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Starlight Christmas - Holiday Edition

Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Dark flames listen to both our command and our emotions. You just need to calm down, take a deep breath. We're advanced enough for the flames to know we don't need their assistance and that it was merely an emotional response." Stryker coached, whispering in my ear.

  I stood there, debating whether to listen to his instructions. He kissed me on the neck; my eyes closed for a moment at the distraction.

  "Stryker, that's not hel-" I tried to stop him from trying to relax me, but he began sucking on my flesh – sending tingles through me as I shivered. Kiss-suck-bite, he continued to ravish me; knowing he was my weakness. I gave in; my shoulders relaxed as I leaned into his embrace – feeling exhausted. Even my hand which held the flame began to tremble – usually only happening when I was angry or extremely weak.

  "Roseline baby. Relax for me." His low, enchanting voice matched with his order was enough to allow me to let go – the flames began to wither till they were no more than a trail of smoke that rose up to the ceiling.

  I moaned, a wave of dizziness hit me hard, sucking away my strength. Stryker held me up, lifting me up with ease before making his way back to our bed.

  "I don't want to sleep," I begged, ignoring the exhaustion and darkness that tried to claim me.

  "Okay. We don't need to sleep," He whispered, stopping before the bed. He stayed there for a moment before turning back and walking back towards the large, suede black chair that rested next to the bookshelf. He sunk into the cushions; my body still cradled in his arms. I relaxed, resting my head against his defined chest – listening to his rapid heart rate.

  I definitely made him worried. He'd seen me use dark flames before and the control I had carried then. Dark flames had a mind of their own, and if the owner lost control for even a second, all hell would break loose.

  "I'm sorry," I whispered, feeling defeated.

  "Don't apologize, my beautiful flower. What's troubling you?" The sincerity in his voice caused me to open my eyes; I hesitantly glanced up to face him.

  "It's pathetic."

  "Nothing is pathetic to me. If it troubles you, it's important." He combatted. I swallowed the lump in my throat before taking a deep breath.

  "I hate this time of cycle. I hate it so bloody much. We all do. Every cycle has always been the same. I know the others feel the same way. It's been so hard for us to watch Makoto break down in tears. I can't deny we had our share of breakdowns during those times as well, especially when the experiments were too hard on us, but Makoto's our host. It's just frustrating to watch. Even though this cycle is different, I can't seem to be rid of the dread and heartache. It's as if my body is already attempting to fight off the emotions I know are approaching. As if it’s a fight or flight response." I confessed; my anger oozed from my voice. I continued.

  "I wasn't mad when I woke up. It's just I saw the book on the shelf. The exact one we use to read every Christmas. It was as if I was in Makoto's shoes as she stood in front of the bookshelf, readying her mind to get lost in the book's story...only to find out that she'd never experience such a fantasy which should have been a reality. It was just another reminder that we'd always be a tool and never experience such a love filled life."

  Stryker was silent, listening to me as I continued my rant – needing to pour out my heart and the feelings that fought to cripple me.

  "I'm not saying that our life was perfect until Christmas time. It was a living hell every day. Yet, Christmas seemed to be the worst. Maybe it was due to the fact we'd enter a new cycle doing exactly the same thing – experiment after experiment, trial after trial, death after death. An ongoing cycle that never ends. So, when I held the book in my hand I couldn't stop my feelings from bursting through and I wished that I could destroy the book from existence. As if ridding its thin, colorful pages would prevent such vengeful emotions from plaguing us." I finished; a tear rolled down my cheek.

  "Roseline." Stryker's hand brushed against my cheek, stopping the tear that had fallen. He lowered his head; his lips met mine. It was a simple kiss that calmed my racing heart, decreasing the fear that began to flutter in the pit of my stomach.

  I never liked revealing my feelings; not to this extent. It was harder for demon shifters to reveal what was bothering us. Maybe it was just our nature, but we struggled to disclose how hard a situation was to us.

  He moved back an inch before speaking.

