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To Love Thy Neighbour

Page 25

by S M Mala

  ‘I want to spend the day with you.’

  ‘When’s Mali coming back?’

  ‘I can delay her and-.’

  ‘No, don’t do that,’ she said, pushing him away. ‘I’ve not seen her for ages. I missed her.’

  ‘And me?’ he asked, letting his hand ride up and down her thigh.

  ‘I was a little angry, to be honest. And upset.’ Esme rolled him over, so he was on his back. She then lay on top of him, pressing her skin against his. ‘I felt you were a bit mean to me, but I understand why. I could see you were angry.’

  He placed his hand on her buttocks and looked up into her eyes.

  The soft, warm, dark brown depths, drawing him in. He could see his own reflection in the iris. It was pretty evident he felt blissfully happy; he could tell by looking at his face.

  ‘I will never be horrible to you again. Push you away when I should be pulling you closer,’ he said, his heart beating faster. ‘You’ve been extremely kind and we’ve only been here five months. You’re the best neighbour ever, and I’m so pleased I bought this place.’

  ‘What do we do now?’

  ‘Do you have to ask? I think it’s far better than asking for a cup of sugar, don’t you?’


  Mali screamed on seeing her standing in the garden, rushing through without kissing her dad.

  The child jumped into her arms, giving a big kiss.

  ‘Oh Mali!’ Esme sighed, hugging her fiercely. ‘I missed you!’

  ‘I missed you!’

  ‘What about me?’ asked Leon, discreetly smiling at Esme.

  They discussed what happened and decided to keep their relationship a secret.

  The last thing they wanted to do was confuse Mali.

  ‘I had paella and lots of ice cream,’ Mali said, pulling back.

  She had caught the sun and looked exceptionally pretty. The green-brown eyes sparkling brightly and the small freckles on her nose.

  ‘I love paella.’

  ‘Not with insects in,’ she whispered. ‘Nana said they sea insects and we not to eat them.’

  ‘Stop listening to your Nana,’ Leon said, taking her out of Esme’s arms. ‘Where’s my kiss and hug?’

  ‘Oh daddy!’ she laughed, doing as she was told.

  ‘I thought, if Esme doesn’t mind, we could all go for lunch.’

  ‘I’m up for that!’ Stan said, walking in with a small bag. ‘Hello Esme! My, don’t you look pretty!’

  ‘She does,’ Esme heard Leon mumble.

  Mali caught him saying it before looking at Esme.

  ‘I think you’re pretty,’ said Mali, now trying to get out of her father’s arms. ‘I need a poo.’

  ‘So ladylike,’ Leon said as the child walked up the stairs to the toilet. ‘And remember to wipe properly and wash your hands.’

  ‘I still say that to him to this day,’ his father laughed then walked closer to Leon. ‘I heard there was a bit of a ‘to do’ last night with Melanie.’

  ‘How do you know?’ Leon asked, starting to frown.

  ‘Her mother knows your mum. Well, she called Babs up, spouting all this sort of nonsense, and your mother. How shall I put it? She was furious. I love that woman! Full of sass and swagger, with a mouth like a sewer when it comes to her children and grandchild.’

  ‘What did she say?’ asked Leon, the colour draining from his face.

  ‘Horrible things about you and mostly this little lovely over here, making it all up,’ grinned Stan. ‘Your mother doesn’t believe a word of it.’ His father shook his head. ‘Her so called friend called my angel all sorts of horrible names, as well as yourself. That’s when I had to pull Barbara off the phone to prevent her from waking Mali. Priceless!’

  Esme glanced at Leon, who was starting to get angry.

  ‘You’ll find Stanley, that people tend to use nasty names mainly because they are ignorant, and their vocabulary is minimum. I too have been in the firing line, and it’s not nice. You have to shrug it off and carry on. Prejudice is universal, and you must teach your kith and kin to be better than that.’ Esme looked at Leon, who was staring at her. ‘It makes you stronger but it still hurts.’

  ‘I bet you stuck up for your son, being a single mother,’ asked Stan stepping closer. Leon shook his head from side to side as if he knew what his father was up to. ‘I’m surprised you’re single. Are you still single?’

