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Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 10

by Avery Gale

  “Baby, tell Master Bryant exactly why you are worried about the other Dungeon Monitors seeing you naked, and I’m cautioning you to be honest because I’ve already heard it from your clever thoughts—wrong though they may be, those feelings are still very real, and we need to address that right now.” Mitch’s voice was soft, but steel edged, he wanted her to verbalize her fears because that was the first step in overcoming them.

  Rissa’s whole body shuddered, and when she looked up at Bryant, she had big tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want me to feel embarrassed about my body, but you have to remember, I’ve had years of hearing what people snickered behind my back, and then I have these new scars…and…” Slowly the tears had spilled over and were sliding down her deeply blushing cheeks.

  Bryant knew there was a time to punish a sub for not loving what a Dom considered his property, and there was a time to love the woman who was struggling on multiple levels with everything she’d been dealing with for the past couple of years. Pulling her into his embrace, he ran his hand in slow circles over her back until he felt her relax. “Now, I want you to stop and think, love. No, don’t get all tense, I’m not going to punish you for this, although I certainly could—and will in the future. But right now, I want you to stop and consider what about this conversation is contrary to where we want you to be?” Bryant had moved Rissa back so that both he and Mitch were looking at her sweet face. He watched as she chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about his question.

  “I think you don’t like me criticizing what you consider yours.” Her voice was whisper soft, and she wouldn’t meet their eyes and after she’d spoken that simple sentence she was literally holding her breath. Mitch looked at Bry and narrowed his eyes.

  “Baby, I have a couple of issues with what you just said…First of all, what we consider ours? No, babe, you are ours, and you’ll do well to remember that from this point forward. And second, this is a discussion and as such, you need to be open and honest and look at us when you are answering a question, it’s a matter of showing respect for us and for yourself.” Mitch placed his fingers under her chin and raised her face so they could see her expression. The tears in her eyes brought them both up short. “Who ever told you that you were anything less than perfection did you a huge disservice, baby. And we’re going to make sure you understand that just as quickly and with as much passion as we can, do you understand?” Mitch smiled at her when she slowly nodded her head and he saw her take a deep, shuddering breath.

  Bryant brought their beautiful sub’s attention back to him saying, “Very good, love. Now, one of the first lessons we want to make sure you have mastered is that this beautiful body is a joy for us to look at, and there will be times, probably many times, we’ll be sharing it with others.” Rissa immediately started to hyperventilate and was backing up so quickly she fell over the ottoman that was behind her, and Bryant barely managed to grab her around the waist before she hit the floor. The minute he set her on her feet again, she turned and ran for the door. Bryant couldn’t believe she was actually running from them, what the fuck was this about? He hadn’t even finished his sentence, and she had gone into full-fledged fight-or-flight mode; and damn, she was fast on her feet, too.

  She was almost to the front door when Mitch caught her easily. “Clarissa, Stop right now and tell us what you heard that made you run. And for Christ’s sake woman, look at the way you are not dressed…How long would you last out in that snow?” He easily scooped her up and brought her back to the sofa. Settling her on his lap, he placed his hands on either side of her face and turned her to face him. “Talk to me, baby, because there has been some huge misunderstanding for you to react like that to what Mitch hadn’t even completely finished explaining to you.” And like lightning her thoughts raced through his mind. “Oh…sweetheart…never, never, ever against your will. The bastards who kidnapped you talked about sharing didn’t they? Oh baby, we had no idea those are the words they’d said to you.” When she started shaking all over, he held her tightly whispering sweet words of comfort against her hair.

  Bryant took her from Mitch and settled her on his lap. “Remember, you have a safe word, and we’ll be checking with you even more in the beginning to make sure you are always at ‘green,’ and if you aren’t, it is your responsibility to be honest and let us know. You can’t depend on Master Mitch’s special gifts because strong emotions often wipe that out…so that means it’s on you to speak up…Understand, love?”

