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Weight of Silence: (Cost of Repairs #3)

Page 17

by A. M. Arthur

  “Hmm.” Gavin tapped his chin. “You’re stumping me here.”

  “I want us to switch tonight. I want you to top.”

  Gavin’s dark eyebrows shot up. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” Jace brought their hands up and held them near his chin. “I’m curious how it feels with someone who loves me and wants me to feel good. You always look like you’re in heaven when I’m inside you, and I don’t want Jordan to steal this from me. From us. Please?”

  Gavin silently searched his face, probably looking for any tiny sign that Jace wasn’t totally on board with this—and finding none. Jace wanted this. Even if it was only this one time, even if he ended up not particularly liking the experience, then he’d know. No more wondering, no more what if’s.

  “Okay,” Gavin said. “But if at any time you change your mind, you have to tell me.”

  “I will, I promise.” He kissed his boyfriend’s knuckles. “Can we now?”

  “Hell yes, we can.”

  The camper was small enough that Gavin could snap the lock on the door without moving too far away, and then they were kissing. Mouths and tongues moving in a practiced symphony, each touch familiar but also somehow new. Every time he kissed Gavin was a discovery.

  They kissed their way toward the tiny bedroom in the rear of the camper, shedding clothes as they went. Revealing swaths of lickable, pinchable skin. The double bed they shared didn’t have a lot of room for playing, but it also meant snuggling close at night—not something they always got when they were back in Stratton. Both still lived at home with their respective parents, so the camper was their haven of sorts. It had also been a bit of a compromise with Jace’s parents, a way to save money on motels when parking at a campground was generally cheaper.

  Sometimes Jace still couldn’t believe his dad had co-signed the loan to buy it.

  Both of them were naked by the time they hit the mattress, and Jace took his time licking and nipping at Gavin’s nipples—one thing guaranteed to get him worked up—while loosely jacking his cock. Gavin’s fingers roamed along Jace’s back and neck, but he didn’t have as much room to play with Jace halfway down his long, lean body. He’d grown to adore their physical differences. Gavin’s taller height and bronze skin, versus Jace’s average height and paleness that tended to burn.

  So different, but somehow perfect for each other.

  At least, Jace hoped so. They were still so young, Jace only a few weeks past twenty. Gavin was his first and only boyfriend, but Jace liked to think he’d be the last. They fought occasionally, sure, but over small things. So far, they were seven months strong, and Jace wanted to believe they’d last. A long, happy life together, like his parents had.

  “C’mere you.” Gavin hauled Jace up, away from his nipples, and rolled Jace onto his back. “You don’t stop that, you’ll make me shoot before I ever get inside you.”

  “Can’t have that.” Jace held Gavin’s cheeks in his palms. “Get me ready?”

  “With pleasure.” He hesitated. “It’ll be easier to prep you on your stomach. You okay with that?”

  “Yes.” Jace had expected that. He and Gavin had only ever made love face to face, or on their sides. Doggie was a bit of a minefield for Jace, because the position was all mixed up with memories of Jordan, so they’d avoided it. But they couldn’t avoid it forever. Some memories, no matter how painful, simply had to be faced. “Love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  Gavin helped Jace roll over with a pillow under his hips, tipping him up. The position made Jace’s belly squirm, but he told himself he was safe. Gavin was here, no one else. And if anything started to hurt, Gavin would stop. Gavin wouldn’t hurt him on purpose.

  “Okay?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes. I’m good.”

  “Tell me?”


  Gavin knelt on either side of Jace’s hips and began a slow, steady massage of Jace’s shoulders. His erection occasionally brushed Jace’s bare skin, a reminder of what was to come, but the massage did its job. By the time those skilled hands made it down to the top of Jace’s ass, he was a puddle of goo, so relaxed he’d have agreed to pretty much anything. Muscles tensed from days of travel and writing were soft and willing.

  Then Gavin, the cunning jerk, bypassed Jace’s ass to massage his thighs, then his calves, all the way down to his feet.

  “Gonna fall asleep up here,” Jace said.

  “Can’t have that.” Gavin started back up his legs, this time dropping wet kisses as he went. He nipped at the sensitive spot where his leg met his ass, and Jace gasped. He’d never been kissed there before, and he liked it.

  “Trust me?” Gavin asked.


  When Gavin pulled his cheeks apart, Jace expected a finger. He did not expect the hot swipe of Gavin’s tongue over his hole, and he might have yelped a little at the sudden wow.

