To Love Thy Neighbour

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To Love Thy Neighbour Page 17

by S M Mala

  ‘As opposed to dad.’ He stood there, arms folded and looked at her questioningly. ‘Because he has been very much in your life for years, hasn’t he?’

  The comment stunned before she wondered what he meant.

  ‘One day, you’ll tell me,’ he whispered, moving closer and fiddling with her hair. ‘Like where you disappear two or three times a year, the same time when dad comes over.’


  ‘For now, go and have a miserable time with that bigoted prick across the road.’ Then he kissed her cheek before whispering. ‘But if you make him my step-dad, I will quite seriously garrotte him. If it was Leon, then I’ll happily share your bed.’

  ‘He did what?’

  Leon was standing at her coffee van the following morning. ‘What did you do?’

  ‘I ran into my house and locked the door.’ He wanted to laugh at Esme’s horrified expression. ‘I mean, asking me to go back to his home for a leg over. Is this what it’s going to be like?’

  He had taken great care to check that she got home safely and secretly kept a look out to see if all was okay.

  Even he was surprised to see Esme running into her house from Ralph’s, and then hearing her slam the door shut.

  ‘But he didn’t touch you, did he?’ he asked, hiding his annoyance at what happened. ‘Tell me if he did then I’ll have a word.’

  ‘He was a bit drunk. Kept on saying it was the start of something and if we slept together, it would only be confirmed.’ Esme looked shaken up by the incident. ‘I’m sure I didn’t give him the wrong idea.’

  Looking at her smile at the customers lining up, Leon could see how Ralph would think he could try it on. Her friendly demeanour and caring attitude.

  And yesterday, he hated to admit it, but she looked beautiful and he couldn’t tell her.

  Wouldn’t tell her because that would reveal what he thought.

  It was a cross between total admiration and jealousy.

  And he tried to hide it.

  Today nothing was different.

  She still looked sexy in a pair of jeans, a white shirt, topped with a cream apron. Her hair was up, and he could see some long grey strands underneath that glistened in the sun.

  ‘I’m never going dating at this rate,’ she whispered over her shoulder. ‘And Ralph’s relatively well behaved.’

  ‘How are you going to find someone?’ Watching her smile at the customers and hand over the cardboard cups, he hoped she would realise he was the someone to find. ‘Do you want me to stop asking around?’

  He hadn’t even contemplated it but looked quizzically at her.

  ‘Alicia’s husband has friends, and I’ll give it a go,’ she said, grimacing. ‘They’re quite sweet. Divorced so we’ll have a few things in common.’

  ‘Do you think?’ Leon replied, not liking the idea. ‘I know your situation is unique.’

  ‘Desperation,’ she whispered and looked momentarily upset.

  Leon smiled at her disgruntled expression and knew it was a perfect time to ask her out. He desperately wanted to apologise for so many things, but he didn’t want to spoil it. Even approaching the subject left him fearful, just in case she would completely recoil, thinking he was worse than Ralph.

  Leon was about to start the ball rolling.

  Then his phone rang.

  It was his mother.

  ‘Hello Leon,’ she said and he recognised the tone, building up to something. ‘I saw Melanie yesterday and she said you’ve been a bit off. Something about baked beans and your neighbour?’

  ‘It’s nothing,’ he said, turning around so Esme couldn’t hear. ‘Melanie tried to give Mali beans and you know she can’t stand them. Well, Mali got upset, ran next door to Esme and then it was discovered that Mali was poorly. Nothing major.’

  ‘That’s not what Melanie says,’ his mother said quietly. ‘She got the impression you were annoyed with her and sided with the neighbour.’

  ‘Her name is Esme, as you well know,’ he whispered, feeling something flutter in his chest. ‘And she has been very kind to us; to me.’

  ‘Melanie is such a nice young woman. Don’t throw that away.’

  ‘Mum, I’m doing what you want me to do. Dating a Jewish woman and seeing how that goes.’ Leon then took a deep breath. ‘Mali can’t stand her and gets upset every time she comes round. What am I supposed to do? Pick this woman over my child?’ He knew that would wind his mother up so continued. ‘At the end of the day, it’s Mali’s happiness that’s the most important thing, not mine. Don’t you agree?’

