Starlight Christmas - Holiday Edition

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Starlight Christmas - Holiday Edition Page 9

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Break? We’re not done?” I asked astonished as I lifted my head to look up; my body already began to tingle with anticipation. Damn, now I know why Mako complains about these damn hormones.

  She looked at me; her glowing eyes softened before she lowered her lips to mine.

  “I wanna enjoy this night with you.” She whispered, her voice so low and filled with longing.

  "Elias is going to kill you," I mumbled, giggling against their chest.

  "You think he'll ban me from future dates?"


  " was worth it."

  I laughed before looking up to stare into Eli’s eyes.

  "You can take control the rest of the night?"

  "Yup. It's a little tricky but possible. He can do the same when I’m in my female form. He may not be able to move tomorrow." She explained. I shook my head with a smile before I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

  "I think you need a nap." Eli encouraged.

  "Can you add 'we' into the equation?" I proposed. She smirked.

  “Thirty minutes.”




  “Never change…and thank you for loving me. Every part of me. Love you.” Eli whispered.

  “I’ll always love you. Nothing will change that.”

  We relaxed; my mind drifted off.

  Nothing will stop me from loving you.

  Chapter Nine

  DECEMBER 21st, 5032


  I stirred awake; my eyes reluctantly opened at the rich, melodic voice.

  "We're here. You still tired?"

  I lifted my head from Daniel's shoulder, looking aimlessly around the interior of his car. It took me a moment for my mind to clear; remembering where I was.

  "Oh," I responded, turning to face my angel shifter. He gave me a light smile – his golden eyes twinkled in amusement at my confusion. I rubbed at my eyes, looking back up.

  "You okay?" He asked again, concern laced his words.

  "Yes. Sorry, I fell asleep." I apologized, not recalling when I had dozed off.

  The previous night had been a new experience for Midnight and EliaseAnne, and I didn't want to interrupt. I had to admit things got carried away and time went by just as fast. By the time I took over, it was way past morning. It took a couple of times before I was able to wake Elias up; his eyes barely able to stay open for ten seconds before closing.

  Kai had shown up soon after; helping Elias back home. It reminded me of those Earthala movies where one of the friends got wasted and had to be carried home. I remember the brief conversation we had:

  "This is what happens when you give Elyion freedom."

  "Ugh. If she was awake, she'd kick your ass and say fuck you." Elias groaned. Kai had him perched over his shoulder, his arm around his waist as he helped him outside.

  I trailed behind, yawning before squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight. I was impressed that the structure was still up, even though Elias and Eli were both exhausted.

  I snuggled up on his free side, sliding his hand over my shoulder to help him walk.

  "This is embarrassing," Elias admitted; his cheeks flushed as he scrunched his face. I laughed.

  "Admit it, you’re happy she had some alone time, and you enjoyed it. This is the end result." I mused as we continued to walk back towards the house.

  "I'm not saying shit." He mumbled.

  "The truth shall set you freeeeee." I said happily, giggling at his annoyed expression.

  "He definitely enjoyed it. I can already predict –" Kai began but was cut short as he cursed; Elias' foot stomped his.

  "Mother Starlight, fuck you too."

  "Don't you go predicting shit, Mako doesn't need to know." He snarled.

  "Oh yea," Kai said, letting go of Elias. My eyes widened as Elias' weight shifted, causing me to lose my balance.


  We both fell into the snow which was a few inches deep.

  "KAI!" We both snarled.

  "Serves him right. Sorry, Princess. That didn't go as planned." Kai apologized.

  "You didn't predict that, you ass," Elias grumbled. I rose to my feet first, brushing off the snow before shivering. So cold! Lily? Lillyyyyy you there?

  I sighed at the silence, realizing I'd be freezing all the way back to the house. I was ready to help Elias up when arms pressed firmly on my shoulders.


  My body stilled at the Japanese word – magic leaked off Kai who was stationed behind me. In seconds, I felt something warm form on my shoulders. I looked over my shoulder to see the beautiful, white coat that now rested on my shoulders; Kai's warm smile greeted me.