  “Like that, huh?” Gavin said.

  “Shut up and do it again.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Jace knew what rimming was, but this was the first time they’d done it, and holy crap, they were going to do it again. The insane pleasure of Gavin licking and sucking at his hole was like nothing he’d ever imagined. He couldn’t fucking wait to try it on Gavin—as long as he wanted Jace to, but who’d turn this down?—the next time Jace topped. Jace didn’t bother censoring the sounds he made, or the way his entire body thrashed under the incredible sensations of a mouth making love to his ass.

  “Listen to you,” Gavin said between licks. “Fuck, the sounds you’re making.”

  “Love this. Fuck!”

  Gavin had stabbed the tip of his tongue into Jace’s hole, and Jace saw stars. So good. Almost too good. And then Gavin worked a single finger inside in slow, gentle pushes. So gentle Jace nearly whined and begged him to go faster, but this was Gavin’s show. Jace gave in to whatever his boyfriend wanted to do, because it all felt so incredible he wanted to explode.

  He did whine a moment later when Gavin moved away.

  “Need lube,” Gavin said as he fumbled in one of the built-in drawers. “We’ve got a few condoms left, if you want me to wear one.”

  “No. Want to feel you.”

  They’d gotten tested not long after the new year, and after the three-month follow-up, had ditched condoms completely. Jace’s heart ached for the sweetness of asking about wearing one for Jace’s first time, but he didn’t want anything between them tonight. He wanted Gavin to come inside him, to claim him this way.

  “Spread your legs,” Gavin said.

  Jace did, a small ripple of anxiety streaking down his spine as Gavin settled between his legs. Gavin snapped open the lube. Jace stared down at the mattress while Gavin gently pressed a lubed finger back inside him. A stretch, sure, but no burn. No ache. No pain at all. Gavin fucked him with that single digit until Jace started squirming.


  “Yes.” Jace glanced over his shoulder. Arousal blasted through him at the sight of Gavin so intently staring at his ass, like no single thing mattered more in the universe than prepping Jace for this. “Two.”

  Even with the lube, two fingers burned a little, but it was bearable. Not too much, and after a minute or so of careful thrusting, the burn faded, giving way to a pleasure Jace couldn’t describe. A fullness he enjoyed, even before Gavin bent those clever fingers and brushed Jace’s gland.

  “Holy fuck!” Jace said.

  “Holy, huh?” Gavin stretched up the length of Jace’s body to kiss him, fingers constantly moving inside. The kiss was sideways, awkward and messy, but also completely perfect. “Gonna do three, okay?”


  Three fingers were almost too much, almost too scary, but Gavin talked him through it. His free hand constantly rubbed up and down Jace’s flanks, grounding him with touch as much as voice, until the burn eased.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Gavin whispered. “So beautiful like this for me. God, Jace, I want you.�

  “Take me.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. Please, Gav.”


  Jace tried to think, but his brain was muddled by the sensations of fingers still gently moving in his ass. Part of him wanted to be able to look Gavin in the eyes, but another part of him wasn’t sure he could. “You pick.”

  Gavin pulled his fingers out and rolled Jace onto his left side. He curled up behind Jace, then lifted his right leg up. Opening Jace to him. Gavin put his left arm under Jace’s head, and Jace pressed into his human pillow, both excited and terrified for what was coming next.

  Blunt pressure at his hole took Jace’s breath away, but it didn’t shove in cruelly. It pushed in careful nudges, until the head breached Jace’s entrance, and Gavin gently pushed deeper, working his way inside Jace’s body. The initial burn made Jace’s skin prickle with unease, but his senses were full of Gavin’s scent and touch, and that made it okay. Gavin wasn’t pulling his hair or making him hurt. Gavin was making love to him.


  “I’m good.” He reached down to clutch at Gavin’s hip, a little dazed by how they fit together and how good it was starting to feel. “It’s different.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Different for Jace and different for Gavin, too. Topping again after so long doing the opposite, and Jace’s heart trilled. He was giving Gavin this, but Gavin was giving him so much more.

  Gavin increased his thrusts slowly, but steadily, until Jace was pushing his hips back, meeting him time and again as they created this amazing thing together. The burn never completely went away, but it faded far into the background, distanced by the pleasure flooding Jace’s body. Pleasure that skyrocketed when Gavin reached around and started jerking him. Jace had lost a bit of his erection, but Gavin’s touch brought him back.

  “Getting close,” Gavin said.

  “Feels so good.”

