Starlight Christmas - Holiday Edition

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Starlight Christmas - Holiday Edition Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

  It had only been a few rotations, yet Eli and the others had become such important aspects in my life. They accepted me when they thought I was simply a split personality, and their feelings for me never changed when I'd become a spirit.

  I always questioned if the Starlight gods had forgiven all my wrongdoings because I was beyond blessed. I finally experienced what true love was and not needing to worry whether it was a lie, or if I was merely dreaming.

  I finally composed myself, letting the last set of tears flow down my cheeks before I pulled back, looking up to see Eli's soft expression as she watched me.

  "I'm fine. Sorry." I whispered. I was planning to explain, but Eli shook her head, kissing me lightly on the cheek as she squeezed my hands into hers.

  "I get it, Midnight. No explanation needed. I'm glad you’re happy with me and the others." She emphasized.

  I returned her smile with my own as I lifted her hands that still encased mine – pressing my lips against the back of her left hand; her mark glowed slightly at the touch.

  "Thank you for wanting me to be happy. I can't express how much it means to me, how much it means to us." I acknowledged. Eli nodded, satisfied with my thanks.

  "I think we've been pretty emotional on this date." She giggled; her high-pitched laughter lifted the sadness and pain in my heart. I loved her laugh as much as her singing.

  “I agree. I think we should do what the humans do and have fun." I joked, giggling.

  "Let's do it." Eli nodded.

  Chapter Eight

  "EEP! Eli, I'm going to fall!"

  "You're not going to fall. I've got you."

  I wobbled on my feet as we continued to slide down the rink at a slow pace – my body tried its best to adjust to the movement while staying upright with EliaseAnne's assistance.

  Eli had helped me apply these boots called skates. I had seen plenty of pictures of the equipment in books but had never seen them up close.

  I thought it was interesting that humans weren't afraid of slicing someone's head off with the blade of the shoes. They looked sharp at first glance but the moment they hit the symmetrical ice of the rink, I realized they could do a lot of damage if the person wasn't trained professionally.

  "Does this get easier?" I questioned; my pleading eyes looked up to my fairy shifter. She nodded.

  "It does. You’re just nervous, Midnight. Relax. Think as though you’re as light as a feather and the ice is carrying you along. Just keep your balance and you should do fine.

  I nodded, concentrating as we continued. It didn't take long till Eli's words came true; my balance became better and better with each drill.

  Eli stayed by my side at every moment, holding my hand and catching me if I was inches away from falling on my ass. I thought that learning the sport would be difficult and time-consuming, but with Eli, I was having the time of my life.

  I never knew such moments could be so enjoyable; I didn’t want it to end so soon.

  "Now, we have to spin until we both get dizzy!" Eli announced; both her hands gripped mine as she pulled forward – a shriek left me as we reached the middle of the rink.

  We spun around in a circle with ease, enjoying one another’s company. Soon we increased the speed; my laughter echoed around. We didn't stop till we both fell to the ground laughing.

  "Weee. Everything is spinning." I moaned; the world spun even with my eyes closed.

  "Hahaha. That was fun. Next time we come down to Earthala we’ll go to the skating rinks with the whole gang."

  I turned to face her.

  "Whole gang as in us? Or whole gang as in us and Scarlet with her group of lovers?

  "Yes, whole gang meaning us, the other knights and Scarlet with her whole gang."

  "That sounds fun. You'll be my skating partner, right?" I whispered; my ears craved her answer.

  "Always. Guess we can claim skating." She replied. I laughed.

  "I think so too. They got to claim baking, so we have to claim something hehehe."

  I turned my head to face her as we relaxed on the ice, my hand in hers. I watched them flicker for a moment – Eli's usual emerald eyes glowed immensely – Elias took over.

  "Yes, we did claim baking, but you forgot one small detail." He confessed; an amused smirk formed on his lips as he watched my astonishment and later, curiosity.

  "What did I miss?" I questioned, intrigued as to what I had possibly forgotten.