  ‘Of course I agree!’ Barbara said, quite loudly. ‘I don’t want my granddaughter upset, you know that.’ Then she hesitated. ‘You do like Melanie, don’t you? I mean, I know she spent the night round yours.’

  Suddenly, he remembered what Esme had said about hearing them from the other side of her bedroom. He felt sick and embarrassed. More to the point, he wondered if she was impressed or repulsed by what she heard.

  His mind wandered, as did his eyes, when he looked over his shoulder at Esme. Leon’s eyes were focused on her backside.

  ‘I’m taking Melanie to a party this Saturday, so we’ll see what happens. I better go. Love you.’

  He hung up.

  Esme turned and smiled, before serving another customer.

  ‘Are you bringing anyone on Saturday?’ he cheerfully asked, knowing she would have heard him. ‘I’m sure you can test the waters with one of Alicia’s friends.’

  ‘I’m catering, so all idea of dating will go out the window.’ The queue had gone, and she turned to look at him while wiping her hands on a bacterial wipe. ‘Melanie will probably like the people. Is Mali coming?’

  ‘She’d rather stay at her grandma’s house.’ He let out a little whimper when looking at Esme. ‘Do you need any help with the food?’

  ‘That’s sweet but I can cope.’

  His phone started to ring again, and it was Graham. He knew he was late.

  ‘I better go,’ he said, smiling and putting his empty cup into the trash bag.

  ‘See you later.’

  Turning around, he walked to his van parked in the side road, then set off for his next appointment.

  But all he could think of was Esme, and that bugged him.

  When he got home, after picking up Mali from school, Leon sat at the kitchen table with his laptop.

  ‘I like fish fingers today,’ Mali said, skipping towards him.

  ‘Sure,’ he replied, letting out a little sigh when he saw his beautiful young daughter smile. She then manoeuvred herself to sit on his lap. ‘I take it you want something.’

  ‘Daddy,’ she said, looking quite serious and staring into his eyes. ‘I not like hairdresser.’

  ‘Her name is Melanie.’ Leon tried not to smile at his child’s current expression. ‘Why don’t you like her?’

  ‘She horrid.’

  ‘She is horrid,’ he corrected.

  ‘You not like her?’

  ‘That’s not what I meant. I’m correcting your sentence.’

  ‘I love Esme.’ Mali let out a loud sigh. ‘Daddy, you be Esme boyfriend then we all be happy!’ She clapped her hands. ‘I said I be her boyfriend but she laughed. Or marry Esme then she be my mum.’

  ‘Oh Mali!’ he said, giving her a massive hug. ‘I love you so much.’

  ‘I love you.’

  The small arms wrapped around his neck, and he smelt her sweet, fresh skin, with a hint of orange squash. Leon stroked one of her pigtails and didn’t want to let his child go.

  ‘Daddy,’ she said, releasing him, her face millimetres from his. ‘Will the posh man marry Esme?’

  ‘I blood well hope not!’ he accidentally blurted out.

  ‘Um, you swore!’

  ‘Honestly Ralph, I need to do this.’

  He had come round to see her on Saturday morning while she prepped for his party.

  Esme was always good at making party food, and Ralph discovered this eighteen mo
nths ago, for this reason exploiting her good nature from time to time. He always paid for the ingredients but felt the need to hang around while she cooked.

  But today, he was standing a little too close.

  ‘Esme, about the other night,’ he said, moving her hair, which made her laugh.

  She had always been very ticklish around her neck.

  ‘There’s nothing to discuss. I’m not going to drop my knickers for you,’ she said, but then he stroked her neck with his finger.

  This only made her put her shoulders up, to protect her very sensitive skin.

  ‘Leave her alone!’ she heard. Mali came running into her kitchen and pushed Ralph away. Esme was going to laugh at the grown man’s expression of surprise and annoyance. ‘She’s my boyfriend, not yours!’

  ‘Mali!’ Barbara shouted, walking into the garden. ‘Can you come back, please? Oh.’ The woman had spotted Ralph and automatically went churlish. ‘Sorry about that.’

  Esme was well aware the effect someone like Ralph had on females. A certain type. The middle to upper-class ones who would admire his haughty handsome exterior.

  ‘Hello Barbara,’ Esme said, feeling Mali hold onto her leg.