  ‘Firstly, that’s none of your business. Secondly, I’ll tell mum you’ve been trying to chat her up. And thirdly-.’

  ‘I’ll leave you to enjoy this fine Saturday. I have to go to Lucia’s with your mother.’

  ‘Lucia?’ Leon said, looking surprised. ‘She never invites anyone to her home, let alone comes and sees us.’

  ‘You know what she’s like, a private sort.’

  ‘Bloody odd!’

  ‘Hush your mouth! That’s your sister, but you’re not far wrong.’

  ‘I did a big poo and washed my hands!’ Mali shouted out, coming down the stairs. ‘Daddy! You didn’t sleep in your bed. I left Philip the frog on your pillow, and he’s still there.’

  ‘Really?’ said Leon and Esme noticed his father raise his eyebrows. ‘I had too much beer and fell asleep on the sofa.’

  ‘You look mighty fine on it,’ his father smiled brightly before Esme noticed his eyes were looking in her direction. ‘Don’t you think?’

  ‘Certainly does,’ Esme replied, smiling at the little girl walking towards them.

  ‘Can we have pizza for lunch? I like pizza, but I not like grass on it.’

  ‘Grass?’ asked Esme.

  ‘She means rocket or spinach,’ whispered Leon, walking up to Esme and discreetly stroking her arm. She noticed Stan had seen and was trying not to smile. The tingles were hard to disguise as it made her grin. ‘She’s very particular about her vegetables.’

  ‘I like sweetcorn and peas,’ Mali said, taking her handbag and unpacking it. ‘Nothing else. Yuk!’

  As they walked down the road an hour later, each one of them holding Mali’s hand, Esme wanted to laugh.

  Mali was trying to force their hands together, so they would touch, but neither adult played along, much to the child’s frustration. There were a few huffs and groans until she gave up and swung between the pair of them.

  They got a table at the restaurant, which was packed with families. Huddled around a small table, they looked at the menu. All she could feel was Leon discreetly touch her thigh.

  Mali looked at them then sat back in her chair.

  ‘Daddy, I not want that girl who hurt me to come back,’ she quietly said. Esme realised Mali looked genuinely upset and scared. ‘If you not there she might hit me.’

  Esme glanced at Leon, who suddenly started to become upset.

  ‘Mali, I have to put you first. I’ll make sure that you go to an after school club, or I’ll be there for you. Nana and Grandpa will help out too.’

  ‘And Esme?’ she asked, looking pleadingly at her. ‘You be there?’

  ‘If I’m not working, I’ll be around.’

  ‘For forever?’

  ‘I hope so.’

  Then she felt Leon squeeze her thigh a little bit more tightly.

  ‘You know, Esme told me she gets scared of the dark, so I thought that some nights she might be able to stay in my-.’

  ‘Leon!’ she said sharply. ‘Let’s order lunch.’

  ‘I not get scared in the dark. I have Moo Moo to look after me. Do you want to borrow her?’ Mali took her out of the small handbag she was carrying, handing it over. ‘I not mind.’

  ‘That’s very sweet,’ Esme said, kissing the cloth toy and handing it back. ‘But I’ll be okay.’

  ‘I won’t,’ she heard Leon whisper when he turned his head away.

  ‘Nana was shouting really loudly yesterday. She was angry!’ said Mali, all wide-eyed while putting her toy away. ‘She was swearing and grandpa not know I was listening. He laughed.’

  ‘You shouldn’
t eavesdrop,’ her father said sternly. ‘It’s rude.’

  ‘Not as rude as Nana! She said a really rude word that you say when you drop something.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Esme asked noticing her handsome young love scowl.

  ‘Fudging ship,’ whispered Mali.

  ‘Mali!’ Leon said, putting a napkin over her mouth, as the child pushed it away. ‘I don’t say that!’

  It made Esme laugh out loudly, the rude words coming from the innocent little mouth.

  ‘You sometimes say fu-.’

  Esme put her hand over Mali’s mouth, seeing the child was going to laugh.

  ‘Now don’t swear, even if your dad says it. It’s not nice.’

  ‘I might be swearing later,’ he mumbled making Esme smile.

  ‘I hope so,’ she replied, squeezing his bum.

  ‘I better go to the gents,’ he said, standing up. ‘Now you two be good.’

