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Music of the Soul

  A Deafening Whisper

  Dating Game

  Karaoke Queen

  Silent Bob

  Five Feet or Less

  Broken Song

  Syncopated Rhythm

  Short Stories in the Music of the Soul universe...

  Misadventures of Victoria Davenport: Operation Matchmaker

  Books in the Valkyrie Chronicles series...

  Return of the Asgard



  Books in the Fracture series...

  Fracture: Divergence

  Sample Chapter from the Drakon: Awakening


  It was so exciting as I crested the peaks of the Rocky Mountains and saw the ocean of lights of Denver, spreading out before me, and twinkling to the horizon. I may have squeaked a little in my excitement. Here I was Myra O'Connell, going to Denver on my very first research grant.

  I still couldn't fathom the fact that at twenty six, I had my Doctorate in Mythological Studies now! It was a hell of a thing, handing in my dissert
ation on the Dublin Fire Stone and then waiting. The waiting was the worst. Finally I was awarded my doctorate and I applied for a research grant to study shards of the Fire Stone and other associated scrolls and writings associated with medieval mythical creatures.

  Now if only I had a fecking place to live until the grant money came through at the end of the month. Ma and Da would tell me to suck it up and do what I must. I patted the steering wheel of dependable ol' Maggie, my white Toyota Prius, a gift from my parents on my first day of college eight years ago. “Looks like it's gonna be you and me for a stretch, all close and intimate like. Us bettys gotta stick together ya know?”

  I descended into the city and pulled my thick glasses down to the end of my nose and looked over them at the GPS on my smart phone. The museum should be the third exit. It was past eight, and they would be closed, but I wanted to familiarize myself with the area ahead of time.

  My unruly mass of curly red hair fell in front of my eyes as I looked back before getting onto the off ramp. I indignantly tried to blow it off to the side but had to reach up and push it back over my shoulders. Why couldn't I have straight hair like my Da? 'Twould be much easier to manage. But noooo, it has to be this fiery mess like Ma.

  I drove slowly past the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, twas huge. I noticed the reserved lot for staff, that would be where I would park. I glanced over at the parking permit sitting on the top of the packet I had received from the museum last week.

  I smiled to myself, trying not to get excited again. Come on Myra! Get a hold of yourself you're supposed to be professional now, not a fecking archeology fan girl. I snorted at the memory of the poster I had in the dorms in school, Indiana Jones. He was what I envisioned myself to be, an adventurer sifting through the past and finding connections between myth and reality. Plus ya know... yum!


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