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Page 3

by Unknown

  The Latina turned around to see what her male was looking at. Her eyes widened in what could only be called shock. She gave him a once over, than went for round two. “What the hell?” she said as she took a step back. Not quite the reaction he expected.

  “Who is the female you were with tonight?” Shane asked her.

  “Who the hell are you?” the male asked.

  “Her Mate.” Shane’s response caused the Latina to suck in a startled breath.

  “No fuckin’ way,” she exhaled.

  Shane looked down at her, her mouth was still open in shock. “Way,” he said feeling like a valley girl. “I want to claim what’s mine. Now tell me who is she? And who is the male that had his hands on my breasts?”

  Now it was time for the Latina’s male to take in a breath. Yes, any male knew not to come between Mates, and the fact that his friend unintentionally had, made no difference to Shane. All he cared about was getting his female away from that male. If he was able to do it without shedding blood so be it... Who was he kidding that was Jess’ thing, Shane was all about the blood. It must’ve shown upon his face because the male said, “Hold on, Jason didn’t know she was your Mate.”

  Shane stared at the wolf, he knew his eyes had darkened and he felt his jaw tick. His fists were clenched and his chest tight. “Do I look like I give a fuck?”

  The Latina stepped closer to Shane and put her hand on his shoulder. His gaze flashed to where her hand touched him and then back into her dark eyes. She flinched and removed her hands in an instant. “I’m Alicia, Micah’s best your Mate’s best friend,” she thought she should clarify that since Micah could be a males name, “and I think we should talk.”

  Shane grunted in response. Alicia was about to say something else when a tall blond came up behind Micah’ Mate...and leaned in to kiss him. Shane growled and took a step sideways.

  “Sheila, I told you it’s over. I found my Mate. Do not touch me again.”

  That’s something, Alicia thought. Not much considering that this male looked almost identical to Cal who Micah thought was her Ever Mate, but at least he was willing on cutting ties the instant he saw who he thought was his Ever Mate. Maybe Micah would think that counted for something. Alicia’s shoulders sagged. Probably not.

  “ she then?” Sheila was asking.

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out. Now here.” Shane pulled out his wallet and took out some cash and slapped it into Sheila’s hand. “Call a cab, get a drink, whatever the fuck you want. But leave me alone.”

  With a huff and a dark curse Sheila stalked away. With her gone Shane turned his attention back to Alicia. “Let’s talk.”

  Holy hell. Why did she wait this long for sex? Once they reached the parking lot Micah asked Jason if he rode. After giving her bike a once over he asked what model it was. When she said it was an Everheart, he said, “Never heard of it.” She laughed and told him she built it herself. His eyes widened and she could almost sense his already stiff erection engorge some more. Then he lifted a long leg over the seat and whatever the reason she found that sexy enough for liquid heat to warm her inner thighs. He sniffed the air and purred long and hard.

  That did it.

  She faced him and raised a leg over the seat. Damn she was randy. Micah wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed them until her warm heat was directly against his hard length. She ground herself against him and placed an open mouth kiss on his Adam’s apple. His hands wrapped around her waist, down her back until they cupped the large globes of her ass. He pulled her onto him until he thought he’d spend himself without being inside her.

  “Drive,” Micah said, “fast.”

  When they got on the road he had to warn her to behave as she was distracting him with a flick of her hips, her lips, and the warm, wet caresses of her tongue.

  Finally they arrived at the hotel she was staying at and were riding up the elevator. She was too turned on to care that there were a few males in the car with them not to mention as shifters sex happened anywhere and everywhere. She had her legs wrapped around Jason’s waist and her back to the wall. His tongue was running a trail from her earlobe to her collarbone. A moan escaped her throat and she rolled her hips against him. If they weren’t looking before, they definitely were now.

