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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

Page 18

by Arlene Gonzales

  “I am grateful for family and new friends. I am also very happy and grateful for getting to meet the man of so many women’s dreams, mine included. Aiden, I think you are the most handsome man in the world. I have all your posters in my room.”

  Everyone is stunned into silence. I clear my throat. Brandy’s face turns bright red. “I have to apologize for my sister. She’s still young and doesn’t always pay attention to what she says before it actually leaves her mouth.”

  Mrs. Castro looks angry. “Please forgive my daughter’s words.”

  I notice Mr. Castro is about to leap out of his seat. I spring into action before he does. “Please, it’s all right. My husband is indeed in the dreams of millions of women and young girls too. It’s fine. He is a celebrity, after all. We’re used to having him give autographs and take pictures with fans.” I turn to Belinda and kindly say, “Before you leave for home, you can take a picture with my husband.”

  She goes from having a pout to a huge smile.

  Aiden squeezes my hand, leans in for a kiss, and whispers in my ear, “Are you crazy?”

  I give him a smile and a wink. “I know what I’m doing.”

  After lunch, the men take Mr. Castro out on a tour of the land. The women clear the table, wash the dishes, and start to prepare dinner.


  Shannon takes me by the elbow out to the hallway. “I heard what Aiden said to you, and I have to agree with him. Are you crazy? I smell trouble. Yes, that girl is young, but she clearly has a huge crush on your husband.”

  “I have to agree with Shannon.” We spin around to see Brandy.

  “I love my little sister, and I don’t want her to get hurt, but I will not stand back and watch her try to make trouble for you or Aiden. Yes, I know that is not what she is intending, but just to be on the side of caution, I will speak to her. I see the love you two have, and I know the heartbreaks both of you suffered to be together.”

  I place a hand on each of their shoulders. “Listen, I know without a doubt that what Aiden and I have is unbreakable. Neither one of us will ever let anybody come between us. I am going to let her take one picture with him. Then I will tell her that someday she’ll find her own Prince Charming. I will let her know that she can’t have mine.”

  We go back to help with the meal. Mrs. Castro jokes about how we’re always in the kitchen. Ysabel tells her, “We are Italian, and we do love food.”

  Mama turns on the radio. “Marry You” by Bruno Mars comes on. We all start dancing around the kitchen. Ysabel, being true to herself, says with a grin at Belinda, “Besides food, we Steffan women know how to make our men happy.”

  I roll my eyes at her. She simply shrugs and continues to dance with a grin. I love my new sister. She is as crazy as Shannon and I are. I face the stove, still swaying my hips.

  “There is my beautiful wife.” Aiden moves my hair to the side, kisses my neck. “Baby, you smell so yummy.”

  Spinning around to face him, I look into those piercing blue eyes. No matter how long we have been together, they still make me melt. “There’s my sexy husband.”

  “Come on, I want you to get some rest before everybody comes over tonight for the celebration.” Taking off my apron, I look at Mama.

  “Go, you are carrying my grandchild. You need rest.”


  Sitting on the bed, I begin to remove my boots. Aiden locks the door behind him. I look up as I hear a growl coming from deep in his chest. Licking his lips, he walks toward me while unbuttoning his shirt. Instantly, goosebumps travel the length of my body. I bite, then lick my own lips. Releasing them, I let out a sigh. “Why, Mr. Steffan, I thought you wanted me to get some rest?”

  Taking his shirt off and flinging it across the room, he says with a wicked smile, “I lied.”

  After kicking my boots off quickly, I slide my sweater off. He is on me before I say another word. In the next second, he has my bra off and has started to undo my jeans. He pulls them down and they go flying over his shoulder.

  Wrapping an arm around my waist, he moves up to the top of the bed. There, he lowers himself and takes my mouth with his own. I moan and let him in. We kiss each other as if we can’t hold back. Taking me with such force, it’s as if he hasn’t had me in a long time. He bites my lip, then lifts himself enough to look into my eyes. “God, you are so beautiful.”

