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Carr, Cassandra - Cold as Ice [Buffalo Intimidators 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Cassandra Carr

  Eva wrinkled her nose. “I’m so glad I have my own shoes. Those are gross.”

  “Keep it up, babe,” Luc warned her, issuing a light slap to her ass.

  But she was undeterred. “Do you know how many other people have used those shoes? It’s like wearing a condom after another guy’s already used it.”

  Luc threw her a sardonic look. “It is nothing like that, baby.” He leaned closer and whispered the next sentence right into her ear. “And if you don’t behave I’ll take you outside and spank you.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Getting all dominating, are you?”

  “You know it.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She wiggled her butt at him, and it was all he could do not to grab her and pull her down onto his lap. They needed to be cool in public, though, so he restrained himself.

  They bowled three games, and the guys indulged in a rare bit of junk food. A little while later Luc’s heart began to race. He attributed it to the fat and sugar he’d consumed. By the time they were done bowling, the racing had stopped.

  Eva had, in fact, scored highest. Jake was the “loser,” though really, how could being Eva’s slave for less than half a day really be that bad? Carter had gotten the highest combined score of the men, and when he and Eva climbed into the backseat of the SUV, Eva said, “Hold up a minute. I need to give Carter his reward.”

  Luc turned in the driver’s seat. “That wasn’t our bet.”

  “I know, but I want to do it. It’s sort of naughty to think about me going down on Carter in the middle of the parking lot. Besides, he should get something for winning.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Carter squeaked out.

  “I know you guys like to watch, so I want you both to turn around in your seats while I drive your teammate crazy.”

  “Getting pretty bossy,” Luc said, but Jake whacked him.

  “Shut up and let the man have his reward.”

  Eva began to unbuckle Carter’s belt and he looked at her, his eyes filled with disbelief. Carter cleared his throat. “You’re really gonna do this?”

  She looked up at him with an evil glint in her eye. “Luc has tinted windows. Just try not to shake the truck too much.”

  “Holy shit.”

  Yanking his jeans and briefs down, she enclosed his shaft in her small hands. “Congratulations on being the male high scorer,” she said just before enveloping Carter’s dick. Her head bobbed up and down, and Carter grabbed Jake’s seat in one hand and the backseat in the other as her cheeks hollowed around him.

  “Fuckin’ A! That feels great, chica,” Carter got out as he started to pant. It appeared Eva was doing her level best to make him come, and judging by the way his mouth was opening and closing wordlessly, it was working. “Shit, I’m coming.” A low groan filled the air inside the seemingly stifling car as Carter emptied into Eva’s willing mouth.

  When Carter was done, Eva sat up, wiping the corner of her mouth. She turned to Luc and Jake. “I’m thinking Jake should come back here and lick me on the way home. Oh, and Jake won’t come again today.” She nodded toward Luc and Carter. “Both of you will.”

  “God help us,” Luc muttered. “We’ve created a monster.”

  Chapter Six

  Jake didn’t mind being Eva’s sex slave if it meant he got to lick her pussy all night. And that’s exactly what he did. When Luc picked him up for the pre-game skate the next morning, he razzed him pretty good about it, but Jake didn’t care. Sure, Carter and Luc had both fucked her last night, whereas his cock had been like persona non grata, but he’d still had a great time. His jaw and throat were a little sore and achy this morning but it had been a small price to pay to see Eva come so many times from his mouth and fingers.

  Now they were back at the arena for their pre-game skate, and Jake was watching Luc. A couple of times last night he’d put his hand over his heart, kind of rubbing it, and when Jake noticed it for the third time he’d asked Luc about it. The other man had clammed up in front of Carter and Eva, laughing the whole thing off, but later when they were both in the kitchen getting a drink Luc had admitted his heart was racing. Jake had frowned at the time and was frowning now as Luc rested his stick on his thighs and doubled over, trying to catch his breath. Luc was one of the fittest guys Jake knew. What was going on?

  The head coach, Tom, blew his whistle and pointed his stick at the three of them. “What the fuck is the matter with you guys? Too much carousing last night?”