  Gavin kissed his shoulder, hips snapping harder as he chased his release. Then he thrust deep on a long moan. Warmth flooded Jace’s insides, and his belly burned with arousal and need as Gavin came. His hand never stopped stroking Jace’s cock, and the combination of Gavin’s release and the constant friction on his dick had Jace coming sooner than he’d anticipated. He coated Gavin’s hand and the sheet, and Gavin stroked him through it, until he was a twitching, panting mess.

  “Fuck,” Jace said, his bliss giving the simple word at least three extra syllables.

  “Same.” Gavin eased out, leaving Jace empty and aching to be filled again. He turned Jace onto his back and looked down at him with such open adoration that Jace fell in love with him all over again. “How do you feel?”

  “Amazing. It was perfect, Gav.”

  “Yeah?” He kissed Jace long and hard. “You felt incredible around me.”

  “You felt incredible in me. I hate that I waited so long to try it.”

  “You had to be ready.” Gavin tapped Jace’s temple. “In here.”

  “I know. And we are definitely doing this again.”

  “Best news ever.”

  Jace laughed. “You think very highly of my ass.”

  “I think highly of your ass and everything else it’s attached to.”

  “Same.” He pulled Gavin down on top of him and snuggled in close, surrounding himself with his boyfriend’s body heat. “Thank you for being so amazing.”

  “It’s pretty easy with you. Kind of funny how a random cranberry sauce accident led to this.”

  “Cranberry relish.”


  “I still have that pink shirt, you know.”


  “Yup. Can’t seem to part with it for some reason.”

  “Now you’ve done it.” Gavin huffed. “The next time I jerk off, it’s going to be to the mental image of me fucking you while you wear that shirt.”

  Jace laughed. “Doesn’t just have to be a fantasy, you know. I’ll get the shirt next time I’m at the house.”

  “New best news ever.”

  Maybe Gavin was exaggerating a little about it being the best news ever, but it was pretty fun news. They didn’t talk about fantasies very often, so Jace was more than happy to do this for Gavin in the future. And, he realized, he’d referred to his parents house as “the house” instead of “home.” Because that’s what it was. A house. Home was with Gavin, no matter where they parked for the night.

  The old saying “Home is where the heart is” had never been so true for Jace than in that moment. Gavin had his heart, therefore Gavin was home.

  And with that thought, the final weight of Jace’s past fell away, leaving him lighter than he’d been in a long time. Light and free and so totally in love he almost couldn’t stand it. “Hey, Gav?” Jace said.


  “Thanks for dumping that cranberry relish on me.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  What happens to a new relationship when a young child is thrust into the mix? Find out in book four, Acts of Faith, where Rey King finally comes face-to-face with his long-lost daughter.

  For sneak peeks and exclusive giveaways, please join my Facebook group Pot O Gold:

  Also by A.M. Arthur

  Cost of Repairs

  Cost of Repairs

  Color of Grace

  Weight of Silence

  Acts of Faith

  Foundation of Trust


  The Truth As He Knows It

  The World As He Sees It

  The Heart As He Hears It

  Their Life As They Live It


  Here For Us

  Sound of Us


  No Such Thing

  Maybe This Time

  Stand By You


  Getting It Right

  Finding Their Way

  Taking A Chance

  All Saints

  Come What May

  Say It Right

  As I Am

  Off Beat

  Body Rocks

  Steady Stroke

  Hot Licks

  Discovering Me

  Unearthing Cole

  Understanding Jeremy

  What You Own

  Fractured Hymns

  Clean Slate Ranch

  (Coming Soon from Carina Press)

  Wild Trail

  Roped In

  Saddle Up

  About the Author

  A.M. Arthur was born and raised in the same kind of small town that she likes to write about, a stone's throw from both beach resorts and generational farmland. She's been creating stories in her head since she was a child and scribbling them down nearly as long, in a losing battle to make the fictional voices stop. She credits an early fascination with male friendships (bromance hadn't been coined yet back then) with her later discovery of and subsequent love affair with m/m romance stories. A.M. Arthur's work is available from Carina Press, Dreamspinner Press, SMP Swerve, and Briggs-King Books.

  When not exorcising the voices in her head, she toils away in a retail job that tests her patience and gives her lots of story fodder. She can also be found in her kitchen, pretending she's an amateur chef and trying to not poison herself or others with her cuisine experiments.

  Contact her at with your cooking tips (or book comments). You can also find her online (, as well as on Twitter (, Tumblr (, and Facebook ( ).



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