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Thunder & Lightning: We're all leaves in a hurricane. (Gifted)

Page 3

by Roberts, Patrick

  After returning to the Lair, I returned to my room, opting to let Ned deal with getting the girl, Abby, to the school. I lay on my bed feeling very tired all of a sudden. The only thing I could think of was that my powers were draining me, though I hadn’t used much power to freeze those Titans.

  My head swam with thoughts of what Chace said about Samuel killing my mother and what Ned said about it being no accident. Could the good doctor have killed my mother and orchestrated my downfall? If so, his reach was phenomenal. Much greater than my imagination. I had to get to the bottom of this mystery.

  “Deep in thought?” Ned asked as he gently rapt at my door.

  “Something like that. How’s Abby?” I asked as I sat up on my bed, “How are you?”

  “We’re both fine.” He said quickly, “May I come in?”

  “It’s your lair.”

  “Thank you.” He said stepping into the room. He walked over and looked confused, as if he didn’t know what he should do with himself, “I would just like to thank you again. If it hadn’t been for you talking Abby down, I might not have survived.”

  “You’re welcome.” I smiled.

  “You were magnificent and I think you should consider going into helping others. It seems you have a real knack at it.” He beamed.

  “Isn’t that what I’m doing now?” I chuckled.

  “Yes, I suppose.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, Abby’s spores healed me completely, in addition to making me immune to most poisons.” His explanation calmed something near my heart, “And as for Abby, she will be attending the school. It’s all thanks to you.”

  “I’m sure you had a lot to do with it.”

  “You’re underestimating the effect you had on her. She was crushed when I told her you wouldn’t be there.” Ned smiled.


  “I’d prefer if you called me Nick. I’d much rather prefer it.” His smile was contagious and bright by now.

  I wasn’t an idiot. I just wanted to ignore the fact that something sparked between us. It was obvious in the way he was staring at me and probably in the way I stared at him. This confused me to no end. I wasn’t the type of person to be involved with anyone, much less attracted to two people at once. This is one time I preferred the thought that maybe I was jumping to the wrong conclusion.

  “Fine, Nick.” I said as I flashed a grin.

  “I should be going. There’s a lot of paper work for new students.” He said as he reached out and put his hand on my shoulder.

  The warmth of his hand did something to my body. No it was beyond the body. I felt his innate goodness and what he wanted for the world. It must have been a telepathic thing but it didn’t feel intrusive or even intentional.

  “Hello, old friend.” Ned…or Nick said turning to Chace.

  Chace seemed to staring at Nick’s hand, “I just came by to see how Pas was doing. I obviously interrupted a very important talk.” He said politely.

  I could tell that underneath his polite exterior, something was amiss. I began to wonder if maybe Nick was right about his partner’s dark side. If he could so easily hide away his anger, what else could he be hiding?

  “I should be going. If there’s anything you need, please.” Nick nodded as he left, patting Chace on the shoulder.

  Chace moved into the room, keeping his distance from me as I stood. He seemed to be biting his tongue.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I just want to know when you got so close to Nick.”

  “Are you demanding or asking?” I said folding my arms.

  He looked at me contemptuously before settling back into place, “I heard the mission was a success. I came by to congratulate you.”

  “And you saw something and jumped to the wrong conclusion.” I smirked, “Are you…jealous?”

  “Of Ned? And why would I be jealous of Ned? You could be wi—friends with whomever you want.” Chace said quickly.

  ‘But you didn’t think we were friends, did you?” I asked, “Look, I’m not into beating around the bush…at least not figuratively. If you have something to say then do it. If you don’t then…” I trailed.

  “You’re frustrating, you know that?” He said quickly.

  Without warning, he crossed the room in what looked like a rage. I was afraid he was going to hit me and braced myself for what was coming. Instead of feeling knuckles against my lips, I felt something soft, something welcomed: his lips.

  As he grabbed my face, our lips crashed together, fighting for control. His lips sent electrical currents through my body, causing all the energy I had depleted to be restored inside of me…or that’s what it felt like. It felt like life again.

  When we parted, I saw actual electricity spark on his lips. I chuckled, causing him to smile at me.

  “What is it?” He asked.

  “Your…lips. I think they gave me life.” I smiled.

  He laughed, “First time I’ve heard that.” He said.

  “First time for everything.” I nodded, “What happens now?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Can we…do it again?” I asked.

  “Please.” He said moving towards me but before our lips could touch again, the alarms went off.

  “Jeez, another alert?” I asked.

  “No, this time something’s wrong.” He said turning to the door, “Stay here.” He said leaving.

  For a moment I stood there looking at the door. I was lost in thought of the kiss and subsequent feelings about the kiss and everything about the kiss. Soon the alarm was too much for my thoughts and my legs moved forward.

  If something was wrong, I needed to help. With the exception of Erin, everyone had proved their worth to me and now it was time that I showed them that.

  As I entered the control room, I noticed how dark it was compared to when everything was up and running. As I crept in, gun aimed ahead, I was wary of the situation. I wondered where everyone else had gone and what exactly the big emergency had been.