  When Rissa didn’t answer right away, Mitch put his hands firmly on each side of her face to help her focus solely on his words. “Baby, that was a direct question, you must always answer every direct question quickly and honestly.” When she nodded her head, he added, “And with words. These same rules will be in effect at ShadowDance. It is a good idea for you to follow them from the beginning. Remember…we begin as we intend to go.”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand. And I’m sorry for trying to run from you. I have no idea how I thought I could outrun either of you. I just panicked.” Running her hand through her tangled curls, she shook her head. “I wonder sometimes…will I ever get over these crazy fears? There have been so many different times I thought I was going insane.”

  Both men assured her that she wasn’t insane and that they were certain both Katarina and Jenna would be able to offer valuable and healing insight if she would just open up and talk with them. She agreed to try and was just settling down when Mitch’s phone rang. When he saw Trace Bartell’s name displayed on the screen, he smiled and answered quickly. After just a short conversation he was back and nodded to Bryant.

  “Now, baby, we’re going to have some company, we want you to get accustomed to being seen and touched by others before we return to The Club tomorrow. Master Trace is also stopping by because he has some information about Mistress Rachel that he believes will be helpful in getting her to back off what has become nothing but a glorified witch hunt against you.” Rissa’s eyes widened, and even she wasn’t sure which part of that information was causing her the most concern. Of course she knew Trace Bartell, so she wasn’t afraid of him. She had heard him referred to as “The Gentle Giant” by her spa patrons because he was just under six and a half feet tall but had a relaxed, easygoing air about him that women and men alike gravitated toward. Since his wife’s death a while back, he’d taken in the young man who had been drinking and caused the accident that claimed her life. He’d set to rights a kid who had been quickly headed in to the state’s correctional system. That kid was now in college, his education being funded by Bartell’s huge ranching operation. Everyone expected the kid to meet his goal of becoming a veterinarian and someday return to the ranch to work.

  “Witch hunt? Oh my…can you tell me exactly what you mean by that?” Rissa’s voice was shaking, and even Bryant could feel the anxiety coming off her in waves.

  “I mean she seems hell-bent on making sure she gets to whip you during the busiest time at The Club in full view of all the members. That is not what Alex and Zach have planned, but she is trying to stir up support among the members, and since so many locals are concerned about the financial lever she holds over them, they are grudgingly supporting her.” Rissa wasn’t moving, hell she was barely breathing. “Now, baby, don’t panic. You know the Lamonts are not going to fold on this, and they will do the right thing. It doesn’t matter what pressure she puts on them, but it does stand to have a significant impact on your business as well as theirs.”

  “Oh shit, I hadn’t even considered that. I can’t take a financial hit like that…God, I’m just barely getting by now, and Alex and Zach aren’t even charging me rent on my space.” She had started biting her bottom lip and was beginning to pace again. Even though they should have settled her down, she was so cute pacing back and forth in front of the fire. They’d allowed her to put on one of Bryant’s white dress shirts, they just sat back and admired the view of her luscious body being highlighted by the firelight. It was certai
nly no hardship to wait while she attempted to sort through some of the emotions flooding her. The shirt hung nearly to her knees, but when backlit by the fire it was completely translucent and highlighted every soft curve. Her breasts bounced and swayed perfectly as she walked and the tight muscles of her ass flexed below the gentle curve of her slender back. Her legs made up the lion’s share of her petite stature. They were both smiling like fools before she finally turned to look at them completely puzzled. “What? Why are you both giving me that silly grin?”

  “Well, love, that is quite the peek show you are giving up each time you pass in front of the fire, and we are just enjoying the view.” Bryant tried, but failed to keep the amusement out of his voice.

  “Oh shit! I didn’t realize…Oh my, I’d better get upstairs and get dressed. How long until he arrives? Do I need to make you all something to drink? How about cookies or a cake? Oh dear, what about dinner? I’ll bet he hasn’t eaten dinner either, I’d better make sure we have enough for him also.” She was fluttering about like a pretty butterfly that couldn’t decide where to land first because all the flowers seemed to demand her attention.