  The three looked at each other and Jake knew his own face betrayed the same sense of unease that was evident in his teammates’ expressions. They hadn’t said anything publicly about their relationship with Eva, but that didn’t mean no one knew. Hell, most of the team shared women, so he wasn’t worried they’d be labeled freaks or anything. If Tom thought a woman was the cause of trouble, though, they’d catch hell. Apparently he’d been watching Luc so closely that his own performance in practice was suffering.

  Time to set things right.

  He turned to Luc and then Carter and touched the blade of his stick to their shin pads. “Come on, boys. Let’s show ’em how it’s done.”

  The three men circled around and skated toward the goal, passing the puck back and forth. One of the defensemen stepped up, but Jake took the puck to the outside, protecting it with his body before pivoting and laying a perfect saucer pass to Carter, who shoveled it to Luc, who put it past Scott with a quick backhand shot. It was only a drill, but the three guys grinned at each other before Carter skated by Scott, no doubt to razz him about the goal. Scott banged his stick on both goal posts, shooting a glare Carter’s way, but his linemate just laughed and returned to the end of the line. Jake stole another look at Luc, who was laughing and joking with one of the other players, and his world righted itself. Everything was fine.

  They hit the showers after the short practice, and then the three went out to lunch with a couple of the other guys. Since Leo and Scott, the team’s two goaltenders, had landed Kelly, who owned a bistro, many of the guys had been going there for their pregame meal. She made a big pot of pasta sauce and always had a chicken or fish dish, too, just for them. Jake loved the place. Not too big, not real noisy, and the customers left them alone for the most part. The food was out of this world, too. He’d heard about Kelly’s Intimidating Apple Pie, but hadn’t had a chance to sample it yet. She only made it on game days, but wouldn’t let them have any when they came in for lunch, knowing the sweet treat would weigh them down. Leo and Scott had found themselves a smart one there.

  After taking their customary pre-game naps, the guys met up at the arena. As was their custom, they traipsed onto the ice a few hours before game time in their sneakers to bat a few pucks around, and then went to ride the bikes to get their muscles warmed up. Luc hopped off before either of them, which was unusual, and Jake glanced at Carter to see if he’d noticed. But in typical Carter fashion, his mind was a million miles away and he seemed totally oblivious. Luc left the exercise room and Jake climbed off his own bike to follow him. He found Luc in the players’ lounge, sipping a Gatorade and rubbing his chest.

  “Your heart racing again?”

  Luc spun around and shushed him. He glanced around for a moment and then said, “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  “Dude, tell the trainer or I will. This could be serious.”

  “You’re being overdramatic.”

  “This is your heart, man. You don’t mess around with stuff like that.”

  Luc rolled his eyes. “Fine. If it keeps up I’ll say something. Happy?”

  “Not even a little bit.”

  “You’re just annoyed Eva wouldn’t let you come last night.”

  “This has nothing to do with that. I can go one night without multiple orgasms.”

  “Sure, but it must’ve sucked watching us get off with her.” Luc smirked, and Jake shook his head.

  “Not everybody needs to ‘get off’ to have a good time. I made her come and that’s good enough f
or me.”

  “Such a Boy Scout.”

  Jake shrugged. “Not a Boy Scout. I can just handle giving her what she wants without demanding something in return.” He leveled a gaze at Luc. “I’m watching you. Don’t think this whole heart issue is over.” With that, he left the room and tried not to think about Eva. Skating with a hard-on was mighty uncomfortable.

  * * * *

  Luc let out a slow breath when Jake exited the players’ lounge. Truth was, he was worried about the heart thing a little, but Jake was an alarmist. If Luc had admitted his nervousness, Jake would’ve made such a stink about it that before he could say boo Luc would’ve been yanked from the lineup.

  The team was four points out of a playoff spot right now, and they needed every game. Luc was the captain, and the top center on the biggest offensive line the team had. He knew he was the grease that kept Carter and Jake going, and that was fine by him. He’d never wanted the spotlight. He preferred being the passer instead of the shooter, much to Tom’s dismay. Their line had been together for well over two seasons now, and every time Luc missed a game the score sheet showed it in the points the other two didn’t collect in his absence.