  Esme watched him walk off and then felt Mali tug her arm.

  ‘I got a secret,’ she said, whispering behind her hand. ‘I not allowed to tell anyone, but I tell you.’

  ‘Okay?’ Esme leaned down to get closer. ‘Is it a good secret or a bad secret?’

  ‘It’s a bad secret,’ Mali said, her face getting closer. ‘Daddy and Nana will get cross and I get told off.’


  ‘You not tell daddy. Promise?’

  ‘I promise.’

  ‘At last!’

  He couldn’t speak because all he wanted to do was kiss her.

  Since Saturday morning, their sexual exploits had been limited due to Mali being around. The little girl seemed excited that Esme was hanging out at their home.

  Now, early Sunday evening, when he checked she was fast asleep. Her light snoring had confirmed this.

  Leon was ready to get to grips with Esme.

  She was sitting next to him on the couch.

  ‘You have to behave,’ she said quietly. ‘There’s a child in the house. She says she has a secret and wants to tell me, but not you. Mali said you and Nana will get upset. I wonder what she did.’

  ‘Who cares? I know what I want to do to you now.’

  Then she was the one who kissed him, reaching out with her tongue and making him feel dizzy. Eventually they parted, but not after he got a good feel of her boobs and arse, gradually working towards her inner thigh.

  He was stopped.

  ‘Discretion is the key,’ Esme said, looking at him close up.

  Leon couldn’t help but smile.

  ‘I know,’ he sighed. ‘There are complications because of this and that. We won’t make it obvious.’

  ‘And we’re neighbours, so if it all goes wrong, we still have to behave amicably towards each other.’

  ‘It won’t go wrong.’

  ‘And have you broken up with Melanie? I need to make sure there are no mixed messages.’

  ‘She’d have got the message considering-.’

  Esme shook her head and laughed. He didn’t know why.

  ‘Leon, have you told her you don’t want to see her anymore?’

  ‘Not so to speak. But she’d have realised that by now.’

  ‘Do you think?’

  ‘Well, yes!’

  ‘Are you sure you don’t need to be clearer? Melanie is the sort of girl who doesn’t look like she would give up easily.’

  She didn’t look too convinced, and he could see what she meant.

  ‘I’ll tell her tomorrow,’ he replied, burying his face in her breasts as she giggled. ‘A text will be fine.’

  ‘No!’ Esme pushed his head away. ‘That’s not right. You have to speak to her face to face out of courtesy. Regardless of what she did to Mali, she deserves that little bit of respect.’

  That’s when he realised, when looking at her, he was falling for Esme.

  And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  ‘What if she comes at me with her scissors?’ he asked meekly, wanting to make love.

  ‘Based on how she cuts Mali’s fringe, I think she’ll miss.’ Esme kissed his forehead and placed small kisses across his face. ‘I’ll get Alicia to come and trim her fringe tomorrow if you don’t mind. The poor child care barely see through her hair.’

  ‘Can I see you naked again?’

  ‘Yes, but not tonight.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Let’s kiss and cuddle,’ she said, grinning. ‘You’re very good at kissing.’

  He held onto her tightly, not wanting her to move further away. Stroking and caressing her body through the clothing, Leon was turned on as their mouths latched on.

  It was getting hot, and he pulled off his t-shirt, as she kissed his chest, gently biting on his nipples. Her hands were exploring his bare skin, and he wanted to see her naked. Manoeuvring her clothing up, he noticed she frowned.

  ‘Behave,’ she said, pulling her dress back down. ‘I’d hate for Mali to see this and become confused.’

  ‘When are we going to make love again?’ he asked, practically pleading with her. ‘I want to.’

  Esme sat back and smiled; then she pulled down the straps of her dress including her bra.

  ‘Will this do for now?’ she asked.

  His hand caressed her breast, and he noticed she closed her eyes, taking a sharp intake of breath as he did it.

  ‘When you touch me, I can’t explain it,’ she whispered.

  He held the breast and led it to his mouth, encapsulating her nipple.

  The skin was warm but the nipple very cool, and hard. Pulling with his mouth, he heard her gasp, and he caressed the other breast. Leon then placed her, so she was straddled over him. That way he could see her and get to grapple with her semi-naked body.