  “Baby, calm down. Dinner is taken care of, it’s in the oven and will be ready by the time we finish talking to our guest. We have already set out wine and made the salad. You can thank Selita for the wonderful meals when we return to ShadowDance. She always keeps our freezer well stocked.” Mitch smiled as he saw her relax. He immediately heard her mentally planning to go upstairs and get dressed and smiled to himself. Not so fast, sweet cheeks. You are already overdressed for what we have planned for you.

  Even without Mitch’s gift Bryant knew instantly what their beautiful little sub was planning. “No, love, you are not changing a single thing about what you are wearing, except to unbutton that last button and let the shirt fall open. Remember, that beautiful body belongs to us, and we’re planning to show it off a bit this evening after our chat and dinner.” He had to bite the insides of his mouth as her mouth dropped open in surprise. “We also want you to get used to kneeling when our guests are present. Now, come over here and let me show you exactly what we’ll expect of you.” While Bryant helped get Rissa into the position they preferred for their subs—kneeling down with ass cheeks resting on heels, knees spread wide apart with hands loosely held together behind the back so the breasts were nicely lifted and presented to view and touch. He also explained that she should keep her eyes down unless told to raise them by a Dom who was directly addressing her. With a quick kiss to the top of her head, he stood back and sucked in a breath at the beautiful view. Holy fuck she is so gorgeous like this, she takes my breath away.

  Just then Mitch returned from answering the door with Trace Bartell in tow and looked at Bryant and said, “I couldn’t agree more, my friend, our little sub is breathtaking.” Turning to Trace, he asked, “What do you think, Master Trace?” He watched Trace smile when Rissa tensed, her mind might be fighting it, but her body was definitely on board, judging by the glistening juices coating her sweet pussy lips.

  “Well, I can’t think of any better greeting. She is stunning. Her posture is exactly right, and her body is as close to perfection as I’ve ever seen.” Mitch had filled him in briefly on the challenges they’d been facing with her, so it seemed Trace was determined to hit the high points right away and put her a bit more at ease. He moved to circle her slowly before kneeling in front of her and placing his fingers under her chin. “Look at me, little one.”

  Rissa raised her eyes to him slowly but at his warm expression, she finally let out the breath she’d been holding. Trace just smiled at her for several long seconds before continuing. “You are truly a vision, and these two had better thank God above each and every single day for the gift of your submission. You make sure you keep them in line, okay?”

  It took a few seconds for Rissa to realize he’d actually asked her a direct question. “Y–yes, Sir,” she answered softly.

  “Now, if it’s okay with your Masters, I’d like you to sit on the sofa while we talk.” At their nods, Trace placed his hands on her slim shoulders and lifted her as he stood up. “I have some information that is going to be very valuable for you. Even though I’m afraid some of it may come as a bit of a shock also.” He watched her expression closely for any fear and was pleased when he didn’t see anything but warm affection and relief. “Now, let’s get something to drink and then we’ll sit down and get comfortable so I can give you the dirt on Rachel Sutton.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  As they sat relaxing after a wonderful dinner, compliments of Selita, Trace leaned forward with his arms resting on his knees. “I have to tell you…that was a damned fine dinner. I’ve tried to lure Selita away from the Lamonts so many times, it’s a wonder they haven’t banned me from ShadowDance.” His words were softened by his light expression and low, rumbling chuckle. “Damn, maybe I should just marry her?” He asked the question more in jest, but Rissa was touched by the note of melancholy she heard in his tone.

  Before she even realized what she was doing, she’d reached over and squeezed his hand. “You’ll find a woman who will bring joy into your life again, you just wait and see. And when you do, she’s going to be one lucky lady.” She smiled at him, and then realizing that she’d touched a Dom without permission, she froze, worrying she had overstepped her boundaries.