  "Thank you, Kai."

  "Anything for you, Princess." He replied, leaning in to kiss me when Elias interrupted.

  "Hellloooooo. Anyone wanna help me out of the snow! It's cold!" I snickered, unable to stop the wave of giggles that followed. I hadn't heard Elias complain like this in rotations. It was beyond amusing, though I felt bad for laughing.

  "Sigh, duty calls," Kai mumbled but quickly pressed a kiss on my cheek before going to help Elias out of the snow.

  The moment I had arrived back home, I quickly changed out of my soggy wet clothes, took a warm bath and headed to bed for a power nap.

  Daniel wasn't home yet, having gone to see his brother, Michael. He explained how they usually hung out when he came down to Earthala for the holidays, but this cycle he was going to something called a ski resort with Scarlet. I didn't quite understand the apparent sport or activity, but Marcus assured me he'd explain it to me later.

  It felt like barely five minutes had passed when someone had nudged me awake; Daniel was here for our date.

  I honestly don't remember how I got ready and ended up in his car, but I guess I had to pat my sleepwalking self on the back for following instructions.

  "Once we get to the spa, you can go back to sleep during the massage." Daniel noted, unbuckling his seatbelt. I tilted my head in confusion.

  "Spa? Wait, rewind. Firstly, how did I get into this car? Second, is this car even yours, because you never told me you drive? I only know Marcus can drive his motorcycle. Third, what's a spa?"

  I unbuckled my seatbelt, shuffling in my seat to face Daniel.

  His long, ash blonde hair had grown quite a bit; now past his shoulders and halfway down his back. It was tied up in a ponytail – every strand laid neatly in place.

  His gold-rimmed glasses sat perfectly on the bridge of his nose; encircling those beautiful gold eyes I adored.

  He wore a white turtleneck and black jeans; his white boots finished the look. I on the other hand, wore black woolen tights, black boots and a gold and white sweater with PINK displayed on the front. My usual, long hair was straightened and in a bun. Only a few strands were left to rest loosely on my left side – Daniel curled them to give me an elegant look. I wore gold lip-gloss and gold earrings. Damn, I seriously need to thank my sleepwalking self. She did well.

  Daniel chuckled, pulling me out of my thoughts.


  "It was actually Midnight who dressed you."

  I gawked at him; shocked at the revelation.

  "Midnight? Like, my Midnight, dressed me...with you in the room?" I began to pinch myself, flinching at the pain. Oh shit, I'm not dreaming.

  Daniel smirked, shaking his head at my display.

  "Yes, Midnight dressed you with me in the same room. I think EliaseAnne has been a good influence on her. To answer your series of questions; you fell right back asleep when I tried waking you. Then you started sleepwalking around but that was only to get a glass of chocolate milk from the fridge. In the end, Midnight took over and dressed you up. I did your hair, and we headed for the car. She was awake until ten minutes ago. She looked pretty exhausted." Daniel explained, fixing his glasses on his nose; the action more of a habit than needing to fix the spectacles which rested in the exact same spot as before.

  I t
ook a moment to process the scene in my mind. I still can't believe this.

  "It happened," Rose announced, entering my mind before yawning.

  "Yup. No angel shifters were hurt in the process." Hope acknowledged; her drowsy voice sounded like a sound in a lullaby.

  "I think it was cute," Lily noted.

  "Right? Midnight even held his hand." Lexi noted.

  I couldn't stop my mouth from dropping at the mention of hand holding. Stop fucking lying. She did not.

  "Four first-class tickets to hell please." Rose joked; the others laughed in unison. I groaned, turning to Daniel.

  "Is it true Midnight held your hand?"

  His cheeks flushed for a moment, glancing away.

  "She didn't want to slip. So, she asked me to hold her hand till we got to the car." He mumbled. I was reminded of when I woke up, my hand was in his before I had sat up.

  "And it stayed there."


  “And no one died.”


  “Was this a replacement car, because you two fought and had to buy a new one to cover it up?” I snickered.