  Her body was on fire, but her beasts were angry and pushing to the surface. For the first time in her life Micah was having a real problem keeping them in line. Jason’s phone vibrated in his back pocket where her hands were clutching his ass. He ignored it. He moved his hands from her back. One to her ass and the other massaging a breast.

  The elevator came to a stop and it was thankfully her floor. Jason walked her out of the elevator and she snickered when the three men ‘aw’d’ at their retreat. Her lips ghosted over his chin and up until she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. His phone went off again, it was again ignored. She stuck her tongue inside his mouth and while the human part of her wanted to release a groan, her wolf pushed through and unleashed an angry, threatening growl that not only got Jason’s attention, but hers as well. She jerked her head back, confusion written on her face mirroring Jason’s.

  His phone went off again as she slid down his body to retrieve the card to her room. Once the door was opened she yanked him inside by the loops of his pants. She was about to run her hands up his abs when they morphed into paws... her tigers paws. “What the fuck?” she mumbled snatching them behind her back.

  His phone went off again.

  “Maybe you should answer that,” she said. “I’m going to get comfortable.” And by comfortable I mean confront my beasts.

  Jason didn’t question her. Instead he pulled out his phone curious as to what constituted an emergency from Trey. He read the text first. WTF? Mate?

  Oh hell. Just what he needed, an angry wolf on his tail. He thought back to that male at the club, he looked downright homicidal. And no wonder. He just witnessed a male feeling up his Mate and walking off with her caveman style. “Shit,” he said to himself. He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath.

  Damn. Of all the times. He hadn’t found a female that peeked his interest in a while, let alone one that had all the right curves. GD that girl was hot.

  He leaned against the door--he hadn’t moved since entering the room--he could ignore the text and go at her hard like he wanted to do the instant he laid eyes on her, or he could do the honorable thing and keep his hands and most importantly his dick to himself and take her to her Mate...

  The latter would also be the one that kept a target off his ass. Screwing a males Mate was equivalent to shooting yourself in the face. You ended up dead. And that wolf looked like he would enjoy making anyone end up dead.


  There was his answer. Live to see another day and hopefully find a curvy beauty of his own.

  Micah clearing her throat brought his attention to the present and to her. And holy shit did he wish he didn’t see what he was looking at.

  She had removed the boots and pants and stood before him in the silver and black bustier and a matching thong. The erection that had gone to half-mast was up and pointing toward the sky. Air left his lungs as if it were shoved out of him. Damn, did she have a body. She put Christina Hendricks and Sophia Vergara to shame. Long, toned legs, wide hips, small waist, and large round breasts. He groaned and rolled his head on his shoulders.

  Micah unbraided her hair and released it from the high ponytail. Scratching her head helped relieve the pressure and loose long strands so that they were now flowing down her back in waves.

  Jason groaned again.

  Micah started towards him but stopped when he evaded her with his hands in the ‘hold on’ position. She felt her heart drop and her beasts relax. Great! Just frickin’ peachy. She went from sadness to agitation then anger in a span of two seconds. Sadness because she knew what rejection looked like, agitation because it took him this long--from the club to her room, her half-dressed mind you-
-to decide he didn’t want to go through with it, and anger at herself for thinking he would. For thinking she could let herself go and actually find someone who would want her as she was.

  God. Now she’d have to retreat and dress herself and in order to do that she’d have to turn around with her fat ass hanging out. No flippin’ way. Nope. She wasn’t going to humiliate herself any more than she already did.

  Jason saw each emotion flitter through her face and really wanted to punch something. He didn’t know exactly what happened but he knew an unappreciated female when he saw one. And Micah had just relived each and every negative experience thrown at her by another male in the span of two seconds. He felt like crap.

  “Micah...” she cut him off with a shake of her hand and a bowed head.

  “Don’t. I told you it happens to me all the time and I meant it. Can you just turn around so I can put my clothes back on and save myself any more humiliation?” Her arms crossed over her waist as if trying to cover what she felt turned him off.