  The tone was quiet now. Too quiet.

  There were signs in the wind, an unexpected gift of my power. I felt some kind of sense, some kind of ‘alert’ in my head, telling me to go back. I knew enough to respect that feeling and I turned to leave the room but bumped into someone. Erin.

  “Erin, something’s…Erin?” I stopped at the look in her eyes.

  I knew the look in her eyes but it was beyond anything I could have thought of. It was hatred. I frowned to myself as I backed away from her.

  “She’s not very receptive.” A sly female voice said causing me to turn to see Psychosis, “But then again, she never liked you.”

  “Usually no one does.” I said trying to give off confidence, “You’re here to what? Take me.”

  “We know we can’t just take you.” She smirked, “SO, we’ll just take someone else.”

  “Who—” I started but before I could get out the full sentence, I felt a blow being struck to the back of my head.

  Chapter 9: Her?

  “Why her?” I asked as I held ice up to the back of my head.

  The tone after Erin was taken was so solemn that even I couldn’t lift the mood. Of course I had to ask the question that was on everyone’s mind: If they wanted me, why take her?

  “They will propose a trade, no doubt.” Nick frowned, “Of course we cannot—”

  “No, we may not be best friends but I can’t leave her to them.” I frowned.

  “I just cannot understand how Psychosis was able to take over her mind. I’ve never been able to penetrate her mind.” Nick said with rabid fascination, “Psychosis’ powers must have grown exponentially. Luckily I was able to subdue her.”

  Chace walked over and held the ice pack to the back of my head, “Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked.

  I nodded.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. How are you?” Nick asked.

  “Annoyed. Look, if they want a trade…”
  “No.” Chace frowned, “We’re not doing that.”

  “I have to agree with him, Pas. IF we were to do that, and it’s a pretty big if, it would have to be after we taught you a lot more than you know about your powers. We just don’t have the time.” Nick explained, “We must go ourselves.”

  “And do what?” I asked, “One of you get knocked out while the other one gets…well…dead.”

  “You’re not going.” Chace said quickly.

  “Well since both of you are my fathers…” I snapped, “You’re being overly cautious.”

  “Perhaps but you’re still not going.” Chace smiled.

  “Fine.” I spat.

  “I should go and try to find an alternate lair now that this one has been compromised.” Nick said as he left.

  Chace and I stared at each other. Somehow, I wasn’t mad at him nor was I angry with Nick. I was more worried about them. They were heading into the lair of an evil genius with little to no plan and here I was twiddling my thumbs and hoping that no one comes after me.

  True, Erin wasn’t my favorite person in the world but I couldn’t stand the thought of him doing any type of experiments on her.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Honestly? I’m worried.” I said standing and laying the ice pack on the bed, “You know the real answer to this problem. He needs my DNA.”

  “He has Erin. He’s not getting you too.”

  “But she’s not dead yet.” I said, “We need to make sure she doesn’t die. If I surrender…”

  “No.” He said as he turned and left the room.

  Chapter 10: What We Are

  With much reluctance on my part, Nick and Chace left. I took control of command central. As I sat at the computer, I began thinking about what was about to happen. Nick and Chace were about to walk into certain danger.

  I twirled around in the chair before landing back at the computer. The computer had a lock screen and I began trying to decipher Erin’s password. I thought about Erin and how much of a mystery she is to me. The only thing I knew she liked for sure is the two men she was with.

  I quickly typed in both of their names, yielding no results. I sighed and leaned back before remembering one thing.

  “Polar.” I said as I typed in the name.

  Within seconds, I was inside and looking through files. Most of the files were just records but there was one file that was recently open. It was labeled ‘Shifter’ and I clicked it. When the screen popped up, nothing could prepare me for what came up.

  As I entered the cells, I threw printed pages at Psychosis, who looked up to me slowly. She took a page and chuckled tossing it to the floor with the rest of them. The pages were e-mails exchanged between someone named Shifter, whom I immediately recognized as Erin and a Dr, Evo.

  “Who is Evo?” I asked, already knowing the knowing the answer.

  Once again, Psychosis chuckled. She was so nonchalant about the whole thing. It made sense upon figuring out the e-mails. Erin, or Shifter, betrayed us. She had been in contact with Samuel.

  “Paper cuts? Is that your only torture?”

  “Where are they, where did you tell them to go?” I demanded.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” She said with a bored expression.

  I put my hand on her aggressively.

  “You’re even weaker than—”

  “Than?” I asked.

  She was silent. I looked to my hand as electricity began to spark. As the electricity traveled up her arm, she tried to stifle a scream. As the electricity hit her chest, she couldn’t help but scream out.

  I could feel the power coursing through her, overloading her and for a second I couldn’t stop it. Her screams were deafening but I could hear here less and less over the buzz of the electricity. I could see my electricity flowing through her and was surprised to see that my powers were quickly approaching her heart.

  I pulled my hand off hers and stared at her face. She was staring straight ahead in horror. When the effects wore off, she stared at me, still in horror.

  “Th-they’re at the asylum.” Psychosis stuttered.

  “The asylum?” I asked with confusion, “What are they doing there?”