  “Ugh. Mako, no cars, furniture or living creatures were hurt in my exchange with Midnight.”

  “Okay say that again, but let me use Hope’s power to confirm.” I laughed; the notion made him blush.

  "Stop laughing."

  "I'm not....hehe." I continued to giggle. He groaned, tugging at my right arm. My giggling fit was cut short when his lips crashed onto mine.

  I froze up for a moment; my wide eyes locked on his before I relaxed, kissing him back. After a minute we separated, catching our breath as we stared at one another.


  “Yes, Makoto.”

  “Thanks…for being more understanding with Midnight. I know we’ve had our ups and downs the past six rotations, but it makes me happy that you both can set aside your differences and try to not murder each other. It helps me feel more relieved, especially if I suddenly pass out or Midnight takes over.” I meant every word, being truly thankful for both of their cooperation.

  “Anything to make you happy.” He whispered, lifting my hand to press his lips against the back of it. I shivered at the touch; my body craved his lips once again.

  He must have noticed the desire in my eyes as his smirk widened to a full-blown smile.

  "No distractions today. We can't be late for our appointment, and I think your body needs a break."

  "Break? From what?" I mumbled, looking away.

  "I wonder what the massage therapist is going to think of all the hickeys on your body," Daniel commented, his hand slipped out of mine as he opened his car door.

  "WHAT!" I scurried out of the car, being careful about the icy sidewalk. Daniel was at my side in moments; his arm wrapped around mine as he supported my weight – my legs steadied on the slippery pavement. Once I stabilized my footing, I glanced up at him.

  "How will they see?"

  "Ah, have you heard of a massage?"

  "No. Isn't it like, I don't know, like how you fix my hair?" I pondered, not questioning the mention of the activity.

  "A massage is when someone specialized works on getting the kinks and knots out of your body by applying pressure with their hands." He explained.

  "Okay. So what does that have to do with my love marks? It's not like I have to be nake–" I began but stopped; my mind put the two together. I tightened my grip on his arm.

  "I have to be naked! Like, no clothes naked. I can't even wear underwear?" I began to question in a desperate plea for answers, my face already beginning to flush at the thought.

  Daniel unhooked his arm from mine, pulling me into an embrace.

  "Relax, Firefly. It's not as nerve wracking as you think. I have a few plans, so I'll make sure no one sees if that's what you want." He proposed.

  "What are you gonna do? Are you gonna use your mojo juju magic?" I proposed. He laughed.

  "No, Mako. You'll see, but you have to trust me." He whispered, leaning forward to kiss my neck. I moaned at his touch, relaxing in his arms as I returned the embrace.

  "Fine. I trust you. But if anyone touches me in the wrong places, I'm burning the place down. Lily loves burning stuff."

  He chuckled against my neck, pulling away to face me.

  "Okay, Mako. But trust me, you'll enjoy this surprise. Let's go." His arm wrapped around mine once more, before we began to walk towards the spa.


  "Hmmm." I hummed, half awake. I never knew massages could feel so heavenly.

  When we first entered the spa, I was freaking out as to what to expect. However, the attendant was super nice, explaining everything I would be getting done today.

  The luxurious experience started off with something called a manicure and pedicure. The kind fae shifter had begun to massage my feet in a tub of water. The machinery was interesting to watch – the jets pumped warm water out before the fae shifter began her massage. Once I was patted dry, I got to choose which color I wanted on my toenails. She took her time making sure every nail was cut and shaped evenly before applying the neon pink color. After adding a nice rose design in gold polish, I was moved to the tables to get my fingernails done. I got the same matching neon pink with gold roses design. Daniel watched, sitting next to me and conversing with me.

  Once that was done, it was massage time – Daniel had scheduled a couple’s massage. We were the last clients of the day, so the attendee said we could get a two-hour massage in the VIP room. I didn't know what the big difference was with the VIP word, but my instincts told me it was some fancy term like how us shifters said royal chambers to emphasize how high-class our bedrooms were.