  Jason walked up to her and pulled her arms away from her waist. He bent down and roughly slipped his tongue into her mouth mimicking how he wanted to fuck her--fast and hard. An arm snaked around her tight waist and roamed down the curve of her back until it settled on a firm round globe. He groaned and purred at the same time.

  Crap! He had to stop this before it went any further. But damn did he want this female. He wanted to run his hands and tongue over each... No. Stop it! He pulled away from her with a pained expression on his face as he tried not to stare at her heaving cleavage.

  “You’re not making this easy on me,” he murmured.

  Micah stepped close and cupped his jean-clad erection. Her eyes closed for a second in appreciation and anticipation. “I thought that was the point,” she said.

  “It was until I found out your Mate cornered Trey and Alicia at the club.”

  Her arm dropped and her brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?” she asked. He held out his phone and showed her the text. She read it. Then read it again, and again. “Um, can you turn around?”

  “God I wish I didn’t have to,” he said, but did as requested.

  Micah sped to the bedroom and pulled on her pants and boots again. Then reached into her pocket for her phone. As expected there were several texts from Alicia or ‘Sexy Bitch,’ as she had her listed in her phone. She groaned as she read them, her head shaking in disbelief. She stormed to the bar area and pulled out a couple bottles. She threw them back and offered one to Jason. He declined.

  “This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening,” she repeated while pacing and rubbing her fingers together. A nervous tick she allowed herself when she wasn’t in character.

  “Most would be overjoyed at finding their Mate, you’re not?” Jason asked.

  Micah laughed mirthlessly and Jason nearly cringed at the underlying emotion behind it. “If you only knew,” she said. She saw him question that response but was thankful that he didn’t ask for an explanation. She needed to get out of here. And she sensed so did he. But she wanted, no needed to know something before he got that reprieve. “So if you hadn’t read that text, would you still have wanted me?” She felt small and insecure as she asked him, but she had to know. Jason was very attractive, gorgeous hair, green eyes, tall and fit. And the size of his penis told her that she would’ve been deliciously hurt in the morning. She needed to know that someone could want her, someone not claiming to be her Mate.

  “I wish I hadn’t. If I’d just ignored it I’d be balls deep inside you right now, showing you just how much I still,” he stressed, “want you.”

  She closed her eyes at the imagery and smiled. “You’re probably the last honorable male on the earth,” she headed towards the door. “Come on, I’ll drop you off wherever you want to go.”

  “No need. I’ll catch a cab.” She went to protest but he cut her off before she started. “Micah, I’m still very hard for you and whether I’m in front of you or behind you, preferably,” he smirked, “I’ll stay that way. And with each second passing my honor is going down the drain.”

  Her mouth opened and he had a feeling she was going to say ‘to hell with honor’ but he couldn’t let her do that. “Trust me Micah, this is hard enough for me. Let’s leave it as it is.” Her shoulders drooped. This was unchartered territory for both of them. He closed the distance and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “If it makes you feel any better, I plan on relieving myself to the image of you in nothing but the bustier and thong,” he winked at her and she smiled.

  She didn’t stop him when he went for the door. Instead she hit number five on the keypad prompting ‘Sexy Bitch’ to appear on the screen and the word ‘dialing.’

  Chapter 5

  Jess was in the middle of dinner with Tera--his girlfriend of eight months--when he received the call from Shane. The call that lasted all of about three seconds including the time it took to connect. Immediately his body seemed to go alert with tingles all over.

  I found her.

  Three words that changed his life instantly.

  He picked up the napkin from his lap and placed it onto the table and stood up.

  “Tera, we found her. I need to go meet up with Shane. Thank you for the time we spent together. I wish you the best.” He had hesitated, not wanting to touch another female now that he knew she existed, but at the same time feeling obligated to show some sort of emotion toward the female that he’d spent the last eight months with. He owed her at least that; didn’t he?