  Mitch reached over, laying his hand gently on her shoulder. “Baby, no one is ever going to complain about you being kind to someone, please don’t get so caught up in the rules of Ds relationships that you let that change who you are. We love you just the way you are. Don’t change that kind heart of yours, ever.” His words were like pure sunlight shining in to her soul, and she could practically feel their healing effect seeping through her. “We have no desire to change you or control you. Dominance and submission are for sex and play—none of us are in to a 24/7 slave lifestyle.”

  Glancing at all three of the men, Rissa felt like they had lifted a huge weight off her shoulders, and she didn’t really understand why, because this was not any different than what they’d said before, but something about it just seemed to sink in to her soul this time.

  Trace chuckled. “You know, Rissa, sometimes we have to hear things several times before they really sink in. I know I’m like that. I appreciate your kind words more than I can say.” He took a couple seconds to compose himself before speaking again. “Grief is a strange thing, you think you have worked through it, and then it blindsides you again. I’ve been blessed beyond measure by good friends who have been there for me every step of the way. In some ways, I understand what you are going through—you think you’re ahead of this thing, and then something sends you reeling, doesn’t it, darlin’?”

  “Oh yes, that’s exactly it. And I don’t ever see it coming, it’s so hard to explain to someone on the outside of it.” She squeezed his hand again. “Thank you for understanding. And I meant what I said, too, the woman you choose is going to be very blessed to have you in her life.” Rissa leaned back in her chair, and wanting to lighten the moment and change the subject, she said, “Now, tell us what you know about Hagatha.” Her broad grin brought laughter from all three men, and Trace looked particularly relieved with the change of topic.

  “Well, first of all I want to tell you the funny thing, just because I can and I’ve kept her nasty little secret far too long.” The expression on Trace’s face was one of pure mischievous boy. “When Rachel was in college on the west coast, she was the girlfriend and then submissive of a rather famous porn star, anybody remember the name Johnny Dong?” His grin spread from ear to ear at the men’s chuckle. Rissa didn’t seem to recognize the name and that didn’t surprise any of the men; it was likely her exposure to extreme BDSM media was pretty limited. “Well, they were quite an item for a couple of years, her old man was fit to be tied let me tell you.” They all shared a laugh thinking about old man Sutton’s reaction to his daughter running in those circles.

  Bryant h
ad grown up locally as well, but he was a couple of years younger than Trace. “Were you two classmates?” he asked their guest.

  “Yes, but the big deal was that our parents were very close friends. Her old man was a terror, shit, the old fart is still hell on wheels, literally…those nurses out at the Good Samaritan Center draw straws to see who is going to have to deal with him.” When they all laughed, he added, “I remember him showing up at our house one night after midnight. I’d been up half the night with heifers that were calving, and I was completely exhausted. But anyway, he shows up with a damned plane ticket and instructions on what hospital Rachel was in. He wanted me to go get her and drive her home. Damn I had too much on my plate, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. My old man stepped in and said if Sutton would pay for two men to replace me then he would go along with it. Well, long story short, I flew out to California, rented a car, picked up a badly battered Rachel Sutton, and drove her back here.”

  “Why you?” Rissa remembered Rachel moving back to Climax when she herself had been in high school, but she hadn’t known all the drama surrounding her return.

  Rubbing his face obviously remembering a less-than-pleasant memory, Trace continued. “Old man Sutton had always wanted Rachel and me to end up together.” He shuddered, honest to God shuddered, Rissa couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “Oh go ahead and laugh at my predicament, little one, but remember, we haven’t had playtime yet.” Flashing her a warm smile that told her he was enjoying the lighthearted teasing, he went on. “Oh he’d been pushing that particular agenda for years. It wasn’t ever going to happen, and she and I had both told him that very thing many times. We were barely even friends, let alone interested in becoming lovers. But I have to tell you, after she moved home, she was different. She would never have been called a sweet girl to begin with, but she returned here a harsh woman. And believe me, her old man made her pay dearly for her transgressions. Anyway, that is only part of her story, but it lays the groundwork for the rest.”


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