  He begins planting open-mouthed kisses along my throat. He takes my breast in his mouth, sucking fiercely. His hand goes to the other one, squeezing it. My head rolls on the pillow. “Aiden, I’m going to come already.”

  He starts to glide down my stomach. He stops and looks up to me. Then he gently kisses my stomach. “Daddy loves you.”

  My heart melts at the sight of him talking to our baby.

  In the next second, he is at the entrance of my vagina. Or as he has just recently started to call it, my “voluptuous volcano.” The first time was the day we arrived here. As he buries his tongue into me deeper and deeper, I arch my back. In response, he grabs both my legs and opens me wider to suck on me harder.

  I take my breasts in my own hands and roll my nipples between my fingers. Aiden buries himself in me as far as possible. Throwing my head back, I moan in ecstasy. The orgasm hitting me to the core of my body causes me to scream his name in pleasure.

  Climbing my body, he slides into me. Then he rolls us over so I’m on top. I pick up my knees and sit on him. Slowly at first, I begin gliding back and forth. As I run one hand over his chest, the other hand goes back to his thigh. I dig my nails into both areas. Swaying my head side to side, I start to move faster and faster. I look down at the face of my husband. He is watching me with such intensity, and he grabs my hips to move me with even more force. After a few more thrusts, he lifts himself up and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. I throw my arms around his neck.

  We both erupt at the same time. Our bodies collapse onto the bed, and we lie there till our breathing returns to normal.

  “Come on, I’ll start the water for us. We need a shower, and then you do need to take a nap. There is going to be a house full of people tonight.”

  After taking a nice warm shower and having my husband wash my hair, I blow dry it enough to climb into bed. “Maybe I’ll cut my hair before the baby is born.”

  He gives me a shocked look. “Don’t even joke about that. I am in love with your hair.” He comes over and run his hands through it. “Alexis, you have such beautiful, healthy hair. Long and silky, it shines in the sun. Why would you ever want to cut it?”

  “Um, because you are not the one who has to deal with it. I’m tired of having to blow dry it.”

  “We can talk about this more another day. Let’s take a much-needed nap right now.” He pulls me onto his chest, and we fall asleep.


  There are so many people that I haven’t met yet. Everyone is congratulating me on my upcoming wedding and telling me they just know I’ll look beautiful in my dress, that they can’t wait to see me in it. The first chance I have, I find Shannon. We sit on one of the couches and both sigh from standing all evening.

  “I can’t remember everybody’s names. Can you?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Ooh, Mama said that you are allowed to have one glass of red wine a day. You know, just while you’re pregnant.”

  “But you know I don’t like red.”

  “You seemed to like the red one they grow here.”

  I look at her with a smile. “Will you go get me a glass? My feet hurt.” While I’m waiting for Shannon to return, I see Belinda walk by. “Belinda, can I talk to you?”

  She sits next to me, a light in her eyes. “Yes, what can I do for you?”

  I keep telling myself that she is only a child, and more importantly, Brandy’s sister. “You know I must agree with you. My husband is in millions of women’s dreams. He is a very sexy man. One thing, though—he’s not single. He is very happily married, and he loves me with all his heart. I love him jus
t as much, and I will always fight for our marriage.” Tilting my head to the side, I give her a wicked smile. “Do we understand each other?”

  Her smile has now been replaced by a frown. “Understood.”

  As she walks away, I add, “Oh, I’ll make sure that you get one picture with him.”

  As the night comes to an end, and we say farewell to the last of the guests, we hug and kiss each other goodnight. As soon as Aiden and I get in bed, we fall into a deep sleep.


  As I’m brushing Italia, Shannon comes up behind me. I’m startled, jumping so high she asks if I’m okay. “Huh, yeah. I just didn’t hear you.”

  “Hey, I want to talk to you about the dreams you’ve been having.”