  So repressing the guilt he bent down and kissed her forehead before dropping a couple Benjamin’s on the table and walking out of her life forever. Jess was thankful that he’d been open and honest with her during their time together. Tera knew from the beginning that he was searching for his Mate and the moment it happened the relationship they shared would come to a complete stop. No hesitation. No regret. Just the thought of his Mate meant that much to him. It was something that he reiterated to the point that Tera had threatened to withhold sex from him if he brought it up again.

  So he hadn’t had sex in the past few months. And... he was ok with it. It was probably better that way anyway. He didn’t want to think of the males his Mate would have in her past, so knowing that he hadn’t had sex recently when Shane found her somehow made him feel as if it would help him rather than hurt him. Jess shook his head. He was the total opposite of Shane. While both were highly sexual creatures, it was Shane that didn’t go a day without it. And couldn’t understand how Jess did. He shrugged. He just knew that Shane’s sexual prowess was going to come and bite him in the ass. And not in the good way.

  Sheila, he thought. That chick was bad news all around. He’d warned Shane about her from the beginning. But Shane being Shane dismissed his foresight and went about his sex routine as he usually did. Whatever. It wasn’t his balls on the line or in a vice.

  Jess turned onto the street that put him two blocks away from the address Shane sent. He was close, well close to his Mates old home. His Mate was still MIA at the moment.

  Micah Everheart. He loved the sound of her name. Didn’t even think he’d mind if she wanted to keep it just so without the hyphen of his and Shane’s last name. He chastised himself. The Mating ritual was a ways away. First they had to actually find Micah. And from what he gathered in the text sent there was a story that he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear behind the how or why she wasn’t with Shane.

  He pulled his Chevy Suburban into the driveway behind Shane’s BMW. Turning off the engine he sat and stared at the house. It was a nice home, large, spacious; elegant. He wondered why it was Micah’s ex-home.

  He opened the door and got out. The Suburban was large but still each time he got out the SUV his legs felt as if they had just gotten out of a mini coup. He was just too tall, his legs too long, his muscles too... muscular. He stretched them until he saw Shane’s silhouette in the door frame. He made his way past the cobblestone path and the garden lights to the door. Shane open
ed it up and greeted him with a hug and skeptical enthusiasm which surprised Jess. While Shane made no excuses for his playboy ways, he was just as invested in finding their Mate as Jess was. So what was with the hesitance Jess sensed through their connection? He was going to question him when a small--well considering his size she was small--she-wolf came up to Shane with a beer in each hand.

  She looked Jess up and down, her head tilting back to take in his face and offered a bottle to Jess which he was about to decline when Shane said, “Trust me, you’ll need it.” So he took it, thanked her with a nod, and took a few gulps. “This is Alicia, Micah’s best friend,” Shane said. “Alicia this is Jess, Micah’s other Mate.” Alicia’s mouth dropped open and she mouthed ‘god damn.’ He wasn’t sure if that was good or not.

  He nodded at her again. Not wanting to touch another female until it was his female, he kept his hand to himself. She seemed to understand and motioned for them to follow her inside the house. As he did he found himself stopping short, staring in disbelief at a wedding picture with a male standing next to a gorgeous female that looked as if he was Shane’s twin.

  He looked to Shane for some sort of answer. “The male would be a Callum Thakkar and his bride Micah Everheart.” He said this without emotion though Jess knew him well enough to know the volcano known as Shane Elliot Thakkar was close to erupting.

  You have a brother and he’s married to our mate? Jess asked him through their link.

  It seems I have a brother and he was married to our mate. “Come on there’s a lot to learn.”

  Jess followed Shane past the open hallway into the sitting room where Alicia was waiting with a male wolf. “Trey, Jess,” Shane said. He’s with Alicia and best friends to the panther that left the club with Micah.

  Jess let out a roar at the last statement rattling the glass windows and doors. His eyes honed in on Trey and his stance became threatening. “Where is he?”


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