  “Dr. Evo, or Samuel, has been using the asylum as a front. There is another part of the institution that houses people like us.” She said quickly, “Did you think we’re the only ones? No. He experiments on them and keeps them in the secluded part of the institution. He’s worse than you could have ever imagined. If you could see his true face…”

  “How long has Erin been working for him?”

  Her face gave an involuntary fidget before fading into a smirk.

  I shook my head, “How can you do that to people like us?” I asked.

  “Easily, it seems. Now are you going to go after your friends?”

  “Yeah, I am.” I said turning to leave, “But you won’t be following.”

  I raised my hand, causing a bolt of electricity to shoot backwards and hit her dead on. She sunk into her chair, knocked unconscious. I frowned to myself as I left the cells. Samuel wasn’t going to get away with this and neither was Erin, or Shifter. I saw the light now. Samuel and Erin didn’t exist anymore; they were Dr. Evo and Shifter.

  I face trepidation as I walked into the institution. The guards are taken care of but there is still a hint of something that I can safely identify as danger. I walk through the lobby and see that the receptionist is frozen. Not in the ice sense but more in the telepathic way.

  I quickly bypass the lobby and head through the hallways to see more ‘frozen’ orderlies. I quickly made my way back to Samuel’s office. I immediately began snooping through the office, only to find nothing.

  “What’re you doing in Dr. Samuel’s office?”

  I turned to see a young Japanese girl with high pigtails and very colorful make-up. She could be described as a harujuku girl by my guess. She seemed too young to work in the institution and it set off an alarm in my head.

  “Naughty boy.”

  “Okay, I’m a little too annoyed for the whole shy, stereotypical giggling Japanese girl thing. It’s offensive to you, me and the world at large.” I said with a sigh. I walked past her but she grabbed my arm, “Mind letting go?”

  “I can’t let you leave.” She said jovially.

  “Okay, maybe you’re not getting the severity of the situation…”

  My eyes snapped to her hand as a pink burst of energy shot out, knocking me back against the wall! As I stood up, I took very little pleasure in knowing that I was right yet again. I stared at her as she shot me one of the creepiest smiles I’d ever seen. It was peppy and happy, though I knew that she had more devious plans for me.

  “My name is Kikbacuren. You may call me Kickback.”

  “In a few minutes, I’m going to call you unconscious.” I frowned.

  She gave a very child-like giggle and smiled at me.

  “Okay, another reason I should never deal with children.” I said angrily.

  I lifted my hand but before I could do anything a beam shot out of her hand and knocked me backwards against the wall. As the wall cracked against the weight of the blow, there was a noise like rocks being scraped together before the wall slid out.

  “Uh oh!” Kickback giggled.

  I threw my hands at her causing a mini-whirlwind to materialize and hoist her into the sky. As the whirlwind spun her around in the middle of the floor, I shot a bolt of electricity into it, causing her to cry out in pain as the electricity knocked her unconscious.

  I watched as the whirlwind dissipated, I rolled into the enclosure just before the secret entrance closed behind me.

  Chapter 11: Bankruptcy

  As I made my way doing the stairs, presumably to a place under the asylum, I was filled with an abhorrence that I couldn’t shake. The fact that people like me, mutants for a lack of better word, were being kept against their wills by this man was almost too much to stomach. Everything about
this made my skin crawl.

  The fact that Erin could betray her friends, friends that I had gotten attached to in just the time I’d been here, made me look at her for what she was, a…

  “…Son of a bitch!” A familiar voice said as I realized that I had wondered into a labyrinth.

  The asylum’s catacombs were larger than the institution, leading me to believe that maybe this hidden section went further than just the institution, maybe by a few miles. I whipped around to see a purple woman wearing a blue sarong and matching tank top. She had blonde dark Raven hair and luminescent pink eyes. In any other instance, I would have feared her.

  But I knew exactly who she was.

  “Shifter.” I said with as much venom as I could produce.

  She smirked at me, “You idiot! You’ll ruin everything.” She said aiming one of her two pistols at me.

  “I’m glad. Do you even know what you’re doing?” I asked.

  “Do you?” She asked, “Of course you don’t.”

  “You betrayed them.” I said angrily.

  “You’re so dramatic. I chose a side, but not Evo’s side.” She said indignantly, “He’s a monster.”

  I stared at her, wanting to comment on her appearance and her actions, but thought better of it. She was holding a gun at eye level with me, so that idea was less on my mind now that I think about it.

  “They came to rescue you. Only they have no clue that you’ve been corresponding with Evo.”

  “Someone’s been busy.” She said lowering the gun, “They’ve been captured and separated. I’m on my way to save them.”


  “Shifter.” She corrected.

  “Whatever.” I frowned, “Do you know your way? I want to help.”

  “Good because I could use help.” She said holstering her pistols, “Stay behind me, out of the way. Polar would never forgive me if I let you die.”

  I nodded, knowing that somehow she was a better fighter than me. Her purple form might even frighten some of the guards. It was then that she changed, right in front of my eyes, into her ‘normal’ façade, wearing an orderly’s uniform.


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