  “What about them?”

  “Well, have you told Aiden about them?”

  “No, I haven’t had the chance. There hasn’t been the right time to tell him.”

  “Lexie, there’s never going to be a good time. This is something you need to do. You told me that you’d do it the day after Christmas.”

  “Yeah, and so?”

  “That was a week ago. Tonight is New Year’s Eve. We’re going to have a house full of people again. Plus, I can see you’re tired. Which tells me you are not getting enough sleep.”

  She puts a hand under my chin, turning my face to look at her. “Lexie, I love you. You are my sister in every way that counts. I don’t want to lose you or the baby.”

  We hug. “I promise, I will tell him tomorrow.”

  We make our way to the house and get ready for the party. There are people in every room on the first floor. A little before midnight, we put on our coats to head outside for the fireworks. The night air is chilly. Aiden holds me tightly. At the stroke of midnight, the sky is lit up with the dazzling display of fireworks.

  As everyone is wishing each other a happy new year, Aiden kisses me with all the passion he can. It’s as if we are alone in our own bubble. We’re still in an embrace when—

  “God, give it a rest already. You two act like you are in love or something.”

  Pulling apart, we laugh as Ysabel gives us each a hug.

  Back in the house, I stand in front of the fireplace to warm up with my husband at my side to rub my arms. At the end of the night, while we still have a house full of guests, I ask him if we can go up to our room and spend some alone time. He kisses my forehead. “For you, anything.”

  We excuse ourselves, wishing everyone a happy new year once more before we head for our room. Shannon gives me a serious look, followed by a small smile. I nod at her, signaling her that I will keep my promise to tell Aiden tomorrow.

  In our room, I hug Aiden as tightly as I can and lay my head on his chest. “I love you.”

  He rests his chin on the top of my head and squeezes me. “I love you too.” Then he says, “Baci, Alexis.”

  “Abbracci, Aiden.” We get into bed, and make sweet, slow love until the dawn is upon us.

  Chapter 21

  Waking up, I find myself alone. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash up. As I turn off the light, Aiden walks in with a tray of fruit and juices. “Good morning, my wife.”

  I sit down on the oversized chair we have in the room. “Good morning, my husband.”

  He sets the tray on the table by me and hands me the cup of tea I drink every morning now. “Aiden, I need to talk to you. This is really important.”

  The smile on his face disappears. “Are you all right? Is the baby all right?”

  “The baby is fine.”

  “The baby is fine—are you fine?”

  Lowering my head, I say, “I don’t know.”

  There is a different tone in his next words. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

  Trying to find the right words, I rub my hands together, still looking down at the floor. He lifts my chin to look at him. “Why are you crying? Tell me, what is wrong?”

  “You know those headaches that I’ve gotten in the past?”

  With a frown, he asks, “What about them? Did you have another one?”

  In a low voice: “I never stop having them.”

  “What?” He starts to pace the room.

  Tears start in my eyes as I see the veins in his neck bulge from anger. His jaw is twitching and his nostrils flare. “I thought we promised each other no more secrets. I thought you loved me. You said that you would always be honest with me. Remember the day we got married? We swore to each other—no more secrets, no more lies, and no more walls.” The last words come out louder, loud enough that there’s a knock on the door. He walks over and opens it.

  “Aiden, is everything all right?” Mama asks. “We can hear you downstairs.”

  “We are fine; we are just having a disagreement.”

  “It sounds like more than that.”

  “Mama, please, not now.” He shuts the door and locks it. “Do you really love me, Alexis?”

  Standing up, I try to place the cup back on the tray, but my hand is shaking. It falls to the floor. I walk past it. “How can you ask me that? You know I love you more than anything in this world.”

  He stops pacing and turns to face me. “Do I?”

  It’s me who is angry now. Still crying, I take a deep breath. “How dare you make this about you? How dare you question my love for you? I, who have always stood by you. I love you more than words can say. I would give my life for you.”