  Luc knew he wasn’t the be-all and end-all for the team, but it was hard to argue with his influence on his linemates when they contributed nearly a point more per game between them when he was in the lineup. It wasn’t arrogance, it was fact, and it put a lot of pressure on Luc to stay in the lineup. Sighing, he finished his Gatorade before heading to the locker room to change into his game gear. Hopefully the heart thing was only temporary and none of them would have to worry about it.

  Luc played fine in the game, but two Intimidators players went down. One of them, a young defenseman named Rick, with what looked like a torn ACL in his knee. That was a total bummer for the kid who was only in his second year in the big show, as his season was definitely over. The other player? Another defenseman, Fredrik. He’d said his heart was racing. When Luc heard that he swallowed around the thickness in his throat. Good thing Jake was on the bench at the moment. Fredrik went off the ice under his own power, thankfully, and the training staff didn’t seem to be too concerned at the moment. Luc turned away from his departing teammate, took the face-off, and play resumed. Jake jumped onto the ice a few seconds later, replacing another forward.

  At the next stoppage in play, Jake turned to him. “What’s wrong with Fredrik?”

  “They aren’t sure.” Luc felt bad for not being more forthcoming, but he was telling the truth. They didn’t know what was wrong with the defenseman.

  The game continued and on the strong play of Leo, the starting goaltender, and two goals from Luc’s line, the Intimidators squeaked out a victory. As they were getting dressed after showering, Carter said, “Wanna call Eva?”

  Luc shook his head. “It’s late and she has to work tomorrow. Let’s just call her after practice and see if she’s free tomorrow night.”

  Jake’s brow furrowed, but Luc ignored him. Let the man think whatever he wanted. It had been a tough game, and Luc couldn’t wait to get into some sweats and watch a movie before falling into bed.

  The next morning the team practiced, just like usual, and Luc felt great. He’d gotten a solid eight hours of sleep and he was looking forward to seeing Eva later. He hoped she wasn’t busy. They should be giving her more notice than they were, but the relationship was still so new that he wasn’t sure how to go about things. Every other time he and his teammates had shared women it had been a spur-of-the-moment thing with somebody they weren’t going to see again. He got a massage from Eva nearly every week during the season, and he would hate to fuck things up.

  Carter called Eva as they headed out to lunch and she agreed to come over to Luc’s waterfront condo that evening. All three made millions in salary per year, and all three lived along the Buffalo waterfront. Jake was scared of heights, so he lived in a townhouse, but both Carter and Luc lived in one of the high-rise luxury condominiums that dotted the shores of Lake Erie.

  The men decided to cook dinner for her rather than ordering out. Jake made a killer spaghetti sauce and wanted to impress her with it. Luc contributed a bottle of red wine from his extensive wine closet, though it could hardly be called a cellar on the twenty-third floor, and Carter got a salad mix and toppings. Luc cleaned his apartment up while Jake fussed in the kitchen, and smiled to himself when his stomach fluttered as the doorbell rang. How stupid was it to be nervous now? He took one last look around his place. For some reason it was really important to him that Eva like it.

  He went to the door. Eva stood in the hallway, looking absolutely incredible in a tight pair of jeans, a camisole, and a little black sweater thingy. Luc doubted she was wearing a bra and longed to find out immediately, but he forced down that urge and brought her inside, not wanting to seem like a total letch. The grand tour took about thirty seconds since there were only four rooms in the whole condo, his bedroom, a spare bedroom that he also used as an office, the bathroom, and his big living area, which was one huge room encompassing the dining room and kitchen as well and had windows on two sides since it was a corner unit. Eva gasped as she looked out at the setting sun over the lake and Luc felt a little twinge of pride that she seemed so awestruck.

  With that done, they went into the kitchen. Jake gave her a taste of the sauce, and her eyes closed as she moaned. Luc saw both of his teammates shift their weight and knew their cocks had probably gone as instantly hard as his had with that little noise from Eva. The spoon clattered back into the pot as Jake grabbed Eva and kissed her. When he pulled back, Carter spun her into his arms and pushed her against Luc’s fridge while he kissed first her mouth and then the side of her neck. She opened her eyes and stared at Luc, her gaze heavily lidded.