  ‘He not Esme boyfriend. I am!’ the little girl growled protectively. ‘She’s my friend, not yours!’ Then Mali poked her tongue out at Ralph. ‘I want daddy to be Esme’s boyfriend.’

  ‘Mali!’ Barbara said, shaking her head in annoyance. ‘Daddy is going out with Melanie.’

  The comment cut Esme, but she smiled at the woman and then down at the child.

  ‘She hurt my hair and horrid. She made me eat beans, and I be sick when I did!’

  ‘I’ll leave you,’ Ralph said, walking backwards out of the kitchen and towards the front door. He looked like he was recoiling in horror from the little girl. ‘Come round at six. Good to meet you again.’

  Unable to control her laugh, Esme stood there, wiping her hands before picking up Mali.

  ‘Thank you for rescuing me but I’m not your boyfriend. I’m your friend.’ Esme gave her a big hug and a kiss. She turned to Barbara, who was still looking at where Ralph left. ‘How are you? I’ve not seen you for a while.’

  ‘He’s very handsome. Is he your friend?’

  ‘I her friend!’ barked Mali. ‘He posh.’

  ‘He’s the one who’s having the big party tonight.’

  ‘I not going,’ Mali said, fiddling with Esme’s hair. ‘I not like him and daddy said I have to spend the night with Grandma because horrid girl with beans is coming.’

  Laughing out loudly, Esme put her down and noticed Barbara looked pissed off at her granddaughter.

  ‘She might end up being your step-mother, you never know,’ Barbara said hopefully. ‘That would be wonderful! You’d have a new mummy.’

  ‘Not want one,’ mumbled Mali, holding Esme’s hand.

  The older lady didn’t look too happy at the child holding on, so Esme knelt down and stared into Mali’s eyes.

  ‘Your fringe needs to be cut. My friend can do it if your grandma doesn’t mind. She can come next week, and you can have it done here if you’d like. I was going to do it this Wednesday, but I have to go out.’ Esme noticed how Mali put her hand on her fringe as if to protect it. ‘I’ll hold your hand and it won’t hurt. Alicia is very good. She cuts my hair, and it doesn’t hurt.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said and then Esme noticed Leon walk into the garden.

  Her heart skipped a beat, but she tried hard not to show it.

  ‘This is where my family has gone to,’ he said, standing by the door. ‘Esme’s busy at the moment so we should leave her.’

  ‘Posh man tried to strangle Esme. I stopped it!’ Mali said, walking up to her dad.

  ‘What was he doing?’ asked Leon, starting to frown.

  Esme noticed that Barbara was looking at her son then scowled.

  ‘Touching her neck.’

  ‘And he’s not your boyfriend?’ said Barbara, looking confused.

  ‘He’s very tactile,’ Esme replied and smiled at Leon. ‘And luckily, Mali managed to get rid of him as I would have dropped something on Ralph’s foot.’

  ‘What time is Melanie coming?’ asked Leon’s mother and Esme swore the man grimaced. She knew Mali wasn’t impressed because she crossed her arms, looking at her dad. ‘Do we need to get out of the way?’

  ‘Why?’ asked Mali, turning to look at Esme.

  Immediately, she wondered if they would be making love all afternoon and she would be in earshot. Glancing at Leon, she noticed he was looking uncomfortably at her.

  ‘They want to spend time together,’ laughed out Barbara. ‘Young love!’

  ‘Yuk!’ the child added.

  ‘We’ll get out of your way,’ said Leon, grabbing Mali’s hand and walking her out. ‘See you at the party.’

  ‘Bye,’ Esme smiled and saw Barbara slowly move towards the door. ‘Have a good evening.’

  ‘You know,’ she whispered. ‘Mark my words but I think Leon and Melanie are very serious. She might be your new neighbour. Another Mrs Sachs in the family and Jewish to boot. I think it’s wonderful. I’ve never seen him so in love.’

  ‘That’s good,’ she said, trying not to choke on her words. ‘Has he changed since meeting her?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Barbara said, stepping a little closer. ‘He seems deep in thought and sighs a lot. I know the signs. Unfortunately, he did the same thing with Bennylita and that little madam just upped and broke his poor heart. I think this one is for keeps.’