  I was laid on a large, black massage table. The cushion-like table was sturdy for its appearance and bolted into the floor to make it stay in place. The lights were dimmed, and the soothing smell of jasmine drifted around the room, helping to relax my mood. I was in nothing but a towel; feeling antsy at first, but Daniel reassured me the fae female from earlier would be doing the first half of the session.

  It didn't take long for me to relax; the motions on the top half of my back made me sigh in relief. I remembered the woman explained that I had a lot of knots in my back, which made my muscles really stiff. If only she knew how active my men and I had been. I wondered if they had such services on the other realms?

  Regardless, the hand treatment felt beyond amazing. It didn't take long for me to drift off.

  "You okay?" Daniel questioned. I felt the hot towel that had been resting on my back leave my skin.

  "Hmm. Ya." I mumbled, still half asleep. I wanted to go back to the land of sleep, but I was curious with Daniel's low voice.

  Familiar hands pressed lightly on my back, trailing down. I opened my heavy eyelids, taking a deep breath. Lavender and jasmine.

  "Daniel? What are you doing?" I wondered; my curiosity and confusion apparent in my voice, which was still thick with sleep.

  I felt his lips press against the back of my neck – sending a shiver down my spine.

  "I'm continuing where they left off." He mumbled against my skin; his lips left my back before his hands began the circular movement, pressing deeply. I sighed; my body hummed at his touch.

  "Please don't tell me you know how to massage too?" I questioned.

  "Hmm, would you be impressed if I did?"

  "Yes. And, I would question why you never gave me one till now." I proposed. His hands glided down my back, stopping at my hips. My heart skipped a beat as I felt him tug at the towel that laid on top of my bare ass.

  I didn't dare move – my mind wondered what was coming next while my body thrummed with need; enjoying the suspense.

  "I wonder." He whispered into my ear, biting it gently. I moaned, enjoying how deep his voice was.

  His hand slid back to my hips before reaching my ass. He squeezed gently; the gesture enough to make me excited while my pussy began to tingle. He continued the slow, electrifying movement, ma
king me ache for him.

  "Daniel." I moaned his name, hoping he could hear my desperation for him.

  "Yes, Mako." He answered; his hands left my ass and slid to the side of my outer thighs.

  "I want you." I confessed, biting my lip. I never expected to feel so horny in public, but with the way Daniel's hands roamed my body, it made me wet and begging for the release of the agonizing throb that pulsed through my sex.

  "Really?" He whispered; his hands parted my legs. It wasn't long till his tongue trailed my inner thighs, making me quiver at the sudden touch.

  "Daniel, ah." I didn't dare to look over my shoulder, knowing I’d see those hooded gold eyes I pictured in my mind would be enough to make me yearn for him more.

  "Have I told you how much I love your smell, Mako? Or the way your moans turn me on?" He whispered, laying kiss after kiss – trailing closer to my pussy.

  He motioned me to turn to my side. I obeyed, rolling to rest on my left side. I gave up on my internal struggle to keep looking forward; my eyes gazed back at my angel shifter – those golden eyes held admiration as they roamed my naked body. He smirked as we locked eyes before he lifted my leg up; my wet pussy in view.

  He let out a low groan before his head lowered; his mouth locked onto my entrance. I shuddered at the touch, holding back the moan that threatened to escape as he began to suck me. It wasn’t long till I moaned; my hips already moving against his mouth as he continued to ravish me.

  I felt more sensitive than normal – my skin felt hot and tingled as my mind began to blank out. I let my head relax on the cushion as I continued to moan; the tension built with each suck, lick, and flick of my clit.

  "Daniel. Yes, more." I whimpered, already on the verge of cumming without even a finger in me.

  "Cum Mako." He ordered before sucking hard; his tongue slipped in as deep as it could – the sudden movement enough to make me do as he requested.

  I gripped the table as I came, crying out. I was left panting when he finished licking me dry, rising to his feet. I thought my body would calm from the release, but it did the opposite – it wanted more; the ache vibrated within me stronger.

  "Daniel. Please, more." I begged, unable to stop from looking back at him, pleading for him to continue.


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