  "Baby. Don't ever say such troubles are pathetic. Remember back in Minato? What did you tell me?" He questioned. I remembered the night where I laid across his chest; his strong arms around me.

  "If anything is troubling you, I'd be there to listen." I summarized. He nodded.

  "That goes both ways love. You can't expect me to allow you to carry all my burdens but not let me carry yours. There's going to be times that you're going to go through something so difficult, you can't handle it on your own. I need you to know that I'm here for those times. That means, when anything is bothering you, tell me. I'll never think of such things as a burden. You are my friend, lover and other half. Let me carry your burden so we can work them out together.”

  Silence descended upon us as his words made their mark in my heart; my eyes pooled with tears before I pressed my head against his chest and cried.

  I cried and cried; reminiscing about the life Mako had to endure, with us watching from behind the scenes. My tears needed release – yearned to be shed after cycles and cycles of retaining my feelings and making excuses. To finally have someone to reveal my thoughts and secrets to made me wish I'd fought harder in the facility for a way to escape; instead of cowering away in Mako's mind and assuming this was the life the Starlight gods wanted for us.

  I knew better now, and wouldn’t let the memories hinder me anymore. The cycle was ending, and I'd leave such dreadfulness behind me. It deserved to be nothing but leftovers as I began to live in a new light. I could feel the others in the back of my mind – Lexi, Lily, Midnight and even Hope who must have awakened due to my distress. They had listened to Stryker's words and were relieved; having a chance to make amends with our past circumstances.

  Stryker didn't say anything else, cradling me in his arms until I calmed. It made me realize how blessed we were to have such men in our lives who loved our host and us. It made me feel whole again, and I wouldn't change such a feeling for the world.

  Chapter Twelve

  December 23rd, 5032

  "Mako you have to try again."

  "Nope. I hate those type of heels. How am I going to walk an entire night in a heel that's as thin as a stick? One wrong move, I'll be dead. Nope, I've had enough near-death experiences, thanks." I argued, looking away from EliaseAnne who was giving me a foul look.

  Today was the day of the party, and EliaseAnne and Daniel attempted to style me up – stating it would take me the longest to get ready if they let me be. Hmph, nonsense.

  I currently rested in the living room of Junho's mansion in purple pajamas. Ryder must have changed me in the middle of the night because of me being a sweaty mess thanks to the fever. I was ready to shower after eating a large brunch, thanks to Elias’ amazing cooking, before Elias and Daniel brought up the opportunity to figure out what I would be wearing for tonight's event.

  I had ended up sleeping for seventeen hours; only waking up after the boys took turns, multiple turns, trying to wake me – Kai finally being able to nudge me awake.

  I didn't know if it was because of his low, commanding voice, with that hint of seduction that induced those results from me when the others had tried and failed, but whatever it was…it worked.

  Thanks to Kai waking me and Daniel healing me, I was as good as new and ready to enjoy this Christmas party. But, there was no way in Starlight I'd be wearing those stick figure heels.

  "It's a Galleria, Mako. You have to be all classy and shit." Eli pointed out.

  "And, you're not going to fall to your death. You're being overdramatic." Daniel noted, removing his glasses before pinching his nose. He still looked tired
but reassured me he'd take a quick nap after he did my hair.

  "I don't care if it's the appointing of a Starlight god. I'm not wearing those." I confirmed, crossing my arms and glaring at them both. Nope, no falling to my demise ever. Already had to deal with slippery ice in winter, prickly grass in spring, solid cement and air. Air tripping you was just plain rude.

  Daniel and EliaseAnne glanced at one another before sighing in unison. Did I talk out loud again?

  "Yup." They both replied. Oops.

  "Only you would trip over air." Midnight noted, resurfacing. Good afternoon to you too, Miss Ninja.

  "Just because you don't sense me, doesn't mean I'm a ninja. Though, I wouldn't mind meeting one. Or a Samurai, but a female one. Those are rare." Midnight disclosed, talking to herself more than me.

  "You seriously have an obsession with that movie." Rose pointed out with a yawn.