  ‘It’s good that he’s happy,’ came Esme’s diplomatic reply.

  ‘And your son? How’s he?’

  ‘He broke up with a very unsuitable boyfriend and now wants to bring someone to Ralph’s party.’

  ‘They move on quite quickly, don’t they?’


  ‘You know. Those sorts of men.’

  ‘That sort of man is my homosexual son,’ Esme said, knowing her voice was starting to sound stern. ‘And he doesn’t screw around, if that’s what you’re implying.’

  ‘That’s not what I meant!’ she said, looking flustered. ‘I didn’t mean to-.’

  ‘Don’t think because he’s gay, all he thinks about is sex.’ Esme forced a smile. ‘He wants to find someone, fall in love and have a family of his own. It’s all very acceptable now. Unfortunately, a few people haven’t broadened their horizons. I better press on.’

  Turning around, she continued to work and realised Barbara had sloped off.

  Taking a deep breath, she knew any mention of her son’s sexuality, and anyone questioning it, wound her up. It wasn’t Barbara’s fault. She was from a different generation and background.

  But her annoyance wasn’t about Alfie this time.

  The comments regarding Leon had annoyed her. Esme wasn’t quite sure if she wanted to admit what she was feeling.


  She was insanely jealous that Leon was happy with Melanie.

  ‘Stupid woman,’ she muttered to herself, shaking her head furiously.

  ‘I’m sorry about my mum.’ Esme immediately jumped to see Leon standing at her door. ‘I overheard what she just said.’

  ‘Oh no, that’s fine. She didn’t upset me,’ Esme said, realising she had been rumbled talking to herself. ‘I was telling her that Alfie might be bringing someone to the party. It’s all forgotten about.’

  ‘Do you want some help?’ he asked, looking at the mound of food surrounding her. ‘I am very good in the kitchen. I’ve had to be with Mali.’

  ‘You go home and-.’

  ‘I’ve got to say goodbye and make sure Mali has Moo Moo and I’ll come back.’

  ‘What about Melanie?’

  ‘She’s working and won’t be here until six. So I’ve got a few hours to assist if you’d like?’

  And like him, Esme certainly did.

  Trying not to smile at his generous offer, she realised this was probably the only time she would ever spend with Leon.

  When he was at a loose end.

  But she knew she was like a dog chasing its own tail.

  There was no chance she was going to get it, and especially from Leon.

  ‘You’re incredibly organised.’

  He helped for a few hours and Leon was impressed. ‘Plus a fantastic cook. The food’s delicious.’

  ‘My, thank you,’ she smiled.

  It had been lovely.

  They chatted and laughed.

  That was when he realised he had got it bad for Esme. Leon couldn’t stop looking at her, and she was oblivious to it. Working happily away; cooking and making him taste it; organising the containers and keeping Leon entertained.

  All he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms and kiss her.

  Which would lead to sex, and he would make sure it was better than he had ever done it before.

  Slow, loving and sexy.

  He knew Esme would be far better than the best wank he would ever have, ever.

  ‘Ralph’s friend are a bit uppity, but ignore their nice, snide comments. I don’t think they know they’re looking down their haughty noses at you. They probably think we’re urban, and all like to rap and smoke spliffs.’ Esme laughed out loudly, while placing the food into the fridge chests, to be carried over by the waiters Ralph had hired. ‘You’ll be an interesting twist to their assumptions about who lives across the road.’

  ‘Why?’ he asked, sipping his bottle of water and watching Esme now cross check her list.

  ‘Because you’re white, straight, single and have a beautiful child. You’re not on benefits and come across as a nice guy.’


  ‘Not boring nice but very nice.’

  Then he spotted it. She blushed and turned away.

  ‘Esme,’ he said, seeing it was the ideal time to ask her out. ‘I was wondering if-.’

  ‘Are you done?’ Ralph asked, walking straight through the front door. ‘Can I send them over to collect the food?’ Then he did a double-take when he spotted Leon. And the look wasn’t friendly. It was loaded with suspicion. ‘And you’re here to help?’

  ‘He’s been wonderful!’ gushed Esme, going red again. ‘Gosh, isn’t it warm in here? I’m finished in no time. I can go and get washed and changed.’


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