  Elias smiled; their body moved to pin me down on the cool ice.

  "You missed the fact you owe me." Elias’ low voice returned; my heart began to speed up at the seductive tone.

  He lowered his lips to mine – his kiss soft and inviting. I couldn't stop the smile that crept on my lips as my body relaxed – remembering Eli's words to let my body guide me. I wanted Elias to know I wanted to continue kissing, to enjoy his taste just like I had Eli's. He may have been in Eli's body currently, but that didn't stop me from wanting my intentions to be crystal clear.

  I returned the kiss; my hand roamed through their blonde, curly hair. Even though my back was against the frigid ice, my skin felt like it was on fire.

  We broke apart, panting while we stared into one another.

  "Are you gonna stay?"

  "Hmm?" Elias raised an eyebrow at me, smirking at my question.

  "Are you going to stay for the rest of our date?"

  "I could...but Eli's a pain in the ass to deal with. Plus, I'm still a tad tired." Elias explained before a yawn escaped him. I smiled; my hand returned to their cheek as I gave him another kiss – enjoying the sexual interaction. They moaned, breaking the kiss before gently biting my bottom lip.

  "I think we should at least get off the ice," Elias suggested.


  "Because our combined weight could break it."

  "That sounds like a chilly situation," I commented. We rose to our feet, skating off the rink and removing our skates.

  I finished slipping on my boots, rising up to turn and face the fairy shifter when a pair of hands gently lay on my eyes.



  "Why are you covering my eyes?"

  "I want to show you something but you can't see."

  "Are you going to shift?"

  "Nope. Eli would murder me if I ruined her clothes and I'm rather lazy to change in the middle of winter."


  "Midnight, love. Just follow my direction, okay?" I pondered on his request. I trust him.


  I felt those moist lips press against my nape, inducing a moan as I shivered.

  "Thank you for trusting me," Elias whispered. I smiled before he directed me forward. After two minutes and two hundred steps later, Elias told me to stop.

  "Can I see now?" I questioned.

  "Not yet. I'm gonna move my hands but you have to keep your eyes closed."

  "Do I have to?"


  "How would you know if I opened them?"

  "Cause you'll be in such awe I'll know you peeked, now stop stalling." I smiled; loving the fact he knew I was stalling. I may not have been scared of the unknown but I still got a tad nervous, just like Makoto.


  I felt their hands move away, but I kept my eyes closed at his request. I heard shuffling of trees but stayed in place; sensing nothing that could cause harm to me.

  "You can open them now." I heard Elias announce; the low version of Eli's usual high-pitched voice filled with amusement.

  I opened my eyes before I gasped; my body went rigid as I stared in awe.

  Fireflies surrounded the wondrous clearing facing me. There was a small lake to my left; the water calm as multiple lilies floated aimlessly. The miniature clearing was engaged with thick trees – their branches covered in multiple colored lights. They flickered on and off, changing colors from red, yellow, green, blue. There were even a few pink ones.

  Once again, the snow didn't dare touch this area – as if it was off limits
to claim this sacred place – the ground clear of any snow. It was warm as well; my clothes only felt stuffy against my skin compared to the once frigid environment we abandoned.

  My eyes finally landed on the most beautiful craftsmanship I've ever seen. A house stood a few feet from the lake. It wasn't very big – maybe large enough to hold just one room; smaller than that cabin Makoto and Marcus had to take safe refuge in during the storm a few rotations ago.

  What made the house so unique was it wasn't made out of wood or cement. No, it was made of Mother Starlight herself. Multiple vines interlocked with one another, forming the solid structure before me. It was decorated with multiple roses – the midnight blue of the petals matched my eyes as the remaining spaces glittered with little white lights. The fireflies buzzed around the home – one left its group to land on my nose.

  I blinked; tears flowed down my cheeks. I hadn't even realized I was crying. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I let my finger rise up. The firefly flew off my nose and landed on my finger. I smiled.