  "It was pretty epic though." Hope acknowledged.

  "Wouldn't it be epic to be a dual-wielding chick and have a rare spirit? She'd be such a badass." Lily pointed out, proudly.

  "Oh please, you're just boasting because the female in the movie was a phoenix shifter," Lexi noted.

  "I don't have an obsession. I just think she was cool. We'd get along." Midnight argued quietly.

  I closed my eyes for a moment, relaxing into the cushions behind me.

  What makes you think you two would get along? I was curious. I'd love for us to meet other shifters – maybe make a friend or two. It was nice that I had Scarlet and Cece as friends. Our book club was the first activity I had experienced with a group of shifters that didn't involve bloodshed or better yet, murder.

  "I don't know. I guess maybe they would connect with us more due to their dual lifestyle. You minute they're living their normal life surrounded by loved ones and the next moment, they're in the midst of battle fighting for their life. I sometimes feel we're also like that." Midnight explained, her voice low.

  I allowed a few seconds to go by; thinking about the female samurai in the story and our life that we'd so far lived. The samurai's life was just as sad and harsh throughout her childhood till adult. Even with her loyal ninjas who stood by her; she had no other friends.

  I agree. I guess, in a way we should be lucky that we have other friends now...but if that Samurai was a real person, somewhere out there...I'd really pray to Starlight we'd get to meet her one day. Maybe her mismatched eyes wouldn't look so sad.

  "Me too." Midnight agreed, returning to her area in my mind.

  I liked how Midnight would disclose more of her thoughts. I noticed my other spirits had begun to do the same. Sure, they never hesitated to comment and leave my mind with a headache, but when it comes to more sensitive topics and thoughts, they never used to share.

  Now, they were willing to tell me if something bothered them or if they were curious about things in general. I really enjoyed the change.


  I opened my eyes to see Daniel sitting next to me; my body pressed against his as my head relaxed on his shoulder. Huh? How long did I close my eyes for?

  "Twenty-five minutes and thirty seconds." Elias voiced out from the one-seater on my left. He was relaxed in the black cushions; his head rested on the top of the chair. He lifted it up to return my confused gaze with a small smile.

  "We assumed you were talking to Midnight but then your breathing slowed. You think you're still up for tonight?" He inquired. I could see the hint of concern in those emerald eyes. I turned my head to Daniel who also looked worried; his glasses on top of his head which allowed me to take a moment and admire those golden orbs.

  "I'm fine. I don't want to miss this. Plus, tonight is my date with Kai too. I'm not tired anymore." I replied.

  I didn't want to miss out anymore, especially on such a special occasion. Kai had already disclosed that the event happened only twice a cycle, and we most likely wouldn't be able to come for the spring event without a good reason. This was my chance to enjoy a holiday I had never gotten to experience – a chance to be Christina and savor the joys of friends and family. I would enjoy every remaining moment.

  I was in such a daze that I didn't notice the figure before me until a hand lifted my chin up – a pair of lips claimed mine. My eyes widened at the sapphire eyes reflecting my turquoise ones. He smirked against my lips, clearly satisfied with my surprise and acknowledgment of my dragon shifter as my body relaxed. I pressed my lips against his as my eyes closed – deepening the kiss. He groaned; his lips parted long enough for me to suck gently on his bottom lip. He seemed to enjoy this; his hand combed through my hair.

  "So...I wonder how long are they gonna go at it till they remember we're here?" Daniel mumbled.

  "Right? We shouldn't even say anything. Maybe we'll get to join in if we're good." Elias replied.

  I snickered, releasing Marcus’ lips from captivity as I began to giggle. Marcus mumbled something before glancing at my two knights who stood next to each other, a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

  "Stop being assholes. I've missed our Firefly and deserve extra love making time." He proposed. They both raised their eyebrows at his proposal.

  "What? Why?" They replied together.

  Marcus rose up to point at Elias.

  "You technically got two days with her!" He pointed out; his finger landed on Daniel.