  It was beginning to get very heated in the room.

  He wanted her so much; he knew it was going to be hard to stop.

  But his hands still explored her body, and he stroked her bare thigh, leading slowly further up.

  ‘Don’t,’ Esme said, kissing his face.

  ‘Let me touch you,’ he pleaded again.

  He couldn’t hide the desperation in his voice.

  His fingers gently went up further until he was touching the crotch of her knickers.

  She was wet, and he tingled with anticipation because he wanted to feel it on the tips of his fingers. Pushing the material away, he felt the hot, moist patch and slid down until he reached her nub. It was a little hard, and he started to rub it gently.

  Esme bolted, and he could hear her breathing get heavier.

  ‘Take off your knickers,’ he whispered.

  He didn’t have to ask twice.

  She stood up, her dress around her waist and took them off, flinging them on top of his t-shirt on the floor.

  ‘Now take off yours,’ she said and he undid his fly and pulled off his shorts, not before taking out the condom he had placed in his front pocket in anticipation. ‘You’ve gone commando again.’

  ‘They’re all in the wash.’

  ‘Do you ever wear long trousers?’

  ‘Only on special occasions.’

  She smiled and straddled him.

  ‘Where were we?’ Leon asked and pushed his hand between her legs, now rubbing a little harder; using her wetness to help her little bud engorge.

  ‘We can’t make a noise,’ she gasped and flung her head back.

  Then he heard her little pant and groan, so he moved faster, placing her nipple in his mouth; smelling the sweet sweat.

  ‘Oh God!’ she gasped and sharply breathed in, before riding his fingers.

  Her body shook, and he wanted to screw her.

  Reaching out for the condom, his hands were a little shaky, and she pulled her hips up, so he could put it on.

  Then she plunged down on him.

  Up and down she rode, and he had to bite his hand to stop from making loud, appreciative noises. His hips went up and down, feeling her clasp him tightly. Her heat and wetness made him gulp; their movement together was goi
ng to make him come.

  Then he did; grabbing her and pushing his head into her neck, feeling like he was going to pass out, and knowing not to make a sound.

  All he could hear was their silent panting and feel her body heat.

  It was more than wonderful.

  And far, far better than a wank.

  ‘You mustn’t be scared.’

  Mali had walked into Esme’s kitchen, holding her grandmother’s hand tightly. It was an inset day, so she wasn’t due in school until the next day. ‘Let me introduce you to my friend, Alicia.’

  ‘Oh my! Aren’t you a beauty,’ gasped Alicia, immediately standing up. ‘Lovely to meet you.’

  She put out her hand, and Mali fearfully shook it.

  ‘Are you sure you don’t mind cutting her fringe?’ Barbara asked, looking equally worried for the child. ‘She gets very upset.’

  ‘I not like it,’ the little girl said tearfully, placing her hand on her long fringe. ‘It hurt.’

  ‘I won’t hurt you. It will be over very quickly and then you can go and play in the garden,’ Alicia said softly. ‘It’s such a nice day.’

  Esme smiled at Barbara, walking towards them before putting her hand out.

  ‘Come and sit on my lap. That’s what Alfie used to do when he was little.’

  She walked Mali to the chair and placed her in front of her laptop so she could see a cartoon of Peppa Pig. Then she sat down, with Mali sitting on her.

  ‘I like George. He funny!’ laughed Mali looking at the screen.

  ‘Now here’s a mist of water,’ Alicia said. ‘Close your eyes.’

  Mali did as she was told, and Esme knew Alicia purposely squeezed more in her direction, making Esme’s face wet.

  ‘Funny,’ she grumbled.

  Wrapping her arms gently around Mali, she watched the cartoon too.

  A few snips it was all over.

  ‘It’s done,’ Alicia said, stepping back. ‘Do you want to see?’

  ‘It’s done?’ asked Mali. ‘I can see!’

  ‘Would you like to look at your fringe?’ asked Alicia, taking a mirror out of her bag. ‘You have very pretty eyes.’

  ‘You cut my hair again? Can I watch Peppa Pig too? Esme, did you see what George did with the ice cream?’

  ‘That’s wonderful!’ sighed Barbara, shaking her head with relief. ‘How much do I owe you?’


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