  "Hello, light bulb."

  "You know it's not a light bulb." I turned to see Elias in his form.

  "Hey. You said you wouldn't switch." I raised my eyebrow as he reached me; his arms pulled me into an embrace.

  "Yes, but seeing as we don't have a double-ended dildo, I decided you and EliaseAnne can have some fun since you both didn’t interrupt yesterday. I will one day get payback for Eli’s morning interruption.” He pointed out, a devilish grin formed on those tempting lips.

  "You're worse than a demon." I pointed out, relaxing in his embrace.

  "Ryder's grudge-holding rubs off on me sometimes." He pressed his lips against my neck before he whispered in my ear.

  "Do you like it?"

  "I love it. So beautiful." I replied, happiness blossomed within me, helping me ignore my craving for him.

  "Think of it as an early Christmas gift." I turned in his embrace, wanting to look at the masterpiece again.

  "You made everything? When?"

  "Started the moment we arrived. After Junho showed us around and Marcus and Mako left, I decided to go exploring and found this area. I thought it would be perfect if I re-decorated it. Then Eli thought the idea out and everything fell into place. I originally wanted to show you and Makoto yesterday after our star gazing but...well, you know how that went."

  I laughed, before lifting my head up to look at him.

  "Thank you...for everything," I whispered my gratitude. I truly was grateful for him. He was the first person I'd met who didn't want to kill me; who loved me for me. I continued to learn how to cope with others and adapt to the spirit life, but he and EliaseAnne showed such compassion and care. It was nice to have someone to love.

  He leaned down, kissing me lightly on the lips before his fingers brushed away a tear that escaped my eye.

  "I'd do anything to make you happy, Midnight. Same with Makoto. You two have changed us in many ways, and we've grown as knights thanks to you. We're just as thankful to have you in our life as you are. I know all of our focus is usually on Makoto, but we love you just as strongly. You may be a spirit now, but we still consider you as Makoto's other half and cherish you."

  I bit my lip; the tears began to flood my eyes once more as I tried to suppress my sobs. Elias smiled, turning me back to face him before pulling me into him. I cried against his chest; his hand rubbed soothingly across my back as he whispered sweet words in my ear, telling me it was okay to cry.

  He understood what a change this was; how for my entire existence I had never been in such a situation where someone showed their appreciation or love for me. I was a tool for so many cycles, and the one time I thought I had found love, it was only a reminder of what a fool I was. To now be in such circumstances; in the arms of the shifter myself, my host loved, and to be with a spirit who didn't care about my flaws made me think of this as a dream. I wasn't crying because I was sad. I cried because I was overwhelmed by a feeling I never had a chance to experience until meeting them.

  It took a few more moments till I calmed; my tears ceased as I stayed in his arms. He pulled back, prompting me to lift my head. He gave me a sweet smile; his expression was soft as his emerald eyes twinkled – the glow returned; Eli took over.

  "I know the past is hard to forget. But realize this, Midnight. Elias and I will never harm you intentionally. We'll never see you as a tool or use you to gain power or fame. We love you with all our heart and thank the Starlight Gods every day for your existence and survival. We both love you and Makoto, and vow to show you our love." They had shown me love. The ice skating and house were examples of that.

  "I love you too Eli and Elias." I felt Mako nudge at the border of my mind. She took a moment.

  "Me too." Mako declared, rising up to give EliaseAnne a quick kiss. They blinked – confusion morphed to surprise before Eli retreated; Elias took over, yet again. He smirked before winking.

  "Hey, you can't claim this moment. We had our baking moment." He reminded.

  "Aww boo. Fine, fine. Hehehe. But you gotta leave too." Mako encouraged.

  "I don't – ow...fine, fine EliaseAnne stop nagging. So annoying." We hugged; frustration flickered on his facial features as he cringed. Makoto laughed before letting me take over.

  "Have fun and don't stay up all night. I have a date with Daniel tomorrow."