  "And you pooped her out with your spa day which ended up being let's go skinny dipping session."

  I practically choked on my saliva as I went into a body shaking, tear inducing laughter as I watched both of them flush at his accusations.

  " wasn't supposed to end up like that," Daniel mumbled, glancing away with embarrassment.

  "And I didn't necessarily get two was the hell do you know about this?" Elias questioned, crossing his arms.

  Marcus smirked before turning his head to face me, winking. I calmed for a moment; my laughter came to a pause as I tried to understand Marcus' look.

  "He's up to something." Lexi teased; her flirtatious voice entered my mind.

  What could he possibly be planning?

  "A little orange birdie told me. I wonder how he possibly keeps track of everything?" Marcus pondered out loud.

  The room settled in silence as we all gawked at him – all of us clearly coming to the same conclusion as Elias’ and Daniel's eyes widened; their jaws dropped in shock.

  "He didn't," Elias argued.

  "He couldn't." Daniel denied.

  "He so would." I challenged. There was another moment of silence till Elias and Daniel darted out of the room.


  Marcus turned his attention back to me – a satisfied grin formed on his smooth lips. I finally realized what he just did.

  "You're evil."

  "I'm smart."

  "How long until they realize you totally lied?"

  "If I'm lucky thirty minutes, but knowing how sharp Elias is, he'll find Kai in twenty."

  "You do realize you'll have three angry shifters after you."

  "I'm prepared for that." He reassured me. I was about to stand up when one arm hooked around me and his other arm hooked underneath my knees, lifting me up with ease.

  I quickly hooked my hands around his neck as I gave him a confused look.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm kidnapping the princess."

  "I don't think you're supposed to reveal your plans."

  "There's no one here to stop me."

  "How about if I don't want to be kidnaped?"

  He buried his face against my shoulder – kissing my flesh. I moaned, biting my lip. He rose to kiss me on my lips before pulling away.

  "Trust me, my Firefly. You shall enjoy me kidnapping you. Now, we must scurry away to my evil lair, aka my bedroom."

  I laughed; my arms tightened as we began to walk to his room.

  "How about if my loyal knights come to rescue me?"

  "Well, they can wait until after I'm done having my fun with you
and we shower. Then I'll face them to fight for your freedom."

  "What about if Kai uses the fact you still owe him?"

  Marcus was silent for a moment, reaching the door to his designated sleep chambers.

  "Then, I'm so screwed."

  "Hahaha. Okay, my dragon kidnapper. Why don't you screw me first before you get screwed up by my knights in shining armor?" I whispered, leaning up to lightly bite his ear, tugging gently.

  He let out a strained moan; his eyes already flickered from orange-red to his normal sapphire blue.

  "You're being too compliant for a victim."

  "Hmm?" I sounded as I continued kissing his neck.

  "Ugh. Firefly, wait till I reach the bed before you go kissing – ugh. Fuck it." He complained. I lifted my head in time for his lips to smash against mine.

  I have no idea how he was able to get the door unlocked, but that was the least of my worries. If I only had twenty-five minutes to get some action with my dragon knight; I'd use every last minute.

  Or should I say twenty-four?

  "Makoto, are you done?" Ryder called out.

  "Dammit, why are ties so bloody complicated?" Elias let out a frustrated groan.

  "Stop wrinkling the bloody thing. Stay still." I heard Marcus say.

  "Christian's picking us up, right?" Daniel questioned.

  "Yup. Kai's already at the Gala getting readied by his appointed beauty team. I don't see why he has to go so early. He's a male. What are they possibly doing to him?" Marcus complained.

  "Eli says they have to make him all camera friendly and make sure his skin is flawless. I don't see why they can't sprinkle some glamour on him. Such a waste of product. Humans." Elias suggested.

  I bit my lip as I nervously waited in front of the door – listening in on their conversation.

  "You look beautiful, Makoto. Stop being so nervous." Midnight entered my mind. I bet all my spirits could feel how nervous I was – my hands trembled with nerves.


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