  “Kiss me.”

  Luc growled and Carter moved back. Pressing in, Luc snaked his arms around her and melded his body to hers. Plunging into her mouth, he explored, tasting a hint of the sauce she’d sampled and something that was distinctly Eva. She moaned again, pressing her belly to his erection and he let out another growl, this time in warning, before grabbing her small, tight ass in both hands and lifting her to nestle even closer to his aching cock.

  He’d been about two seconds from opening his fly when Jake cleared his throat. “I hate to break this party up, but I’m starving. And much as I’d like to eat Eva for dinner, it won’t go over well when we keel over at practice from low blood sugar.”

  Luc reluctantly released Eva and stepped back. Running a hand through his hair, he said, “Jake’s right. We should eat.” He’d promised himself he wouldn’t act like a letch that was only after her ass, and what had he done at the first opportunity? He was disgusted. He was in his early thirties and should be able to control himself.

  Carter took Eva into the dining area and seated her while Jake got the plates ready and Luc brought out the bread and salad. The wine was already on the table, along with salad dressing and cheese for the pasta. Eva looked at the spread, eyebrows raised.

  “You guys did all this?”

  Luc grinned. “What? You thought we were helpless? How do you think we eat day-to-day?”

  “Truthfully? I figured you went out a lot.”

  “Well, sure we do,” Jake said, laughing. “But since we travel so much we try to eat at home as much as we can. It’s a lot easier to control our diets when we aren’t eating restaurant food. We go out to lunch after practice sometimes, but most of our dinners are just casual things at one of our houses.”

  “Are you guys ever not together?” she teased.

  “We actually spend a lot of time by ourselves when we’re at home,” Carter remarked. “We’re stuck with each other on the road, so it’s nice to have some alone time to kick back.”

  Eva smiled. “I love the way you put that, stuck with each other on the road.”

  “It’s true,” Jake answered, shrugging. He pointed to her plate with his fork. “How’s the food?”

  “I can’t believe
you made this sauce from scratch. It’s incredible.”

  “Glad you think so!”

  “And the wine is perfect.”

  “That’s from my wine closet,” Luc told her.

  Her eyebrows rose. “Wine closet?”

  Jake laughed. “Just like it sounds. The closet in the spare bedroom was converted into a wine storage area. Good thing he doesn’t have many guests.”

  “Wow, really? I want to see it later. That sounds pretty cool.”

  “It was a lot of fun to design,” Luc admitted. “It holds over a hundred bottles in racks, plus some more in refrigeration. I’ve got another wine fridge in the kitchen, too. That one only holds about a dozen bottles, but they’re the ones I’ll be drinking next. When it gets close to empty I go into the closet and grab more to restock it.”

  “I had no idea you were such a cultured man.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you mocking me?”

  She giggled and his cock tightened in his jeans. How did a simple giggle set him off like that? “Not at all. I think it’s hot.”

  “Oh, do you?” Leaning back in his seat, he continued. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do? Have sex in the wine closet.” He waggled his eyebrows, and Eva giggled again.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  They finished the meal and Jake and Carter shooed Eva out of the kitchen when she tried to do the dishes. “Go sit with Luc and enjoy the view. God knows I can’t,” Jake told her. Eva looked confused, and Jake explained. “I’m afraid of heights. I stay about ten feet from those windows. Any closer and I get light-headed.”

  Luc grabbed her hand. “Come on. The sun will be down soon and it’ll be dark.”

  She glanced back at the kitchen but allowed Luc to bring her to the large couch facing the water.

  Chapter Seven

  Jake and Carter made quick work of the dishes. Jake couldn’t help stealing glances into the living room, where Luc was warming up their girl with little kisses and touches. As he watched them his pulse rate spiked and his cock hardened. Luc was the real voyeur of the three of them, but they each enjoyed watching to a certain extent. Every time they were with her was incredible. He couldn’t wait to see what would happen tonight.


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