  "Can I be mean and cancel?"


  "I was joking."

  "That totally didn't sound sarcastic."

  "I'm working on it.”

  She giggled in my head before wishing me goodnight, falling into slumber.

  I looked back to see Elias' glowing eyes – Eli in control.

  "Want to retire for the night?"

  "Would that mean sleeping or other activities?" I inquired, biting my lip at the thought of relieving some of the tension that made me tingle in places I hadn't felt before.

  "If you want and if you’re fine with it being in Elias' body. If I switch back and stay the night in my girl form, he'll be knocked out for days." Eli reminded.

  I nodded, understanding perfectly how draining the switch was. Even if Eli and I could last longer than the majority of shifters, it still drained our hosts significantly. I honestly didn't want Makoto to be so tired that she wouldn't enjoy her date with the angel. She deserved time with him, and I wanted her to be fully rested.

  Eli tugged me forward, towards the handcrafted home, laying her hand against the door – a magic circle blared to life. I heard the door unlock before Eli looked over her shoulder.

  "You're okay with this?"


  "You can always bail."

  "I'm not bailing."

  "If at any point you get –"

  "EliaseAnne. Shut up and fuck me already." I announced; my monotonous voice returned. She smiled.

  "So impatient."

  I smiled back as my hand tightened in hers. Yes, indeed.

  "EliaseAnne?" I breathed, followed by a moan as the pressure built.

  We were both naked; my body pinned against the sheets of the makeshift bed that Elias and Eli created – EliaseAnne hovered above me, still in Elias body as she fucked me.

  I struggled to think straight as we continued the fast motions – my hips met Eli’s thrusts as they became more rapid. I moaned uncontrollably, struggling to control my rapid exhales as the sweat dripped down our bodies.

  "How am I supposed to ignore the way you moan like that and your naked body in front of me?" EliaseAnne revealed, through pants, joining me in moaning.

  "El...ah...mmm…faster please." I tried to concentrate; my mind went blank, not wanting to focus on anything but the immense pleasure that was thrumming through me.

  "Does it feel good Midnight?”


  “Do you know what you do to me, Midnight? Fuck…the way you make feel. How hard it is to ignore my hardness when I’m in Elias body and you appear. Or how wet I get when I hold you?” She confessed, p
lacing her hands on the vine-made headboard behind my head and pounding in me – the change in position made their cock reach deep within me.

  I wanted to answer, but I could only moan louder as she continued.

  “You don't get what you do to me, Midnight. I’ve dreamed to be the one to make you make you cum. I can't take it, I just love everything about you." She revealed as she moved even faster and deeper.

  I struggled to say something related to her continued confession, but I was already getting close; my body begged to climax yet again as I moaned louder and louder.

  "Fuck, Eli. I' close...ah." I gritted my teeth; I gripped the sheets beneath me as my pussy clenched around their cock.

  "Fuck." Eli swore, thrusting into me three more times before going rigid.

  The last thrust was deep enough to set off my climax – Eli's name left my lips as I came.

  My back arched; my body shuddered while the aftershock hit me hard – the intense pleasure made me tremble.

  I rode every wave out, enjoying the feeling of her release as my pussy clenched around their cock. My body relaxed against the sheets, I tried to catch my breath; Eli still hovered over me, sweat dripped off their chest as she continued to pant.

  "Dammit, Midnight. That felt amazing." Eli revealed, her voice strained as she struggled to keep her panting controlled. She pulled their cock out; the combined cum began to drip out. I was ready to try and move but felt their mouth latched onto my entrance; a strained moan escaped me as I flinched before moaning, enjoying every suck and lick.

  "Eli. No’re gonna make me horny again."

  She listened, giving one final suck before retreating. She pulled me into an embrace; my arms wrapped around her neck as I rested my head on their shoulder. She hooked her arm around my waist, the other behind her head as she relaxed; her heavy breathing finally slowed.

  “Break time,” Eli announced.


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