  Walking into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me and lock it. He starts banging on it. “Alexis, open this door.” I sit on the edge of the tub, put my face in my hands, and cry. I almost fall in from fright as he breaks the door down. Trying to stand up too quickly, I sway, lightheaded.

  He runs to catch me. His hands move through my hair, bringing my face up to look at him. “Baby, I’m sorry. Please come sit on the bed.”

  “Aiden…” I throw up all over him, all down my front. He grabs a towel, and with a worried expression begins to clean us both off.


  My head feels like somebody hit it over and over again. Opening my eyes, I find myself in bed wearing a different shirt. I bring my hand up to my head. “What happened?”

  Everyone—Papa, Mama, Shannon, Johnny, Ysabel, and of course, Aiden—is standing around the bed watching me. Mama gently sits next to me, covering my hand with her own. “Dear, you fainted. Aiden screamed for help. We all rushed in. Shannon and I helped to clean you up and change you.”

  After trying to sit up too fast, I lie back down. “Ouch, my head hurts.”

  Gianni comes running in. “Dr. Verdi is here.”

  The doctor walks in after him. He comes to the bed and tells everyone, “I need to examine her. Wait outside, please.”

  “I’m her husband—I’ll stay in here.”

  “Well, I’m her best friend. I’m staying too.”

  The others walk out and close the door. After removing his coat, and opening his bag, the doctor sits by me. “How do you feel, Alexis?”

  “Like someone used my head as a punching bag.”

  “I hear you fainted? Are you still having the headaches?”

  “He knows about them too?”

  Still seated, the doctor turns to Aiden. “Maybe you should wait outside with the others.”

  “Calm down, Aiden,” Shannon says. “She is in good hands. Let the doctor take a look at her.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry—it’s just that she is my world, Dr. Verdi. I can’t lose her ever. Please help her.”

  He pulls the sheet down. “Let’s listen to your heart and lungs, and let’s listen to the baby’s as well, shall we?” As Dr. Verdi examines me, Shannon, Aiden, and I look at each other. Then he says, “I need to take a look at your cervix.”

  Aiden walks around to the other side of the bed. He sits on it and takes my hand in his. “I’m sorry, baby. I love you.”

  After the doctor is done, he goes to his bag. “Everything looks fine from what I can tell, but I am going to schedule a few tests. I need yo
u to come into my clinic tomorrow morning.”

  “I will have her there first thing in the morning, I promise.”

  “Dr. Verdi.”

  “Yes, Alexis?”

  “The baby is fine?”

  “The heartbeat sounds fine. There is no bleeding.”

  “I’ll see him out and give you two some privacy,” Shannon says.

  When they are out the door, Aiden hugs me as if his life depends on it. “I love you so much. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “There is nothing to forgive, but you do need to control your temper.”

  Kicking off his shoes, he lies down beside me and holds me.

  Someone knocks.

  We both say, “Come in.”

  One by one, they make their way into the room. The only ones not here are Brandy’s parents and siblings, but she is. After all, to us she is part of the extended family. After a while of everybody fussing over me, I tell them that I’m tired and need to sleep. One by one they hug me, telling me that they love me and to be careful from now on.


  Aiden closes the door and locks it. Then he takes off his shirt and pants and gets in bed. We hug each other. In a much calmer voice, he says, “Why didn’t you tell me that you were still having the headaches?”

  Lifting my head off his chest, I look into his worried face. “Because I was afraid of how you were going to react. I was right too.”

  “I can’t lose you, Alexis. It’ll kill me. I will not have a reason to go on without you.”

  “You are never going to lose me. I do need to finish telling you everything, though.”

  He closes his eyes. “There’s more?”

  “Yes. Can you try and stay calm?” Nodding, he sits us up, fluffs the pillows against the headboard, and helps me to lean up on them. “You need to promise to let me finish before you say anything. Can you do that?”


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